Nova: Daughters of Darkness (3 page)

BOOK: Nova: Daughters of Darkness
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Branna noticed and replied to the non-verbal accusation. "Listen, sister, take that stink eye and turn it the other way. No one can kill my good mood this morning."

Nova snorted, "Please, Bran, did this one even have his own apartment?"

Branna thought about it for a moment, before shrugging unapologetically. "I actually have no idea whose apartment it was, but if I ever see him again, I will be sure to ask."

Nova thought it unlikely that would happen. Knowing Branna, she probably didn't even get his number. Laughing, she said, "If you can tell me his last name, I'll give you one hundred dollars right now."

Branna slowly pulled her aviators down, narrowing her eyes with displeasure at being called out in front of their parents. She turned a sheepish look to her parents and just shrugged her shoulders, knowing it was usually better to say nothing at all where her mother was concerned. Not to mention the muscle ticking in her fathers jaw still scared the crap out of her, because of what usually followed the tick.

"Okay girls, they're calling your flight," their father said, purposely ignoring the banter.

"Please call us when you land," their mother said with a strain in her voice. "Your Granda will meet you at the Dublin airport, so look for him when you get in."

The girls each hugged their parents and boarded the plane. Sitting in a first class window seat, Nova turned to Branna who was sitting next to her. Clearly still irritated with Nova, she had already popped in her ear buds, turned up her iPod and was falling fast asleep. Kyna was across the aisle sitting with a man that was hot enough be a GQ model. His face was chiseled perfection and his dark blonde waves were an artfully arranged mess. Kyna being Kyna, she paid him no mind what so ever and pulled out her iPad to watch the latest episode of her favorite weekly vampire show. Needing something to pass the time on the long flight, Nova decided to see what the in-flight movie was.

When they arrived in Dublin, Nova noticed the blonde god checking them out as he collected his luggage. He seemed to have a particular interest in Kyna, but Nova shrugged off the thought since he had just spent eight hours on a flight beside her and not once had Kyna even turned to look at him. Which if she thought about it, was odd, who doesn't talk to their seat mate on an international flight?

Branna walked up behind Nova and followed her line of vision. "So, why the stare down with sex on a stick over there?" she whispered conspiratorially.

Nova knew all had been forgiven if she was talking to her again. Grinning, she said, "Noticed that, did you?"

"Mmm." Branna responded distractedly as she took in the whole scene, switching from tired and jet lagged, to alert and protective when she realized sexy model boy had his eye on Kyna. Nova could see what was coming; Branna would call out to the blonde god and make a scene, and Kyna would get embarrassed and be pissed at both of them. As it turned out, no intervention was necessary, because their Granda chose that moment to show up.

"Girls," he called out to them excitedly. "Tis good to see ye lasses, though I wish ye would visit an old man without bringing disaster to me door."

Nova loved hearing the Irish brogue roll heavily from his tongue. Rushing into his warm embrace, she absorbed the love and strength that he offered. "Granda, we've missed you." Stepping back, Nova took in his robust appearance. Seventy-nine years on the Earth and he was still well muscled and powerful, living every day to its fullest. The years had done nothing to damper his handsome face, almost as if time stood still in his presence. Branna and Kyna made their way over to where Nova stood with their Granda, and were each taken in for a hug.

"My girls, it's grand to have ye all here. Come on, let's grab yer things and load them on the trolley." Gathering their bags and other items, they filed out of the airport to the car park.


Driving through the eastern side of Drogheda, the first thing Nova noticed was the beautiful stone gate that welcomed them. The St. Lawrence gate is huge-two columns, four stories high and joined in the middle by a portcullis. Nova appreciated the view and the history it held. Still traveling east to the outskirt of town, they followed the river Boyne until their Granda turned onto a narrow dirt lane.


Arriving at the cottage, the girls oohed and aahed, falling in love immediately. The quaint stone cottage with its decades old moss growing up the sides painted a post card picture of perfection. It was more than they had expected, but everything they had hoped for. Nova had a special place in her heart for quaint Ireland, having always felt a draw to the beauty and history of this country.

Walking inside, they were welcomed with a warm fire burning in the fireplace and the smell of the incense satchel that had been added to the fire.

"Make yerselves at home girls. In fact, let's get ye right up the stairs and have ye choose yer rooms."

Nova felt like a kid again, running up the stairs to check out her new surroundings. She opened the first door at the top of the stairs and found a bathroom with the most luxurious claw foot tub she had ever seen, beside that stood a pedestal sink and a utilitarian toilet. That tub was definitely on her list of things to experience before going home. Walking to the next door, she found a smallish bedroom done in various shades of pink and immediately dismissed it. The pink room was definitely meant for Kyna. The next room was slightly larger and was dominated by a beautiful mahogany four poster bed and matching wardrobe. Gray and plum were the main color scheme here and that didn't appeal to Nova either. Finally reaching the last door in the hall, she found her room. The far wall was all glass with a set of French doors that gave way to a breathtaking view of the green fields beyond. From here, she could see a rock wall meandering along the fields for miles. Yes, this was the room for her, all done in soft shades of blue and white with a wrought iron bed that spoke of centuries past. The atmosphere in her room almost made her forget why they were in Ireland to begin with...almost.




Chapter 6


Nova woke up to the sound of running water; rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she looked around and realized she must have fallen asleep while unpacking. Standing, she tried to determine the source of the running water. Coming fully awake, she noticed that she was no longer in her room at her grandfather's cottage. Stunned, she looked around and saw that she was standing in the middle of a palatial bedroom. The massive bed was covered in a damask comforter with enough pillows for a dozen people. There was a white carpet that had to be three inches deep; her feet sunk to where she could no longer see her toes. Following the sound of water, her eyes traveled along the stone walls to a door that obviously led into the bathroom. As she approached the door, she began to wonder why she felt no fear. Why was she okay with being in this strange place? Was she dreaming?

She opened the door and found herself faced with the most glorious ass she had ever laid eyes on. Her mind barely registered the black marble tile and golden fixtures surrounding her, she was so riveted on the man in the shower. From the back, she was free to inspect his body at her leisure. He was tall and muscular; built like a god. Her eyes drank him in, from his coal black hair down to his magnificent ass, then further to his long muscular legs. He turned around. Startled blue eyes met sharp black ones and both were surprised to see one another.

"How did you get in here?" asked Drake.

Nova's mouth went dry at the silky smooth voice with the beautiful accent. "I, um, I don't know. I woke up here." she responded lamely.

"Tell me, Nova of the O'Reilly clan, how does one just go about waking up in the bedroom of the Underlord?"

"What? How is that even possible? I was just putting my clothes away in my grandfather's cottage..." Her voice trailed off as she became lost in thought.

"Ah, so you are in Ireland; good to know."

Her eyes snapped up as she realized her mistake. She then began to notice the water dripping down the planes of his abdomen and his complete lack of shame as he stood there in all his glory.

"I am not as hideous as you thought I would be, am I witch?" Drake asked with sarcasm dripping from his voice.

"No," she responded honestly, before she could stop herself. Something about him was so familiar. "If you know who I am, why are you still standing there dripping in the shower?"

"Does my naked body disturb you?" His eyes challenged her to say otherwise. "I think I will stand here until the air dries me naturally." Drake stretched his arms behind him, forcing his jewels center stage.

"Not if I can help it," Nova mumbled, admitting only to herself, her blushing cheeks weren't the only things getting, um, hot. She took a step back and lifted her palms and began to draw them in a circular motion. Drake looked at her and raised one eyebrow in question. Moving her hands faster and faster, Nova drew all the water from his body to her. His black eyes flashed with amusement, as she held the ball of water before him, pulsing with energy. Too late, he realized her plan, and was unable to dodge the ball of water that she threw right in his handsome face.

All of a sudden it felt as if Nova was being sucked into a vortex, she met Drakes eyes one last time before she allowed the feeling to envelop her.

Nova woke up to Kyna screaming at her and shaking her like a mad women, and Branna stood at the foot of the bed with flames licking the palms of her hands, looking ready for battle.

"What the hell is going on?" Nova said as she sat up.

"What the hell is right, Nova!" Kyna yelled, which was very unlike her. "You were gone; not just sleeping, but gone. Your spirit traveled to a place where I couldn't feel it anymore. It scared me, so I ran up here to see what was going on and found you passed out on the bed."

"Nova, that was some scary shit. What the hell happened?" Branna asked, crossing her arms and staring at Nova, waiting for an answer.

"To be honest, I'm not really sure. I thought I was dreaming or something. I woke up, and I was in a bedroom and heard water running. So I followed the sound and found a man in the shower."

Branna's eyebrows waggled suggestively, a big grin on her face. "A the shower?" Flopping down on the bed beside Nova, she said, "tell me more."

Kyna turned to look at Branna, thrusting her hands on her hips. "Branna, shut up, this is serious."

"So anyway," Nova rolled her eyes and continued, "he claimed to be the lord of the Underworld, which would make him the demon lord we are here to fight."

Branna quickly stood back up and began pacing the floor. "Shit, this is bad, this is very bad."

"So, did he tell you how you got there?"

"No, he looked just as surprised as I was to have me standing in his bathroom while he showered." Nova explained to them what she had done with the water after Drake refused to cover himself.

Branna laughed, and even Kyna had a grin on her face at that. Although both sisters were still standing in front of Nova in a show of solidarity, they were there to protect each other. Period.

What she didn't tell them about was the intense attraction that she had felt or how this wasn't the first time she had laid eyes on him. He was the man from the bar the night of Kyna's birthday.





Chapter 7


Drake stood there, naked wondering what the hell had just happened. There must have been some magic at play for the witch to have come into his domain without even realizing she had done it.
Did she attempt to thwart him on her own
. He dismissed the thought as soon as it entered his head. She had appeared too genuinely rattled by the whole experience to have been attempting an assassination. Then he remembered her eyes; they were the most unique shade of blue he had seen since coming to Earth, there wasn't even a color to compare it to on this planet. And her perfect pouty lips, at this thought he hardened. He couldn't help his body's reaction to her, nor could he understand it. She was his enemy, so why could he not get her out of his head? Why did his body cry out for her, a witch bent on destroying him?


That night, the girls all bunked in Nova's room in an attempt to prevent a repeat of the day's events. Unfortunately, Nova's spirit had other ideas. No sooner had she fallen asleep, than she woke up in the same bedroom as before. "You have got to be kidding me with this crazy dream crap," she groaned.

"I see you have somehow made it back," Drake said from the chair in the corner, sounding bored.

"Thank you for your astute observation," she snapped sarcastically, getting down off the bed.

He raised an eyebrow at her, as a sly grin split his handsome face.

Nova gazed around the room, trying to figure out how it could all seem so real. "How do you keep bringing me here?"

"You must be confused my, beautiful nemesis. It is not my magic that has brought you my bedroom." Drake stood and crossed his arms over his chest. "Where I value my privacy I might add."

Rolling her eyes, Nova looked away from him. "Well, then I need to get a better sandman because these dreams are getting old, fast."

Drake threw his head back and laughed loudly, obviously finding her comment amusing. "Since the sandman was banished hundreds of years ago, you can hardly blame your perceived dreams on him."

BOOK: Nova: Daughters of Darkness
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