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Authors: April King

Now and Forever (8 page)

BOOK: Now and Forever
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Footsteps suddenly echoed throughout the building. The sound jolted Grace back to reality. She assumed Ava had arrived since they had made plans for lunch, which included generous portions of girl talk. Over her shoulder, she called, “I’ll be ready in a minute.”

“If you were expecting Tanner, I’m sorry to disappoint you,” a female said.

Grace snapped to attention the instant she heard the stranger speak. She rotated her body until she was face to face with the woman who addressed her. But she hadn’t been prepared for what she saw: a striking vision.

Standing ramrod straight, a statuesque beauty with skin the color of sunshine towered over Grace. Sharp eyes peered into hers. A tailored baby blue skirt suit embraced her subtle curves perfectly. This woman was pure class. She exemplified confidence, strength and success.
A bona fide winner.

Ava was right: Tanner knew quality. The woman standing before her was living proof. She was topnotch.
Definitely his type.
Refined and elegant.
A commanding presence.

Great, Grace thought. Morning dew had barely settled on the leaves and she was already being hunted down and confronted by one of Tanner’s old flames.
Or new flame.

Well, if Miss America intended to stake a claim on “her man” by challenging Grace to a duel, or something equally offensive, she was totally out of luck. Grace was above fighting over a man. Oh, she’d been full of piss and vinegar the day she caught Kevin sprawled on top his secretary years ago. The Deceived Woman’s script had even been etched in her mind that day, and she’d recited it verbatim. Unfortunately, the spiel she’d given about “he’s my man” and “you lying dog” had fallen on deaf ears. Once the dust had settled, she’d found herself alone and miserable.

Her mind was made up. She’d simply tell this woman that Tanner was all hers. Before she could express her thoughts, a loud scream pierced her ears. Looking beyond the visitor’s elegant shoulders, Grace spied her best friend jumping up and down like a maniac, while pointing.


Grace’s jaw dropped. “Aren’t you the fashion designer?”

“The one and only.”
acknowledged graciously. “More importantly, I’m Tanner’s sister.”

“Tanner’s sister!”
Grace and Ava shrieked in unison.

While Grace let information about
identity sink in, Ava took time to extend her hand. “I’m Ava Williams, Grace’s best friend and owner of Diva House beauty salon.”

silently reflected. “Isn’t that on the corner of Union Avenue and Fourth Street?”

“Yes,” Ava said, beaming with joy and admiration at the esteemed fashion designer’s recognition of her place of business.

“Two successful women.
I’m impressed,”

Grace remained silent. She allowed her friend to have the spotlight.

“I’m also wearing a pair of your shoes,” Ava said. She lifted one foot and displayed a black leather pump.

nodded. “Those are from my previous collection.”

“Hey, I bought these at a discount rate online. I make decent money, but I still had to dig deep into my pockets to buy these babies.”

“How about an upgrade?”
asked. Before I leave, I will provide you with shoes in every color from my latest collection.”

At that moment, Grace witnessed a spectacle she’d never seen before, and would probably never see again—Ava rendered speechless. She inwardly laughed. Magic ran in the McGregor family, she thought.

addressed Grace. “You’re nothing like I expected. Unlike Tanner’s other women, you’re more than just another pretty face. It’s obvious that you’re a self-made, self-sufficient woman who’s not out to land a rich, eligible bachelor.”

“I’m not Tanner’s
” Grace said, defiantly. “Furthermore, I can only imagine what he has told you about me.”
Like how I dropped my drawers and tried to jump his bones in
the swimming pool

raised a perfectly manicured hand in defense. “First of all, my brother doesn’t kiss and tell. I didn’t mean to offend you. And I don’t concern myself with Tanner’s personal life.”

Although Grace saw through the transparent lie, she didn’t press the issue. Grace suspected
McGregor often made it her business to be aware of everything and everyone around her. The woman was sharp. She could also charm the pants off the devil. Her confidence was both inspiring and daunting. Grace imagined most people tried to stay on her good side. Since she had no hidden agenda, and wasn’t prone to being star struck, Grace didn’t feel a sense of trepidation around the powerful and stunning woman.

“To be honest, I didn’t come here to chat about my brother. There’s an important business matter I’d like to discuss with you.”

Grace lifted a brow.
What business could a high-powered fashion maven have with

Ava said excitedly, “Maybe she wants you to be her partner.”

Her statement caused
to smile. “Not quite.”

As Ava geared up to pitch another idea, Grace shot her a warning glare that advised her to cool it. Reluctantly, Ava bit her bottom lip and kept her thoughts to herself. Anticipation had Grace on edge. It was nothing like the anticipation she had experienced the night before, while walking hand in hand with Tanner through his house. A sweet thrill had filled her then. Heavenly bliss had adorned her like a couture evening gown. How well she had worn it. In Tanner’s presence it had been magical. The sensual dance she had shared with him had caused her emotions to flow and sway with ease, until she was woozy. However, it had ended much too soon. She’d had a plethora of moves she wanted to show the delicious doctor. But he had wanted their “dance” to be slow-paced.
One step at a time.
Grace’s desire had been intense and electrifying like techno music. With every look, touch and kiss Tanner had sent shockwaves throughout her body. He’d made her feel alive, even as she’d died a thousand little deaths each time their lips met. If she closed her eyes and breathed deeply, she could smell his scent…

“You and my brother seem to suffer from the same affliction.”

The McGregor siblings’ ability to read her mind was no longer cute. In fact, it was rather annoying.

“Have you heard of Starting Over?”

“Of course.
It’s a national organization.” Grace further explained how she had donated her money and time to the organization on several occasions. Whenever she visited the downtown facility, the staff always made her feel welcomed and wishing there was more she could do for the struggling women.

“Good.” Grace took
smile as a stamp of approval for her selfless deeds. “I am having a fashion show to unveil my latest collection called Liberation. These clothes are for the average woman and will be sold in department stores at reasonable prices. I believe every woman deserves the right to feel and look beautiful. Not just the rich and famous.”

“The proceeds will go to Starting Over,” Grace said.

“And you want to hold this event at The Pigeonhole?” Ava asked.

continued, “It’s short notice, but I’ll do most of the work. Besides, this place is perfect.”

“You could use the publicity,” Ava said.

The two women tried to persuade Grace on the benefits of allowing
to use her building for the fashion show. The more
spoke about Starting Over, the softer her features became. Her eyes brightened. Subtle lines around her lips disappeared. Her compassion for those less fortunate was evident, and elevated her stature in Ava’s eyes. Grace was sold on the idea. “Count me in.”


“Count me in, too.” Ava volunteered. “My stylists and I can do the hair and makeup.”

“Ladies, this is such good news. Why don’t we celebrate over lunch?”
“My treat.”

Although Ava shook with elation, Grace knew
was not surprised that she’d agreed to her proposal. “You don’t usually take no for an answer.”

assessed the question. Her lips curled at the corners. “I didn’t get this far by doing so.”

Grace suspected as much. “Just so you know I didn’t get to where I am by no thinking for myself.”

nodded. “I sense some tension between the two of us. We should try and get along.
For Tanner’s sake.”

Grace lifted a brow. “Why is that?”

“Because you’re Tanner’s soul mate.
Get used to it.”




Grace sat beside Tanner in the empty stands of the Nashville Superspeedway. Blinding lights drowned out the darkness of the night sky. Two cars sped past them, making whooshing sounds as they zoomed around the track. The loud rumbles of their engines shattered the stillness of the night. One car was lemon drop yellow with the number five painted green on each door.
The second car, which was slightly in the lead, was fire engine red with a black number seven emblazoned on each side.

“This is the final lap,” Tanner said, never taking his eyes off the track.

The cars weaved in and out of each other’s lane, vying for position on the straightaway. As they rounded the curves, the yellow car gained on the red one. Neck in neck, they approached the finish line. It looked like the race would be a draw. Suddenly, the red car roared thunderously and eased past the yellow one in what seemed to be less than a second.

Tanner jumped to his feet, pumping his fist above his head. “Yes!” He grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the track, where the drivers slid out the glassless windows of their cars and removed their helmets. “I want you to meet someone.”

“Eat my dust, rookie!” the driver of the red car yelled to his opponent.

“Whatever. I let you win.”

“Gunter, that’s the fifth time this week. I sure do appreciate your kindness.” The slim young man with the short brown hair and yellow car laughed.

Tanner and Grace stopped before the red car’s driver. “Grace Michaels, this is my cousin Bud, the black sheep of the family.” For his comment, Tanner was rewarded with a punch in the arm, which he quickly reciprocated.

“Now don’t go making me look any better than I already do. Besides, I can’t help that you chose to cruise through life, while I drive in the fast lane.” The two handsome men traded friendly verbal jabs, until Bud turned to Grace. He bowed deeply and kissed the back of her hand.
“Pleased to meet you.
And might I say that you’re prettier than a field of daisies.”

She batted her eyes. “Yes, sir, you may.”

“I see your lines are lame as ever,” Tanner said.

“The ladies would beg to differ.” Bud winked at Grace. “He’s just jealous of all this.” He gestured to his body.

Bud was Tanner’s height. However, he was much leaner with a long torso. His skin was tanned. Grace saw danger in his rich brown eyes. Heat and flames and mischief danced in them. A lopsided grin revealed a tiny dimple in his right cheek. His red and black driving suit fit him snugly.
If his female
devotees could see him now, the side lines would be packed with women recuperating from
fainting spells
. He was definitely a heartbreaker.

“Whatever happened to Justine?” Tanner asked.

Bud shrugged. “We were headed in two different directions in life. She wanted to settle down and start a family. I wasn’t ready to get hitched so I burned rubber.”

“Too bad.”

“Not really. She’s already engaged to another driver.”

Bud was twenty-seven years old. At eighteen, he’d shocked his parents, both prominent lawyers, by dropping out of college after his first semester to chase his dream of being a stock car driver for NASCAR. His parents had been so disappointed they disowned him. “Three years ago, I was involved in nasty crash while driving in the Busch series. I was in pretty bad shape for over a year, but my
, Tanner, nursed me back to health. Now I’m better than ever.
that right?”

Tanner looked around uneasily. It was obvious that he and Bud shared a strong bond. “I didn’t do much.”

“Sure, you did.” Bud said. “Grace, this guy even helped mend my relationship with my parents. These days, I can’t keep them from attending one of my races. Tanner is my hero always has been.”

A hero.

It wasn’t hard for Grace to believe Bud idolized Tanner. After all, he was the type of hero she fantasized about at night.
Super sexy and confident, but not cocky.
Shy when it came to accepting compliments. He always arrived in the nick of time to save the day, but was reluctant to take the credit. Beneath his easygoing exterior resided dogged determination, ironclad principles and deep regard for his fellow man. His interior housed a raging sexual bull who only released his potent passion upon the woman that possessed his heart.

BOOK: Now and Forever
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