Object Me: A Bad Boy Lawyer Romance (7 page)

BOOK: Object Me: A Bad Boy Lawyer Romance
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Chapter 12

had sent
James on a mission. His objective: intercept Yvette before she made it to Pete’s office and discreetly deliver her to the office I assigned her. She hadn’t returned my calls. I wasn’t sure when she would return to the office, but I knew that she would return. Yvette had wanted a mentor, support, and the opportunity to learn. James, who had no interest in women sexually, would be able to provide that for her. An office of her own would safe guard her from ridicule, if any were to arise.

I was feeling pretty smug about my plan until I walked into the office that I had someone so elegantly decorate for Yvette and found it empty. Leads on the Hunter case and meetings had kept me busy most of the day, but I had fully intended to see Yvette.

James was by my side in seconds, before I had to find him.

“Where is Yvette?” I questioned in a tone that didn’t hide my annoyance.

The constipated look of pain that crossed his face let me know all that I needed to.

The greeting area was empty as usual, so I easily made it to my father’s office undetected.

Yvette was standing in the doorway impeccably dressed in a form-fitting pencil skirt and a tucked in chiffon shirt. Her perfume lingered in the hall. She was hard to miss. I just had to follow the intoxicating smell. Seeing her after what had seemed like an extended absence nearly caused me to forget why I had come upstairs to begin with. I had seen beautiful women before, but poised grace and

my thoughts came to a stop as I heard my father’s voice.

“Do not step foot on my premises again.” my father boomed.

I noticed the familiar envelope in her hand instantly.

My father had always been a prick
he just hid it well. Money covers a multitude of sins. Women who worked for my father didn’t last very long, because his attention span didn’t last very long. He would send them off on their unsuspecting way with an envelope full of cash and a glowing recommendation for employment. None of the women knew that any personal recommendation from Pete Hanson, stamped with his personal seal, was just a whore stamp on stationary. Accepting a dismissal settlement from Pete Hanson was a proclamation to other firms of being a certified freak in the sheets.

I snatched the envelope from Yvette’s hands.

Her gasp and my father’s smirk let me know that neither of them had been aware of my presence.

“Dylan. Of course you would come running.” my father sneered. “Did you plant a chip in the girl when you fucked her?”

“Only the one that you wished you could have put there.” I retorted.

“I sneeze in her direction and you show the hell up.” He shook his head. “Are you worried, son? Scared that there may be competition?”

I stepped in front of Yvette and moved toward my father. I wanted to make sure that he saw what I was going to do and my meaning behind it.

I ripped the envelope in half and laid it on his desk.

“Where my employees are
is my business.” I let him know. “And make no mistake, Yvette is my employee.”

This seemed to amuse my father. His laughter filled the room.

“I guess you grew an inch overnight and you’re feeling tall this morning.”

“What I do at night is none of your concern. Neither is who I do. It may have been your name that started this company, but recognize that I keep this motherfucker moving.”

His eyes narrowed at that.

“You’re nothing more than a drunken mistake and a six-second regret.” he spat. “Remember who created you. I’m not dead yet.”

“We’ll see.” I snapped before exiting with Yvette in tow.

The whole building was a shrine to that man. The people here worshiped his every word and footfall. I couldn’t forget who started the company if I wanted to. Even if he died, Pete would rise and haunt my every waking moment if I ever for a second neglected to acknowledge his contributions.

We didn’t walk fast, but the pace wasn’t leisurely either. It felt natural for Yvette to be next to me.

I had thought my relationship with my father had been strained before the disagreement over Yvette
However, the possibility of losing this case and taking a huge financial loss, added additional pressure to what I was already under.

“You alright?” I asked.

Yvette was quiet during our entire walk back to my office. I didn’t poke at her. It had to be difficult being caught between my father and I.

“Thank you.” she finally spoke in a voice so small it was barely audible.

“I’m here for you.”

She scoffed.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked trying to hide the fact that she offended me. I had just stood up to my father for her more or less.

She shook her head at the question as though that were somehow an answer.

“I appreciate what you did in there for me.” Her mouth turned up into a weak smile. Her eyes were sincere when they found mine.

“You work for me and me only. I’ll take care of Pete.” I reassured her.

Yvette nodded, but I doubted that the she fully understood what I was trying to tell her.

“Thanks again.” she said offhandedly, her words floating in the air as if unimportant.

It bothered me that she seemed so sullen. I was reluctant to enter my office without a kiss or touch from her. I stood admiring her alluring curves as she walked away from me. I couldn’t help but be envious of her office chair which would have the awesome benefit of holding her.

My office felt cooler than normal and I no longer found satisfaction behind my expensive desk. The place where I had once felt most comfortable and at ease was becoming less so.

James was in my doorway before I could call for him. We had worked together for a while now, so he had a way of knowing when to show up.

“Is there anything that I can help you with?” he asked.

“Set up a conference call concerning the labor case with Yvette as the lead. Send me the information once you’ve confirmed.”

He nodded. “Anything else?”

“Yes.” I sighed before pulling a folder from my desk. “You take the lead on the Armstrong case and the office next to Yvette’s as well.”

His hands dropped to his side.

“Wait. What?” He looked thoroughly surprised.

It wasn’t often that I got to be the good guy. James had worked hard and truly deserved a promotion. Plus
I needed him to support Yvette. I didn’t fraternize with my employees, but I knew they could and would talk. Hanging around Yvette’s office every day, even as a mentor to her, the rumor mill would likely be running rampant with the belief that I was screwing her. She didn’t deserve that and I didn’t want that for her. There had already been enough speculation as it was. James would never be me, but he could give her a good foundation with my crafting.

“Loyalty and dedication are two very elusive characteristics. I thank you for both.”

“All right. You’re welcome.” he replied excitedly.

My father had many characteristics I had admired him for as a child. However, his treatment of women was not one off them. Sex had been around before sliced bread, but there was a time and a place for everything. My father never learned this lesson. He even went so far as to install an apartment off his office for convenience. Work, eat, sleep, and fuck. All neatly at hand.

Shortly before Yvette’s conference call was to end I patched in. I wanted to go to her office and lay both my eyes and hands on her luscious body, but I knew that would probably lead to me bending her over the desk. I was failing to keep things separate. I justified my need to check on her as a boss wanting to monitor the performance of an associate.

When I heard her voice on the line, I knew that my well-check was about much more than monitoring how well she could handle a case. I was ready for her to handle my cock again. Anyway that I could connect with, even in the smallest of ways, would have to suffice until I could get her alone again. It would have to wait until I could get her away from the cock blocking building.

“The deposition is set for next for week. Before such, I would like to meet with you face to face.” Yvette said in a commanding voice.

I was drawn to her. Each well spoken word thickened my dick. Her acute efficiency with the client was sexy as fuck.

“An injunction will slow the spread of the video.” she continued. “I can have a judge sign an order before the end of business today.”

I imagined her lips forming each syllable and her tongue darting in and out of her mouth. The girl knew how to use her mouth.

The call ended too quickly for me. I could have listened to her legal speak for hours. My hand found its way into my pants. Her intelligence caressed me, her assertiveness stroked over me in waves stoking my need to be inside of her.

Before I could bring myself to a much needed release, there was a knock at my door.

“Who is it?” I growled with my dick in hand.

“It’s me. Yvette.” Her voice was smaller than it had been on the phone.

I quickly made sure that everything was in order, myself included, before inviting her in.


“I need to talk to you.” The words came from her lips soft but they were hard to hear.

The sight of her was too much. Her sultry voice coupled with her sassy stance in front of my desk had me at full attention.

“Make it quick.” I spit out the words before clearing my throat. I knew that I was being short with her, but I needed for her to either strip or scurry. Her standing in front of me was dangerous for both of our reputations.

“You know what?” she stated with an attitude that hardened my dick even more. “I’ll just ask James.”

When she turned to exit, I released the breath that I didn’t even realize I was holding.

“So much for ‘I’m here for you’” she mumbled on her way out.

She was angry, but I would rather her be upset now than a victim of company gossip later. It really worked to her advantage for people to see her frustrated after leaving my office. That’s how most people felt when they left.

Chapter 13

my composure shatter when Dylan dismissed me with his curt statements. The same man who had gone through the trouble of telling off his father for me couldn’t even find the decency to say three kind words to me when I needed him too. I had wanted to thank him for the opportunity to lead a case and show off my skills. I had wanted to get his opinion about the best judge to approach concerning my new case. I had wanted to be a team, to work together. He obliterated that idea with one look. Being a jerk just seemed to be a habit that Dylan couldn’t break.

Although his demeanor had crushed my feelings, it had done nothing to dash the desire rushing through my traitorous body for the rude man. Even though his staff treated me abominably, the thought of him possessing my body instantly created a flood of desire to pool inside my panties.

Walking into the solitude of my office was an unexpected comfort. At the least I didn’t have to share the bullpen with the guys anymore. I had my own space to wonder about the sexy man who made me hot in more ways than one. It was a really nice space that any person would be proud of.

James popped his head into my office before his body followed.

“You busy?” he questioned.

“Not at the moment.” I sighed.

I could have been busy. I could have been doing a million different things to tie up loose ends for the case, but my mind spun around Dylan in such a dizzying way that it left me unable to focus.

James moved his fist forward and I bumped it with my own.

“You rocked that call.” he said with a flair that I hadn’t noticed before. It was the first time any of his attributes had made me wonder about his life outside of the office. I hadn’t seen James enthusiastic very often.

“Thanks.” I smiled at James. “I’m glad you were around to set the conference up.”

“Well I’ll be next door to you from now on. So if you have a question or need to pick my brain, just hop on over.”

My face revealed my lingering skepticism about his sudden change in attitude. I was sure that Dylan was behind James’ offer of support though.

James moved in closer.

“I was asked to help you out.” he stated plainly. “But you’re a really good lawyer. I apologize for not noticing that before.”

Quitting time snuck up on me. After speaking with James, I had gotten so wrapped up in my case that the time had ticked away without me being aware of it. I had to stay focused on the case. If my mind was given any freedom it would wander to the man who had forgotten about me. Dylan hadn’t bothered to check on me the rest of the day.

I gathered my belongings. Purse. Briefcase. Cell phone. Keys. Left behind were the picture of my Aunt and my dancing daisy. I felt optimistic about the future again.

My car looked lonely in the parking lot. There were a few stragglers, but mostly everyone had left.

“You shouldn’t be walking out here alone.” A familiar voice called out.

The sound halted me. The panty melting tenor of it was smooth enough to record and play on repeat. No other man had affected me in that way. I didn’t have to see his face to feel vibrations of want ripple through my body.

I closed my eyes with the experience of knowing that looking at him inspired a greater reaction from my clitoris than his voice.

The nearer that he stood, the better that he smelled, and the hotter I became.

“I’m a big girl. I can handle myself.” I replied. I finally had to open my eyes.

I didn’t look at him directly though. I couldn’t bear to see another rejection cross his handsome face.

Silently, I counted the number of yellow lines in the parking lot.

He had been an ass earlier that day and I wouldn’t give him the benefit of my attention. At least not purposefully.

“Look at me.” he requested softly, sounding like someone other than the gruff, tin man executive who lacked a heart.

I wanted to hold onto my anger. I wanted to hold onto that hurt that I felt when he disregarded me, but it was like trying to fist water.

“I’m sorry about earlier.” His finger slid across my cheek. The shiver started there, where his finger pulsed against my skin, but made its way through my body.

He guided my face toward his with a gentleness that I remembered from being in his home.

My eyes fell onto his and I was lost in the feelings of want that radiated through them. The grudge was gone, scorched away by his hot tenderness.

“I want you to know that I did it all to keep you safe, to make sure that you were comfortable.” he paused and searched my face.

I knew that he wanted some assurance that I understood his actions, but I couldn’t give him that. I was barely standing, barely remembering to breathe. Speaking required more brain power than I had available at that moment.

I nodded and grunted some incoherent agreement. If he would have removed his hand from my face I could have possibly quipped out a sassy response, but I had none.

“I don’t want you to ever feel like you are an object to me, like I don’t value that beautiful brain of yours.” he continued.

I nodded in response, my eyes never leaving his. He had wanted to protect me. He had been distant and cool because that was the only way he could keep from fucking me.

“I get it.” I told him fighting back the urge to suck his lip.

“Come home with me.” Dylan requested finally dropping his hand away from my face. “I promise that you’ll have my full attention.”

I swallowed.

Going home with him would be an acknowledgement that I was ready to move forward sexually with him. Our first sex session could be blamed on the emotional distress of the day, but in the parking lot, being of sound mind, my agreement to go to his home would mean much more.

“I can’t—” I started and stopped. “I won’t go—”

His mouth was against mine before I could finish my sentence, devouring any semblance of resistance that I had left.

It took a few seconds for my brain to register that the kiss had ended once he released me.

“Get in your car and follow the limo to my house.” he demanded while opening my car door.

I nodded and did as he asked.

After parking my car, I walked through the front door of Dylan’s home with slight trepidation. I worried that this time wouldn’t be the same, that after sex, he would go back to his cold ways again. I couldn’t put myself out there again to be treated like a whore again.

“Stop it.” he said when I stepped into the foyer.

“I don’t want this to affect my job, my life, my heart—” I began.

His hands cupped my face and I was at ease instantly.

“I won’t let it affect you.” he promised. “I won’t let you get hurt. I want you.”

His voice was sincere and his gaze honest.

Dylan swooped down and claimed my mouth in an instant with an urgency that hadn’t been there before. It ignited something in me. I leaned into him unable to stop the need that surged through me.

The hardness of him pressed against me as he palmed my ass as though it was his.

I lifted one leg and then the other and wrapped them around his waist with a need to feel more of him.

We hummed satisfaction into each other, our mouths and tongues too preoccupied with mating to speak.

I was wet for him, budding with the desire to feel him inside of me.

Dylan steadied me against the wall before he ripped open my blouse and released my heavy aching breasts. Every piece and part of me responded to his every lick and touch.

He released my mouth, only to suck my pebbled right nipple into the warmth of his mouth. His massive hand massaged my other breast moving the tender flesh in circles.

“Dylan.” I moaned. He felt so good.

I gasped in short breaths of air while letting my hands explore the hard ridges of his body. Dylan had to have been hand chiseled by the gods. He was a masterpiece and I could only sing soft praises of thanks for the opportunity to touch.

Each flick of tongue against me caused my back to arch as if a string were being pulled.

Suddenly he released me. My bare feet were on the floor and Dylan was staring at me.

Need radiated from him like the sun as he took my hand into his and dragged me up the stairs to his bedroom.

There was no protest, no discussion, just movement.

As soon as he shut the door, his arms were wrapped around my waist in a bear hug before he dropped me onto the bed. There was no time to remove any clothing.

He deftly unbuttoned and released himself with one hand, while plunging his tongue into my mouth like other parts of him soon would be.

I could still feel the silky material of his pants even though his granite hard dick was pressed against my opening.

I tore my mouth away from his.

“Wait.” I yelped. This was happening so fast.

“I can’t anymore.” Dylan breathed into my neck as he guided the tip of himself inside me. “I need you.”

“Protection.” I managed to strain out.

His hooded eyes locked onto mine in order to gauge my resolve. I was horny, but I was serious too.

“Alright.” he said standing. He allowed his pants and briefs to fall to the floor, unleashing the magnificence of him.

“Thanks.” I mouthed transfixed by the sight of him. I threw off the rest of my clothing just in time to witness Dylan fully nude and sheathing his full and bouncing cock.

I must have done something wonderful in life to be granted access to a man like him, even if it only happened twice in my life, I was grateful for the experience.

He prowled toward me with a gleam in his eye that made me shudder and close my eyes.

I gasped when I felt the wet pressing of his tongue against my core.

My eyes shot open.

“Oh my—” I choked out. I wanted to tell him to stop and to keep going at the same time. “Don’t— We—” The words were there formed in my head, but each hot lick from him forced them back down my throat.

My back contorted from the pleasure as he expertly used his tongue on me, my body lifting from the bed as he pulled me up against his face.

I was soaking wet and ready to explode as a tingling pressure grew within me.

I grabbed his hair, needing something … anything to keep my insides from coming apart.

He indulged, taking my body into his mouth in smooth assured strokes.

I could feel him everywhere.

My body tightened as I struggled to catch my breath. I rocked against his face as though it were a part of me.

He responded with faster movements, pushing two fingers inside of me & forcing me to the edge of sanity and near the cliff of release.

And then he just stopped. Stopped.

“Dylan.” I whimpered needing him to finish, needing to have that final thrust of his tongue against me to climax.

“Not yet baby.” he growled and climbed on top of me.

He spread my legs apart with his body.

“I want to feel you cum all over me.”

I was so wet that he filled me with just one push of his hips.

“You feel so good.” he grunted out. “So tight.”

He worked his way deeper into me.

I arched against the throbbing thickness of him. Feeling so connected that I heard our hearts begin to thump in the same rhythm.

“Yes.” I moaned clawing at his back.

He bucked his body into mine.

“Damn. Yvette.” He thrust harder, his ass clenching with each plunge inside of me.

I crossed my ankles at his back as he increased the intensity. His rhythm becoming erratic and wild.

He wasn’t in control anymore. He wasn’t the smooth lover he had been before, but a frenzied man lost in a tidal wave of lust that washed over us both.

He grunted against my ear as his grip tightened. He pushed into me with such force, I thought that I would splinter apart.

I took it. Took all of him, as he pressed into me over and over again.

My sex clenched around him in climax and I felt the room disappear.

Pleasure flooded all of my senses at once.

“That’s what I wanted. Cum for me.” Dylan panted in my ear without slowing his movements.

He drove into me with long slick glides.

Ecstasy pounded through me, and I held onto him, my body so weak.

“Yvette.” Dylan groaned.

He lunged into me one last time before he threw back his head. Shudders racked his body from top to bottom.

I held onto him, feeling so full that I could overflow.

Dylan fell onto the bed without disconnecting us and pulled me on top of him. One arm wrapped securely around my waist, the other in my hair. We fell asleep that way. Together.

BOOK: Object Me: A Bad Boy Lawyer Romance
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