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Authors: Lia Slater

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica, #Fiction / Romance

Off Limits (4 page)

BOOK: Off Limits
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On a mission, she sprinted through her ex-husband’s house. Padding down the hallway, naked, and for once in her life, feeling desirable.

The kitchen. She needed the kitchen.

She pushed through the door and went straight to the fridge. She scanned the contents. Of course it was filled with beer and boxes of take-out. Clint didn’t cook. She let herself wonder what he would say if he saw her romping around his house after having the most amazing sex of her life with his younger brother.

Somehow she just didn’t think he’d give a damn. He’d completely lost interest in her after only a few years of marriage. She could’ve shaken her girls in his face, and he would’ve yawned and told her to get out of the way of the television.

She shrugged and grabbed the can of whipped cream sitting in the side door. Tonight she planned to start a new life. Sex against the door in her ex’s house had been a good start.

Austin brought out the woman in her she’d always wanted to be. Hopefully, he wouldn’t say no to the whipped cream.

She walked as calmly as she could back into the bedroom. Her gaze zeroed in on Austin instantly. He still sat on the bed, but he’d gotten rid of the condom and he wasn’t as perky as he was earlier.

She and her frothy whipped cream would have to change that.

His eyes took in the curves of her body with obvious appreciation then widened when he saw what she had in her hand. “What do you have planned, sugar?”

Every time he called her sugar, a delightful calm settled in her belly. This time was no different. She wanted to be his sugar, or whatever else he had in mind.

“I’ve never done this before.” She walked over and stood between his parted legs. “Would you mind if I lick it off you?”

What was slack before, gained some life. His perfect cock hardened as his lips curved into a smile. “You never have to ask me that question. I will gladly accept your tongue on any part of my body at any given moment.”

She laughed, happy with his answer.

“I’m not kidding.”

“Then lie back.” She gave him a healthy shove, and he went down without a fight. “Good boy,” she said, mocking his ‘bad girl’ comment from earlier.

He chuckled and scrubbed his hands over his face. “Be careful, or I’ll spank you again.”

“Promises, promises.” Her mouth watered, knowing she would finally be able to touch him, lick him, do whatever she wanted with him.

She shook the can and squirted a small line down his abdomen. His muscles constricted. His cock stiffened and arched toward his navel.

“Austin, your body is amazing.”

“I’m glad you like it. I feel the same way about you.”

Oh, he was going to be rewarded for that. Holding back a smile, she bent over and licked a small section of whipped cream off his abdomen.

“Damn, that’s hot, Kara.” He reached up and looped a lock of hair behind her ear. “Keep going.”

She licked another section, this time letting her tongue slide across his taut muscles. His skin was as fevered as hers. Goose bumps spread across his belly. She smiled at the power she had over this gorgeous creature.

Just a couple inches and she could taste the pre-cum beading at the tip of his shaft. Impatience warred with her desire to tease him just a little longer.

“I’ve always wondered what your rosy lips would look like wrapped around my cock.” He braced a trembling hand to her cheek and brushed his thumb over her bottom lip. “You’ve given me so many good dreams, Kara. You’re making me a very happy man tonight.”

Oh, God. His bold words sent a new surge of warmth to her pussy. She swallowed the lump in her throat. She couldn’t wait any longer.

With eager hands, she gripped his stiff base, feeling his solid silken length. He cursed under his breath and clenched the bed comforter with his fists.

“Do you like this?” She palmed his tightened balls and licked his cock from bottom to top.

“Jeezus. Yes, I love it.”

Good. She swirled her tongue along his clipped head, tasting his salty, earthy skin. He was soft and hard at the same time. He arched some, and more moistness dribbled from the tiny slit on his engorged head.

Her hunger wouldn’t be denied. She licked her lips and took him in her mouth. Just his head at first, getting used to the feel of him.

Her lips puckered around his width as her tongue swept across his skin, priming him. A low growl rumbled from his chest, and he sat up, raking his hands into her hair.

He tugged gently at her scalp, causing her to take him into her mouth a little farther. A tiny thrill shot through her at how he held her, both forceful and vulnerable.

“Please, Kara.”

She sucked him in deeper, drawing him to the back of her throat. Her tongue enjoyed him, licked him, splayed against his thick erection. His deep groan sizzled down her body and sent a new surge of warmth to her center. It excited her to please him, and she purred against his rhythmic ministrations.

Her mouth was wet and sweltering, fucking him, taking him deep. His husky groans filled the room, making her dizzy.

Until he shuddered.

Hot cum squirted into her mouth, and she swallowed, tasting his earthy flavor, memorizing it. Falling in love with it.

She released him, licked him one last time, and looked up at his face to see his reaction to what had just happened. An act that seemed so much more intimate than the sex against the door.

His dark hair hung over his forehead, mussed from their passion. His lips were parted, sucking in breaths of air. His usual olive tone was slightly flushed.

Without a word, he drew her onto his lap. She straddled his hips, feeling his still hard cock press against her heat. Her swollen lips quivered, still tasting his essence in her mouth. She didn’t think she’d ever grow tired of his taste. Of Austin.

“I’ve loved you for so long.” He swept a sweet kiss over her lips, her cheek, her nose, and then he leaned his forehead to hers. “Kara, I―” He swallowed, as if to gain some courage. “I want to marry you. As soon as possible.”

She met his passionate gaze, the smoldering green piercing and sincere, and she had to force herself to breathe. He wanted to marry her? Austin wanted to marry her.

Her stomach pinched. Her heart melted. Her intuition screamed. She wanted so much to say yes, but she couldn’t. Not yet.

“Austin, I do love you. So much.”

His Adam’s apple bobbed. “That didn’t sound very convincing. Is there a ‘but’?”

She cupped his cheek, brushed her thumb over his slightly stubbled jaw. “What...what were you going to tell me earlier? That you didn’t think I’d like. I thought I could ignore it, but I can’t make any more big decisions in my life without knowing everything. I trust you, and I want to continue to trust you.”

“You can trust me. I’ll always be loyal to you.”

“Then tell me.”

He lowered his gaze and played with a lock of her hair. “I’m the reason Clint asked you for a divorce.”

A shiver of dread ran down her spine. “What do you mean?” God, did she want to hear the rest of this?

He met her eyes straight on, the determination back. “He came to me one day and complained that you wanted to start a family. That you didn’t want to wait any longer.”

The knot in her stomach tightened, making her nauseous. “He complained to you about me?”

“He’s an ass, Kara.”

“What else did he say?” She had to know.

“He said he didn’t want kids to tie him to you. He said he wanted to keep his free time to himself.” Austin wrapped his arms around her and held her close. “I was pissed, Kara. I was tired of seeing him not appreciate you.”

“What did you do?”

“I demanded that he let you go. He refused and told me to mind my own business, so I threatened to be his worst nightmare for the rest of his goddamn life. I told him I know some guys from the Fed, and I’d have him looked into. He’s embezzled from his company. It wasn’t much, but it was enough for him to brag to me about.” He blew out an irritated breath.

“He’s an idiot, but he’s my brother. He’ll always be my brother. But I wasn’t going to let him ruin the rest of your life. When he realized I was serious, he agreed to let you go.”

She took a moment to soak that in. Where had she been all these years if she hadn’t clued in to any of this? In La-La land? “I feel so stupid. Why didn’t I know any of this?”

“Because he never told you, Kara. How were you supposed to know? The guy was your husband. You were supposed to be able to rely on him, to put your faith in him. He never deserved you. Do you get that?”

She felt angry and faint and sad all at once. But being in Austin’s arms helped calm her anxiety. “You were looking out for me.” He always had.

“God, yes. I let a lot of shit go by in the past that I shouldn’t have. But if you’re mine, I’ll love you until my last breath.” He lifted her hand to his warm lips and kissed her palm. “I want you to have my babies, Kara. I know Clint didn’t want that but I do. I want everything with you. Please don’t say no.”

“But I’m eight years older―”

“I know how old you are, sugar. I also know that you like mustard on your hotdogs and nothing but pickles on your burgers. I know you come home sad on days you lose a patient. I know that butter pecan ice cream and watching reruns of
Family Ties
sometimes makes you feel better. I know you like to read romance novels over and over even though you know the ending.”

He lowered his gaze to her breasts, then met her eyes again. “Now I know what makes you come. That’ll only get better, I promise.” He quirked his lopsided grin, and she couldn’t help but giggle. “I know what makes you laugh. And I’ll do it for the rest of my life because it makes me feel good to make you happy.”

She smiled so wide her cheeks hurt. “I’d be a fool to say no to you again.”

“Damn right.”

“So I won’t say no.”

He lifted a brow. “Then you’re saying yes?”

“I’m saying hell yes. I’ll marry you, Austin. I’ll be your wife. I’ll have your babies.”

He closed his eyes then opened them again, as if relieved. “Then we’ll start today.”

She laughed again. “Start what?”

“The baby-making, sugar. You can even lead this time.”

“Gee thanks. Do I get to spank you, too?”

“Not unless you want to be handcuffed again.”

“Hmm...” She pressed her finger to her chin, teasing him.

His cock stiffened against her pussy “Oh, hell. You’re naughtier than I thought.”

Kara thought he couldn’t be more right. “Only with you, Austin.”



About the Author


Lia Slater thinks the world would be a better place if everyone read romance novels. There’s so much to learn from the storylines. Love. Loyalty. Confidence. Passion. Desire. Conflicts would be resolved with happy endings. And, of course, the sex would be mind-boggling.

Lia is well on her way to helping the world become a better place by writing steamy romance with heart-throbbing emotion.


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Also Available



Fatal Exposure




Lia Slater


Deception brings them together. Exposure can tear them apart...


Taking off her clothes every night for the patrons of Hothouse Gentleman’s Club was never part of Ava Lureau's life plan, but the sleazy strip joint was the last place her powerful ex-boyfriend would think to look for her. A life on the run kept Ava safe…but lonely. So when a ruggedly sexy stranger shows up and a lap dance becomes more than another dollar in her G-string, she takes a chance.

Kade Gavin’s job is simple—capture his target and deliver her to the man who hired him. Nothing but a paycheck matters in Kade's bleak existence…until the enticing stripper with soft curves and a puzzling persona climbs into his bed--and under his skin.





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Fatal Exposure
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BOOK: Off Limits
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