OLIVER: WESTERN CONTEMPORARY ROMANCE (Blackwater Canyon Ranch Book 2) (9 page)

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Chapter Fourteen


Daisy hurried upstairs to change, the heat in Oliver’s gaze still burning in her mind. The sight of him had stirred her desire as well. His hands on her skin when he’d accidently tugged her too hard helping her to stand had nearly undone her. Good thing he couldn’t read her mind, or he would have known she’d been close to pressing against him and kissing him until he brought her recurrent fantasies to life.

Maybe she should have said no to his offer, should have conceded to be the loser in their agreement. Except a tiny, but powerful part of her wanted to experience “his Wyoming”.

Daisy descended the stairs a few minutes later dressed in jeans, sturdy shoes, and a t-shirt that covered much more than her bikini had. Her clothes weren’t all that different from Oliver’s worn jeans and khaki green t-shirt that hugged his chest.

“Ah…” He lowered his brows in a disappointed look. “You decided to go with something sensible.”

She grinned. “It was a prudent decision.”

“Prudent?” He laughed and pointed toward a small lunch box. “Well, I made some prudent sandwiches to go with your prudent decision.”

His flirting was irresistible. “You can’t make prudent sandwiches.”

He held her gaze for several electric moments. “I guess we’ll see when you take a bite.”

“I guess so.” At that moment, she couldn’t be sure he was referring to food or to whatever brewed between them.

Nervous energy infused her as she followed him to one of the smaller barns where they kept equipment. “Sure you don’t want to ride your own?” he asked as they approached a couple of intimidating four-wheelers.

“Not unless you’re sure you want me to crash into a tree out in the wilderness.”

“It’s not exactly wilderness.” He tucked their lunch pack into a saddlebag attached to the back.

“You said yourself that the terrain is uneven. If it’s not paved, it’s wilderness to me.” She gave him a sassy smile. This was one argument he wouldn’t win.

“Yeah. Wait until you see it.” The excitement in his voice infected her as well. He threw a leg over the machine and settled in. He made a damn fine picture with his powerful thighs resting on the seat and those amazing biceps flexing as he started the engine. He glanced back at her, his gorgeous blue eyes full of mischief. “Hop on.”

Her pulse escalated, and she gave him a nervous smile. She stepped forward, putting one hand on his broad shoulder and the other on his torso as she slipped her leg over the seat.

Her insides sizzled as her body connected ever so slightly with his. “I feel like I’m doing something illegal like breaking out of prison.”

“You are. That exactly.” He gave the four-wheeler gas, and they moved forward out of the barn, sending a small rush of excitement through her.

God, he smelled good. Fresh, like sunshine mixed with a hint of damn sexy cologne. She was close enough she could see the short hairs growing beneath his hairline and feel where his ribs ended.

Everything about him was perfect. His smile, those eyes, the feel of his hard body beneath her fingertips as she held onto his waist.

All of this, right in front of her, but not available to her. He’d said they needed to keep their relationship platonic, but how could he expect her to respect his choices when he looked at her like he wanted anything but that?

As they bounced over the uneven ground, Daisy gave up trying to keep any distance between them. The movements jarred her until she bumped up against him. She’d tried to scoot back, but the motion made it impossible.

Oliver seemed to be going awfully fast for as bumpy as it was. She didn’t care. She had the afternoon to experience the new side of her that wanted to be wild and free, and she held on tight to that and to Oliver.

Adrenaline poured through her veins as she soaked in the experience. Oliver drove them over grassy terrain and navigated around any rocks that were too big to drive over. The blue sky overhead had never seemed so incredibly vast, making all her worries insignificant.

Nothing mattered right now but the land and the sky and Oliver. No school. No New York. Just sweet, sweet freedom. Without a doubt, life would burn this day in her memory forever.

“Having fun?” Oliver called over his shoulder.

She couldn’t stop grinning if she’d tried. “So much fun.”

“Good.” He gave the four-wheeler more gas, and she laughed and grabbed him tighter.

They traveled through the shade of a grove of trees, and when they emerged on the other side, Oliver stopped at the top of a small incline with a shallow stream below blocking their path.

“Uh-oh,” she said as the lazy water floated past. Pretty, but…”Did we take a wrong turn?”

“Not even.” He shifted sideways on the seat, mischief sparkling in his eyes. “I’ll give you two choices. We can turn around and head in a different direction which will eventually lead to the river, or we can live a little and go this way.”

She widened her eyes. “Through the water?”

“Yep.” His grin drew her gaze to his lips.

“Won’t we get wet?”

“We will.”

A shiver of excitement raced through her. She’d thought she’d lived an interesting life, but nothing made her heart pound like being with Oliver. She bit her bottom lip to keep her smile from getting too big. “Okay. Let’s do it.”

He nodded, pleased with her answer. “Hang on tight.”

Chapter Fifteen


“Oh, God.” Daisy locked her hands around Oliver’s waist as he started down the hill. The moment they hit the bottom, she screamed with delight as the stream splashed up around them. Water droplets clung to every inch of her, but she couldn’t stop laughing.

Oliver joined in. “Enjoyed that, did you?”

She grinned. “You know I did.”

“Ever been mudding?”

“Mudding?” She’d never heard that term.

He laughed again. “Hmm…we’ll have to see if we can rectify that.”

The sun rained down on them, drying their skin and clothes as they searched for the perfect place to go mudding.

“Here,” Oliver announced as they reached a flat, wooded area where other small sources of water wound between the trees before they entered the stream.

“Hang on.” He revved the motor and sent them flying forward. The force of the machine entering the muddy area splashed dirty water up on her jeans and the bottom of her t-shirt.

She laughed as he turned a tight corner and her butt slipped sideways on the seat. “Oh, God!”

“Don’t let go!” His face was full of contagious amusement when he paused and glanced back at her. “Is that as tight as you can hold me?”

She kept her gaze pinned on his as she scooted as close as she could to him and locked her hands once again. She straightened and lifted her chin as close to his ear as possible. “I’m ready,” she whispered. Two could play that game.

He paused for a moment and then shook his head as though to clear it. “Good.”

They circled through the mud and grassy water, laughing and splashing like they didn’t have a care in the world.

He finally came to a stop on dry ground much later, long after she was past exhausted from constant laughter. “We should find somewhere to eat.” He drove farther along the edge until the water deepened and the bank became more defined. Trees weren’t as thick, giving the sunshine a chance to warm them.

He shut off the engine and slid from the seat, his eyes widening when he looked at her. “Oh, shit.”

She knew exactly what he referenced. “Don’t tell me I look as bad as you.” Mud splotched his face and clothes.

He nodded, his eyes sparkling. “You’re a mess.”

“Gee, thanks.” She surveyed her once-green shirt that now looked more like camouflage. A quick swipe of her hand proved her hair was a sodden mess. She tried to wipe the mud from her face, but it was pointless.

He grabbed her hand as her fingers crested her cheek, stopping her. “Don’t. You’re beautiful the way you are.”

How could she be after a mud bath? But his sentiment touched her deeply, and she found it hard to look away from him. “How are we going to eat when we’re so dirty? Let alone me walk back in the house or you get in your truck.”

“We’ll wash off first.” He kept hold of her hand and tugged her down the bank and into the shallow river. Clear water swept across her feet and shins, and she jerked her gaze to the side as something swam past her.

“I saw a fish!” She glanced around for another, excited for her discovery.

“It’s likely. We have plenty of cutthroats and rainbows.”

“Cutthroats? Are they dangerous?”

He laughed. “God, you’re cute. Trout. You’ve heard of them, right?”

“Yes, I’ve heard of them.” Embarrassment heated her cheeks. “I didn’t know any were cutthroats, though.”

“They’re called that because of the red or orange streaks on the sides of their throats. They’re not going to cut

“I didn’t think they would.” Not that she’d admit, anyway. She bent as though to wash her hands and splashed water at him instead for laughing at her.

“Hey,” he complained.

“Just trying to help you wash off some mud.” She took a step away from him as the threat of retaliation blazed in his eyes.

“Is that so?” He bent toward the water.

Oh, no
.” She turned and tried to get away, but a big splash of cool water hit her in the back. She swiveled to fire off a counter attack. He was ready with his next round of ammunition, and it hit her squarely in the chest. She glanced down as her dripping shirt clung to her breasts. “You didn’t.”

He grinned. “I’m sure I did.”

She cupped her fingers and sent another handful toward him.

With a quick sidestep, he avoided most of the water. Determined, she advanced and tried again. He caught her wrist before she could deliver her wet package, and the water drained from her fingers.

In an instant, their merriment died. Something strong, sweet and sensual replaced it. They stared at each other for a long moment before he bent and wetted his fingers. He captured her gaze as he straightened and then worked his thumbs across her cheeks wiping away the grit.

Slowly, his movements stopped, and he exhaled a deep breath. “What am I going to do with you?” he whispered.

She shrugged, not having any idea how to proceed with the moment without ruining it. “I don’t know. What do you want to do with me?”

Another heated moment passed, and his expression mirrored her internal battle. He cradled her face in his hands. “This.” He lowered his lips, searing her mouth with his kiss.

She was lost, and she knew it. Alone with Oliver beneath the big Wyoming sky, she could do nothing but love the man who held her. She slipped her hands around his waist and then slid them beneath his shirt.

He tightened his muscles, and his kiss grew fierce.

Her grip on reality faded as she melted in his arms. She couldn’t deny what burned between them.

“Damn, Daisy,” he said after inhaling a deep breath.

She smiled at the breathless sound of his voice. She couldn’t have been happier at that moment. “You taste like mud.”

He widened his eyes as humorous disbelief colored his expression. “Oh, yeah? Well, you taste like the sweetest thing I’ve ever known.”

Damn. Her heart squeezed.

He scooped a handful of water and rubbed it over his mouth.

Her insides tightened. “What are you doing?”

With a moist chin, he faced her. “I’m washing up so I don’t taste like dirt when I kiss you again.”

Sweet anticipation slid through her like cotton candy melting on her tongue. He wrapped one arm around her waist and pulled her to him. Moving water skimmed her knees as she stepped forward.

“I shouldn’t, but I can’t stop,” he said and then claimed her mouth again.

Wild desire exploded inside her. She couldn’t stop, either. Her fingers tangled in the hem of his dirty shirt as she pushed it up his torso. She needed more of him. More of the exquisite feelings he roused inside her.

He stopped their kiss long enough to pull his shirt over his head and toss it on the bank.

Her fingers feasted on the smooth flesh covering his abs. He let her explore as he plundered her mouth. Higher, her fingers ran over his pecs, and she paused to palm his muscle there. She continued upward, along his neck until she had her arms wrapped around him. He squeezed her tighter, flattening her breasts against him. Her heart thundered, and she was certain she’d never get enough of the delicious feel of him holding her.

Then his hands were at her waist and a fresh gust of air brushed her skin as he lifted her shirt. They parted, and she held his gaze until he tugged her t-shirt over her head and threw it to shore.

Air refused to fill her lungs as he took hold of both sides of her bare torso. Big, strong hands caressed her as he slowly moved upward.

A tremble of anticipation rolled through her. A quick smile tilted his lips, and she knew he must have recognized her reaction to his touch. When his hands reached the bottom of her breasts, he paused to kiss her again. Every ounce of energy drained to her core, and she whimpered against his lips.

“Yes,” he said, keeping his mouth on hers.

His fingers tickled her back as he drew toward her spine. Before she could catch her breath, her bra released, and he broke the kiss.

Holding her gaze once again, he tossed her bra behind him and returned his caress to where he’d left off at the bottom of her breasts. She thought she’d die waiting for him to fully touch her.

His thumbs crested her curves first, and she shivered.

“You’re so soft.”

She drew in a ragged breath as his eyes burned deeper into her soul.

He moved farther and farther until her nipples slipped into the vee between his thumbs and forefingers. He held the weight of her breasts in his hands and finally lowered his gaze to her exposed skin.

The hungry look in his eyes left her insides buzzing like a hive. His gaze burned her as he looked at her one last time and then lowered his head.

The tug of his lips on her nipple made her jerk in response. Sweet heat shot through her. He cupped her breast bringing her nipple to a sharper point before he rolled his tongue over it, leaving her in a puddle of shivers.

Without saying a word, he slid an arm behind her knees and scooped her from the water. He kissed her feverishly before he carried her up the bank and laid her on the soft grass. “My God, you’re beautiful.”

“So are you,” she whispered as he lowered himself to her.

His heavy body covered hers like a protective shield against the nature all around them. Hard muscles fit perfectly against her curves. He rained endless kisses on her, finally ending at her breasts again.

“I could do this all day,” he whispered before he sucked her inside his hot mouth again.

Her eyes rolled back in pleasure. So could she. She wrapped her legs around him, trying to draw him closer to her core. He chuckled as he gazed up at her. Passion darkened his eyes, and she quivered when she thought of what they were about to do.

“I want you,” she said softly, earning a sexy groan from him.

He ended a long kiss and sat up before he straddled her. His fingers immediately went to work on the button and zipper of her jeans. She lifted as he placed his hands beneath her and took hold of the slackened waist. He tugged, but her soaked jeans weren’t about to play nice.

“Nothing worse than wet denim,” she said with a laugh, trying to lighten the intense moment before she combusted.

He grinned though he kept his gaze trained on her lower half. “Don’t worry. They won’t win.” With several more jerks and tugs, he pulled them from her body. Warm sun poured over her chilled skin. He immediately returned his hand to her core and palmed her through her panties.

“Rachel might kill me for this,” he whispered.

“No, she won’t,” she said before he changed his mind. Quickly, she pushed her panties down as far as she could from that position. “I promise I won’t tell.”

He shook his head as he met her gaze, an unsettled expression in his eyes. “I don’t want you to have to promise. I don’t want to lie about us.”

“It’s okay. Don’t worry.” She struggled to sit up, but he placed a firm hand over her belly, holding her in place.

She froze, her breaths growing shallow. Then he dropped his gaze, and his fingers skimmed downward in slow strokes.

Thank God. She couldn’t bear for him to tell her no. Not now. Not when they’d come this far.

His throat worked over a swallow as he finished pulling the pink lace from her lower half. With need evident in his eyes, he ran splayed hands up her thighs and then pushed them farther apart.

Her eyes rolled closed of their own volition when he lowered his head and slipped his tongue between her folds. “Oh, God,” she whispered, her voice low and desperate. She wasn’t sure she’d survive his gentle assault.

She gasped as he licked her and loved her. Uncontrollable passion built with each touch until a fire exploded inside, making each of her muscles clench. She cried out as waves of pleasure consumed her.

A few moments passed before she could speak. “What was that?” she whispered, still trying to gain a firm grip on reality.

A deep laugh rumbled from his chest. “Don’t tell me you don’t know.”

Oh, she knew, but she’d never experienced an orgasm that powerful before. She held open her arms. “Come here and let me love you.”

He scooted next to her and rolled her until she lay on his chest. Long blades of grass tickled her legs, and everything smelled so fresh and seemed beyond beautiful.

She lifted her head and caught his gaze. As she stared into his engaging eyes, she slid a hand down his bare torso and over the hard bulge in his jeans. He raised his brows and shook his head in warning.

She smiled as she tried to open the button on his jeans. He caught her hand, stilling her movements.

“You’re already driving me crazy as it is.” Flames danced in his eyes.

“Then let me take care of that for you.” She tried to tug her hand free, but he wouldn’t release her.

“I can’t.”

She frowned in confusion. “Why not?”

“We don’t have a condom.” Powerful need pulsed in his eyes.

“No.” Overwhelming disappointment enveloped her.

“Maybe it’s for the best.”

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