Read One Hot Summer Anthology Online

Authors: Stephanie Morris

One Hot Summer Anthology (8 page)

BOOK: One Hot Summer Anthology
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“Will do.”

Carson watched his sister exit his office. He stared at the open doorway for a few moments before turning his attention back to the paperwork he needed to have done yesterday. With thoughts of Imani racing through his brain it was hard to concentrate, but he didn’t have a choice right now. His worries behind Imani would have to wait.








Chapter Eight




              Imani clutched her tote bag closer as she made her way up the steps to the entrance of Baxter’s. It looked as though she’d lucked out and beat the lunch crowd. She made her way to the host stand, smiling as Kallie came from around the bar area.

“Hi, Imani.”

“Hi, Kallie. Good to see you.”

“Nice to see you as well.”

“Are you here to see my brother or to have lunch?”


Kallie laughed. “Good luck pulling him away. He’s back in his office buried underneath paperwork. Go on back and see if you can drag him out. I’m on my way to the kitchen. I’ll show you where to go.”

Before Imani could draw a breath to respond, Kallie had locked arms with her and was leading her by the bar and through a door. The sounds of pots and pans banging and the aroma of great smelling food assailed her. She didn’t have long to enjoy it for her escort was rushing her through.

“Just continue on toward the back of the kitchen. It’s the first opening on the left.”

“Thanks,” she called out to Kallie’s disappearing back.

Turning her head, she caught sight of her reflection in a large shiny pan. She bit back a sigh of displeasure. Her hair was all over her head thanks to the high winds today. She’d fix the damage as much as she could, but there was no way in the world she’d pass for glamorous. Today would be the perfect day to have an extra ponytail holder or hair clip.

She ran her fingers through her hair and held it back from her face. That was the solution, to keep the curls out of her face to give her a more low-key look. She recalled throwing a few hair clips in her tote the other day. Sitting her bag on the counter, she dug around to find them.

She subdued her hair with fingers as she smoothed it back and secured it with the clips. When a strand of hair threatened to disrupt the sleek look, she tucked it under the clip. She gave herself a once-over in the reflective pan. Still not perfect, but much better than the flyaway hairstyle she had going on a few moments ago.

Taking a deep breath, she continued toward the direction of Carson’s office. When she reached it, she found him bent over his desk working hard.

Reaching out, she knocked on open door. He spoke without looking up.

“I’m not hungry yet, Kallie. I’ll come out and get lunch in a few. I really need to get this finished.”

“Are you sure you can’t take a fifteen minute break?”

His head snapped up, the expression of shock on his face comical. “Imani? What are you doing here?”

She stepped inside the office, closed the door, and leaned against it. “I hit a wall with my painting so I thought I’d take a lunch break. I decided to come and surprise you.” 

Carson put down his pen. “I’m glad you did. Right before you walked in I’d just finished looking at the same page for at least ten minutes and I still don’t know what I was looking at.”

“Sounds like you’re having a rough day.”

“Not really. But you’re just the distraction I need.”

Her heart constricted. He was so thorough, and totally endearing. “Are you sure you have time?”

“Considering it’s for you, you don’t even have to ask.”

Several ways to continue to distract him popped up in her mind and they were all wicked. They were alone in his office. She crossed the room until she stood directly in front of him. “How much of a diversion do you need?”

He coughed as he seemed to pick up on her suggestive tone. “What do you have in mind?”

A few months ago she’d read a magazine article on some of the most thrill seeking places to have a sexy interlude in. An office had made the list. She wouldn’t dream of acting it out in her office at her last company, but in his was a different story. But it was too soon for her to try such a thing with Carson. Or was it?

She peered down into his eyes and determined the least she could do was give it a shot. “Does your chair go up any higher?”

Puzzlement filled his gray eyes. They slowly cleared and twinkled as the corners of his mouth twitched.

“You’d better not laugh at me,” she cautioned.

“I wouldn’t dream of it.” His voice sounded a little shaky.

“I’ll just bet. Sounds like you’re already laughing.”

“I’m not. I promise.” He cleared his throat. “And just so you know, I like the way you think.”

“You do?”

“Yes. So, now that we have that out of the way, is there anything you’d like to do next?”

His smile was a little too cheerful for her. She wanted to scrape it right off his face. Maybe it wasn’t too soon to participate in a very public tryst with Carson in his office. It just might be the ideal time. Perhaps she should’ve stopped by the bar and ordered a shot of something for the extra boost of bravado she’d need. Considering it was her first time, she might not measure up very well, but she was the only woman in the room at the present time.

She stepped closer and slid her arms around his neck. “Have you ever made out in your office?”

“No, I haven’t.” Anticipation flared up in his eyes, but he gripped the arms of his chair as if to keep from yanking her down onto his lap. “Up until now I haven’t met anyone to make me think that it’s a good idea.”

“Hmm, very interesting.” She placed her tote on the bookshelf a few feet away from him, then moved closer to him, allowing her legs to brush his knees. “I guess that means you have no objections.”

“As long as you realize the risks.” His voice sounded taut, as if he was maintaining his control with difficulty. But instead of moving away, he took one hand off the hand rest and rubbed her thigh lightly, giving her a large amount of encouragement. She felt the heat of his palm through the material of her strapless beach dress, certain he’d singed her.

“I know them very well. That’s the point.” Watching the desire increase in his eyes, she didn’t give a second thought to the fact someone really could burst into his office and catch them. With the desire she currently felt surging through her, she honestly didn’t care. “So, Carson Baxter, I dare you to make out with me right here, right now,” she whispered as she leaned forward.

He allowed her to lower her mouth to his. His body was clearly ready, but his mind hadn’t quite resolved to follow. “Aren’t you hungry?”

“More than you know.” Turning her body sideways, she lowered herself into his lap, making note of the erection starting to press insistently against her. Knowing it was because of her brought a rush of heat between her legs.

When his mouth was finally close enough, she trailed her tongue lightly along his lower lip. “You taste yummy,” she murmured. “Like peppermint.” Her heart raced. They were really, truly going to make out in his office.

              He shook his head. “Imani, we shouldn’t—”

“You mean we should.” She brushed her lips over his then licked him some more. “We can.”

“This is crazy.” His breath stuttered out.

“It’s okay, Carson,” she teased hoarsely as she flicked her tongue against the corner of his mouth. “Kiss me like you want to. I know you want to.”

With a moan of defeat, he took the kiss she offered, plunging deep into her mouth with his tongue. Desire raged between them as she wiggled closer, craving more. Yes, this had been a wonderful idea. It was getting both of them to the boiling point.

His hold on her arms tightened, and he lifted his mouth a breath from hers. “Stop squirming around like that,” he stated, struggling for breath.

“You don’t want that.” She rotated her hips, bumping and grinding against the erection behind his zipper.

He inhaled sharply. “Imani, wait. Stop, please.”

“You know you like it.” She was positive he did. What man in his right mind wouldn’t? She could guess what he really desired, too, but a gentleman like Carson would always give her an out so she never felt pressured.

She attempted to pull her arms from his strong hold. “Release me,” she whispered, feeling braver by the minute.

“Only if you stop.”

“I will.” She made a move to get up and he loosened his grasp. She stood and gave him her most seductive smile. Yep, this was going turn out to be the memory of a lifetime.

He rubbed the back of his neck before tugging at the collar of his golf shirt, but he didn’t stop staring at her, not for a single heartbeat. “We should head out to the front of the restaurant to eat lunch,” he stated, but there was no strength behind the suggestion.

“I know you don’t want to. You’re into this idea.”

He cleared his throat, but didn’t respond.

“I say we put it all on the line.” Looking into his eyes, flashing brightly and sizzling with lust, she reached for his fly.

He covered her hand with his. “Imani.”

“You know you want it.” She trailed her tongue over her lips.


“I’ll make it real good for you.”

He shook his head, seemingly unable to speak.

“Yes. Allow me to make you feel good.” Finally, she saw the surrender in his eyes, and when she reached for his zipper and squatted in front of him, he didn’t stop her. She made him shift so she could ease his pants down a little.

Her heart nearly beat out of her chest with exhilaration as she released his erection from between the opening of the boxer briefs he wore. He was rigid and thick in her grasp, his skin hot to the touch, his member pulsing within her grasp. Soft hair brushed her palm as she cradled the weight of his testicles and inhaled his aroused masculine scent. It had been a while for her, but so worth the wait.

His gasps of pleasure as she slid her hand up and down excited her as much as the feel of fondling him. Even though she was only a few shades darker than him, she reveled in the contrast of their skin. Even though she’d dated out of her race before, everything seemed to be different with Carson.

She stared at his manhood a few more seconds then stuck her tongue out, licking the quivering tip, and tasted a wicked combination of salty and sweet. His breath stuttered from his chest. Wrapping her fingers around the base of his erection, she gradually took him into her mouth, inch by wonderful inch.

An exquisite throb grew between her thighs as she became familiar with his hard length and thought about what it’d had felt like to have him thrusting deep within her last night. She trailed her tongue along the underside of his erection and he shivered. As much as she’d love to linger, they were likely to be interrupted any second now. She turned up the heat and applied a gentle but strong suction while caressing him resolutely with her tongue.

He came in a heated rush, his ragged moan of release muffled, as if he’d clenched his teeth against it. Imani swallowed his warm essence and gradually slid her mouth away.

They both jumped when a knock sounded on the door. “Carson, Kellie told me to let you know your lunch is ready whenever you are.”

Rocking back on her heels, Imani looked up. Carson’s eyes were shut tightly and he was laboring for breath. Carefully, she tucked him back inside his boxer briefs and slid the zipper up over the still-considerable erection.

“I’ll be there shortly,” he called out in a gruff voice.

Imani was a little unsteady as she stood. Unsteady and very, very turned on. She’d come very close to going over the edge just from taking care of Carson.

“I’ll let her know.”

As the footsteps retreated, Carson opened his eyes and stared into Imani’s. He looked like a man who’d just had an intergalactic experience.

“Still think that was a bad idea?” she whispered.

He opened his mouth as if to speak, then closed it again and shook his head.

“No. As a matter of fact, I think that’s the best beginning to a lunch I’ve ever had.”










Chapter Nine



Imani nibbled on her thumbnail as she stared at her pro’s and con’s list. So far it’d only served the purpose of depressing her. The one conclusion she’d come to was it was time for a career change. She couldn’t stay in the mortgage industry because frankly right now it sucked. She couldn’t go into the field of Psychology with her existing level of education and lack of experience. Going back to school wasn’t an option.

Yep, it was definitely time to look at her transferrable skills. She had to figure out what other jobs she could do based on her current experience and education. The problem was she couldn’t think of any
thing. Her mind kept going blank. Or rather her thoughts kept honing in on the one thing she shouldn’t be thinking about at all right now.


After her daring impromptu lunch surprise the other day, he’d barred her from his office. Swore he’d never be able to sit in his chair and not think about her on her knees in front of him. In all reality she wouldn’t either. Nor would she forget most of the other activities they’d participated in together. She didn’t want to.

This mini vacation had helped her to relax. She would have enough memories to last her a lifetime. What scared her was the idea of leaving to go back home at the end of the month and calling it quits with Carson. She’d definitely started to develop feelings for him, but didn’t feel right about pursuing it. She didn’t have much to offer him right now. Truthfully, she didn’t have anything to offer him.

While he was well put together and established, she was at a starting over point. How in the world could he find that appealing in a woman? They hadn’t talked in great detail about his ex-wife, but he’d shared enough knowledge to let her know his ex had clearly been selfish and unstable. While she knew there were no comparison between her and Misty, it still made a little leery.

Releasing a pent up breath, she closed her eyes and leaned back in the chaise lounge. She only had a little over a week left in Myrtle Beach before she returned home. Could she extend her vacation?


Carson even indicated he wanted her to, but it wouldn’t be wise. She could only stay in Myrtle Beach for so long. Better to get the inevitable over with now. Otherwise it’d only lead to heartbreak.

She needed to get back home so she could revamp her resume and put it on a few job boards to let potential employers know of her availability. Now that she had a plan she needed to get to work on it.

Imani jumped at the sound of her cell ringing unexpectedly. She recognized her sister’s ringtone. Reaching for her phone, she answered it before it went to voicemail.

“Hi, Naja.”

“Hey, Imani. You sound as if you were expecting my call.”

“Actually, this call comes as a complete surprise. I expected you to be buried underneath last minute plans. The big event is about a week away, right?”

“Yes, and I’m swamped. I plan to make a little use of the beach house in July. This week I realized I need to follow in your footsteps and relax.”

“I hate that you can’t get away sooner. I would love to spend some time with you.”

“How about you stay an extra week? We can enjoy the Fourth of July together. Like we did when we we’re kids.”

“I wish I could, but I need to get back. The longer I stay the more I’ll want to. Then I’ll look up and the entire summer will be gone.”


“How long do you plan to stay?”

“Two weeks.”

“Maybe I’ll come up to Raleigh once you return home and spend a few days with you there.”

“It won’t be the same because I’ll be back at work, but if that’s the best you can do. Okay.”


“I know, I know. But can you blame me for wanting to spend time with my sister on a beach with an unlimited supply of gorgeous men?”

Imani shook her head, struggling to hold back a laugh.

“Speaking of which, you haven’t mentioned anything about Carson. How’s that working out?”

She groaned. Her sister would bring up the one subject she didn’t want to touch. “A little too well.”

“What does that mean?”

There was no sense in trying to waylay the inevitable. Her sister could easily moonlight as an interrogator. “We’re having a good time. Just keeping it very casual.”

“His idea or yours?”

“It’s a mutual agreement.”

“There’s no help for you, Imani.”

“Sure there is. I’d be happy to send you a copy of my plan and to-do list once I return home if you’d like.”

“You know what I mean.”

She sighed. “Naja, I can’t spend the rest of my life here on a beach doing nothing. My life is in Charleston. I have an apartment there. I have bills to pay.”

“What life, Imani? All you do is work, or rather that was all you did. I hope your plan includes ways for you to do stuff outside of work or you’re quickly going to slip back into your old routine and end up burning out. I don’t want that for you.”

She paused at the deep concern in Naja’s voice. Her sister was really worried. That ate at her.

“Naja, I swear to you I’m going to be okay. I promise I’m more relaxed now than I’ve been in years. I’m having a great time in Myrtle Beach, but I’m realistic enough to know it can’t last forever.”

“Are you sure about that?”

The emp
hatic yes on the tip of her tongue wouldn’t budge. Perhaps her sister was on to something. Or maybe it was just hopeful wishing on her part.

The phone chose that moment to beep, indicating she had another incoming call. Looking down at the Caller ID, she frowned. She didn’t recognize the number or the area code.

“Hey, Naja. Let me call you right back. I have an incoming call I don’t recognize.”

“Make sure you do.”

Imani clicked over to answer. “Hello?”

“Can I speak to Ms. Imani Westbrook?”


“Ms. Westbrook, this is Beth from Arias Mortgage. I’m calling because we’ve had a few recent developments at Arias. Would you by any chance be interested in being rehired for your former position?”



BOOK: One Hot Summer Anthology
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