Read One Magic Night Online

Authors: Shirley Larson

One Magic Night (15 page)

BOOK: One Magic Night
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"I told Hunt to find a substitute.  I have the day off…unless you think I shouldn’t play hooky."

"Hooky for a whole day sounds like a great idea," he said, scooping her up into his arms. "Maybe we'll think of a way to spend it."

"You're the creative genius.  Any ideas?" She nestled in his arms, sweetly innocent.

He swung her to the bed and followed her down, his lips curved in a smile. "Oh, I'm sure I'll think of something if the setting is right.''

"What about the main characters? Do they know their lines?"

"They can improvise."

"They might get stuck on one idea…like-Ty Rundell, I love you, love you, love you." She reached up and clasped him around the neck, pulling him down to her.

He shrugged, his hands pulling her tie loose and making her look less like a schoolteacher and more like a sexy woman ready to be loved.  "Some lines bear repeating."

"I'll say it until you get tired of hearing it."

"You couldn't live that long, Leigh. Now stop talking and kiss me."

His warm mouth took hers with a possession that was echoed in the hungry claiming of her own. He was hers, and she was his, and they would have more than one magic night.  They would have a lifetime of love.  She relaxed and clasped his nape to hold him close and murmur some very un-teacher-like words in his ear about what she’d like to do to him.

“Wow.  You gotta love a creative schoolteacher.”

“Yes, you do, Mr. Rundell, yes you do.”  And she rolled over on top of him and showed him just exactly what she had in mind for his lesson now…and for the rest of their lives.

Excerpt from Shirley’s next book, not yet titled.  If you would like enter the contest to help her give this book a wonderful title, email your suggestions to [email protected].  Don’t forget to include your email address so you may be notified if you’re the winner.  The winner will receive a free copy of the book as well as a prize.


“Okay.  Now, let’s see.  What if she said, “Maybe it would work better if I lie down on top of you.”  Leslie tossed the script on the floor and stretched out on top of Michael.  Even though he tried to stop it, the inevitable happened. 

She put both hands behind his head to brace herself and pushed up to look down in his face.  “Michael.  You…want me.”

He rose up so fast he had to catch her to keep her from tumbling to the floor.  “A temporary aberration, I assure you.  Is not that what would happen to any man when a woman lies on top of him?”

“I’m not an expert on man’s anatomy, but I don’t think so.  There has to be some…attraction involved.”  When he said nothing, she put her finger under his chin and brought him around to face her.  “Are you attracted to me, Michael?”

“Of course I am, Leslie.  How could I not be?  You are everything a woman should be, gracious, charming, attractive…”

“Michael.  You mustn’t care for me.  I…I’m carrying another man’s child.”

“I know.”

“How could you possibly know?”

He thought about lying and telling her that Marian had told him.  But Marian would quickly deny it.  “I just…have this ability to know things about people.”

“And you’re still attracted to me, knowing what I’ve done?”

  “What have you done, Leslie?”  He reached out and cupped both her cheeks in his hands.  “You loved a man who was not wise enough to know you had given him the greatest gift you could give, the gift of yourself.”

He brushed his lips over hers, meaning it to be a light kiss of affection and caring.  When he made a move to lift his head, Leslie wrapped her arms around him and deepened the kiss, probing with her tongue.  Startled, he didn’t respond.  But as her tongue took possession of his mouth, he opened and met her eagerly.

Still kissing him, Leslie pulled him to the couch and pushed him down, coming over half on top of him.  Then as they were nearly in the position they started from, she lifted her head.  “I shouldn’t have done that.”

“No, you shouldn’t have.”

“You tasted really good.”

“So did you.”

“I want to taste you again.”


She covered his protest with her mouth.  He lay there, taking her in, knowing he was the one in the wrong.  Nothing could come of this.  Nothing must come of this.  But talk about heavenly.  Her reveled in the feel of her, her breasts pressed against his chest, the scent of her veil of dark hair that fell around him, brushing his cheek.  And her mouth.  Could anything be as wonderful as her mouth on his, her tongue teasing his?  It was as if she were an essential part of him, the part he needed to breathe.  He almost forgot who he was and where he was…until the gigantic ping reminded him. He was an angel.

He cupped her shoulders with his hands and gently pushed her up and away from him.

She roused up and looked so beautifully contrite that his heart ached. 

“I apologize, Michael.  I don’t know what came over me.  It’s just that you are so handsome, and so kind and so nice…”

He pushed himself up off the couch and discovered that he was angry.  “Do not depend on my being “nice,” forever, Leslie.  I’m a man, not an angel.”

Then it hit him.  It was true.  He was a man, not an angel.  Right now, in this place, looking at the loveliest girl he had ever seen, he was as male and as human as any man could get.  The urge to take Leslie down on the couch and bury himself in her was the strongest emotion he had felt since becoming human.

Thanks for reading
One Magic Night

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About the author:

Shirley Larson (also known as Shirley Hart) read her first romance several years ago.  She fell in love with the romance genre.  Now she has written over thirty romances.  She loves every minute of spinning her tales of romance (well, almost every minute) and she hopes her readers enjoy reading them. 


Books by Shirley Larson

All books available at Amazon and Kindle.

The Cameron Family Saga

Wanting Hunter

Wooing Justin

Winning Alex

A Cowboy for Lynn

Other books available from Amazon and Kindle

The Medieval Knight

Branded by Passion

Smokin’ Hot Cowboy

I’ll Never Say I Love You
available in print only

Can’t Get You Out Of My Mind
is a sequel to the above book.

The Secret of Jamie’s Summer

Historical Romance

Deception by Moonlight 

Forbidden Love, Forever Love

In ebook only

That Black Stallion

A Cowboy is Forever

One Magic Night

This Love will go on 

Can’t Get You Out of My Mind
is a sequel to the above book




BOOK: One Magic Night
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