One Night Stand: One Night Stand: Book One (13 page)

BOOK: One Night Stand: One Night Stand: Book One
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"Okay, Robin doesn't have any hair on her pussy. She shaves herself clean."

"You bastard!"

"What?" John's voice sounded more confrontational than surprised. "That wasn't the assignment you gave me? Find out what color of hair Robin has on her pussy?"


"And I suppose you didn't find out how long Doug is?"


"Well did you?"

Lisa made a partial concession. "He's four or five inches."

John laughed. She wondered if that was because she wasn't sure of Doug's size, or because John was so much bigger than her other friend. She decided to change the topic 110

One Night Stand

by Veronica Tower

before he asked too many questions and learned how poorly Lisa had done.

"So what happened with Robin?"

"Are you sure you want to know?" John asked again.

This time Lisa got to laugh. She hadn't decided what her response would be, but she definitely wanted to know all the details. "Oh, yes," Lisa assured John. "I want to hear
about how big a stud I'm fucking."

John's voice pepped up with enthusiasm. "Fucking?"

"I trust you remember Thursday night."

"Of course, but Thursday night is past. That means

suggests we'll keep doing it."

Lisa laughed again, absolutely delighted with him. "You still want to fuck me, baby?"

She could hear John moving, probably getting out of his chair. "I'll be on my way in thirty seconds."

God, this man made her feel wonderful. Still, it wouldn't do to let him think he could take control. "Slow down, baby!"

Lisa ordered. "You're not coming up until I hear all the details."

Lisa scooted down more comfortably in her chair. "Now I'll tell you what. If you tell the story well and get me nice and hot, I'll give you a special reward."

John apparently sat down again because she heard the sound of cloth on leather. "Is that a phone reward or an in person reward?"

Lisa wondered about that herself. The thought of getting off right now over the phone definitely appealed to her. Of course, it also might be fun to set John up for another 111

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by Veronica Tower

challenge. Make him earn his way back into her pussy. "There may be all kinds of rewards," she told him. "Now tell me, are you touching yourself yet?"

"Not yet."

Lisa pretended indignation.

"You mean you answered my phone call without your dick in your hand? I think I'm offended."

"So you want me to put my dick in my hand?" John asked.

"Oh, yes, baby," Lisa assured him. She wore no bra beneath her t-shirt and no panties beneath her shorts. She cupped her breast and squeezed pleasantly. "I like the thought of you touching yourself when you talk to me."

She waited for John to comply.

"Okay, I have it."

"Are you soft or hard, baby?"

"I'm still pretty soft."

"Good, now don't touch yourself again until I tell you to."


"You heard me! Now I want you to tell me how Robin was dressed when you first saw her."

"Jeans and a pink shirt."

"And are her breasts really all that big?"

"Oh yes."

Lisa felt her temper rising again. "Double D?" She herself was a C cup, ample, but not really that big.

"I think so. I don't really know. But they're huge!"

"And you like that?"

"You know, I honestly don't know. A week ago, I'd have said yes. I admit I'm very curious about them. But the truth 112

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is, your nipples and breasts are absolutely perfect and I can't get the memory of them out of my head."

John's answer pleased Lisa, but she didn't tell him that.

"You've put a little too much thought into that answer. I think you protest too much."

"No, really..."

"Are you hard right now?"

John hesitated. Since he obviously knew the state of his erection, he had to be deciding how to answer. "Getting there," he finally admitted.

This both angered Lisa and turned her on. She imagined watching John fuck Robin's tits, that long thick cock of his pumping between her big white breasts. She'd kill him, of course, but she admitted she found the notion exciting, just like she'd like John to watch her fuck another man.

"You like big breasts," she told him. "Don't be shy about it.

Lots of men do. It doesn't mean you don't like my tits too."

"Okay," John conceded. "I really like big breasts."

"Good, now are you hard yet?"

"Getting closer."

"Good, just don't touch yourself yet." Not following her own dictates, Lisa pulled at her own nipple.

"Now tell me, are Robin's breasts real?"

John hesitated. "I think so."

"You don't know?"

"Yes, they're real."

"So are mine," Lisa reminded him, again pulling deliciously at her nipple. "Are you touching yourself yet?"

John laughed. "No, ma'am."


One Night Stand

by Veronica Tower

"Good." She pulled her t-shirt up to expose her breasts, then cupped and squeezed them both, cradling the phone between her ear and shoulder to free her hands.

"Tell me what you did to her nipples."

Again John hesitated. "Well, I squeezed them."

This was hardly the level of description Lisa expected.

"That's all? What did they look like? What did they taste like?

What did you
to them?"

John paused longer this time, his discomfort becoming increasingly evident. "Well, I really didn't get to pay much attention to them. Robin's always been very sensitive about her breasts. And since my assignment focused on her pussy hair, I sort of bypassed her breasts all together."

Lisa could not have been more astounded. "You never kissed her breasts?"

"I never even got her bra off," John confessed.

Lisa couldn't believe her ears. "Did you even fuck her?"

John paused again.

"You didn't! Did you?"

"Well, I started but we got interrupted."

Lisa completely stopped touching herself. Her shirt still rode above her breasts, but she forgot about her own nipples.

She leaned forward in her chair to talk intently into the phone. "What happened?"

"She saw the bruises."


"She saw my bruises where you bit me. Robin saw them and freaked out. She threw me out of her apartment."


One Night Stand

by Veronica Tower

Lisa caught herself between genuine sympathy and laughter. "That's terrible. She got you all worked up and threw you out?"

"I was actually pumping away inside of her when she asked me to pull my shirt off."

Perhaps Lisa hadn't needed to know quite that much information. "And you did?"

"Well, yes, I wasn't thinking about my shoulder then. I was thinking about how to get her to remove her bra."

Lisa burst out laughing. She just couldn't contain it any more. "You really wanted to see those tits, didn't you?"

"Well, yes, I've been wanting to for a long time."

"That's what I thought. I had a suspicion there was something between you and Robin the very first time you mentioned her. Call it women's intuition."

Lisa leaned back in her chair and considered the situation.

The way things had worked out between John and Robin had put her completely at ease again. To make matters better, Lisa saw an opportunity to really tease John mercilessly over this. It would be a little cruel, but fun for both of them in the end. She rubbed herself through her tight shorts, thinking about the possibilities.

"John, I have your next assignment for you."

"Crap!" The humor had left John's voice. He probably suspected what she would say. "I already won your little game—"

"And now I'm introducing you to phase two: I want you to fuck Robin before you come up to see me next weekend."

"I get to see you next weekend?"


One Night Stand

by Veronica Tower

"You've already won that reward," Lisa reminded him. "But if you succeed in tit-fucking Robin's bare boobies and spewing all over her face and breasts, then I'll let you come down Friday and stay through Sunday. And you had better bet that when you're through with me, you'll think your time with Robin was spent with a blow up doll."

"How the hell am I supposed to tit-fuck Robin? She hates me!"

That's the point, John. Think about it and I'm sure you'll
see that.

John's protests suddenly took a right turn away from Robin. "Is this all a gimmick for you to justify getting back into Doug's bed?"

If Lisa had been drinking she would have choked on her beverage. "No!"

"Well, you did find out how long his dick is."

Suddenly on the defensive, Lisa shot right back at him.

sent me to him!"

"And I don't remember you protesting! How many times did you make him cum?"


He was shouting into the phone now. "How many?"

"Three, but—"

"Three? Jesus, Lisa, what did you do? Fuck him all night?"


The intercom buzzer in John's apartment sounded. Lisa could hear it clearly over the phone, interrupting them just as it had that first night in John's shower.


One Night Stand

by Veronica Tower

John cursed and told Lisa to wait a minute, but he must have carried the phone with him because she clearly heard him growl, "Hello?"

Lisa also heard the reply. It dropped her jaw. "John, it's Robin. May I come up?"

Lisa heard John curse again, but didn't know if he was still holding the intercom line open. A pit of cold fear opened in Lisa's belly. She had never imagined this happening. When she'd been teasing John with Robin, it had just been for fun.

It had only been a dominance game that she thought would reinforce his interest while keeping him far enough off balance that Lisa wouldn't have to deal with a full-flung relationship.

Well, not the first time, she admitted. The first time she had been purely frightened by the intensity of her response to John's love-making, and had been ninety percent interested in just pushing him away from her. But right now, at this moment, Lisa feared that her commitment issues and her games were going to cost her this man before she knew for certain if she wanted to get rid of him.

John spoke into the phone. "What the hell am I supposed to do now?"

Before Lisa could answer, he spoke into the intercom again. "Sure thing, Robin, come on up."

"John?" Lisa tried to get his attention.


"John, Doug was just—"

"Lisa, I really don't want to hear about your crazy night with Doug right now. Maybe we can talk about it after I talk 117

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with Robin—and maybe not. I like you, but this has all been really crazy right from the start and I need to see if I can pick up the pieces of my friendship. I'll talk to you—"

"John, don't hang up!"

"Lisa, I don't have time!"

"Just don't hang up! Put the phone down on the table and let me hear what happens. I got you into this mess. Maybe I can help get you out again."

"Lisa, I'm—"

"John, if you
want to fuck me again, put the phone down on the table and don't hang up!"

"Don't you ever stop playing games?"

A tentative knocking of knuckles on wood could be heard even over the phone.

"Oh, Christ. There she is. I've got to go."

Even as Lisa pleaded her case one last time, the receiver clattered onto a table, but the dial tone did
sound in Lisa's ear. She couldn't believe it. John hadn't hung up. She had that much control over him!
He didn't hang up!

Lisa could hear the sounds of John flipping the locks on his apartment door and decided to mute her own phone so she couldn't give herself away to Robin with an involuntary sound.

The door opened.


If John answered, Lisa couldn't hear him, but he must have ushered Robin in because the next time Robin spoke she sounded much closer. Lisa could hear so well that she might have been sitting in the room with them.

"John, I'm
sorry about last night."


One Night Stand

by Veronica Tower

Robin's voice was a soft soprano and Lisa immediately detested it. This balloon-breasted, probable peroxide blond had arrived to patch things up with Lisa's man. Had she been in the room with them, Lisa doubtless would have ended things right there, violently, but sitting in her house half a state away, powerless to affect the conversation, Lisa did not get angry. Instead she listened to the conversation in horrified fascination.

"Me too," John told Robin.

"It's just that when I saw those bite marks, I realized you'd been with another woman and I got jealous and felt hurt. I didn't stop to think."

"It's okay, Robin. We've been friends a long time."

"That's it exactly! Before last night, I didn't have a
to be jealous. We were just friends. And I... I'm sorry."

Lisa didn't actually know John very well yet, but she guessed he was very uncomfortable with this conversation.

Robin might not have a right to be jealous, but she did have a right to be angry. John had been in her bed, at least in part, to score points with Lisa.

Sitting on the edge of her chair, Lisa strained to hear what would be said next. How would John handle this? Would he make a clean break or attempt to restore the friendship? With sudden horror, Lisa remembered the challenge she had just given him.

"Anyway, I've been thinking about this. About you and I. I think we should try again, but go slow..."



One Night Stand

by Veronica Tower

John's voice sounded firm and decisive. Lisa sank back into her chair in relief. He'd decided to make the break clean.

BOOK: One Night Stand: One Night Stand: Book One
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