One Night with Hemsworth (One Night Series Book 1)

BOOK: One Night with Hemsworth (One Night Series Book 1)
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One Night with Hemsworth


By Eden Finley

Kindle Edition


One Night with Hemsworth Copyright © 2016 by Eden Finley


Cover Illustration Copyright ©

Illustration : The Cover Collection


Edited by Xterraweb Edits


All rights reserved.


This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher.

For information regarding permission, write to:

Eden Finley - permissions - [email protected]


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


For my BB. You know who you are.


- COLE -

I was drowning my sorrows in beer, and I didn’t care. The woman I was married to for four years, the mother of my child, my high school sweetheart, was getting remarried. Not that I cared so much about that part—I didn’t love her anymore, and we’d been divorced for three years already. But I
care that this rich, old guy would be spending more time with my seven-year-old kid than I would. 

I signalled for the bartender to get me another beer, and that’s when my eyes caught on someone. With dark hair tied back in a messy bun, full lips, and a body to die for, she was sex on legs. Her skinny jeans clung to her long legs, making me wish they were wrapped around me. I shook free my thought and broke eye contact with her, stopping my mind from going there. There was no way in hell I was taking anyone home tonight—I was way too drunk.

I chose this bar because no one would know me here. No one could know I was drinking. If it got back to Reece …
Fuck Reece!
For once, I agreed with the voice inside my head.
Screw her for moving on.

I didn’t know why Reece getting remarried was affecting me the way it did. She’d been dating the guy for almost a year, and I never thought much of it. I’d never met him, so I didn’t think it was serious. Now she wants to play “happy broken families.”

I guess I didn’t expect her to settle down—like me. I vowed to never get married ever again. But I also vowed to never have a relationship again. Not after what I did to her.

The girl across the bar caught my eyes again.
Big mistake.
I shouldn’t have looked. Now I had a hard-on in a seedy dive bar.

A relationship may’ve been out of the question, but a one-night stand …
No, I can’t. Not tonight.

When she started making her way over, I could’ve sworn she was going to approach me. My throat actually went dry, and I had to force myself to wet it with another swig of beer. My brief excitement was squashed when she kept on walking to get to the pool hall behind me. Her short brunette friend … or sister—they looked eerily similar—followed after her in a rush.

Might be time to play some pool.
I smiled to myself and stood from the bar, abandoning my beer. My feet started making their way towards her, while my head was screaming at me to turn around, to leave, and go home. But I’d been drinking, making me even more stubborn than usual.

Her friend passed me again in a whir, right before she turned and grabbed my ass. “Hey, Liam,” she yelled.

“Cole,” I corrected her, but she was already gone and back at the bar. I narrowed my eyes before shaking it off and continuing to the pool hall.

was standing in the middle of the room by herself, looking nervous. Miss Sex-on-legs was shy. Not something I would’ve pegged her to be when she was out there scoping for a hook-up.

And I knew that’s what she was after. Girls think they’re so subtle, arching their back to stick out their boobs while they take a sip from their drink. But the biggest clue is when they’re scanning the bar every couple of minutes like they’re looking for a lost friend or they’re meeting someone. What they’re really doing is searching for their target.

My logical side was telling me to walk away.

On any other night, I wouldn’t have hesitated to approach her. I would’ve walked right up to her, propositioned her, and taken her home. This night was different. I just needed a distraction—something to take my mind of Reece and the fact my kid was going to have a “new dad”—even if the distraction was only a game of pool with a really hot chick.

I was adamant I wasn’t going to take her home.

Then the shyness I spotted moments ago was gone, and I was suddenly looking at a girl who knew exactly what she wanted.

She handed me a pool cue. “If I win, you have to do what I say.”

“Oh really?” I asked with a chuckle. “And what if I win?”

She took a step closer to me, and she smelled good enough to eat. She pressed her petite body into mine before whispering in my ear, “I’ll let you take me home.”

I deserved a freaking medal for not pushing her onto the pool table behind us and devouring her in that instant.

Instead, I gave her my proven panty-dropping smile and made a bet with her. A stupid bet I knew was going to end with the same outcome. Her, in my bed.

Still, I was determined to behave. Okay, if I was completely honest with myself, I was hoping I’d sober up enough to be able to take her home.

Her friend returned with drinks. “Did you want a drink, Chris?” she asked me.

“It’s … uh, Cole, actually. And no thanks, I’m good.”
I need negative five drinks.

Her friend shrugged and then approached another group of people in the back of the pool hall, leaving us to our game.

“So, Shortcake, got a name?”

She pursed her lips, and for a split second, I could’ve sworn she was going to give me a fake one. “It’s Paige.”

I was close to asking if she was lying but thought I shouldn’t push it. Then again, if I was a dick and she walked away, I wouldn’t have had a war going on inside my head, dividing me. I wanted so desperately to take her home, but I didn’t trust myself. Not with six beers under my belt.

I asked her questions while we played, delayed taking my shots, did anything to drag out our time.

“What do you do for a living?” I asked.

“I’m a student.”

It was as if a giant red flag was being waved in my face. “Please don’t say in high school?”

She laughed. “Thanks for that, but no. Third year undergrad at uni.”

My heart started to beat at a regular pace again. “Making you …?”

“Twenty-one.” She smiled.

Six years younger than me.
Not that it mattered. It wasn’t going any further than tonight, possibly no further than this pool game.

“What do you study?”

“I’m going into law.”

Way too smart for me

“You’re not going to ask me my favourite colour now, are you?” she asked, a little annoyance in her tone.

“What do you mean?”

“You’re chattier than I was expecting. It’s your shot.”

I laughed as I made my way over to the table. Bending over, I aimed and then changed my mind, moving around the table again to choose another ball to go for. I’m fairly decent at pool, so I purposefully aimed to make it block one of the pockets, taking it out of play.

I was hoping with all hope the drinks I had would wear off soon. I really wanted to be the guy to give her what she was looking for.

She continually brushed against me as she made her way around the pool table and stuck her ass out whenever she’d take a shot. It was absolute torture.

The game ended too quickly. She was an experienced player, so all of my missing shots didn’t delay the game like I’d hoped. When she sank the white ball off the black, I knew she threw the game. She hadn’t missed a shot all night.

I placed my cue against the wall and approached her. My hands went on either side of her, trapping her in against the side of the table.

“You did that on purpose,” I accused.

“Did what?”

“Don’t think that innocent tone can fool me. You lost on purpose.”

“Why would I do that?”

I took a slow step forwards, pressing my body against hers, and smirked when her breath caught in her throat. Moving my lips to her ear, I whispered, “Because you want me to take you home and fuck you.” She was bright red when I pulled away, and I revelled in it. “I’d love nothing more than to do that, Shortcake, but I’m afraid it won’t be possible tonight.”
Yup, definitely going to need that medal. And a fucking cold shower.

She pouted. Actually freaking pouted.

“Don’t do that. Not when I was beginning to think I liked you.” I shook my head.

“Do what?” she snapped.

“Pouting is not sexy. Neither is lip biting.” I shuddered. “Definitely no lip biting.” I leaned in again, bringing my face within an inch of hers. “Unless it’s mine you’re biting.”

“Oh, God,” she moaned, making me smile.

I moved my hands to her waist, reaching around to her back jeans pocket. Pulling out her phone, I kept my other arm wrapped around her as I typed in my number. I hit call and my phone started vibrating. After shoving the phone back into her pocket again, my hand found its way into her hair. I tugged on it, forcing her eyes to meet mine.

“I’ll message you when I’m ready to collect.”

“Nuh-uh, this was a tonight-only deal, and you’re passing on it. It’s your loss.”

“I’m sure it is.”

Not wanting her to walk away so easily, I brought my mouth down on hers, my tongue practically forcing her lips to part. I sucked on her bottom lip and she moaned, sending a vibration through my whole body.

I had to break the kiss short before I did something stupid—like offer to take her home.

A weak protest escaped her as I pulled away and took a step back.

“Message me when you want to collect,” she said, her voice breathless.

She walked off and joined her friend at the back of the room, as I turned to make my way out of the bar with the biggest smile on my face.

I mentally high-fived myself as I reached the cool air of outside.
I did it. I walked away.
Maybe I have some sort of control now?
I had to rid my brain of that thought. I knew I couldn’t let my mind go there. Because if I went there, I knew without a doubt, I’d be texting her.

I only made it two blocks before I turned and headed back to the bar.



I changed my mind. I’m outside waiting.

BOOK: One Night with Hemsworth (One Night Series Book 1)
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