Read One Sweet Christmas (novella) Online

Authors: Darlene Fredette

One Sweet Christmas (novella) (7 page)

BOOK: One Sweet Christmas (novella)
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‘Ah, my wife knows me so well.’

‘Stop calling me

‘Why? You are, and I kind of like the way those words sound.’

Candi pushed a bowl and hand mixer toward him. Two egg whites and the cream of tartar followed. ‘Mix those, and then add the sugar.’

‘No problem.’ While Jackson whipped, Candi blended cream, sugar, and vanilla.

‘I do want to apologize for today.’ Jackson ran a hand through his hair. ‘I went drinking with Colin last night. A sledge hammer pounded my head all day. I’m surprised I managed to get through playing Santa.’

‘That explains Colin’s no-show at work today.’ She paused and frowned, as if regretting the mention of her brother. ‘You wanted to talk to me about something at the restaurant?’

Jackson looked at her, but Candi stayed focused on the contents of her bowl. ‘I met Joseph’s family,’ he said.

‘That’s great. I’m so pleased you two have reconnected.’

‘He introduced me to his daughter and my jaw almost hit the floor.’

Candi’s head popped up. ‘Why?’

‘The first day I played Santa, a little girl named Clarice sat on my lap and told me she wanted her daddy for Christmas.’ Jackson relived his sadness for the little one. ‘She said he worked two jobs and wasn’t home to tuck her in bed at night.’

Candi retrieved a chocolate sauce from the refrigerator. ‘That’s why you acted so strange after she left?’

‘She struck a chord that day.’ Jackson studied the stiff peaks of meringue in his bowl. ‘Then last night my brother introduces me to his daughter — Clarice. I was floored. Joseph told me business was going well. He lied to me.’

Candi leaned over the table, scooped a couple of spoonfuls from his bowl and added them to her mixture.

‘He’s not the only one keeping secrets from me. You didn’t tell me you own the inn.’ Jackson pushed his bowl across the table.

‘You didn’t ask.’

‘I asked why you were living there. You could have mentioned it was because you owned the place.’

‘Violet and Sam had problems taking care of the property. I couldn’t let them lose it. They’re like my second family.’ She added whipped cream to the bowl, avoiding his eyes. ‘I loved working there when I was younger, almost as much as being here with my father. When I heard about Violet and Sam’s trouble, I used my savings to buy the inn.’

Jackson chose his next words carefully. ‘Running two businesses must be tough, especially this time of year. If you need any help, I have plenty of money.’

‘I don’t need your handout. I’ll manage on my own.’

’You could consider it a loan…’

‘I don’t need anything from you!’ She slammed the bowl on the and the liquid splashed the sides.

Jackson sighed and redirected the conversation, hoping for a less touchy subject. ‘So, you and Andrew, are you serious?’

‘We’re in a relationship, if that’s what you’re asking.’

‘Have you…’

‘Have we what?’ Candi stopped stirring the foamy mousse. ‘You’re curious if we’ve had sex?’

He didn’t really want the answer, but he had to know. Jackson nodded.

‘No. I’m a married woman. I haven’t broken my vows.’

Relief washed over him like a cold bucket of water.

‘I bet you can’t say the same,’ Candi muttered.


She held up a hand. ‘Don’t tell me.’ Candi slumped, staring at the parfait glasses on the counter.

‘I didn’t know I was married.’ Jackson shook his head.

‘I understand.’ The quiver in her tone said otherwise.

‘I actually came here tonight to confess a few things.’

Candi glanced at him. ‘Then shouldn’t you go to church?’

‘You’re funny.’ Jackson winked. ‘I wanted to thank you for letting me be me.’ When she frowned, he continued. ‘With you I’ve never had to pretend. I didn’t have to be the football hero or the person my family expected me to be. You not only tutored me in school, but in life as well.’

‘I don’t know what you mean.’

‘You don’t care what anyone thinks. I admire that in you.’

‘You turned out pretty good.’

‘Maybe, but look at the mess I left behind. My father has yet to speak to me. He hasn’t forgiven me for leaving.’

‘I’m sure he has. You’re a successful businessman. What father wouldn’t be proud?’

Jackson pondered Candi’s words. Was it possible his father might be pleased with his son’s achievements?

‘Since we’re holding confessionals…can I ask a question?’

He nodded.

‘Why did you agree to play Santa? A little pressure from you and I would have signed the divorce papers. You’ve put a multi-million-dollar deal at stake.’

Jackson smiled. ‘I never could say no to you. The truth is…I didn’t come here just for a divorce — I came to see
.’ Time he told Candi everything. ‘I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately, so I pulled out my box of mementos. I almost picked up the telephone to call you, but then I realized that I couldn’t just call out of the blue after being gone for so long.’

Candi filled the glasses with the chocolate mousse and garnished the dessert with shaved chocolate and strawberries. The entire time her hands shook.

‘I’ve really missed you, and the funny thing is I missed this town almost as much. I was homesick, though I didn’t quite know that until I arrived.’

‘This place has that effect on people.’

‘Seven years ago I asked you to come away with me. Why didn’t you?’

Candi lifted her brows. ‘You remember?’

‘For the most part, the fog of memories has cleared.’ Jackson clasped her hands, stopping her fidgeting. ‘Before you left the hotel I asked you to run away with me, but you wouldn’t go. After the night we’d spent together, I thought for sure you’d leave with me.’

‘I told you why. This is my home. I don’t want to live anywhere else. We had different dreams. Mine was to take over the chocolate shop and yours was to develop skyscrapers. As much as I wanted to go with you, I had to stay. We had separate paths to travel.’

‘I guess you’re right.’ Jackson released her hands and placed the empty bowls in the sink. ‘Hey, do you remember how I saved my money and bought that red Mustang from my father?’

‘Yes, you arrived outside my parents’ house. I can recall you leaning against the car with this huge grin on your face.’

‘I told you I wanted to show it off to Colin, but I went there to see you.’

‘Jackson, don’t…’

‘It’s true. I wanted to share that moment with you.’

Candi turned away, but Jackson reached for her arm, slipping his fingers around her wrist. ‘I cared for you and was too stupid to tell you. Falling for my buddy’s little sister wasn’t cool. I let my pride get in the way of something really special.’

She yanked her arm from his grasp. ‘Why are you saying this?’

‘Because I want you to know. Just like all those times I showed up looking for Colin when I knew he wasn’t home. When I pretended not to understand a math problem so we could spend more time together.’

Tears filled Candi’s eyes. ‘Stop it. Don’t do this.’

Jackson pulled her into his arms and captured her mouth, satisfying his hungry need. He slowed and nibbled her bottom lip, taking pleasure in the soft sweetness of her kiss. His desire deepened when she swept her tongue past his.

Candi suddenly pushed him away. ‘I can’t…I can’t do this.’ Her chest rose and fell with uneven breaths. ‘I can’t spend another seven years trying to forget you.’

‘Then don’t.’ Jackson stepped close and settled his hands at her waist. ‘Come with me this time.’

‘That’s not fair. You know I have responsibilities here; the shop, the inn, my family and friends.’

But she didn’t mention her boyfriend. Maybe they weren’t that serious, after all.

‘You need to respect my decision, please.’ She placed her hands on his chest.

He leaned his forehead against hers and gazed into her beautiful brown eyes. ‘You know I can’t say no to you.’

‘I think you’re lying about what happened last night.’ Virginia placed the Chocolate Lovers assortment on the treat . ‘You say nothing, yet Jackson arrived early today to play Santa. If you rejected his offer to run off with him, then why was he in such a good mood?’

‘We agreed to end our marriage on a positive note. We’re going to remain friends.’ Candi arranged the bonbons in the form of a Christmas tree. The conversational chit-chat in the Town Hall droned out the Christmas music blasting from the speakers.

‘You and Jackson friends? I’ll believe that when I see it. Where is he, anyway? He did agree to do one more stint as Santa tonight, right?’

‘He said he had to pick up a few items in the city. I’m assuming gifts for his brother and family.’ Candi smoothed a hand down her black velvet dress. ‘He promised to be back in time for the children.’

Virginia glanced around the crowded room. ‘I think most of the town is here tonight. This must be our biggest turnout ever. I hope we have enough treats.’

‘I brought extra, just in case. Andrew brought plenty of rolls and meats. We should be covered. If not, I’ll run to the shop and raid the shelves.’

‘Speaking of Andrew, how did he take the

Candi spied Andrew at the opposite end of the hall. Obviously avoiding her, he’d been keeping a good distance between them. ‘Let’s just say, he didn’t take my marriage announcement well. However, I think he was relieved to know the strain in our relationship wasn’t his fault.’

‘I still can’t believe you told him about you and Jackson.’

‘Andrew promised to keep my secret
understood my reason for requesting he and I take a break. Besides, I need time to concentrate on the business.’

Screams erupted throughout the room as Santa entered. Candi smiled. ‘I think Jackson actually enjoys playing the
man in red
, even if he’ll never admit it.’

Jackson roared his best
ho, ho, ho
and climbed the stairs to the stage. ‘I don’t have much time this evening, because we all know I have a very busy night tomorrow. But the elves sent along this bag full of presents, with instructions I hand them out to all the good girls and boys.’

‘What the heck is he up to?’ Virginia frowned.

Candi shook her head.

Virginia rushed to her children and guided them through the crowd gathering in front of the stage. Jackson called the names on the presents. One by one the children thanked him and scurried back to their parents, tearing off the colourful wrapping paper. Their delighted squeals confirmed each child received exactly what they’d asked for.

Candi wiped tears from her eyes with the back of her hand. Her heart ached. Tonight she would say goodbye to Jackson. The divorce papers were signed and tucked in her purse. After completing his role as Santa, Jackson would quickly change and join the party for a few hours before leaving to catch his flight. Candi planned to slip the document into his hand and walk away, knowing her heart would never recover.

An hour and a half later, all the children had received their presents and Santa quickly exited. Candi didn’t know how he managed it, but shortly after he departed the roof rustled as if a team of reindeer waited to take flight.

A few moments later, Jackson re-entered the hall, incredibly handsome in a pair of black pants and matching jacket. Could she really find the strength to let him walk out of her life?

‘How on earth did you do that? The children’s names and making sure they each received the right gift?’

‘I’ve had a busy day. The letters helped and I made lots of mental notes.’ Jackson tapped his temple with a finger. ‘I wanted the kids to have a great Christmas. Just my way of returning the joy they gave to me the past few days.’

‘You’re amazing. This must have cost you a fortune.’

‘The shopping was fun and it didn’t even make a dent in my cheque book.’ He grinned. ‘And I have something for you, too.’ Jackson passed her a thin brown package.

‘What’s this?’ Candi anxiously tore the seal off the envelope.

‘A Christmas gift.’

Candi’s smile turned to a frown as she unfolded the papers — the property deeds to Cane’s Chocolate Shop and Redford Falls Inn, both in her name, paid in full.

‘Merry Christmas, my sweet Candi.’

‘What the heck have you done?’ Her stomach boiled with anger. Was this Jackson’s way of buying her off? A means to clear his guilt over the past? ‘I told you I didn’t want your money,’ she whispered through clenched teeth.

‘If you don’t want to accept this as my gift, we can call it a loan.’

‘And suffer yet another connection to you that I can’t walk away from? No way, never again.’

‘I just wanted to do something special for you, make all your troubles go away.’

‘You’re the only trouble, Jackson.’ Candi ignored the curious stares their raised voices attracted ‘What makes you think you can waltz back into my life and interfere with my financial matters?’

‘I’m your husband! That gives me every right!’

The buzz and chatter in the hall ceased. All eyes focused on them. Candi’s cheeks flushed.

‘Well, not anymore.’ She scrambled in her purse for the divorce papers and shoved them at his chest, along with the property deeds. ‘Signed, sealed, and delivered, or in this case…divorced. We’re no longer married. You’re free to leave this town and my life forever. Good riddance!’ Candi didn’t look back, even when whispers followed her through the doors as she slammed them behind her.

Chapter Nine

Jackson lingered on the doorstep of his parents’ home. He couldn’t leave without making amends with his father. The effort had to be made, even if the door was closed in his face.

‘How long do you plan to prowl around on the porch?’

Jackson jumped at his father’s voice. ‘I’m sorry. I…’

‘Came to say goodbye?’ His father dumped an armload of wood on the porch step. ‘She’ll be happy to see you. She’s been worried sick about you after witnessing the fiasco at the Town Hall this evening.’

‘She was there?’

‘Yup, we both were. You always did like to make an entrance.’

‘No, I didn’t, Dad.
wanted me to be the centre of attention. Not me.’ Jackson’s heart pounded in his chest. ‘I’m not here to fight with you. I came to apologize.’

BOOK: One Sweet Christmas (novella)
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