Only in Time (A Mystique Antiques Novella) (17 page)

BOOK: Only in Time (A Mystique Antiques Novella)
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A Love Soul Deep
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* * *


Also available in the Mystique Antiques Series,
Sweet Serendipity
by Elena Gray


Silence is golden. Honesty…not so much.


Gwen Palmer’s saucy mouth gets in the way of her heart’s desire…again. Just when she is about to trade in her baker’s hat for a nun’s habit, she comes face-to-face with her idol, Ethan Reynolds.


Ethan isn’t immune to Gwen’s loose lips. Nor her quirkiness. And something about her smile tugs at his heart. Will he look beyond her outrageous remarks and see the truth inside? Or will Gwen lose her one chance at true love?


To sample or purchase
Sweet Serendipity
, click here.

About the Author


Most days you’ll find
Kelli McCracken
pecking away at the keyboard, sharing secret stories about those pesky little people inside her head. Or arguing with her characters about a scene. Other days she’s hanging out in her secret
group with readers, chatting about books and upcoming writing projects.


“Gone are the days of quiet housewives who clean, cook, watch soaps, and eat bon-bons. We’re all about sex, drugs, and rock and roll. Scratch that. We’re about sex, chocolate, and rock and roll. Add in some great books and we might let you live in the same house with us.”


Kelli lives with her husband and children in the Ohio Valley region in the United States…at least she thinks that’s where she lives. It could be a nice, white, padded room. Hard to say with that darn vivid imagination.


Contact Information





Author Fan Page






While it didn’t take long to write
Only in Time
, I know it wouldn’t have been possible to reach my goal without the love and support of my family and friends. Without a good support system in place, writing is one of the hardest jobs a person can have. I’m very grateful to those who have supported me from day one and to those who believe in me.


To my husband and children. Thank you for understanding that I’m a little crazy. That I fight and argue with characters. That I have good days and bad. That I’m human. Maybe it’s entertaining to live with a nutty woman. Who knows. But thank you for living with the insanity. You will never know what you all mean to me.


To Amber, for having enough faith in me to take this story and run with it. Thank you for the long video chats, for helping me stay focused, and for teaching me the ins and outs of this industry. You’ve truly been a lifesaver…pineapple flavored.


To Elena for letting me vent, cuss, and have as many pity parties as I needed. You’ve always picked me up and brushed me off. You’ve taught me how to value each day, to be thankful every morning I wake, and to embrace the person that I am. But the most important lesson you’ve taught me is that sometimes, you just have to let it go… You will always be my rock, my best friend.


To Rhonda, for taking on a last minute editing project and for totally rocking it. You’re awesomesauce my dear.


To Lisa, Eva, and Karen for all of your valuable feedback, encouragement, and simply for being the wonderful people you are.


To my Naughty Club. I love each and every one of you. Truly. You ladies are the reason I do this. Thank you.


Copyright Information


This book is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents, places, and dialogue are from the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


Text Copyright © 2013 by Kelli McCracken

Twin Flames Press

All rights reserved


Kindle Edition


No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

















About the Author


BOOK: Only in Time (A Mystique Antiques Novella)
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