Read Out of Place Mate Online

Authors: Rebecca Royce

Tags: #The Edge

Out of Place Mate (2 page)

BOOK: Out of Place Mate
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He laughed. “I think my riding days might be behind me. But who knows? I really didn’t expect to be getting ready to fuck a really hot shifter on a table in a bar today either. I’m supposed to be back in my bed after standing all night at an art gala opening.”

Victoria pulled her shirt over her head. Sean didn’t fit in at Gunther’s, which suited her fine since her scars made it impossible for her to really belong anywhere.


Sean stared down at Victoria. Her shirt swished past his ear on its way to the floor to join his discarded tuxedo jacket. Her black bra held up breasts that looked like they would be more than a handful when they were loose from their restraints.

His eyes trailed down to her stomach and he wanted to kill someone.
Someone tortured this woman
. She would wear the results of it on her skin for the rest of her life and always want the lights off when she had sex with someone new. He didn’t like the thought of her being with anyone else, and he shoved that thought away.

Bending over, he pushed her until she lay flat on the table. He traced her stomach with his hands, loving the feel of her feminine curves then replaced his fingers with his mouth. She sucked in a breath.

“You don’t have to do that.”

“I do.” Because he did, like he had to have his heart beat.

She ran her hands through his hair, her brown eyes suddenly vulnerable. “I didn’t think you were a gentle person.”

“It’s up to me to keep my brothers in line, to keep the family business going, to make everything fit together, to make it work. That doesn’t afford a lot of time for gentleness and vulnerability. That doesn’t mean I’m not capable of it, when I can be. Something about you calls to me, makes me want to see to your needs.” His eyes twinkled. “Sexually, at least.”

Her brown hair hung down over her shoulder, and he pushed it away to undo her bra.

“I thought I brought you back here to calm you down and now you’re the one taking care of me.”

“Tell you what—we can keep that secret between us. It works for me to have my brothers think I’m a hard ass. Otherwise they get nothing done.”

He took one of her pink nipples into his mouth, and she grabbed onto the back of his neck, digging her fingers into his skin. He hissed. Damn. He’d never had sex with a shifter before. Victoria radiated heat in every cell of her body. This could become addictive in the best possible way.

“More. Oh, yes.”

He smiled as he played with her breasts. She liked it and she responded. The women he fucked usually had airs they put on even during sex, but not Victoria. If she liked something, she clearly let her partner know. What a relief.

She grabbed his shirt, pulling at the buttons before finally cutting through the fabric with her fingernail. He looked down at the tear.
Holy shit

“Too much?”

His cock hardened to the point of pain in his pants. “No.”

He whipped the shirt off his chest and climbed on top of her on the table. It would be just his luck if the dining area gave out beneath his weight, crashing them back down to the floor. So far, it seemed to take their assault well.

“A pirate skull?” She pointed to his tattoo.

“Big time mistake I made when I was drunk in Cancun. Don’t ask.”

Victoria reached between them, stroking his throbbing cock through his pants. “Maybe I can make you tell me.”

“Don’t do that. I’ll come like a teenager if you do.”

The woman had the audacity to giggle, and he wanted her clothes off her immediately. “Roll over.”

It pleased him that she obeyed without question, which made some pre-cum eject from his cock. Hell, this might be the time he embarrassed himself. He’d never come too fast before, not even as a teenager. But Victoria and her smooth, hot body coupled with sweet, timid eyes would be his undoing.

He tugged her pants down. Beneath them, she wore a pink thong that showed off her firm ass. His balls tightened. If they had time later, he’d stick his cock in there until she shouted with pleasure. For now, he wanted to be in her sweet pussy. He desired it more than he’d ever wished for anything.

Unzipping his pants, he had them off and on the floor in seconds. He settled back over her, all set to finally get what his body needed: her tight muscles throbbing around him. “Shit.”

Looking over her shoulder, she bit her lip. “What?”

“Condom. Don’t have one.”

She pointed at one of the lockers in front of her. “There.”

“Thank you.” He ran toward where she’d pointed, stopping only to lock the door of the room. In seconds that felt like hours, he returned to her, repositioning himself after he shoved the condom onto his aching penis.

In one hard thrust, he pushed into her. Victoria cried out, her body shuddering beneath him at his invasion.

She was hot and wet. He groaned. How could one woman undo everything he thought he knew about fucking all at once? Pleasure surged through his veins, but something else accompanied the sensation. His eyes traveled down to the smooth skin on her back. The sweet smoothness had been marred by lines that some bigoted lunatic had placed there.

He pulled out then thrust inside of her again. She called out his name and he kissed one of the marks on her back. Beneath him, she shuddered.

If the pleasure his body could give hers would make it all go away, he’d gladly do whatever it took.

He squeezed her ass hard, pulling her back to him as he thrust in and out of her body. Time left the room. Only Victoria existed. Her pussy throbbed around him, her muscles milking him, daring him to take her over the edge.

Sean had never had a dare he didn’t want to win.

He pushed hard, compelling her to give everything she had to him. She called his name, gripping the table in front of her with her hands. She dug her fingers into the surface, butchering it beneath her hands.

“Oh, Sean. I don’t know if I can. It’s too much.”

He knew what she meant. To let go to pleasure in such a moment meant that she’d release part of her spirit she kept hidden from the world. He understood her feelings, he had them himself. How could she keep her soul protected if she let herself explode around another person?

But he wouldn’t accept less than everything from her.

“Come for me, beautiful wolf. Wrap your pussy around me. I need it.”

He didn’t usually have to ask his bed partners to orgasm. Most of the rich, pampered women who came to his bed could orgasm as easily as they got their nails done, as if letting part of their souls go could be akin to an ordinary experience. Sean supposed that for them there wasn’t much of a difference. He certainly hadn’t worried about it from his end.

But with Victoria? Something felt stronger, more important….

“Tell me to.”

He plunged, his cock dying for release. “What?”

“Tell me to. Make me come.”

. “Tori, come for me. Let go, baby.”

Like his ordering her made it happen, she exploded. In that moment, he belonged to her. Her orgasm made him hotter than he’d ever been and stole part of his soul at the same time.

She screamed his name and a second later, he yelled hers, not caring who heard him. Before she collapsed on the table, he grabbed her, pulling her against his chest.

He rolled until he took the brunt of their mutual lack of muscle control, with her on top of him. Breathing hard, he ran his fingers over her body pausing only to massage where he felt like it and stroke her when the mood compelled him.

“I, um….”

He raised an eyebrow at her lack of words. “What? You, um, what?”

He’d never been so fulfilled before…and so unfulfilled at the same time. He didn’t know exactly why he had a hole in his heart that needed to be sewn shut.

“I have something I must do.” Her voice had lowered an octave.

“By all means.”

She pulled out of his arms, climbing on top of him until she straddled his body.

He ran a hand down her neck. “You’re the hottest woman I’ve ever known, but I don’t think I can get hard again quite yet.”

She leaned over him. “It’s not sex I need.”

Her teeth sank into his neck and he moaned, that empty space finally being filled. She had mated him.
. He closed his eyes. It had been what he needed. He’d belonged to her. His body had known it before his mind.

After a few moments, she let go. Her voice, when she spoke, sounded remorseful. “I’m sorry. You’re mine. I couldn’t have stopped that if I wanted to and I didn’t want to.”

He opened his lids. “Then why are you sorry?”

“Because you might not have wanted to be mated to me.”

He wouldn’t have volunteered for it, not if she’d given him the choice. His first marriage—and he knew enough to know that mating meant marriage—had been a disaster. He’d never thought to do it again. But, his cock jumped at the thought of fucking Victoria for the rest of his life. She’d be spunky and interesting. Plus, after having just had her, he couldn’t stand the idea of anyone else touching her. Ever.

“Honey. You belong to me. I’m glad your animal knew it. Because otherwise I might have had a hard time dragging you to all the job sites I have to go to all over the world.”

“We’re going to travel?”

He sat up pulling her back down on top of him. “Home is not one place for me. From now on it’s wherever you are.”

“We’ll never be alone as long as we’re together, is that the general idea?”

He smiled, nipping at her fingertip. “You catch on fast.”






As a teenager, Rebecca Royce would hide in her room to read her favorite romance novels when she was supposed to be doing her homework. She hopes, these days, that her parents think it was well worth it.

Rebecca is the mother of three adorable boys and is fortunate to be married to her best friend. They live in northern New Jersey and try not to freeze too badly during the winter months.

She's in love with science fiction, fantasy, and the paranormal and tries to use all of these elements in her writing. She's been told she's a little bloodthirsty so she hopes that when you read her work you'll enjoy the action packed ride that always ends in romance. Rebecca loves to write series because she loves to see characters develop over time and it always makes her happy to see her favorite characters make guest appearances in other books.

In Rebecca Royce's world anything is possible, anything can happen, and you should suspect that it will.


You can visit Rebecca at:



I'll Be Mated For Christmas

A 1 Night Stand Story


Bethany Johnson grew up one of the only humans in a pack of werewolves. She didn’t have an easy time and her self-confidence was almost non-existent. Finally, after some serious psychotherapy and the help of weight-loss surgery, she is feeling like the Bethany she has always wanted to be. But now she has to say goodbye to the werewolves in her life. Out with the old and in with the new this year…

Luke Denarius is the new Alpha of the Delta pack. He’s never met Bethany but the second he scents her he knows she is his. No way is she going off to Italy for adventure and hot sex with other men.

With the help of Madame Eve these two will find that a mating is in the works for Christmas.




Behind the Scenes


Kyra Soloman has been a successful actress in Hollywood since she was fifteen years old. Now, about to turn thirty, she's had enough of the scene. She wants to move to New York City and rediscover her love of acting.

Brent Hallow is the new 'it' guy in town. He's recently starred as a vampire in a teenage angst movie. He's also twenty-four years old, and the fact that Kyra is attracted to him makes her feel very old.

But one hot night at a Hollywood house party will show them both they share more than the love of acting…and the real desire for rough sex as well.


BOOK: Out of Place Mate
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