Read Own Her Online

Authors: Jenika Snow

Tags: #Erotic Fiction, #Science Fiction, #Romance

Own Her (5 page)

BOOK: Own Her
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It was no secret that he and his
two brothers were hard as fuck for
, but until
she told them she was ready for this to progress they would take their time.
She would lead them in this journey, be the mother of their future sons, and
she’d never know the feelings of pain, disappointment, or heartache ever again.


It was the following morning, and
had slept in for the first time in her life.
She felt rested, actually had energy, and not having to get up before the suns
rose to clean and cook, and tend to her asshole of a Master was strange, but
very welcome. She had eaten breakfast with the warriors, walked around and
gotten a tour with
, and now she was doing
her own exploring of the impossibly large spacecraft.

A bright light flashed to her
right, and she turned and made her way down that direction. The door that was
made up of this cloudy looking glass stopped her from going into the room, and
when she lifted her hand and placed it on the smooth surface it started to
ripple. It had the same effect as if a stone had been dropped into a pool of
water, rippling outward until it finally settled. And the material just
dissipated into thin air, and she was able to walk inside what appeared to be a
greenhouse. The lush green plants and colorful flowers were a sensory overload.
She had never seen so
much flora
in person before, not
unless they were decoration pieces. But here she was, standing right in the
midst of living things. The scent was something of an olfactory orgasm, with
sweet and tangy fragrances filling the air, and the humidity of the temperature
in the room making her skin moist.

She spent the next ten minutes
looking at each flower, smelling each bud and petal, and when she heard the
sound of deep grunts coming from a room down the hall, she pulled herself away
from the artificial lighting and beauty that surrounded her and made her way
forward. As soon as she was out of the greenhouse the door rippled back in
place, cutting off the steamy humidity, higher temperature, and the sights and
smells. There was more grunting, a little bit of swearing, and then she saw a
large room ahead. One wall was made up strictly of some type of crystallized
glass. Although she could see movement and colors from the other side, because
of the broken, almost grainy texture of the stone in front of her she couldn’t
see solid things.

Moving over to the door she
placed her hand on the pad beside it, the smooth metal cool to the touch. The
door dematerialized and showed some kind of vast room where many items for
battle were either from the wall, floor, or hanging from the rafters above. It
was a huge space with bright florescent lighting, and the three men in the
center were currently fighting each other. She stepped fully inside the almost
crude looking room, and went to the side so as to not bother them as they
clearly trained with each other. They either didn’t realize she had entered the
room—which she doubted—or they were just so focused that they didn’t even
glance her way.

threw a right hook at Fillip,
and Viktor came after both of them with this massive looking primitive sword.
She had never seen one in person, knew they were not really used anymore
because of the advances in technology, but the Hades males were more brutal
than other species.
threw a left hit, and
then went back to the right, trying to take Fillip down. The three males
started going after each other with more determination. Viktor swung the sword,
barely missing
and Fillip, and the fists
started flying with impressive speed. Her heart was in her throat just

Rearing his arm back,
was able to get Fillip off of his feet, and
slammed him down on the ground. He went after Viktor, but the eldest brother
already had the sword on the ground and had
in a choke hold. She covered her mouth at the savagery that was the brothers
fighting, and could see their muscles tense, bunch, and strain. And then the
fighting stopped, and all three men sat on the ground, bracing their hands on
their thighs and breathing out hard and fast. For several moments she didn’t
move, didn’t even breathe as she pictured them fighting again, all sweaty and
hard muscles straining. The aphrodisiac that was the image slammed into her
like a comet hurtling through space. She was wet, her nipples hard, and all she
could think about was sex.

And then all three brothers
looked over at her at the same time, rose to stand, and moved slowly over to
her. Their red skin was sweaty and glossy, and the closer they came the more
she scented their sweet, yet musky and masculine scented bodies. She felt this
thrill move through her and pressed her back to the smooth wall. They stopped
when they were a few feet from her, all of them looking at her up and down.
They were breathing heavily, and then when she lowered her gaze she saw the
stiff outline of their erections pressing against the leather of their pants.
She swallowed, moved her gaze back up their bodies, alternating on who she was
looking at every second. The sight of their sweat slowly trailing down their
chests was so arousing, so intoxicating that she wanted to run her tongue up
their hard expanses.

“I need to go or I’ll be liable
to tear that fucking gown off you and fuck you right here, female,” Viktor said
in a low voice, and then he was gone faster than she could even process.

and Fillip stared at her for
several more seconds. They each groaned and moved away from her, as if they,
too, had to leave or they would not be able to control themselves. Then there
she stood, alone in this combat arena type of room, smelling their scents that
saturated the air, and wishing they hadn’t left.
would have gladly given them whatever they wanted. As it was she was so damn
wet, so swollen and needy to finally give herself to someone, or in this case
more than one male, of her own free will.

She moved away from the wall,
smoothed her hands over her thighs, and breathed out. Moving out of the room
and back to where the greenhouse was, she stayed in there for several more
hours, mainly to try to calm her raging libido. This was a wild experience she
was going through, and she couldn’t have asked for a more exciting, or
fulfilling scenario.



stared out of the observation
deck at the dark red planet of Hades. It was still a good distance away, and
they wouldn’t arrive until tomorrow at some point, but she was one step closer
to finally being able to experience what
was like.

these males be lying about their intentions with her? Of course they could, but
because of her acute
senses she would have
been able to scent out the lies and deceit from the beginning. Besides, they
hadn’t touched her sexually, even though they wanted to, and aside from her
taking the initiative with Viktor last night they had kept their distance.

left the observation deck and moved into a smaller chamber that held a digital
library. There were several levitating chairs, and the electronic pads that sat
on the platform in front of the chairs held so many books she couldn’t even
count them all. She knew that the world long ago, before the technological
advances, had been primitive in so many ways. She moved over to the chair,
grabbed one of the pads, and started skimming through the digital titles that
were centuries old, and sat down. The light overhead was not overly bright, but
gave off enough illumination that she could see the detailed images on the
devices, and she lost track of time.

been in here for a while.” The deep voice that came from the entrance startled
her, and she lifted her head to see Viktor watching her. He wore another pair
of leathers, these darker, almost black, and his hair was wet from his clear
recent bath. He stepped into the room and smiled down at her. “You’ve been in
here for a few hours.”


glanced down at the digital tablet, saw that she was already halfway through
the story, and realized that he was right. Gods, she had been in here for a
long time, and she hadn’t even realized it. “I’m sorry.” She smiled and set the
tablet down.

have nothing to be sorry about. We want you to be able to do as you please, for
however long you want to do it. This is your life now, and you are not our
prisoner or our servant.”

swallowed, never hearing such kind words spoken to her before.

you again.”

nodded in a gruff way, and moved toward the chair across from her. After he was
seated he leaned back and braced his big arms over the back of the chair. “What
were you reading?” Viktor said and nodded with his chin toward the tablet on
the table.

wasn’t actually reading … I can’t.” Embarrassment filled her.

can put a reading chip in you, if you like?”

nodded. Slaves were not taught such luxuries, especially if they didn’t benefit
their Masters. “I was looking at the images, and I guess I got lost in it all.”
She licked her lips. “But from the images I gathered it was about a family on
Earth trying to survive after the third World War that devastated and destroyed
the planet.”

nodded once. “That is one of
favorites. I
don’t get to read much, but when I do have the time I enjoy the newer titles
that have come out in this century.” He grinned and flashed
straight white smile.

would assume you three have much more important things to worry about than

didn’t respond, but continued to stare at her with that piercing dark gaze of
his. She felt bared for him, more than a little off kilter when she was in
their presence, but only in the best of ways.

you like to hear about our planet before we arrive tomorrow?” he asked in that
deep, slightly hoarse and scratchy voice of his.

nodded, licked her lips, and
settled back against the soft cushioning of the air chair.

you have human genetics, your
blood should
be able to have you living comfortably in the extreme heat of Hades, especially
is not much cooler than my home

she had never been to Hades, she did know enough about the red fire planet that
it was extremely hot because of the several suns in the sky, the lava rivers,
lakes and oceans, and of course the fire forest.

Hades Warriors live within the protection of the mountains on our planet, but
my brothers and I have been living deep within the
caves in the center of the biggest fire forest called
It is on the other side of the Vella Mountains, but while protected from the
heat and flames of our world, it still has a stabilized temperature to keep our
kind comfortable.”

pictured the fiery world he spoke of. Back on
she had seen holographic images of
and other
planets in the Stoker Galaxy, and knew that not many forms of life could
survive on that planet. Humans were by far the weakest, but if they stayed out
of the extreme heat and elements they could survive in the protection of caves
and mountains. But her species, even though she was half human, thrived in the
heat. Her blue skin allowed the temperature to slowly be absorbed into her body
and metabolized. She may appear human, and look like her human slave mother,
but she was very much a
alien. The planet
sounded frightening in some aspects, but she also remembered seeing the
gorgeous fire oceans and bodies of water, the towering black mountains and
trees that had flames for leaves. It was a heaven and hell kind of world, and
soon it would be where she would spend the rest of her life.

Viktor went on to talk about his world more,
giving her these visuals that no hologram could ever achieve.
found herself leaning forward, anticipating the
stories he spoke of, of the creatures that were like monsters from a nightmare,
but that for Hades were everyday occurrences. How would she survive a planet
where the life on it was so dangerous and destructive?

You’ll survive it because you’ll
be free, and any planet that allows you to have that kind of freedom is better
than being chained up.
She lifted her hand to her neck, where there was no longer a chain around her
throat. Viktor had taken it off as soon as they boarded the ship, and although
it was strange to have that piece of metal off of her throat, she could still
feel it there. Maybe she always would, because that had been her life since the
moment she came out of her mother.

Viktor was finished speaking he stood and went over to the window that showed
the vast collection of planets and space. “Come stand by me, mate.”

moved her hands over her thighs, took a deep, steadying breath, and rose to go
and moved toward him. For several moments they just stood there, neither
speaking, but the silence and atmosphere surrounding them comfortable.

BOOK: Own Her
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