Passion And Fire (Passion #4) (45 page)

BOOK: Passion And Fire (Passion #4)
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The first thing he noticed when he finally stopped his appreciative stare at his woman’s ass was the tension in the room. Then he looked at the stunning red headed woman wrapped in the arms of Damien and he smiled. The man whore was no longer a man whore. He was in love and she was a beauty too. There was another woman in the room though that he didn’t recognise, blonde, young, an air of innocence about her. He’d guessed the redhead was Flame, but who was this other young beauty and what the fuck was going on? Everyone looked so tense.




Allegra struggled to contain her laughter at the sight of Damien, the biggest slut of them all, snuggling with his woman. Who’d have thought it? That the self-confessed man whore, the one who adamantly denied he’d ever love or be tied down was looking pretty damn under the control of the pussy right now.  She studied her for a few moments, taking in the wild mane of red hair. Allegra had to concede she was a beautiful woman. Still, she could see Flame was not the shy retiring type either and that made her perfect for Damien. She wouldn’t take any shit from him.

She frowned when she glanced around the room. Everyone looked quite tense and there was a strange young woman off to one side of the room with the most amazing coloured eyes Allegra had ever seen. There was something about her though, a kind of vulnerability and suddenly she was curious as to who this young woman was. She was human, that much was obvious.




“Well, well, my big bro’s gone and fallen in love. Who was giving me shit about it not that long ago? I had to put up with all sorts of insults. Oh how things change and now it seems the mighty has fallen.” He grinned. “Look at you all tucked up in your honey’s arms.”

Suddenly Lucian sobered. Something wasn’t right. Everyone seemed a bit tense and there were traces of blood on Damien although nothing showed on his clothes. It wasn’t like his brother to be a sloppy feeder so what the hell had happened?

There was also a young woman in the corner that he’d never seen before. He wondered who she was and why she was in his sire’s home. They never entertained because of what they were but this woman seemed comfortable and they certainly didn’t appear to have an issue with her being there.




Arissa tucked herself up against Lucian. She still got nervous in group situations since she was a new vampire and due to an abusive childhood, she was quite shy. She stared at the woman with the bright red hair who was wrapped around Damien and vice versa and smiled. It was a relief to see they were together now. It was nice to see that the man who vowed he’d never be a one woman man, appeared to be just that.

It was the young woman in the corner that drew Arissa’s eyes though. She was young, probably close to the age she’d been before she was turned and she looked very innocent. Why was she here? There seemed to be a connection between her and Flame since they looked at each other and smiled occasionally.

The more she looked at her, the more curious she became. Something was going on, and hopefully they would all find out what it was soon.




When Adrian let himself into his father’s home he just wanted to get to bed but straight away he heard voices and silently groaned. He wasn’t in the mood to deal with a family get together or whatever the hell was going on. He needed to shower. He smelled strongly of sex. The last woman he’d serviced had been insatiable and had wanted everything.  He’d had to fuck her cunt, her ass, pull her hair, spank her and she’d squealed and screamed, coming over and over again.

Reluctantly he began the walk down the long corridor towards the voices and he briefly considered trying to sneak past them but of course they were all vampire, it would be futile to attempt something like that.

As soon as he stepped into the living room apart from everyone being there, he could instantly tell something was wrong. Something had obviously happened although he wasn’t sure what.

His father’s eyes met his, his expression serious, but also a look of accusation on his face. That made Adrian groan; he’d done something to piss off his father obviously, although he didn’t know what the hell it was.

Damien was giving him a funny look, Flame was gaping at him and with all the strange stares and looks he couldn’t decipher, they were starting to make him feel uncomfortable. Then his eyes fell on her, blonde, slim, eyes of a colour that made it hard to look away. She was young, maybe a year or so younger than he would have been in human years and beautiful. She was stunningly beautiful but there was something about her, a feeling of familiarity. There was more though, an innocence. Fuck, she had to be a virgin, she screamed it. That was enough for him to turn away from her. He didn’t do virgins. Didn’t get much call for them in his line of work, well, he didn’t get any call for them for that matter.

“Adrian.” She spoke, drawing his eyes back to her. He frowned, wondering how she knew his name until he realised his family must have mentioned him.

“Yes and you are?” He asked, his eyes moving down the length of her despite his best efforts not to show any interest.

“I’m Faith, Flame’s half-sister.” She gave him a huge smile that revealed not only perfect white teeth but a single dimple in one cheek. God, she was gorgeous but a virgin, his inner voice reminded him, so off limits and untouchable.

“Sister? Just what the hell did I miss tonight?”

“Oh, we can tell you but first, there’s something I have to tell you.” She began to walk towards him and Adrian tensed, his nostrils flaring when he picked up her subtle floral scent. When she got to him she fell to her knees before him, not only shocking the hell out of him, but confusing him too.

“What the fuck are you doing?” He hissed, uncomfortable now because she was stirring things in him he preferred to keep hidden.

She reached out and took his hand in hers, her fingers long but slim as they closed around his much larger one. She leaned in and brushed her lips over his knuckles, and he tensed when his skin seemed to tingle where she had kissed him.

“I’m here for you. I saw you in my dreams. I’m a visionary and in my dreams I saw you and I.” She stopped and looked up at him, her eyes filled with adoration which only made him more uncomfortable.

“What the hell are you talking about?” He looked around and saw everyone in the room was watching him and Faith. She was treating him like she knew him but he knew he sure as hell didn’t know her. This girl was an innocent and he didn’t go anywhere near the innocent ones. “Please, get up. What do you want from me? You don’t know me, we’ve never met.”

“I’m here to honour my vision Adrian. I’ve seen all of you, everyone in this room in my dreams but you, it’s you that I’m here for. ” She raised those stunning eyes to his again. “You are my destiny, my future. I’m supposed to be here, with you. You see, I…am…yours.” She said and dropped her head forward as if in prayer or bowing to him and wrapped her arms around his legs, leaving him to stare down at her, speechless with shock.


                                      The End


                       © Copyright J.A Melville


                                 Coming soon

                                 Adrian’s Story in

                                 Passion For Hire.



You can find me on Facebook under J. A Melville-author

Also Twitter, @JacquiAviet


Or my website


Other books by: J. A Melville


Natasha’s Awakening.

Taming Eric (His POV to Natasha’s Awakening)

Saving Erica


Eliza and the Egg. (Kids/teen book under other pen name of

Jacqueline A Melville)


Coming Soon

(Paranormal erotica series)

The Passion Series to be republished


Passion After Dark. Book 1. Out now

Passion By Control. Book 2. Out now

Passion Follows Pain. Book 3. Out now

Passion And Fire. Book 4 Coming August 2015

Passion For Hire. Book 5 Coming September

Passion Becomes Her. Book 6. Coming October


Late 2015/Early 2016

Book 2 in the Dial A Stud series. Louis’s Story








BOOK: Passion And Fire (Passion #4)
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