Passion For Hire (Passion #5) (19 page)

BOOK: Passion For Hire (Passion #5)
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“Faith, let’s go. I need to get some sleep. You should too. We can be up in the daylight occasionally, but we will get sick if we don’t rest. Sirene is waiting for me. We can’t do anything more about my son right now. Come.” He opened the door and I nervously approached it, stepping into the sunlight that flooded the doorway. When nothing happened, I relaxed slightly and walked outside, following Fabian to his car.


When we got back to his home, no one else was up fortunately. I’d half expected to have to deal with my sister but she was nowhere to be seen. It was the middle of the day so not a huge surprise that she was in bed all the same.

Fabian pulled me towards him when we got to my bedroom door and he surprised me by dropping a kiss on my temple. “Try and sleep Faith and don’t think too much about my son. He will have gone to ground somewhere and is fine, I’m sure. Once we get some rest we will discuss more then. I need to know where Adrian’s home is so we can do something to care for Lucas’s mother. She is now alone and she is probably worried about her son.” He smiled suddenly his eyes moving to another closed door in the hallway which I knew was Francesca’s. ”I’m not so sure Lucas will want to go back to living with his mother. Francesca appeared to keep him…entertained.” Another smile curved his lips.

Fabian’s pause before saying entertained told me exactly what had been going on in that room all night. “He’s alright is he, with her?” I shot him a hint of a smile. “Let’s face it, Francesca’s in a league all of her own and I would hate for someone like Lucas to be hurt by her.”

Fabian smiled at my words. “I think you underestimate Adrian’s son little one. He might be quiet and has an air of almost naivety about him, but I suspect he’s going to be a very good influence on our wild child.” He flicked my chin with his finger. “Go and sleep now.” With one final look at me, he turned and I watched him until he disappeared into the room he and Sirene slept in.

Once he’d closed the door behind him, I turned and walked softly down the hall to Adrian’s room. As quietly as possible I opened the door and stepped in, closing it behind me. When my eyes settled on his empty bed, I felt tears spring to my eyes again as I walked over to it.

I quickly undressed and once I was naked, I climbed in his bed and burrowed my face into his pillows. With his scent teasing my senses, I curled my arms around them, and let my tears fall unchecked. I wasn’t sure how long I wept silently into his pillow, but finally fatigue took hold of me and dragged me down into welcome oblivion.


In my sleep as with so many other times, the images came to me, the visions filling my head. Adrian was sleeping but I could see it wasn’t his bed and as I watched him, my heart swelling with the depth of my love for him, a woman stepped up to the bed. I couldn’t see her features, just some brown hair, slicked back into a tight looking immaculate bun at the back of her head. When she carefully eased herself onto the bed behind him, lying down as he slept, I wanted to hit her. When he woke, he turned to her, smiling as he reached out to cup her cheek. At least I think it was her cheek. It was hard to tell as his body blocked my view of the woman, but I felt a stab of jealousy and I’m pretty sure I growled in my sleep.

I watched, torn between wanting to know what happened but not wanting to know. Before anything else happened, the scene changed and I saw Adrian crouched down face raised up as he cried, deep gut wrenching sobs. I could see Sirene and Fabian nearby and it surprised me to see that they were all outside in what appeared to be bright daylight. What on earth were they doing?

Adrian looked to be hunched over something or someone and I was curious to see who or what it was. I strained to get a clearer look but got distracted by Sirene stepping forward, dropping by his side to wrap her arms around him. She said something to him but of course I couldn’t hear what it was. I felt a sudden urgency, a desperate need to see what had him so upset, and I moved forward for a closer look. Before I could get even a glimpse at what it was, there was another blinding flash of white light and the image disappeared. I moaned with the frustration of it all before settling again and letting the darkness drag me back under, into a deep sleep with no further interruptions from confusing visions.




Adrian woke when he felt the bed he was laying on dip as someone climbed on behind him. He turned his head in the room lit only by the light streaming in from the hallway and smiled when he saw Nadine behind him.

She’d changed while he was sleeping and was dressed in a blood red satin negligee. It shaped her lithe body to perfection and as he stared at her, he was amazed how good she looked for her age.

“Darling do you feel better now? You looked so peaceful but this.” She reached out and brushed a finger across his cheek. “This is not the sign of a man at peace.”

When he looked he could see moisture on her finger and he wiped at his cheeks, surprised and a little embarrassed to find that he’d been crying in his sleep. Damn Faith, what was she doing to him? She had turned his world upside down. She’d had to go and tell him she loved him, and fucked everything up even more. Why, why couldn’t she just leave him the hell alone?

“Darling, what troubles you so? Please talk to me. You came here to rest, and that is not like you to come to me unless I have specifically requested you. You are welcome in my home my beautiful man, but I am not used to you like this. You are always so composed, so controlled. Is it a woman? It has to be a woman.” She moved closer to him and Adrian sat up his eyes on her as she closed the small gap between their bodies.

Not wanting to answer her right now and hoping to distract his thoughts away from Faith by burying himself in Nadine, he leaned towards her and let his lips touch hers.

He heard her gasp since he didn’t usually kiss his clients. Sure he’d give them a quick brush of his lips against theirs, but nothing with any kind of emotion, and certainly nothing with any passion. She obviously got over her surprise quickly and leaned in towards him, her hands tunnelling into his hair as she took control, closing her lips over his.

Adrian allowed her to be in charge for several moments before pushing his tongue past her lips and caressing hers, licking his way over her teeth, and making several sensual sweeps of the moist cavern of her mouth.

Obviously she enjoyed it when he heard her breathing increase and her hands were suddenly smoothing over his chest, restlessly caressing his skin.

Adrian tensed slightly when she moved to lower the sheet that was tangled around his waist. He cared for this woman more than some of his other clients, and didn’t want to hurt her by rejecting her. She was clearly excited, becoming extremely aroused and very quickly. He would take the time to bring her to an orgasm, but he couldn’t take her hands on him right now. He wasn’t hard and he feared when she saw that, that for a woman who had experienced some extreme suffering in her life and been rejected, that she would think it was her. She could very well take it personally and think he was not attracted to her. He normally had no problem not only getting erect, but maintaining that erection for hours, but right now, despite Nadine’s hands and mouth on him, nothing. There wasn’t even the slightest stirring of his cock which scared the hell out of him. Was he failing as a gigolo? Was his body going to start letting him down? He couldn’t have that. His job not only provided a steady income, it ensured regular blood and sex. Was this another thing that Faith had done to him? Taken away his manhood? He was supposed to be the warlock, his mother a witch but so far it looked like it was Faith who was casting a spell over him. If that was the case, he was fucking well doomed.

Chapter Nineteen

“What is wrong Adrian my darling? I have lost you I can feel it. What troubles you so much? Talk to me.”

“Not right now. Remove your clothes.” He ordered her, falling into the authoritative role that he knew Nadine favoured. She liked to be dominated and ruled. Not too much or she would become fearful, just enough to excite her.

She didn’t move immediately, instead he could tell she was trying to see inside him, to read him. He raised an eyebrow at her, climbing from the bed where he grabbed his pants and hastily pulled them back on, in an attempt to hide his body’s lack of response to hers. “Are you going to disobey me? Am I going to have to punish you?”

Nadine scrambled off the bed and hastily stripped out of her negligee and tiny matching red panties she wore underneath. When she was naked, he beckoned to her, pointing to the floor in front of him and she hurried over to him, dropping to her knees, head down, hands placed flat on her thighs.

Normally at this point he might get her to suck on his cock but he wasn’t erect, not even a hint of hardness. It would be too embarrassing to him and hurtful to her for her to see him as he was.

“Look at me.” He said quietly and she raised her eyes to his. He stepped away from her. “Now get on the bed. Lie on your back with your legs spread and your arms above your head holding onto the pillows.”

He watched her as she did as he asked and when she was lying down, her eyes on his, he lowered his head to touch his lips to her forehead. “Good girl.” He straightened. “I’ll be back in a minute. I just need to get the kit.”

When Adrian mentioned ‘the kit’ he saw Nadine shiver with anticipation. He left the room and went to the cupboard where he knew ‘the kit’ was kept and returned to the woman who still lay, unmoving, waiting for him.

He flipped the ornate wooden box open, revealing the array of treasures inside. Bypassing various vibrators, butt plugs, nipple clamps, anal beads and other assorted toys; he reached for the mask and a colourful looking large feather.

Gently he slipped the mask over her eyes and once she was unable to see what he was doing, he pulled off his leather pants again and climbed over her until he was straddling her body. He bent forward and gently kissed her as an act of tenderness and to prepare her for his touch. He straightened and as he did, he heard a soft sigh leave her slightly parted lips.

Slowly he began to trail the feather over Nadine, her face, neck, down over her breasts; circling them and caressing her. While he gently aroused her he grasped his cock in his free hand and began to pull on it, desperately trying to make himself hard.

Somehow he kept the momentum going and continued on down Nadine’s body, finally sliding between her parted legs so he could brush the feather over her clit. Over and over again he teased her and tantalised her, listening to the sighs and soft moans as she moved restlessly under his touch. It was hard to focus on her though, and for the first time he was distracted from bringing a woman to orgasm by his own inability to become aroused.

It was starting to worry him, and considering the possibility that Faith was somehow responsible for his soft cock only worried him more. He had to get out of here, he couldn’t stay. Once he made Nadine come, she’d want sex with him, she’d expect it and he couldn’t deliver. He glanced down at his cock which even after his own administrations, had only lengthened slightly. He couldn’t be considered as having an erection and he sure as fuck couldn’t fuck with the pathetic thing he had right now.

Dropping his cock and the feather, Adrian stretched out between Nadine’s legs and began to lick her clit, sweeping his tongue up and down her slit. He pushed between her folds, circling her swollen bud until finally her back arched off the bed and he felt her release. He lapped at her feeling her come over his tongue, hearing the moans and cries of his name as she writhed against him. Only when the last tremors shook through her body did he sit up and straddle her again.

“Was that good princess?” He whispered close to her ear and he felt her shiver even as she nodded. “Well now it’s time for me to get something from you.” He trailed his lips down her neck and without warning, buried his fangs in her, drinking hungrily.

She cried out, beginning to struggle but he locked his hands around her wrists holding her still while his body crushed her into the bed. “No Adrian, please darling, oh my God what are you? You’re not human? Don’t kill me please, please.” He heard her voice getting weaker and realised he’d taken more blood than he normally would.

Suddenly panicking that he was going to kill her, Adrian ripped the mask from her face and her terrified eyes met his. “It’s ok Nadine, I’m sorry, I just accidently bit you too hard during sex. We fucked, you were amazing.” He used a soothing, almost cajoling tone to set her up for the mind control. He had to make her forget what just happened. Sadly when he thought about how he’d failed here tonight as a gigolo he knew he was going to have to make her forget him, not just for tonight but forever. He had too much going on in his life, too much shit to deal with. Sadly Nadine would have to become one of the casualties of his fucked up life. He would be saying goodbye to her after he walked out her front door tonight.

Adrian stretched out beside her and she turned to face him, reaching out to touch his cheek. “Something is not right with you darling. I can sense it. There is sadness in you. What makes you feel like this, or maybe I should be asking who makes you feel like this?”

He sighed heavily. He could tell her about Faith. After tonight she would remember nothing of it anyway. She wouldn’t even remember him. It was time to cut her loose and walk away. If he was going to have problems getting hard from now on, he was going to have to walk away from all his clients. If his cock had finally decided to let him down, he was effectively out of a job. That scared him. Selling his body and giving women what they wanted sexually was all he knew and it was the safest way for him to get regular blood. He didn’t know how to go out and hunt like his family and the first attempt he’d made to do it was when he’d nearly killed Lucas and had to turn him.

“Yes, there is a woman.” He finally said quietly. “She’s beautiful, sweet, kind, alluring, gorgeous, frustrating and stubborn as hell. She thinks she loves me.”

“Ah, so this is what brought you to me in such a panic darling? You don’t feel the same way I presume?”

“No…yes…I don’t know.” He whispered.

Nadine chuckled quietly. “Adrian confused. What a sight it is to see you like this. You’re not my usual commanding, controlled lover, are you?”

“I’m glad you can find it amusing Nadine but I don’t know what the hell I’m going to do. I need to go home. It’s not just Faith, it’s my family. Something I’ve kept a secret from them is no longer a secret. I left the house rather than sit down and sort this, so I should go. I’ve fucked up so much in my life and I need to man up and deal with it. I just didn’t need some little scrap of a woman claiming to love me added to the mix.”

“So her name is Faith? This woman who loves you? Why would it surprise you that someone loves you darling? There is a lot about you to love. You are a good, kind, considerate man.”

Adrian snorted. “No I’m not. If you knew what I’d done; who I’ve hurt with my own selfish behaviour. I’m not who you think I am; I’m not what I seem.”

“What do you mean my darling? I think I know you quite well. We are more than just me paying you for sex. I consider us to be friends and you must feel the same way or you would not have chosen to come to me to get some rest.” She shifted closer to him. “I am very fond of you; in fact, I am more than fond of you. You are the only person I trust in my life these days. You are the only person I have come to my home. I understand how this woman feels that you talk of, because I too feel as she does. I have for some time, but now is the right time to tell you.”

At her words, Adrian’s eyes widened and he struggled not to let the horror he was feeling show in his expression. “I…I don’t know what to say Nadine. I’m flattered but…” He trailed off when she placed a finger over his lips.

“Do not speak; do not reject me, and don’t prepare to tell me something you think I want to hear.” She moved her finger from his lips and trailed a hand down the front of him, finally taking hold of his cock.

She began to caress him and he willed his body to respond, but nothing. He considered casting some spell to get hard, but his skills with anything relating to witchcraft were poor. He was a fucking awful warlock and his mother was probably ashamed of him for that. If he tried a spell now he could end up making his cock disappear or something. Before he could consider trying something stupid, Nadine gasped and when he met her eyes, she was staring at him in shock.

“Oh my God Adrian, oh Adrian darling, you do love this woman don’t you? Look at you, at this? You can’t get it up and this has never happened before. You normally have the endurance of ten men and now…nothing.”

At her words he catapulted off the bed needing to get away from her, needing to get out of this house. “You’re wrong Nadine, I…don’t…love…her.” He ground out.

“Yes you do.” She said and he could hear the sadness in her voice.

“You’re wrong.” His tone was harsher than he would have liked to use on her. “I’m sorry.” He turned away and began to dress hastily. “Thank you for letting me rest here but now I must leave.” He walked back to her as she sat on the bed watching him and he dropped by her side cupping her cheeks in both hands. “I’m sorry for what I’m about to do. You have been a good friend but it’s time to say good bye.”

“Darling, what, what do you mean?” Her large chocolate coloured eyes searched his.

“Good bye Nadine. Come, see me to the door.” He stood and waited while she slipped her negligee back on. Once she was dressed again, she followed him and he opened the front door staring out for a moment into the blackness. With her living semi-rural there were no street lights so it was nothing, just dark, totally and completely dark.

He turned away and back to the elegant woman by his side. Gently he took her face between his hands and stared into her eyes. “Goodbye Nadine, thank you for everything. Thank you for all the times we had together even if you were paying me, I enjoyed myself with you. Now you don’t know me, I have stumbled upon your home but it’s the wrong address. You have never seen me before. You can’t help me and ask me to leave. I am a stranger to you and I scare you because you don’t like people coming to your home.” As he spoke, he released his hold on her face but not the connection of their eyes and backed out the door until he stood on the verandah. “What I’m telling you now is all you will know of me. You...have…never…seen…me…before.” He said slowly, punctuating each word with a pause and then he broke eye contact and watched as Nadine’s focus shifted and changed.

“What do you want? Who are you? Go away.” She yelled and Adrian did a double take at how vehemently she reacted to him. He’d witnessed plenty of changes in people when he’d mind controlled them but Nadine’s was more extreme than he was used to. “Go, please go.” She started to swing the door shut in his face.

“Ok, I’m sorry miss. I must have the wrong house.” He murmured, but the door slammed shut in his face before he’d finished speaking, and with one final look of regret towards her home, he walked to his car.

He turned the key and listened to the throaty rumble of the V8 engine, throwing the transmission into reverse; spinning the Trans Am around on her front lawn before roaring down the long driveway. The fact that this would be the last time he came here brought a feeling of sadness. Nadine had been more than just a client but she had ruined it by implying she loved him. He was still reeling from Faith’s declaration. He couldn’t handle another woman telling him she loved him too.

He hadn’t liked that she’d insisted he loved Faith, and that’s why he couldn’t get hard even in the presence of an attractive, naked and very willing woman. He didn’t love Faith, Nadine was wrong. He slammed his hand down on the Trans Am’s steering wheel. Damn these women who foolishly thought they loved him, damn Nadine for trying to make out he loved Faith, damn his life for being so completely fucked up and damn his fucking cock for letting him down.

A snort squeezed past his lips, which turned into laughter and he drove, laughing almost hysterically, insanely until his laughter turned to tears. Through his tears he growled, slamming on the brakes so the car skidded to a halt in the middle of the dark country road. Then with his hands fisted in his hair, tugging hard enough to hurt he threw his head back and shouted at the top of his lungs. On and on he yelled, screaming and shouting his way through anger, pain, fear, confusion, guilt. He yelled until he no longer knew why he was yelling, and he yelled until his voice failed him and it cracked, breaking and reducing his yell to little more than a pitiful growl in the back of his throat.

Finally he dropped his head against the steering wheel and was silent. Only when he felt more settled, more calm, did he put the car back into drive and continued on towards home. As fucked up as he was feeling right now, he had to stop by his home and check Katherine. She didn’t need him to feed her, she could feed herself, but he took her food often to make life a bit easier, so when he passed by a few shops, he stopped and picked up something to take to her.

She was going to be full of questions and he wasn’t really in the mood to deal with them, but he couldn’t ignore her or abandon her. She would be worried about her son and he owed Lucas the reassurance of at least making sure his mother was ok.

BOOK: Passion For Hire (Passion #5)
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