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Authors: Emma Shortt

Paying Her Debt (13 page)

BOOK: Paying Her Debt
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Andy smiled as George, Alex’s right hand man, walked by—on his
way out. She wasn’t quite sure how to take the other man. He was devastatingly
attractive in a different way to Alex, but she didn’t get any of the jitters around
him. He was pleasant and nice and that was that.


“Alex is in the dining room,” George said. “Go easy on him, eh?”

She laughed. “I always do.”

Though wasn’t that just a lie. They never went easy on each
other. They fucked like rabbits and sparred whenever they weren’t naked. Andy
had never met a man who infuriated her more. Infuriated and excited. Andy had
no idea how she felt about him beyond extreme lust and gratefulness. Somehow
Alex managed to make her feel more alive than anyone. He’d removed all her
worries and gave her jaw dropping pleasure night after night. She wanted him,
she knew that much. But beyond that? It was impossible to say.

“You need to get dressed,
,” he said when she
entered the dining room.

Andy’s heart—as always—raced at the sight of him. “Why?”

“Because if you stay like that, in just a robe, I will fuck you.
And we have an appointment in an hour.”

“Where? With who? Why?”

He smiled his wicked predatory smile that Andy craved and made
his way around the table. “So many questions. It is a surprise. Though, you
will see when we get there.”

“Alex, I have plans this afternoon.”

“Yes, you do. With me.”

She sighed. He was so domineering. It excited her in a weird sort
of way but annoyed the hell out of her, too. Eventually she would have to put
her foot down. She couldn’t live with it forever.

Andy gulped at her errant thought.
There would be no forever for them. This was a lover thing, and as soon as Aunt
Flow made a visit, she suspected Alex would send her on her way. Andy hoped,
embarrassing as it was to admit, that he’d want to see her afterwards. The idea
of never feeling his thick cock inside her again was almost painful.

“Look Alex—”

 He took her mouth in one swift move, his usual method to shut
her up, and plundered it with a ruthlessness that left her gasping. Before Andy
knew it, she found herself bent over the table, robe pooling around her feet.

“Your body excites me like nothing else, Andrea,” he said.

She shuddered when she heard his zip being opened. Then shuddered
again as his cock pressed against her folds. “Condom?” she whispered.

“Damn it, we’ve run out!” Alex growled. “You are not likely to
get pregnant now.”


“Let me have you, Andy,” he said, and before she could stop him
he filled her.

Andy gasped in pleasure, her body stretching to accommodate
Alex’s length. Each thrust made her knees quiver. Each movement sent tingles
through her body. “Yes, Alex….”

He pounded her ferociously. Their bodies slapping against one
another, skin on skin, gasp to gasp. “This is mine,” he growled. “Whose is it,

“Yours.” She panted as she always did. “All yours.” Why Alex
needed to be assured of that Andy did not know, but he insisted on staking his
claim every time he was inside her. Though in all honesty he could have got her
to agree the moon was red when filled with his cock. She agreed to everything.

“Mine,” he roared and slammed into with such force Andy’s legs
buckled, and she fell, prone over the table.

Ass high in the air she heard him suck his thumb into his mouth,
and her whole body shivered.
Oh. My. God.
“Alex, don’t....” she

But as always he did. His thumb slipped into her ass, no more
than a half inch, but it was enough to set all her nerve endings on fire. She
came in one massive explosion, all of her muscles clenching every part of him.

“Mine,” he roared again and Andy felt him come inside of her. Filling
her with his hot seed, perfectly in time with the racing shivers of her own

He curled into her, and Andy’s heart gave a peculiar kind of
How can I ever give this up?

“Appointment, kitten,” he said.

And she nodded, all the while wondering when the strange little
thumping would cease.






“I don’t understand,” Andy said. “I really am speechless.”

Alex stood in front of her, a strange sort of pride filling his
chest. “I know you cannot spend all day inside the hotel. I know you have been
bored and a little lost. So I thought to myself, what will make Andy happy. And
then it seemed so obvious, no?”

“But, Alex—”

“You will take things easy,” he said. “Just a few hours a day
until we know what the situation is.”

“I don’t know what to say, Alex. This is the most wonderful

She looked so shocked Alex couldn’t help but feel a little smug.
He’d spent some time thinking about how to give her a distraction. He spent
hours working, and he knew Andy was at a loss for what to do during that time.
Who knew how much longer they would have to wait to find out if she was
pregnant? And afterwards, whether a yes or a no, Andy would need something to
fill her time before the baby came, or something to fill the time when Alex was
not around. He ran an extensive worldwide empire after all, and he knew Andy
was not the sort of woman to kick her heels shopping or the like. Knew and
admired it.

And then it had come to him. The solution so obvious he’d
laughed. A few phone calls later and everything was in place, and now here he
was surprising her. It felt good. A little too good, and Alex found himself
wondering what else he could do to put a smile on her face.
Jesus Christ.

“It’s…mine you say?” Andy asked hesitantly, and Alex nodded.

“Here.” He handed across the deeds of ownership, including a back
deposit slip. “You own the building outright, including the little apartment on
the second level. It’s only small but it has two bedrooms. I’ve also arranged
for one hundred thousand to go into your new business account. That should be
plenty to get things back to how you want them and to give you a floating

Andy shook her head and looked up at the building. “Alex, I don’t
know what to say. To do this for me…I….”

He pulled her into his arms and planted a kiss on her open lips.
“It pleases me to make you happy, kitten.”

And it did. God damn it, it did. Alex held Andy in his arms, more
to give himself a moment than anything else. Why did making her happy cause
such a strange feeling in his own chest? Why did he feel so pleased with
himself? So proud to be able to do this for her? Alex took a deep breath and
tried to get a hold of his feelings. Andy was tying him in knots, and he had no
fucking clue how to unravel them.

He’d exulted at the lack of a condom, found himself hoping to
plant more of his seed inside of her. What the hell was going on? What had Andy
done to him?

Alex shuddered slightly and tried to ignore his scattered
thoughts, but in the midst of them was one overwhelming feeling.
I have to
get that wallet back…

* * * *

Andy looked up at the pink building, tears forming in her eyes. Her
shop, her little bakery, and Alex had gotten it back for her. More than that
he’d brought her the fucking building! Something she’d never had before. “Is
there a tenant?” she asked.

“No, it is empty.”

“So I can get started straight away?”

“Slowly,” he cautioned. “Be mindful of your condition.”

“I do not know what to say, Alex,” Andy whispered, tears
threatening again. “This seems like too much.”

“Andy,” he growled. “For once in our relationship just say, ‘thank
,’ and leave it at that.”


He shrugged. “Greek. It means the most amazing man you have ever

She laughed and prodded him in the ribs. “It does not. I’m
seriously going to have to learn the language at some point.” The realizing
what she’d said, and what it implied, Andy blushed. “I mean, well….”

“Good idea. We’ll start lessons tonight.”

“Alex,” she said, suddenly serious. “You’ve already given me so
much. The debts and the rent and now to do this? To give my business back to
me, and money to make it even better than it was before. I can’t even begin to
know what to say. I don’t deserve it.”

Was it wrong to just accept it? To do as Alex asked and for once
say thank you and nothing else? To Alex such money meant very little, whilst to
her it was everything. And she could see in Alex’s eyes how much it was
pleasing him to do this for her. He looked all proud and smug, and damn it she
liked it. He’d tried to find a way to make her happy, to start giving her back
what she’d lost. It would be wrong to refuse his gift. Accepting it would not
put her in debt to him, she realized that now, it would just make him happy. As
happy as he made her.  

She shivered and thought about the last week spent with him.
Hadn’t she said it would change her life on way or the other?
How right I

“Kitten,” he said. “Let me do this for you please.”

And it was then. In that moment, as she nodded, and he smiled
triumphantly, and swept her up into his arms that her heart gave another one of
those strange little thuds. The truth hit Andy about as hard as the mugger had.
Her heart sang from it at the same time as her mind reeled from it.

She pulled back and looked into Alex’s deep brown eyes, her heart
pounding and her body clenching.

She was in love with Alexander Iannou.






Two weeks after he gave her the present, Alex found Andy in the
shower, curled up in the corner, arms wrapped around her legs, water streaming
onto her. He reached over, turned the nozzle off, bent down, and tilted her
face up to his. She looked up at him, hair dripping around her face, eyes puffy
and red. Panic hit him. What the hell was wrong? Who had upset her? Alex’s
protectiveness of his little kitten had not lessened as the weeks went by, If
anything, it increased. He’d kill anyone who dared to harm her!

He wracked his brain trying to think of anything he might have
done that could have displeased her but could think if nothing. Like every day
for the last week, she’d gotten out of bed all rosy faced and smiley, before
skipping off to her shop. They spent every spare moment together, talking,
laughing, pleasuring one another. He’d thought she was happy. Was he wrong?

“Kitten?” he asked. “What’s the matter? A problem at the shop?
Did they send the wrong kind of flour again? Did the girls you pick not accept
the jobs?”

She shook her head and gulped.

 “Who has upset you? Tell me immediately, Andrea, and I will deal
with them.”

She gulped again and gave a funny little shudder. “No, it’s not
the shop.”

“You’ve been working too hard,” he accused, grabbing a huge white
towel and lifting her into it. She’d freeze in the cold shower otherwise, and
that was unacceptable. It was his job to look after her. He held her in his
arms and carried her into the bedroom, planting little kisses on her face as he
went. “Or I’ve kept you up too late. Worn you out.” He couldn’t help himself
though. Despite trying to reign in his desires, he needed Andy every single
night, usually more than once. It might help if she refused him but she never
did. If anything, she encouraged him to take her. Alex could no longer imagine
falling asleep without Andy’s curvy little body curled up in his arms, the idea
was just ridiculous.

“Kitten?” he prompted. Sitting down on the bed he crouched in
front of her. “Tell me.”

To his surprise, she looked down at her towel clad form and cried
again. Panic hit Alex, and he looked around the room as if someone would tell
him what to do. What was wrong with her? What should he do? Feeling massively
impotent, Alex growled.

“Andy, speak to me right now.”

She stood up, tears still falling and pointed at the dropped
towel. There in the expanse of white Alex could see exactly what had upset her.
Clenching his fists he too stood up, staggered by the disappointment that
washed over him. “You’re not pregnant.”


“I see.”

He’d almost convinced himself. They’d even spoken of going to the
Doctor’s by the end of the week and getting a test. He ran a hand through his
hair and banked down his feelings. Maybe it was for the best? After all they’d
only known each other for a few weeks. Maybe this was a good thing.
you tell yourself that, Andros.

“I thought…” she began, then gulped again and closed her mouth.
“I’m sorry, Alex.”

A strange feeling ran through his chest, and Alex took a deep
breath. This was not her fault, surely she didn’t think that! But then she
would, his Andy seemed to take responsibility for everything. But she mustn’t
take the blame on herself for this, for fucking biology. Over the last couple
of weeks, Alex had removed the shadows form her eyes and discovered a laughing,
delightful woman. He could let nothing bring those shadows back.

“There is nothing to be sorry about, Andrea. It is for the best,
no?” He’d convince her of that and maybe in time….

She grabbed a robe from the closet and wrapped it around herself.
“It is?”

Disappointment still washing through him, Alex nodded. “Of

“I see.”

“Andy—” The vibration of his phone jarred him, and Alex cursed.
“One moment.” He opened the phone up and barked a clipped “hello.” It was
George and as Alex had suspected he was calling about the problem with their
shipping line. He’d sent George to investigate over a week ago, not wanting to
leave Andy. Now the problem needed his attention, and maybe it would do them
both some good to have a couple of days apart? Alex could master his
disappointment, and Andy could deal with her hormones—which he thought must be
all over the place.

BOOK: Paying Her Debt
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