Read Perfect Chemistry Online

Authors: Jodi Redford

Perfect Chemistry (8 page)

BOOK: Perfect Chemistry
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Oh. God
,” Sidney whispered, a fierce shudder racking her body. She immediately began to come, her slick channel sucking him in even deeper, until he was completely lodged balls-deep right along with Dev. Before her quakes subsided, he retreated a few inches, creating a friction to keep her on the peak.

Dev countered his strokes, his face growing ever more lined with strain. When the next orgasm hit Sidney, Leo knew there was no way Dev would last to a third. And the way things were looking, neither would he. His gaze locked with Sidney’s, Dev surged into her one last time and his mouth went slack, intense pleasure seizing his features as he shook and shuddered through his release. A few seconds later, Leo joined him in that nirvana. Electric shockwaves rippling through every cell in his body, he came hard, his eyes threatening to roll back in his head.

Drained and his brain thoroughly fried, he slumped onto the edge of the couch, gently cradling Sidney while Dev stroked her waist. He caught the pensiveness in his partner’s eyes, and knew Dev had just experienced something profoundly amazing too.

The only remaining wildcard was Sidney. Now that she’d had a taste of what they could offer her, would she be willing to take a chance on forever with them?


She noticed the note the second she walked into the office on Monday. It was taped to her computer screen, but folded in half so she couldn’t immediately read its contents. Her heart thumping, she slowly approached her desk. Every bad ending to every broken relationship she’d experienced played like a condemning soundtrack in her mind.

Did they decide after the last few days spent with her that continuing with the experiments was a mistake? Maybe she’d been too needy. Too clingy. Maybe they thought she was decent in the sack, but a really lousy cook. And crap, she hadn’t even offered them dessert once. Unless you counted letting them eat whipped cream off her pussy last night. Doubtful that qualified when there was no chocolate sauce involved.

She curled her fists, digging her nails into her palms until the sting broke through the haze of her doubts. She’d known the risks going into this. Bottom line, her private time with Leo and Devlin wouldn’t last forever, and she’d better get used to that real quick or she’d be in for a whole heap of heartache. Sucking in a steadying breath, she snatched the paper from the monitor and unfolded it. The words printed in Leo’s bold handwriting were quick and to the point.

Lab. Now.

Well that was rather brusque of him. Tossing the note onto her desk, she headed for the hallway. The doors to the lab were already open and she stepped inside to find Leo and Dev waiting by the infamous Workstation of Self Diddling, wearing their lab coats and twin expressions of displeasure. Leo pointed to the empty test tube holder. “Do you know anything about this, Ms. Chase?”

She frowned, both at the question and his formal use of her name. “Of course I do. I already told you what happened. And you saw it on the camera footage.”

Leo glanced at Devlin. “Clearly she’ll say anything to get out of trouble.”

“What in the world are you talking about? I told you—” Her words rear ended themselves when Leo reached into his lab coat pocket and pulled out a pair of leather wrist restraints.

He stepped around her and calmly locked the door. The click of the dead bolt sliding home was one of the most erotic things she’d ever heard. The only thing that topped it was the sound of Leo and Devlin groaning her name as they came inside of her. She’d grown rather addicted to that lately. And eyeing the cuffs dangling from Leo’s hand, she was desperate for a repeat performance.

She swallowed past the excitement tightening her throat. “W—what’s going on?”

“You know damn well the answer to that question, Ms. Chase.” Leo stepped next to her and unbuttoned her suit jacket. “You disobeyed our strict orders to stay out of the lab, and for that you
be punished.”

She stared up at him, recognition dawning. They were playing out her fantasy. She jerked her gaze in the direction of the worktable, half expecting to see that they’d somehow jury-rigged it to her specifications. It was just the normal old table, but that didn’t stop her pussy from flooding with moisture. Leo finished removing her jacket and handed it off to Devlin. Within seconds her remaining clothes were dispensed with and she was left only in her garter and stockings. Having those still in place made the whole thing more thrilling and naughty, for some reason.

Devlin grabbed a thick, padded blanket from the counter and carefully situated it on the worktable before helping Leo hoist her up onto it. Leo returned to the counter and picked up several sets of corded bands that came with Velcro attachments on their ends. He secured each one to the table’s legs and affixed the bands to the cuffs. The dark intensity of his expression making her skin buzz with a forbidden thrill, he snapped the cuffs in place around her ankles and wrists, the tension of the cords pinning her to the table. Her breath a logjam in her throat, she waited to see what they would do to her next.

She got her answer when Devlin appeared holding a brand new Holy O vibrator in his left hand. Just the sight of it made her squirm in anticipation. Not that she could actually move much. He cocked his eyebrow in a diabolical fashion. “Have you ever come with one of these before, Ms. Chase?”

“Mmm, once or twice.”

He skimmed his fingertips down her belly, making her quiver. “I think you’re lying, you dirty girl. I bet you fuck yourself every night with this big plastic dick. In fact, you’re probably dripping right now just thinking about it.” His hand hovered a tormenting inch away from where she most wanted it.

She tried to strain her hips upward in wanton enticement, but the unyielding bands refused to budge. Leo stepped into view, carrying a tube of lubricant and another vibrator—this one much slimmer than the Holy O. Her racing mind settled on the most obvious place that second vibe would end up. Her experimentation with the double dildo penetration in her pussy was the furthest she’d taken her solo stimulation. She’d never even tried any back door action, mostly because it didn’t seem particularly appealing. But there was no denying that the possibility of Leo making her take that silver cylinder in her ass was hugely exciting.

Without preamble, he cupped her mound, the blunt tips of his fingers delving through her slickened folds. “Dev was right, you
wet. Which leads me to believe that he was also on the money about you lying about your daily vibrator fuck sessions.”

The way he said that, it sounded so incredibly lewd, filthy dirty, and totally
. She rolled her lips to keep from grinning since she didn’t want to spoil their fun—and hers—by getting out of character. Despite her desperate attempt to cover up her amusement, Leo must have noticed because a responding twinkle momentarily flashed in his eyes. The fact that he and Devlin were getting a kick out of this just as much as her? Well, it was pretty damn cool and made her fall for them a little harder.

No, bad time to bring tender emotions into this. She needed to remember this was an experiment. A way to help other women, and hopefully help her heal the mistakes of her past. Love had no place in all of it.

Devlin swirled the jellied tip of the Holy O along her labia, effectively distracting her from her unsettled thoughts. “Do you know what we do to dirty little liars, Ms. Chase?”

She shook her head, and he nudged the massive head of the Holy O inside her a fraction. He switched the device on, leaving it at the lowest setting so the vibrations provided a faint hum throughout her pussy. Her clit felt woefully left out of the party.

Without saying another word to her, Devlin and Leo ambled to the far counter and began leafing through some periodicals that they must have brought with them from their offices.

Uh, what the fuck was this shit? She cleared her throat, hoping that’d do the trick of gaining their attention. Continuing to ignore her, Devlin copped a squat on one of the stools while Leo leisurely flicked through his pages. The ceaseless hum of the vibrator was starting to get to her, and not necessarily in a good way. Or at least not in any way that would result in an orgasm any time in the next century. Biting her lip in concentration, she wiggled slightly to the right. If she could work it so the controls were facing the table, maybe enough jostling would jimmy the speed up a few notches.

No dice. Smothering a frustrated groan, she glanced in Leo and Devlin’s direction, but they didn’t seem the least interested in her sad predicament. In fact, she was pretty damn sure the sonsofbitches were enjoying her plight.

And to think she used to like them. Bastards. “You know, this isn’t in any way keeping with my original fantasy.”

Her disgruntled assessment was met with continued disinterest on their end. Her body buzzing with unfulfilled need and frustration, she glared at the ceiling tiles. Just when she thought they might have forgotten about her completely, the scuff of shoes marked someone’s approach. Turning her head, she met Leo’s gaze. Judging from the heat in his eyes, he wasn’t nearly as unaffected by the situation as she’d previously assumed. He picked up the slim vibe and the accompanying lube before meeting her stare again. “What makes you think this fantasy is yours?”

Well now. Okay. Yeah, clearly she hadn’t considered that angle. Feeling a little less prickly, she watched him lubricate the vibrator. When he positioned it at her back entrance she instinctively clenched in preparation of its invasion. Dropping his character, Leo stroked her thigh, his touch soothing. “Don’t tense up. It’ll only hurt if you do that.”

“It probably will regardless.”

“I promise I’ll do everything I can to ensure that doesn’t happen. But if you really are uncomfortable with it, I’ll put it away right now.”

The realization that he would never try to push anything on her proved to be the best relaxant of all. Her fear dissipating, she shook her head. “No, I want to try it.”

He smiled and leaned down to kiss her. “Good girl.”

She expected him to immediately push the vibrator into her ass, so she was surprised when he increased the speed on the Holy O instead. Her previously neglected clit suddenly became an active participant in the festivities as the stronger pulses revved along her G spot. She gasped and moaned, straining against her bindings.

Leo cupped her breast, his thumb running circles over her nipple.  “You are fucking beautiful when chasing your orgasm. But I’m sorry, querida. I’m going to make you wait a while longer.” He dialed the Holy O’s intensity down a notch and slowly eased the other vibrator into her ass. Other than a few momentary twinges of discomfort in the initial stretching of her anus, the process was nowhere as horrible as she’d thought it would be. If anything, the additional fullness And according to the blazing intensity in Leo’s gaze, he thought it was hot too.

Devlin abandoned his post on the stool and came to do his own in-depth inspection of Leo’s handiwork. He licked his lips and coasted a fingertip over her clit, verifying how soaked the tiny bundle of nerves had become. Holding her gaze, he sucked his thumb clean, the ravenous growl low in his throat tightening her already painfully swollen nipples. Leo flicked the vibe on, and she jolted at the unaccustomed sensation in her ass. Struggling to catch her breath, she writhed against the competing pulses vying for her attention.

Leo caressed her lower belly, the tantalizing graze of his fingertips adding to the exquisite torment. She silently begged him to take her over the edge, but his control remained unbendable. Awarding her another intense sweep of his gaze, he stepped away from her. Panic started to well to the forefront of her mind. They couldn’t leave her this way. She’d—

Her frantic thoughts died an instant death as Leo shrugged from his lab coat and unbuckled his belt. He performed the slowest, sexiest strip tease, all the while eating her alive with his blistering gaze. She did a little of her own visual devouring. Lord, he was built like a god. Sculpted muscles underneath the gorgeous canvas of his olive-toned skin. A defined six pack you could bounce a quarter on. Those yummy V lines leading down to his groin. And of course there was the absolute perfection of his cock. Long, thick, and so deliciously hard for her. Damn, she was one lucky bitch.

Leo tossed two condom packets next to her hip. The implications of that gesture sent a renewed surge of wetness between her legs. Stealthy as the big, predatory cat he was named after, he climbed up on the table, his thighs straddling hers. Bracketing her face with his hands, he stared into her eyes for a breathless moment before crashing his mouth over hers. The consuming hunger in his kiss swept her under its devastating undertow, battering her senses. She whimpered as he sucked her tongue into his mouth, drawing her pleasure to an all new high. He reached between her legs and pumped the Holy O deeper, grinding it firmly against her G spot. She tensed, panting, and he broke their kiss to give her another of those darkly compelling stares. He didn’t even have to voice the command. She read it in his eyes. And she obeyed.

Everything inside her condensed into a tight ball of pressure before shattering apart. A strangled cry lodged in her throat, she shuddered beneath him. He kissed his way down her neck, his whispered praise peppering her skin. The Holy O clicked off and he carefully removed it, his fingers slipping inside to take its place. Her overstimulated tissues instantly responded to his deft exploration. Even the tiniest stroke in the right spot would be enough to detonate her fuse again. Apparently aware of this, Leo studiously avoided direct contact with her G spot. His mouth charted a course down her torso, lingering for several minutes on her nipples before resuming its travels.

Her breasts didn’t have long to miss Leo’s oral devotion though as Devlin stepped up to the plate. He plumped one mound with his hand, his tongue playing a devilish note on her pebbled flesh. Scoring her nipple lightly with his teeth, he shifted his head slightly to watch his fellow tormentor’s progress along her quivering abdomen. The rasp of Dev’s whiskered jaw providing its own brand of torturous pleasure, she shivered and moaned, arching her back as much as the restrictive bindings would allow.  Leo’s tongue rimmed her bellybutton, dipped inside briefly, before cruising in a lazy lap to her pussy. He twisted the plug in her ass, intensifying the hum. Her nerves buzzed in sync with the enticing vibrations and she balled her fists, her toes curling.

Leo tapped her clit in warning. “You will not come until we’re inside you.” It was more of an imperial fact than an outright command. Because strangely enough, her body was in complete accordance with his wishes. Even as badly as she wanted to come, the orgasm hovered impatiently in the wings, waiting for its curtain call. Tucking back the hood of her clit, he curled his tongue and rolled it upward, flicking her over and over with short, focused pulses that partnered the ones thrumming through her ass. She bucked helplessly with each swipe of his tongue, her teeth chattering.

BOOK: Perfect Chemistry
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