Perfectly Imperfect (Perfectly #1) (4 page)

BOOK: Perfectly Imperfect (Perfectly #1)
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My climax begins to build again and it’s intense. Heat rises from my toes up my body. “Grayson,” I moan, my breathing heavy. I grab the sheets with my fisted hands as I begin to soar with my orgasm. Grayson’s breathing has quickened, and I know he must be close. Suddenly, he brings his hand to my sex and begins rubbing it. That is my undoing. I close my eyes, head tipped back, arch my back and lose myself in my orgasm, moaning and panting as my walls clench around him and he finds his release, too.

He pulls out of me and lies back down, satisfied. I feel too tired and sedated to argue with him about leaving. My eyes are winning the battle and I feel myself slipping into sleep.

I’ve never slept with someone before, and it feels weird; like if someone is invading my privacy. I know that’s not what Grayson is doing; I don’t think he’d go through my stuff, although he did manage to get my number last night while I slept. He just stays on his back, breathing softly, and smiling to himself like an idiot. I fall asleep before I know it, giving in to him by my side.

I wake up the next morning with Grayson still by my side. I get up quietly and head to the kitchen to make some much needed coffee. If I was confused yesterday morning when I saw him in my apartment, today took confusion to a whole new level. He looked so peaceful sleeping.

I sit on a chair at the table drinking my coffee, replaying last night and my feelings when I thought he was going to leave.

“Good mornin’, sunshine.” Grayson greets me, standing at the entrance of the kitch
en wearing nothing but his boxer briefs. Damn, he really does have an amazing body, and his V shape peeks from the waist of his boxers tempting me to explore what lies beneath.

I notice I’m eyeing him and break my contact before he notices, biting my lip. “Good morning. Coffee?”

“Sure.” He says as he sits down across from me. I prepare him a cup of coffee, remembering how he takes it from yesterday morning. “Thanks,” he says as I hand it to him. He seems completely comfortable here. I wonder if he is one of those people that just always seem at ease no matter where they are, or if it’s just here.

“Do you always make yourself so at home in people’s houses?” I ask.

He smiles that gorgeous smile, “Not always, but I will say this is the home I’ve felt most comfortable in since I can remember. You must be a good hostess. Maybe you’ve got some southern hospitality running through your blood after all.”

“You’re such a southerner. I’m sure you’re used to southern hospitality, but you know my rules, no sleepovers. That’s two nights in a row. You’re breaking my rules.”

“Rules were made to be broken. Besides, I didn’t hear you tell me to leave.” Damn him, he is so frustrating, always one step ahead. He knows how to charm his way to get what he wants. I just drink my coffee in silence. If anyone knows about breaking rules, it’s me, but I never thought someone would storm in here demolishing my own rules. What’s even worse is that I let him.

“Wanna grab some breakfast?”  He asks, distracting me from my thoughts.

“Don’t waste your time. I already told you I don’t date.”

“Not a date. I’m hungry. I want breakfast and enjoy your company. You can even pay for yourself if you want.” I laugh, shaking my head in disbelief. “Is that a no?”

“No, that’s a ‘I can’t believe you just said that’ head shake.”

“Well, that way we’ll make sure it’s not a date, but just two people having a meal together.”

“I’ll go get dressed.” He beams at me and sits back in his chair with his arms laced behind his head, like if he just won the lottery. Then he follows me to finish getting dressed as well.

We head out walking to a nearby café. Being around Grayson is easy, effortless. We talk about simple things and our conversations transition to different topics. He’s funny and charming, and he never pushes me to talk about things I don’t want to discuss. We get our check, and he keeps his promise; I pay my half in a very non-date way, and walk back to my apartment.

“So why don’t you date?” And there is the unwelcomed question I’m sure he’s been dying to ask.

“I told you, I don’t want to talk about it. Mommy issues remember?”

“Yeah, I understand that. We’re not too different.” I look at him skeptically, but continue walking. He continues. “I’ve got some mommy issues, too.” He says to clarify.

“Don’t waste your time with me, Grayson. I’m broken.”

“I’m broken, too. Isn’t that peachy two broken peas in a pod. I’ll tape you up, if you tape me up.” I snort in disbelief at his comment and then laugh in his face. “Okay, okay you don’t have to be so mean.” He feigns being hurt, exaggerating a frown.

“You’re so cheesy.” I say between laughs.

“Hey! I didn’t say we had to date. We could be friends. We have more in common than you think. It’ll be nice to hang out with someone who understands. Besides, I haven’t made too many friends since I moved here.”

“Friends? I don’t know. We’ve had sex. I don’t usually keep any kind of relationship after I’ve slept with someone.”

“Well, I’ve proven not to be like your other hook ups since I’ve slept over twice. Besides, since we’ve already had sex, we won’t have that tension building between us.”

“I don’t know. It just sounds complicated.” Grayson just smiles widely and his eyes brighten, sparkling in the sun. I need to break eye contact before I give into those eyes.

“And you can always call me to satisfy your needs again,” he adds with a devilish grin.

My mouth drops open, and I challenge him. “Okay, so what? Friends with benefits?”

“Sure,” he shrugs noncommittally.

I know I’m playing with fire, but I’m not ready for this to be goodbye just yet. Maybe we could be friends. We get along, there is no drama, and he seems to understand me.

We reach my apartment and say goodbye. He walks to his car, turning to me, “Talk to you later, Sweet Pea.” I wave and walk inside.
Sweet pea? Really?
I roll my eyes.

I have no idea how deep I am getting myself into, b
ut I am doomed. I knew from the beginning that this was not just a one-night stand. He would linger in my head and be embedded in my soul.
Shit! I can’t be friends with him. What if my heart breaks? Snap out of it, Mia, you don’t have a heart; it won’t break.
What if I break his?

I do what I know best, emerge myself into work and get started on my interview with Alexandre Campbell.


Chapter 4


The next days are busy at work. I finish writing the interview with Alexandre Campbell and creating my first article for the magazine to follow that interview. I am excited, but working more than I have ever worked. My career always comes first, but this opportunity is taking it to a whole new level. This is my chance to prove to them that I have what it takes to transition into this position, and I am pouring all of myself into it. I have to be professional, witty, and capture the readers’ attention so that they would want more from me. With that being said, I have been staying at work longer hours, eating, sleeping, and breathing this article.

Grayson has text messaged me a few times to see how the article is coming along and to get together, but being so busy at work I’ve had to turn him down every time. However, our text messages are longer than the usual quick responses, joking and teasing each other. I really enjoy talking to him, but honestly, I am grateful to have this excuse to not see him.

I’m still trying to keep some kind of distance, and not let this “friendship” betray my better judgment. I can’t afford to have any distractions pulling me away from work. I have thought about him more than I’d like to admit, but I still can’t let that get in the way of my career.

Toni is pleased with my interview, and continues to give me more and more assignments to write about; different topics like fashion, relationships, beauty, etc. It feels good to write and prove myself. I put all my energy into my job; writing, researching, interviewing.

The days
fly by as I continue to focus on work and my rise within the magazine. I’ve seen Grayson a few times. The sex definitely continues to get better and better as we become more familiar with each other. We have spoken on occasion, and honestly, I enjoy his company. I never thought I’d be such good friends with a guy, especially one I was sleeping with, but truth is we have more in common than I’d like to admit. Steph has also met him and approves, saying he’s exactly what I need to challenge my smartass self.

I’ve gone out a couple of times with Steph, hooking myself the occasional night fling, but definitely much less than I used to. It is hard to not compare those flings to Grayson. Sex with him is definitely more intense. 

Now I’m stressing at my office with a bit of writer’s block when Steph walks in. “Let’s go to happy hour. You’ve been working so hard, you need to unwind.”

“I don’t know. I have to write this article by Monday.”

“Mia, you’ve been working your ass off. Let’s go. I already told Toni you were leaving. It’s 6:30 pm; you’ve been off the clock for an hour and a half. Kyle is meeting us, too.”

I sigh, a little irritated, but Steph is right. I need to unwind, plus I have major writer’s block. Spending some much-needed time with friends will probably help with that. “I’ll shut down and we’ll be on our way.”

Steph grins, pleased that got she her way, and waits for me in the lobby. I wonder if I should text Grayson since he’s been texting to get together, but I just want to not think about him. It’s been hard pushing him to the back of my mind, and it would be even harder if he were there in front of me. I haven’t seen him in a couple weeks, and he still clouds my thoughts.

We get to Grooves and order a round of beer. I begin relaxing talking to Steph about work and the research I’ve been doing for my latest article. I tell her about my writer’s block
, and we discuss some ideas.

Kyle arrives shortly after us. I haven’t seen him in a while, and he’s always such a riot. I only wish Steph
and him would admit their attraction and work something out. They really are perfect for each other. 

My phone vibrates suddenly, and I check my message and smile at the name on the screen. It’s Grayson.

Hey, what are you up to? Want to hang out?

Hello there stranger, I’m actually at happy hour with Steph at Grooves in Downtown.

Damn, no invite? I’m kind of hurt, Sweet Pea.

Get over it.

I’ll see you there in 10.

So needy? What you couldn’t find a hot chick?

No, loser. Haha let’s just hang out. I’ll see you soon, Sweet Pea.

I roll my eyes at his nickname, biting my lower lip. Since he made that comment after the first time we hooked up about being two peas in a pod, he’s been calling me that. I have a stupid grin on my face from our short back and forth, which Steph doesn’t miss.

“You seem happy.” Steph laughs. “Who was that? Grayson?”

“He’s meeting us here for happy hour. Is that okay?”

“Who’s Grayson? That guy from
you left with a few weeks ago?” Kyle asks raising a questioning eyebrow at me. You would think a bartender at one of the city’s most popular clubs would be too busy to be gossiping about the guys his friends take home.

“Yes, Kyle. We’ve become friends in the last few weeks. Apparently, Steph takes everything out of context.”

“So wait, you didn’t sleep with him?” He asks surprised.

“Oh, they slept together,” Steph pipes in. “Apparently they’re just friends though. Wait ‘til you see them together, Kyle.”

“Drop it, Steph. Yes, we slept together and continue to occasionally, but he’s also really cool and we have a lot in common.” I explain, not quite convincing either of them.

“It’s refreshing to see you actually give in to a guy for once.” Steph says.

“Steph,” I warn, “We’re friends. We get along, and occasionally have really good sex. He’s been trying to get together, but I’ve been busy with work and haven’t been able to.”

“Okay, fine Mia. All I’m saying is that I think you should give him a chance
instead of continuing to screw meaningless guys. He obviously likes you. He seems like a good guy and he’s hot as hell. Don’t avoid him. It’s okay to have feelings for someone.”

“First of all, you know I’m not the dating type. Second, he doesn’t like me he likes the sex. And third, I know he’s hot as hell, but he’s also proven to be a good friend.  That’s the chance I’m giving him, friendship, nothing more.”

“Sorry to burst your bubble, Mia, but if a guy just wanted sex he’d go to anyone. We don’t exactly cling on to one-night stands. We actually prefer to love ‘em and drop ‘em.” Kyle offers his male expertise; from experience I’m sure.

Steph looks at Kyle quickly and
then says, “Believe what you want, Mia, but you guys aren’t just friends. You have sex for God’s sake and you hang out. When he’s around, I don’t see you trying to get with other guys. You lose your interest in others.”

“That’s because when he’s here I have a secured
, and don’t need to work for another one.” I emphasize the word fuck to get my point across. That’s all it is with Grayson. We’re friends who fuck.

Steph drops the subject and orders three shots of Jager
, knowing when to end a conversation with me before it goes overboard. We take the shots in silence, and I chase it with my beer. Just to prove her wrong, I walk over to a guy in the corner of the bar who has been eyeing me and introduce myself. His name is Jeff and he’s cute. If Steph thinks Grayson would stop me from hooking up with guys and charming them, she is going to be proven wrong.

I had been talking to Jeff and dancing with him a bit when I look over at Steph and Kyle and catch Grayson’s eyes instead. He is sitting on the stool I had vacated, talking to my friends, but looking at me. I feel a twinge of guilt but push it aside. He knows who I am and how I am, but maybe he expects to take me home and seeing me interacting with Jeff gives him some doubt. I excuse myself and make my way back towards them to say hi.

“Hey! You made it. How was work? This is Kyle by the way. He’s one of the bartenders at
” I say casually.

He smiles his beautiful smile
, and I hear his southern drawl. “Steph introduced us. Work was great. I see you baited yourself another conquest.” He winks, and I just laugh.

“No, just proving a point.” I smile at Steph sarcastically. 

She raises an eyebrow and says, “Really? I think I just proved my point. You came over didn’t you?”

Grayson looks between us confused and slightly amused at our banter.  “Y’all lost me.”

“Don’t worry Grayson. Steph is just psychoanalyzing me. She’s apparently a closet psychologist.”

Steph laughs loudly, obviously very pleased with my comment. “It’s fun Grayson. You should try it some time. Pisses the hell out of her, but quite entertaining.”

“It sure is. Especially when she’s being proven wrong,” Kyle chimes in. I glare at both of them.

“Oh, I’ve tried it already.” He says. They laugh at me
, and I glower at them with more anger.

I signal the bartender for another shot and shoot it back quickly. “Screw you guys!”

“Gladly,” Grayson shoots at me, which makes Steph and Kyle laugh even harder.

“I see what you mean, Steph.” Kyle says between laughs.

Annoyed at the three of them, I walk away looking for some other entertainment. Grayson grabs my arm and pulls me back. “We’re just kidding, Mia. Relax and stop being so over sensitive.” I roll my eyes and drink my beer in a gulp. I don’t like talking about my issues, even less having people trying to analyze them and “figure me out.” I would think Grayson would understand this since he has similar issues.

We continue talking and drinking, relaxing a bit. Steph and Kyle go dance, leaving Grayson and me alone.

“Let’s go dance, too,” Grayson points to the dance floor where other people are piling in to dance. We head over and begin moving together. For some reason we always move in perfect harmony, and I know that no matter what point I had to prove to Steph and myself, Grayson is whom I want to take home. Honestly, after hooking up with Grayson, no one else really comes close to satisfying me like he does. He’s good and he knows it, too. Kyle catches my eye and winks at me with a nod of approval.

After a while of dancing and building the desire between us, Grayson and I jump on a cab and head home.  His fingers touch mine in the back seat of the cab, stroking my knuckles
, and then he pulls me closer to his side fueling the fire beginning to burn deep in my core. He begins to nuzzle my neck and kiss behind my ear, sending chills up my spine. He grabs my face and pushes his lips to mine, kissing me softly at first, and then intensifying the kiss. I give his tongue access to my mouth, my tongue dancing with his. I forget about the cabdriver and any embarrassment I would normally feel and fall deeper into his kiss and touch. His hands run up my legs and stop at the hem of my skirt, teasing the skin just below it. I’m tempted to straddle him, but the cab driver clears his throat to let us know we’ve arrived.

hugs my back to him as I unlock my door and enter my apartment. His lips move around my neck, meeting my lips kissing me passionately and eagerly. He pushes harder into my backside, so I can feel all of him, his erection pressing into my lower back. I am so far gone knowing that he’s hard for me.

He takes off my shirt, leaving me in my skirt and bra, and turns me around so we are facing each other. He kisses my neck and moves his lips to my shoulders letting my bra strap fall off it. He cups my breasts with his hands, massaging and teasing with his burning touch, causing desire to pool in every sensitive area of my body. I moan in his ear and push my hands through his hair pulling it gently.

Grayson moves his hand around to my back and slowly undoes the zipper of my skirt, letting it fall at my feet, leaving me in my heels and underwear. Thank God I wore my lace combination today. He takes a step back to look at me, a devilish grin playing across his lips, and his hands move slowly down the sides of my body, following my curves. His lips find mine again, his tongue dancing with mine.

I peel off his shirt and unbutton his jeans. Running my hands through his hard chest feeling every muscle beneath my touch, I reach around his neck and pull him closer to me feeling his hot skin on mine, and his hands move south on my body. I push down his jeans, moaning his name, and feel him harden under his boxer briefs. His len
gth presses into me as his hand finds my sweet spot and begins to move over my underwear. I groan again, feeling every sensation race through my body, our mouths never leaving each other. He walks me to the couch and lays me down. He looks so hot standing there in his boxer briefs, rippled body, and messy hair smiling down at me. His eyes are dancing with desire and amusement at how easily he excites me.

He bends down and softly pecks my lips, but when I try to grab him down to me he moves away and gets on his knees unhooking my bra and taking one of my breasts in his mouth, moving his tongue all around, reigniting my craving. His hands move down to my underwear and let them slide down my legs. He begins trailing kisses down my breasts to my stomach and further south until he reaches my sweet spot and begins trailing kisses up my inner thighs. He blows lightly over my most sensitive area before bringing his mouth down and enclosing around it, kissing, licking, and tantalizing me, bringing me back to the brink.

“Grayson, please… now… let me finish.”  I pant, desperate for my release. He’s tantalizing me, bringing me to the brink and then letting me back down. I can’t take it anymore. The feel of his hot breath on my sex and his tongue moving all around me are driving me crazy, and I raise my hips to give him better access. I hear a small laugh escape from him as I grab his head in my hands and pull him with all my force up on top of my body. He’s smiling at my attempts, and brings himself over me. I reach down into his boxers and rub his length. He is more than ready. I don’t know how he can tease me like that and not give into his own desires.

BOOK: Perfectly Imperfect (Perfectly #1)
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