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Authors: Antwan Floyd Sr.

Tags: #action adventure, #revenge and betrayal, #revenge and redemption, #revenge killer, #revenge and retribution, #crime ficiton

Piece Keeper

BOOK: Piece Keeper
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Piece Keeper

Antwan Floyd Sr.

Piece Keeper

Copyright © 2014 by Antwan Floyd Sr.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be
reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without
written permission of the author.

Book cover designed by
Bleeding Pen

Also by Antwan Floyd

Crew Love

Crew Love II “The Black Mob”

The Addiction an Anthology

Wild 100’s

Sperm Donor

The Last Transmission of a Gangster

12 Months of Murder “Introduction to Seduction”

Dear Diary, the Bleeding Pen Entries



Dedicated 2


Darryl “DatniggaLilMoe” Davis, Tyrone Turner
Jr., Kip, Michael Howard, James Span Jr., Deon Davis, Auntie
Lee-Lee, Chevelia Floyd, Auntie Renee & Auntie Pat.



The streets were desolate and cold. James shook off
the chill that shot through his bones as he pulled the skull cap
slightly down over his eyebrows not leaving very much of his face
to be seen. He took his time moving to the ATM machine. He had
transferred a small portion of his money from the off shore account
to his account in the states. He had been in Burr Ridge for almost
a week now. Nothing or no one, other than Witherspoon, was
connecting him to what happened to Teresa or the others he’d dumped
in the river over the past year. He knew Witherspoon would never
speak and their employer had no idea who it was and didn’t want to
know. He felt bad about not trying to bring Teresa. He contemplated
that she was better off without him. He slid the bank card into the
machine, keyed in the code followed by the amount he wanted to
withdraw, and then waited for the machine to spit the bills out.
Once the money was out he retrieved his cash and card and went back
to his car. He had nothing to worry about yet he still felt
compelled to get out of Illinois. He wanted to see his sister
before he left because he didn’t know when he would see her again.
As he climbed into his car and started the engine he heard the
sound of a click behind his head.

“You can have the money and car,” he said.

The person behind him remained silent.

James spoke again. “It doesn’t have to end badly. I
haven’t seen your face so you can just take the cash and go.
Everyone’s happy.”

“This isn’t just a robbery,” the woman’s said as she
pulled the trigger.

Chapter One

“You scream and I’ll cut your fucking throat,” the
chief of detectives of Vermillion County in Danville, IL whispered
in Teresa Prince’s ear as he pressed the serrated hunting knife
across her throat.

She squealed as a thin sliver of blood ran down her
neck dripping onto her blouse. His cologne invaded her nostrils.
Her gag reflexes made her feel as if she may vomit as she felt his
sweaty palms grasp at her thighs making his way up her leg and
underneath her skirt trespassing against her body encroaching upon
her soul. Her face was a wet pallet of tears and snot.

“Please don’t… don’t do this,” she begged as she
felt the thin material covering her vagina rip free. Her body
tensed up, the hairs on every inch of her body stood as she felt
his rough calloused hands between her legs. Her hips jerked as she
felt him jab his thick fingers into her.

“Help me! Please don’t let him do this to me,” she
pleaded once more barely audible to the demented audience that
stood watching.

Teresa didn’t know what hurt her more. The fact that
she was being violated or the painful truth of not only was it
happening in a police station but by the very people she paid her
taxes to that were supposed to protect her. She held her breath as
she felt him enter her from behind. The other officers in the room
stood around cheering him on as he grunted and pounded into her
until his fluid squirted inside her body. Stepping back gasping for
breath, Chief Witherspoon pulled his pants up from around his
ankles with his salt and pepper hair matted to his pasty pale face
from his sweat.

“My turn,” Officer Hunter said making his way


“Stand down officer,” Officer Foster said placing a
hand on Hunter’s chest pushing him back. “She’s mine.”

Foster had to go through a series of things to
prepare: remove service weapon placing it on the table, unzipping
pants to let them fall to the floor, pulling out a strap on penis
from the open bag next to the service weapon. The others watched as
Foster wrapped the strap-on around her waist, fastened it, and then
approached Teresa with a glimmer in her eye. Grasping Teresa by the
waist as she shivered in fear Foster guided her hips thrusting
forward forcefully into Teresa’s buttocks. With each dry painful
thrust Teresa cried out in agony as the woman sodomized her. Teresa
wanted desperately to fight back yet she lay motionless with her
face and chest against the table while her body and mind were
paralyzed with fear. She took the mental, emotional, and physical
abuse in fear that if she fought back she may die.

Each of the three officers took turns with the young
woman who had been hired only months earlier as an intern. Through
it all, including the hurt and humiliation, she felt the worst and
most sickening feeling of all. It was something she could never
shake. Goosebumps raced across her flesh as the creepy feeling took
root and grew inside her mind. She could feel him watching her. The
feeling would keep her awake for a lifetime though she didn’t know
who he was.

Chapter two

A Week Later


Teresa sat on the hospital bed at Carle Foundation
covered in a backless nightgown and staring emotionlessly at
nothing in particular. James Collins, an officer and her mentor at
the department, sat near her bed. Feelings of confusion and anger
stirred inside him. He didn’t know whether to sit quietly or to
hold her hand and attempt to console her. He chose the latter; he
reached out placing his hand on top of hers. She quickly pulled
from his grasp placing both of her hands on her chest. James pulled
back and stood up, stepping away from the bed.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…”

“James, I…”

The door opened and the person she wanted
desperately to see stood in the door way. She prayed he would come,
yet she still had her reservations that he would. Standing in the
door way it was almost as if God himself shined a heavenly light
upon his physique. It was her ex-fiancé, Black Love. They hadn’t
spoken to one another in almost a year. She had broken off the
engagement through a text message then left Chicago and moved back
to Danville. Black had a smaller stature as he was short in height
standing at only five and a half feet. His frame was not muscular
but also not scraggly. He worked out just enough to stay toned. He
had a bald head, dark chocolate complexion, a goatee and white

Teresa could see the anger and hurt in his eyes. She
couldn’t help but peek over his shoulders. She could see that the
hallway outside of her room was crowded with uniformed police
officers from her precinct. She turned her head in fear as she made
eye contact with Chief Witherspoon just as the door closed. The
look of fear on her face was not missed by either of the two men
but they both interpreted it differently.

James moved across the room quickly to head Black
off before he reached Teresa. “She doesn’t want you here,” he said
sizing Black up with his fists clenched.

Black didn’t back down. He stared up at James
unmoved by his police uniform or his size. He was almost two feet
taller and at least a hundred pounds heavier. “Back up, James. It’s
a little late to play hero. You should have been here to protect
her that night.”

“Who the hell are you and…”

“Stop it! Both of you!” Teresa screamed with her
face wet with tears. “James.”

He quickly turned and went to her side, retaking his
seat. He thought of reaching for her hand but decided against it
this time. “What is it my love?”

“Give me and Black sometime alone please. We need to

“But I—”


James sighed and stood to his feet. Black stood
between him and the door unwilling to move. James brushed against
his shoulder as he stormed from the room.

“How did you find out?” Teresa asked wiping the
tears from her face with the back of her hand.

“The same way I knew your boyfriend’s name.”

“He’s not my boyfriend and you have no right to keep
tabs on me, Black. We aren’t together anymore.”

“You’re my girl.”

Teresa laughed. “Your girl? Did you not get the text
message… oh what… a year ago?”

Black’s nose flared. That emotional wound still
hadn’t healed. “Together or not you’ll always be my girl.”

“And what about Morena?”

Black cleared his throat. “Morena?” He was surprised
that she had known about her.

“Don’t look confused. What? Suddenly you don’t know
who Morena Suarez is?”

“What does that have to do with anything?”

“Why are you worried about what’s going on with me
here in another city when you are not only living with another
woman, only a year after our break up, but you’re engaged to be

Black approached the bed and sat down on the side of
it placing his hand on her face. He brushed the hair from her eyes.
“That’s not important, Baby Love.” That was his pet name he’d given
her when they first started dating.

She pushed his hand from her face. “I’m not your
Baby Love. Not anymore.” She turned her face from his.

With both hands he gently cupped her face and turned
it so that they could see eye to eye.

“I’m not leaving until I get to the bottom of this.
That fucker who did this to you is going to pay!”

“Leave it alone, Black.”

Black jumped to his feet. “Leave it alone!” he
screamed without realizing.

Teresa placed her hand on his. “I know you’re upset
but I just want this all to be over with.”

“It will be as soon as I—”

“Go home, Black. I don’t want you here.”

“Want me here or not I’m not leaving until justice
is served. I’ve been re-assigned to the District Attorney’s office
in Vermillion County.”

“You’re the new District Attorney?” She was

“No I’m A.D.A., but I’m on the case.”

“Black I—”

“Get some rest. I’m done talking about it. I just
got here. I didn’t even pack any clothes. I’m going shopping to
pick up a few things to wear and some hygienic essentials then I’m
going to see someone about renting a house for a few months. I’ll
be back tomorrow to pick you up and take you home.”

“It’s not necessary.”

“It is.” He placed her hand to his lips and kissed
it. “See you tomorrow.”

Chapter Three

James sat alone in his apartment scouring the
internet for any information he could about Black Love. He knew
that’s who had come to see Teresa today. They had never met but the
few times that he and Teresa had gone out that man was all she
talked about. Black this, Black that. What the hell kind of name
was Black Love anyway? So what they were once engaged! To hell with
they’re history! That’s exactly what they had: history. I’m her
future, he thought as he read through the newspaper article he
found online in a Chicago newspaper. The headline read: Black Love
District Attorney for Cook County Convicts Kingpin of Regional Drug
Ring That Included Chicago, Detroit, and Racine, WI. He clicked
another link to a website with Black’s name attached to it. The
website opened to an article about a battered women’s shelter that
Black co-founded with Teresa. The article showed a picture of the
two of them hugging and smiling.

James felt the anger swell in his head as he stared
at the picture. He felt his temples on both sides of his head
become tighter and tighter as if his head was trapped in a vice
grip. His heart pounded as beads of sweat popped up wetting his
forehead. Blood dripped from his nose. He didn’t like the idea of
another man touching her. It was all he could think of while
staring at the picture. Things were escalating in his mind. No
matter what he did he kept reliving the pain wrenching night. Even
now the horrible memory crept into his mind despite his will for it
to go away. He closed his eyes and remembered.







The red Sedan with the shiny rims cruised to a
sudden stop, shifted into reverse and parked. The night was quiet
as the driver sat and watched, nervously looking through his
rearview mirror every few seconds. He desperately wanted to be
accepted into the circle. He was told to meet them in the catacombs
for his “initiation” as they had put it. He had his reservations
about going. He had been warned by others he worked with that being
a part of the club meant quick advancements through the ranks but
the things they did on the side were unethical at the least and in
the worst illegal. Once in there was no out. Out, he thought. Why
would I want out? He had done a few jobs already off the books.
Just low level stuff like getting rid of a few scum bags. He had no
issues with getting his hands dirty by digging a hole or
sandbagging a body for the Middle Fork Vermilion River which
connected Danville to Oglesby. They always had him meet to pick up
the “passenger”. That’s what they called the body he needed to
dispose of: “the passenger”. It was always at a different place but
this time was a little different. He was to meet at the catacombs.
The thought alone made him feel uneasy. He began to wheeze so he
removed his asthma inhaler and took two puffs. Within moments he
felt his breathing begin to regulate. He was almost thirty minutes
late and he was sure that they had begun without him, doing
whatever it is that they did. Just as he worked up the nerve to get
out of the car and go into the building he heard a ruckus behind
him. Stepping out of the car he removed a flashlight from the side
compartment of his driver’s door. He flashed the light in the
direction that he heard the noise coming from and the person froze
throwing up their hands in front of their face in an attempt to
block the light. He lowered the light.

BOOK: Piece Keeper
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