Read Protect Me Online

Authors: Jennifer Culbreth

Protect Me (23 page)

BOOK: Protect Me
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“Good morning beautiful.” Ryan whispered into her hair.

“Good morning.” She rolled over wrapping her arms around his neck.

Glancing over at the clock she noticed it was eight o’clock in the morning. Ryan was fully dressed and heading out for work. She hated him leaving, but she knew he didn’t have much of a choice. She only wished that he could feel that way about her job. The fact that her and Trent had been arguing much more lately wasn’t helping either. A few nights after the strange conversation she had with the unknown man in Trent’s office, she had confronted him. He then proceeded to accuse her of being “in his business” and reprimanded her for getting in the middle of something she didn’t belong in. Well, you could imagine how well she reacted to that, and after the yelling was over she had stormed out of his office and not spoken to him for the rest of the night.

 No, maybe she didn’t have to work now that Ryan had pretty much taken over everything financially in her life. She had resisted that in the beginning, but ultimately she knew it made him happy to know that he was taking care of her. And let’s face it; the man was wealthier than anyone she had ever met in her life. But she still wanted to feel like she contributed. She had accepted the fact that she would never be able to come close to providing like he could, but she wanted to be able to shop, and buy him presents, and donate to good charities when she wanted to, and with her own money not someone else’s. The media had already donned her the gold digger from the sticks, she didn’t want him believing the same.

“Do you have to go to work?” She pouted up at him.

“Unfortunately I do. Jace and I have a big client coming in from Russia this morning and I need to be there to close the deal.” He kissed her still pouting lips.

“Will I see you before work tonight?”

“It is quite possible. I will try my best to be home early babe. You know you could always stop working at that bar and do something from home. I mean, you have plenty of space here. You could start knitting or painting cat portraits. I hear those go for a pretty penny on Ebay.” He smirked down at her.

“Ugh, you’re incorrigible.” She buried her face into her pillow.

“I see someone has been playing Words with Friends, addictive isn’t it.”

“Ryan, I want to work. I like working. I don’t want you thinking that I am sitting around being a bum while you’re busting your ass at work.”

“You know I would never think that.” He looked sternly at her.

“Yeah, well, I still like working. Maybe I can start looking into something else though.”

“That sounds good. I might even get you a present if you do.” His face lit up with enthusiasm.

“I know a present you can get me.” She sat up maneuvering herself so that she faced him while straddling his lap.

Her lips meeting his as his hands skimmed around the bottom of the loosely fitting shirt she had found in his dresser drawer. She could feel his erection growing between his legs as she began grinding her body down onto him. A low growl escaping his lips as her teeth grazed the side of his throat.

“Baby, as much as I would love to stay here and make love to you seven ways till Sunday. I have to go in this morning.”

“I thought that the only good excuse for a man to be late to work was because he was making sweet passionate love to his woman.” She cocked her head to the side smiling.

“You’re mouth never ceases to amaze me.” He gently scooped her into his arms before depositing her back down onto the bed. “Go back to sleep now. I will close the blinds up so it’s dark in here. I will try and be home before you leave ok?” He leaned down and kissed her as he tucked her back into bed.

“Ok, have a great day at work Honey.” She smiled up at him.

He stood at the edge of the bed for a moment, a look in his eye that told her he was almost about to say the hell with it and climb back into bed with her. But he left, his absence immediately making the room grow a few degrees colder. It had amazed her that in such a short time she had been able to adjust to being at his home. Of course she still had a few things at her apartment, but mostly because her lease didn’t run out for a few more months. She never stayed there anymore and after a week or so of her staying at his place Ryan had his staff bring most of her belongings to his home. He had done everything he could to make her feel welcome including filling her new closet with some amazing additions.

Abbi knew it was pointless to even try to go back to sleep now, she was sexually frustrated and restless, a very dangerous combination. She grunted as she threw the covers off her body. Making her way into the huge walk in closet next to the bed she thumbed through colorful fabrics, some still had the tag hanging on them. She made an effort not to look at the prices that dangled in front of her. The obscene amount he had spent on a simple sundress had almost made her pass out. She made her way towards the back grabbing a lace bra from the top drawer. After some deliberation, she chose a light cotton maxi dress. It hugged her curves and flowed down to the tops of her feet. The top was white and the bottom a beautiful shade of aqua. She paired it with a brown belt and matching sandals, before finishing off the outfit with a few bangles. She made her way out of the closet and into the bathroom. She brushed through her hair and then fastened it into a loose messy braid to the side of her head. Satisfied that she looked presentable she made her way downstairs to the main floor.

As she rounded the corner to the kitchen she saw Trish staring into the refrigerator, a piece of paper in one hand and a pen in the other.

“Good morning Trish.” Abbi smiled at the older woman as she came into the kitchen.

“Good morning Abbi. You’re up early today. Can I get you something to eat? Although it looks like we are down to the bare essentials in here. I am making a list now for the grocery store.” She stood up and peeked around the side of the fridge door.

“No, I’m ok. I am not really hungry yet.”

“Is there anything particular you would like for me to get at the grocery store?”

“Um, could you get a few of those pop tarts you found last time?”

“The S’mores Pop Tarts, sure I will write it down. I thought you would like those.”

“They are amazing.”

Abbi made her way into the large pantry and grabbed a bottle of water and a granola bar. She had no idea what she was going to do today. Maybe she would see if Judy or Ashley wanted to go shopping or something. As her mind fluttered through random thoughts, she came out of the pantry to find Trish standing at the counter with her full list and purse.

“Ok my girl, I am heading out. I will be out and about doing errands for most of the morning. If you think of anything you need just let me know, I will have my cell. I don’t know if he has mentioned it to you, as I am sure he has not, but Ryan’s birthday is on Saturday. Just in case you want to plan something for him. If you need me to do anything just let me know.”

Well that was news to her. Ryan hadn’t mentioned anything about his birthday. Goodness knows, he knew every detail of her life, but he had always been a bit more stand-offish about sharing about himself and she never felt the need to push the issue. After all she was more focused on their future than she was his past. But damn, she should have at least thought to ask him when his birthday was. She made a mental note to ask him later.

“No, he hadn’t mentioned it. Do you think we could pull off a surprise party? Especially since he has no idea I know.”

“Ladybug, I was married to an Army Ranger, I can pull off anything without someone knowing.” She gave her a wicked smile before heading towards the door. “I tell you what, think it over and when I get back from the store you and I can plan to our hearts extent.”

Man she loved that woman. The first time she met Trish had been one of the most awkward moments of her life. It had been her third day of staying at Ryan’s house. She had slept in rather late and didn’t intend on anyone else being in the house, not to mention that she was in no way used to having staff of any kind milling about. She had woke up famished and instead of slipping on a pair of sleeping shorts she made her way downstairs in nothing but Ryan’s large t-shirt and her skibbies. As she made her way into the kitchen, making a beeline towards the pantry she ran smack into Trish, who had cautiously eyed her up and down. At first she thought the lady was going to freak out on her, put her in a headlock while calling the cops or something. But then a smile spread across her face and she wrapped her arms around Abbi, hugging her as tightly as she could. Thanking her for finding Ryan and making him so happy. Not to mention she didn’t say anything about her wardrobe choice. She had loved Trish from that moment on.

Abbi made her way out of the kitchen and down the hallway into the great room. The beautiful sun shining through the glass that made up the far wall of the room. She came out of the door into the lush tropical garden that flowed across the back yard and terrace. She took a seat onto one of the large covered cabanas that sat next to the pool overlooking the huge city below. This was one of her favorite places at this house. It was beautiful, she felt like she was on top of the world. The hustle and bustle of the streets and buildings below, made her world almost feel as though it were standing still.

She opened her granola bar and water, snacking as she stared out into the rolling hills below her. She needed to think up a gift for Ryan’s birthday, but what on earth do you get a man that has everything? She teetered between getting him something ridiculous and getting him an actual gift that he could use. She grabbed her phone. Nine o’clock. She highly doubted that either of the night birds would be awake at this hour, she wouldn’t typically be either.

Abbi: Hey either of y’all awake?

She sat her phone down next to her pulling all of the pillows placed on the cabana under and around her. She was surprised when she heard it chime.

Judy: Yeah, I actually just woke up. Couldn’t sleep. What’s up?

Abbi: Nothing much, just missing my best friend. So got some news this morning, Ryan’s B-day is on Sat. We are gonna throw him a surprise party, do you want to come?”

Judy: Hells yeah!! Are we getting strippers?

Abbi: Really Judy…

Judy: Ok, 86 the strippers. I don’t want Jace looking at other women. :)

Abbi: Ha! Like he can ever keep his eyes off of you when you two are in the same room. How is everything going with you two?

Judy: Good, I actually haven’t seen him since last week though. He’s complicated.

Abbi: I know exactly what you mean!

Judy: What are you doing today?

Abbi: No plans before work, you?

Judy: Nope, shopping and then cinnamon rolls?

Abbi: It’s a date! Maybe they will give me a job there.

Judy: ?

Abbi: Explain later... see you in thirty?

Judy: Yes ma’am!

The two girls pulled up in front of the bakery in Judy’s jeep. Laughing at Judy’s imitation of Trent when he gets angry, Abbi hoped out of the truck and made her way into the front of the store. She and Judy walked up to the counter placing their order. She suddenly got an uneasy feeling in her stomach, like someone was watching her. The same feeling she had gotten as she stood in front of the large glass window front of the boutique they were in earlier. She glanced quickly around the bakery, a few people sitting and chatting at the tables that lined each side of the wall. She turned back as the cashier handed her the change and her order. The two girls made their way to the door exiting out into the courtyard out front and that’s when she saw him. Sitting just in the corner of the bakery, a crisp suit, newspaper held up just in front of his face making it hard to see. It was the guy who she’d overheard in Trent’s office shortly after she had started working there. He was watching them walk out, from the corner of his eye.

She turned quickly to Judy and grabbed her arm. “We need to leave, now.” She practically pulled her along towards her car.

Judy glanced around from side to side as if looking for a fire, or some other reason for Abbi’s urgency. “Uh, ok. Abbi what is going on? Did you see someone back there?” Then she planted her feet down stopping Abbi’s attempt dead in her tracks. “Did you see Jeff, is Jeff back there? I swear to you I will kill him.” Abbi yanked her as Judy attempted to turn back around.

“No, it wasn’t him. He is in jail; I will explain it in the car. Can we just go please?” Abbi looked at Judy, pleading her with her eyes.

“Ok, I will go willingly.” Judy stalked to the car unlocking it as she walked up to the driver’s side. She eyed Abbi as the two girls made their way inside of the Jeep. “Spill it sister.”

“Ok, ok. But you have to swear this stays between us.” She eyed Judy.

“We will see when you’re done talking.”

“Around the time I first started at the club Trent had come up one night and said he needed to talk to me. I thought he was going to fire me. So I stalked up to his office and I walked in on him having a very heated conversation with that man in the bakery. You know how you just get a feeling in your gut when someone is no good? Well that’s what I got from that guy. So I kind of eaves dropped on their conversation, and he was yelling at Trent about getting him the money that Trent owed to someone and that he had been instructed to do some nasty stuff to him if he didn’t cough it up.”

She took a deep steadying breath before continuing. “Well after my first night after the, you know, accident. Trent had told me to go take a breather in his office. So I did and when I got off the phone with Ryan, in comes this other Hispanic guy who says he is Mr. Hernandez wants to know where Trent is and that he wanted his money. Judy, this guy knew my name; and I have never even seen him before. He kept calling me Trent’s girlfriend and I just assumed he was trying to be an ass. But that was definitely the same guy I saw in Trent’s office that night.”

“Sweet baby Jesus.” Judy slumped back in her chair. “What the hell has he gotten himself into? Shit what has he gotten

“I don’t know, but I don’t think it’s good. And I am starting to think he has been lying to people about me. What do I do? Should I say something about this to Ryan?”

BOOK: Protect Me
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