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Authors: Shirley Raye Redmond

Prudence Pursued (27 page)

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"That’s a good thing, right?" Rex asked, uncertain.

Gil laughed. "Yes, it would be a good thing." Even if Nate Phillips did bring a crew to excavate the ruins, Gil reasoned, he’d still hire local men to do some of the heavier digging and hauling of debris. Gil could work on the site after school was dismissed for the day and make some extra money to put toward the ranch he’d told Amanda about. He laughed again, for no particular reason. Picking up one of the pots and the stunning amulet, Gil handed them to Jerry and Rex. "We’ll take these with us," he told the boys. "They are too valuable to leave down here."

"Are we going to take him too?" Rex asked, pointing to the skeleton.

Gil shook his head. "No, just what you’ve got there and this," he added, indicating a fine basket he’d discovered in the corner. "We’ll put them on display in the classroom, along with the other artifacts discovered today. Now, c’mon, boys. I’m hungry. Let’s eat."

BOOK: Prudence Pursued
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