Read Prymal Lust Online

Authors: Jianne Carlo

Tags: #Paranormal Romance

Prymal Lust (7 page)

BOOK: Prymal Lust
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Until she’d gone to boarding school, Tania hadn’t realized that the Wylfen as a species held a deep-seated prejudice against any kind of physical imperfection. That her mismatched eyes were such an imperfection.

“You’re wrong.” Axe fished the folded program from a pile of paper sheets in the center of the table. “According to this, there’s dancing before and after dinner.”

All the insults and taunts the other Wylfen girls had thrown at Tania during her adolescence crowded her brain with a stinging vengeance. She had worked diligently to shed her Wylfen prejudices. Axe’s scars didn’t bother her a whit.

“I went to your suite. You’d already checked out.” Tania bit her wayward tongue. Why had she spit out that tidy tidbit?

“Why?” He finger-stirred the ice in his drink.

“I didn’t want you to think I’d left because of your scars,” she whispered.

He snorted and said, his voice low, “You can’t even glance my way.”

She replied in a similar tone, “For cripes sake. Not because of your stupid scars. If my brothers or my father gets even a hint of—”

“Senior Chief Smith, what happens after Jaz finishes BUD/S?” Tania knew Mishe had deliberately interrupted her conversation with Axe.

Had her brother overheard their banter?

Did Mishe suspect something?

your brother finishes BUD/S, then the real training begins. Let me cut to it for you. He won’t be deployed for at least twenty-four months.” Axe shook the liquid in his glass and drank the rest of his scotch.

Horror sliced a shiver over her nape. Tania hadn’t even considered the fact Jaz might actually have to go to war. “But, the troops are being brought home. Isn’t that right? Jaz may not have to go overseas.”

“That’s what this president says. Who knows what will happen over the next few years?” Mishe’s cell phone dinged. He picked it up and glanced at the screen.

Senior Chief Johnson patted her hand.

Axe growled. There was no other word for the sound coming from him.

The two men exchanged a glance above her head.

Johnson whisked his arm back and shifted his chair away from her. “I understand you’re concerned for your brother, Tania. Trust me, he
want to go wherever he’s needed. There’s nothing worse than becoming an expert in a skill set and not being able to utilize that skill set.”

Skill set?

Was that some sort of pseudonym for learning how to use lethal weapons? Survive the famous Hell Week she’d heard about? Tania realized she had a ton of research to do. She knew diddly squat about SEAL training.

“Heads up, sis. Here comes the parents and the bros. Mom’s smiling. Wonder how Breede managed that one.” Mishe scraped his thumb over his jaw.

“She is?” Tania’s brows rose. She twisted around and spied the rest of her family approaching. “They’re all smiling. I don’t get it. Mishe?”

“Don’t borrow trouble, sis. My advice. Avoid the whole topic completely. Crap, Viktor brought Lissette.” Mishe let out a loud groan.

Tania grimaced when she spotted her uncle and aunt and their daughter-in-law walking toward their table.

Lissette epitomized the Wylfen ideal wife. Petite, graceful, and stunning, she never had a hair out of place. Never had an awkward moment. She spoke several languages and had been the perfect foil for Robert’s burning ambition.

Both Senior Chiefs rose when the group reached them.

Tania shifted her chair so she could nod at Lissette, and her aunt and uncle. Spreading her lips into what she hoped passed for a smile she stared at the far wall unable to concentrate on anything but the memory of Axe’s teeth on her shoulder.

Her father made the necessary introductions.

Tania couldn’t haul her stare away from Axe’s black clothed thigh to the right of her shoulder. His musk, heavy with spice, filled her nose. She had the ridiculous urge to nuzzle his groin. Lick his balls. Slurp the precum from his leaking cock. She didn’t even try to listen to the discussion going on around her. Something about SEALs and training.

Having that tequila shot may not have been the best move. She felt giddy.

A couple of minutes later, Axe sat with an audible thud. “Stop.”

“Stop what?” She latched onto the obvious bulge at his crotch. Smiled when his arousal threatened to burst the seams of his fly. Axe wasn’t as unaffected by her as he pretended. Good. She’d hate to be the only one screaming-frustrated.

Around them a conversational bubble reverberated. Her brothers and uncles were involved in a fervent debate about stock options.

“Staring at my cock.”

An inferno danced across her face. She forced her gaze away from his groin. This was so insane. She had real issues to resolve. The last thing she needed was this feverish sexual desire. Her pussy wanted his thick dick. She wanted his dick. Gawd, she was so wet.

“You’re creaming, aren’t you?” He muttered sotto voce.

She reached for the pitcher of iced water the waiter had deposited in the middle of the table minutes before. Was tempted to pour it over her head.

Axe’s hand settled on her knee.

The tablecloth hid his possessive action.

An incredible thrill cascaded through her. The roots of her hair tingled. She yearned to see his walnut-brown fingers on her paler, bare thigh.

He rescued the pitcher from her jerky hands, filled both their glasses, and set the jug down.

Tania’s fingers trembled so much she dared not drink the water.

“Prove it.” He spoke out of the side of his mouth and appeared to be totally caught up with the general argument between Mishe and Breede.

She frowned. Cupped a hand over her lips. “What?”

“Prove my scars don’t bother you.”

His thumb drew a circle right above her knee.

She shivered. Whispered, “They don’t.”

“Dance with me.”

She wanted to bang her head on the table. Of all the things, he had to choose that one? “Sure.”

“You could fake some enthusiasm.” He rose and helped her to stand.

A quick surreptitious sweep of the other side of the table showed both Mishe and Breede busy texting. She relaxed.

Tania allowed him to lead her to the crowded dance floor. “After I’ve stomped on your toes a few times, your enthusiasm will fade. I’m a lousy dancer.”

“No such thing.” He drew her into his embrace.

“I’m not exaggerating.”

“Relax. You’re as stiff as the proverbial board.” He gave her a little shake.

All she could picture was him inside of her. A whole lotta steam, his cock pounding into her. Damn, she was needy.

He twirled her to the left.

She went right.

They both stumbled.

“Hey. I lead. Not you.” He shook her again.

“Fine. Tell my feet.” She hated having to yield to anyone. Had never been able to trust even Jaz dancing with her. Gripping his shoulder tighter, she ground her teeth. “I told you. I’m rotten at this.”

“No. You’re not. You just need to let go. To trust in your partner. Look at me.” He squeezed her waist. “Trust me.”

For long seconds all she saw was him. All she felt was him. All she smelled was him. He had invaded all of her senses. She was drunk on him. Wanted nothing more than to have him inside her.

She had lost her mind. Was going mental in front of her parents and brothers. Didn’t care about anything other than finding somewhere private so he could screw her again. Suddenly she realized what had been missing from their lovemaking. “You never kissed me.”

He did such a fast three-point turn that the room went topsy-turvy. “A mistake I intend to remedy right away. At the left end of the hallway, there’s an exit door that leads to a greenhouse. I’ll meet you there.”

A firestorm lit her from within. She couldn’t wait for him to plunge into her. “Yes. Yes.”

The strains of the music mellowed. The last note played.

He released her from his hold and bowed.

An old-fashioned, formal bow.

The gesture went straight to her heart.

He looked at her like she was the only woman in the world.

She yearned to hold onto the moment.

The meager functioning gray matter left in her brain collected long enough for her to quickly scan the room.

Her parents seemed to be in the midst of a quarrel with Jaz.

Breede and Mishe hovered on the edge of the disagreement.

Senior Chief Johnson had a heavy flirtation going with Lissette.

Uncle Viktor was engrossed in a conversation at another table with a man Tania didn’t recognize.

Aunt Dozene, her godmother, had arrived late as usual, and was being berated by Viktor’s wife while Tania’s mother attempted to quell the scolding.

Axe and Tania’s absence would go unnoticed.

Tania couldn’t believe what she was about to do. Sneak away at her brother’s graduation for a quickie. But, she needed him inside her. Wanted to breathe in their mingled aromas. This was crazy. She had lost her sanity.

“I’m so fried,” she muttered to herself, but sidled out of the room anyway.

It took every ounce of her remaining will power not to gallop to the door looming at the end of the long, long hallway. She spied the greenhouse the second the arctic blast brought by the sudden hail storm chilled her flesh. Before she could even hug her arms to ward off the cold, Axe scooped her off her feet.

Befuddled but strangely content, she snuggled into his chest, slipped a couple of fingers underneath his jacket, and worked her way through a gap in his shirt to graze his chest. He was hot and hard and smelled of paradise.

She was so ready.

Her pussy clenched and contracted.

He yanked the metal handle on the door to the greenhouse and kicked at the same time. A humid, hot wave of air blanketed them.

She sniffed. “Orange trees. They smell wonderful.”

“Wrong. You smell wonderful. Only you.” He nuzzled her neck. Nipped her claim spot. It felt so right. She arched to one side inviting him to taste more of her.

He flicked her chin. “To me, Tania.”

The way he stretched out her name had her on the brink.

“Axe.” She loved the way his name rolled off her tongue.

“We’ll talk later.”

“Okay.” She didn’t need words. Just him inside her. Frantic, desperate to feel him, she tore at his jacket’s buttons. One went flying.

He set her down. Grasped both of her hands with one of his and twisted her so she backed him.

“Please. I want to see you this time,” she begged.

For a spilt second he didn’t move. Then he lifted her off the dirt-packed ground until they were face to face. “Wrap your legs around me.”

She obeyed him immediately. Her skirt fell back and she shivered.

They both glanced down at her bare legs and the lacey red panties she wore.

“Not going to work.” He untangled her from him.

Puzzled, she watched him drop to one knee. He burrowed under her skirt and licked her clit through the lace. A sizzling bolt of lust sparked from scalp to bare toes. She wobbled and latched onto his shoulders.

He tore the panties down to her ankles.

She dug her nails into his jacket.

“Let’s take the edge off for you,” he murmured, his lips grazing her pussy.

He pressed one thumb to her clit. Thrust a finger into her core.

“Axe,” she moaned and surrendered to the climax thundering through her.

He rolled and pinched her clit. Caressed her folds. All the while finger fucking her into yet another orgasm. Right before her knees gave out, he swept her high against his chest, and stalked to a potting table lined with a clean sheet of vinyl.

When he laid her down on the table, her legs dangled over the edge, and one of her shoes clunked off.

She held her breath when he unbuttoned his pants and unzipped. His phenomenal cock sprang free. He was huge and hard, his foreskin drawn back tight to showcase the glorious reddened crown with its weeping slit. She salivated as the fragrance of his spicy arousal blossomed through the greenhouse.

The narrow opening of his trousers squished a pair of massive testicles.

When she reached for him, he caught her hands, and planted her fingers around his erection. “Put me in.”

He flipped the silk skirt to her waist.

Tania opened her legs wider and scooted closer to him all the while caressing his awe-inspiring, beautiful penis. She moaned when the tip of his dick rimmed her vagina.

He lifted her leg and rested her bare foot on his chest.

She arched off the table and more of him sank into her.

He grabbed her butt cheeks, elevated her higher, and drove in to the hilt.

She climaxed explosively. Her pussy contracted and released in rapid-fire jerks. Tania clung to his forearms. A violent series of shakes wracked her.

He fucked her hard, plunging in and out. His cock stretched her to bursting.

“Now,” he commanded. “Come for me, now.”

She shrieked when he pinched her clit.







Chapter Seven

Unable to resist, Axe nipped Tania’s claim spot. Breathed in the essence of his mate. Knew in that moment he couldn’t let her go. From the second he’d smelled her in the stadium, he’d been a goner. The need to claim her, to mark her, to protect her had overcome him.

Mine. Mine. Mine.

The word boomeranged in his head.

His fangs ached. He ran his tongue over the pointy tips. His dick began to swell at the base. His mating instincts were on overdrive, ready to seal his sperm inside her. If he didn’t get out of her blistering pussy right away, their fates would be cemented.

He had to stop inhaling her fragrance. Had to force his fingers to stop petting her satin-soft skin. Had to stop tasting and feeling the pulse beating in the hollow of her throat. She was making these sweet little noises, a whimper-purring kind of sound.

Axe boosted himself onto his forearms and glanced down at her.

She wore a Madonna smile.

He grinned. Kissed the tip of her nose.

Her eyelids flew up. She stared at him. Color rioted across her face. She ducked her head. Clamped a hand over her eyes. “I can’t believe we just…”

BOOK: Prymal Lust
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