Read Punishing His Ward Online

Authors: Golden Angel

Tags: #spanking, #domestic discipline, #spanking romance, #victorian romance, #victorian discipline

Punishing His Ward (2 page)

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Still, he'd have to
protect her as if she was completely innocent.  If his mother
had been aware of any stain to the girl's reputation then she would
have included that information in one of her letters.  Going
by Cynthia's tactics in trying to deal with him, if she was still
an innocent it was more luck than anything else.  He was going
to have to keep a close watch on her.  Luckily, as a rake
himself, he knew all the tricks of the trade.

"My study," he said to
her, rather grimly.  "Now."

Turning on his heel,
Wesley stalked down the hallway, not waiting to see if she
followed.  He needed privacy to question her and then to tan
her bottom for upsetting the household in such a manner.  If
she didn't follow immediately then he'd just blister that pert
little bottom even more. And damn well enjoy it too.


Sighing, Cynthia trotted
gamely after Lord Spencer, frowning down at her dress as she did
so.  She'd never been so easily dismissed by a man, especially
not with her bosom so exposed. Lord Spencer had looked, but only
for a moment and then he'd moved on to other things.

Maybe he was one of those men who
preferred other dishes?

He certainly didn't seem
the type though.  Of course she was only going by rumors about
that type of man, as she hadn’t knowingly met any, but they were
said to dress a great deal fancier than Lord Spencer was.  The
Earl looked as if he didn't care a fig for his appearance.
 Though she thought he might still be the most dashingly
attractive man she'd ever seen, and his sartorial lack of effort
did have a certain appeal.

Tall, shoulders as broad
as a soldiers, and those pants hugged his legs tightly enough that,
unless he was wearing some very clever pads, he had most superbly
muscled legs she'd ever seen.  Too bad he was apparently a
stuffed shirt despite his roguish reputation and dress.

Once they’d entered his
study, Lord Spencer didn't turn to look at her until he'd reached
his desk.  

"Close the door."  Once she had,
he nodded at the chair in front of his desk.  It was a large,
cushy armchair with broad arms.  More than once she'd snuck
into the study for a quiet place to read, on those rare occasions
when she was in the mood.  The chair was incredibly
comfortable, not to mention welcoming.  

From his position leaning against the
desk it would also give him quite a view down into her cleavage.
 Cynthia smiled.  Maybe he wasn't as immune to her as he
appeared.  That was a nice thought.  Although he just
scowled at her even more when he saw her smiling. 

With another sigh, she moved across the
room and settled down into the chair.  Again his eyes flicked
down into her bosom and then away before coming back to her face.


"Explain yourself."

"Explain myself?" she asked rather
wonderingly.  How did one explain oneself?  She was
just... herself.

Lord Spencer glared at her.
 "Where were you, who were you with and why did you

Oh, explain her actions.  Nearly
as difficult as explaining herself when it came right down to it.
 "I was out, with no one, because I was bored."

She'd found, over the
years, that it was best to keep things simple when she lied.
 The vaguer she was and the less she had to remember, the
easier it was to stick to her story.

Unfortunately Lord Spencer
just looked even angrier at her lack of real explanation.
 Quicker than a snake he had his hand around her arm and she
found herself lifted out of the chair, and just as quickly yanked
her back down so that she was over his lap.  Squealing, she
threw her hands out in front of her, pressing them against the
ground so that she didn't slide right off of his thighs.  An
iron bar was placed across her back, holding her securely in place,
and her skirts were thrown up, followed by a quick jerk of fabric
that pulled down her drawers.


"OUCH! Stop that!"
 Outraged, Cynthia bucked, but it was completely useless as
his hard palm came down on the other side of her buttocks to give
her a matching handprint. 


Fire alternated back and
forth between her cheeks, no matter how hard she kicked or yelled.
 When she tried to reach back to cover her burning skin with
her hands, the iron bar across her back moved only long enough to
gather her wrists in his hands and hold them securely before
returning to delivering the first spanking she'd had since before
her parents had died.  

Tears dripped down her nose to fall on
the floor and she kicked out even harder.  As if he'd been
waiting for that, Lord Spencer's leg somehow wrapped around her
calves, holding them firmly in place so that his thigh was in front
of hers but his calf was behind hers.  

And the relentless spanking continued.

"I'm sorry!" she wailed finally.
 "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

Several more blows fell
before he stopped.  Cynthia found herself hiccupping, her
bottom feeling so swollen and hot that she itched to touch and rub
it, but his long fingers were still wrapped around her wrists,
restraining them.  His hand settled on her bottom, making her
skin feel like it was itchy, hot and tight.

"What are you sorry for, Miss

"I'm sorry for going out,
I'm sorry I didn't tell anyone, I won't do it again!"  She
hiccupped again in her rush to get the words out.  

"I certainly hope not, Miss Bryant,
because if you do then I will be forced to do this

Cynthia howled as he began
to rain down blows on her already sore bottom again, her body
jerking as she cried out.  

Once Wesley decided that he'd imparted
his message onto her bottom, which was glowing a nice, hot red, he
finally let her up.  His cock was throbbing from the effects
of having her over his lap, his hand so close to her womanhood -
which he hadn't been able to keep from noticing was dripping wet by
the time her spanking was over - but he ignored that.  Cynthia
was crying outright as he lifted her off of his

She was so overwhelmed she hadn't even
noticed the hard bulge at the front of pants.  Staring up at
him through her tears, she couldn't even find it in herself to
glare.  She was too afraid that doing so would put her back
over his knee. 

"From now on you will comport yourself
in a manner befitting a young lady," he said sternly.  "My
mother has had to deal with your antics for long enough.  Any
more misbehavior and you'll find yourself back in this room over my
knee or worse.  Do you understand?"

"Yes, my Lord."  Cynthia resisted
the urge to rub her bottom in front of him, her hands clenched at
her sides from the effort.  

"Good.  You may go."

It only took her a moment
to pull up her drawers and then she practically ran from the room.
 Wesley grinned as he watched her swift flight.  She
might be a recalcitrant female, but he knew how to deal with those.
 The chit just needed a firm hand.  Surely he could have
her whipped into shape and married off within the next month or two
and then she wouldn't be his burden anymore.

Trying to forget how
delightfully wriggly she'd been against his body and the way her
pussy had dripped as he'd punished her, Wesley moved behind his
desk to go through the pile of papers that he'd had set there for
him.  As he sat, he adjusted his cock to a more comfortable
position.  At least, as comfortable it was going to get until
he could find a willing woman in Bath.


Humiliated and shockingly
hot and aching between her legs, Cynthia fled to her room.
 That did not go at all the way she had expected.  She
was even more embarrassed when she saw more than one of the
servants witnessing her flight and snickering. 

How loud had she been when Lord Spencer
spanked her?  Had they heard her yelling?  Begging?

When she finally reached the safety of
her room, Cynthia slammed the door and locked it.  That wasn't
unusual for her.  Most of the servants knew to leave her alone
if her door was locked, unless the Countess was looking for her.
 There were moments when a girl needed her privacy so that she
could do the naughty things she wasn't supposed to be

Hurrying over to the mirror, Cynthia
lifted up her skirts and dropped her drawers.  Hissing at the
sight that confronted her, Cynthia gently touched the bright red
skin with gentle fingertips and found that it was hot to the touch.

"Ouch," she muttered under her

Touching the swollen heat
of her buttocks made the tingles between her legs even stronger and
Cynthia nearly moaned.  How could she be feeling
 way when she'd
just been spanked?

Maybe it was because of
Lord Spencer himself. Cynthia wondered if his hands would be as
rough touching her if he wasn't delivering a spanking.

Another swipe of her fingers over the
heated flesh of her bottom and Cynthia couldn't take it anymore.
 She let her skirts drop and scrambled over to the bed.
 Lying on her back hurt, but lying on her side didn't give her
the access that she wanted and lying on her stomach made it too
hard to move her hand.

With her skirts up around
her waist again, Cynthia planted her feet into the bed and lifted
her weight off of her poor bottom, arching her hips up so that it
hovered above the bed sheets.  Reaching one hand into the low
bodice of her dress, she squeezed her breast as her other hand
immediately went to that forbidden area between her

This might be her very favorite "don't"
in all the world, she thought as she began to stroke and fondle the
soft folds she found there.  They were already wet, soaked in
fact, from her spanking.  At least his Lordship hadn't known
that little secret!

Cynthia moaned as her
weight trembled, her thighs burning from the effort of holding her
up, and her bottom came into contact with the bed for a moment.
 The discomfort and burning sensation reignited, but it felt
almost good now that she was touching herself.  Teasing the
hard little bud amidst her folds, she gasped and moaned a little
louder as a flash of pleasure sizzled through her.

Her hips began to move, letting some of
her weight rest on her flaming bottom before lifting it again, the
pain a sharp and intense counterpoint to the ecstasy she was
creating for herself.  Picturing herself back across Lord
Spencer's knee, she began to fantasize a very different ending to
her spanking.  One where, once her bottom was red and burning,
his hands would go wandering.

One would slide into her bodice and
begin to play with and pinch her nipple, the other would seek out
the hot, wet, folds between her legs and begin to stroke her.
 His fingers would rub that swollen little nubbin to hardness,
tweaking and pulling at it, until she was bucking across his thighs
for an entirely different reason.

Letting out a high cry,
Cynthia spasmed, her legs giving way as the waves of rapture rushed
through her.  The pain of her bottom coming down hard on the
mattress only fed into her fantasy and she writhed with the
intensity of her climax, so much more satisfying than any she'd had
before.  Moaning, her fingers finally slowed, the little
circles she was making growing more languid as she moaned and
panted in satisfaction.  

That had been... amazing.
 Better than she'd ever experienced before. 

Obviously this was going
to be something she needed to explore.  Cynthia smiled.
 She was quite sure that she could find plenty of reasons to
earn a spanking. Then she winced as her bottom throbbed slightly
painfully, and rolled onto her side. She’d earn another one
eventually. Once this one didn’t continue to sting so

Chapter 2

Ensconced in his study, Wesley was
steadily working his way through the correspondence with his estate
managers.  It was taking a bit longer than usual because his
concentration wasn’t what it normally was. 

He’d spent the evening yesterday with
his Mother and Cynthia, ostensibly to learn more about his
ward.  What he’d found was that she was even more distracting
than just physically.  Sweet, overly curious, and naturally
cheerful, he’d been shocked when she’d been flitting around the
house only an hour after receiving her spanking, acting as if
nothing had happened.  In fact, she’d been sitting quite
cheerfully, gossiping with two of the maids about the doings of
their next door neighbors.

If it hadn’t been for her slight wince
when she sat down to dinner, he might have thought he’d imagined
the entire episode.  During dinner she chattered quite
brazenly and familiarly with him, despite his disapproving scowls
and his mother’s attempts to divert the conversation.  Cynthia
treated him just as casually as if he was one of his brothers, whom
she obviously got on well with.  They'd apparently sent more
letters to her than they had to him, or at least more descriptive
ones, as she knew far more about their recent doings than he

When Manfred came to announce the
arrival of Lord and Lady Hyde for a visit, Wesley welcomed the
break with relief.  "Set them up in the drawing room please,
and let Mother know they're here."

BOOK: Punishing His Ward
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