Read PURR Online

Authors: Elizabeth Black

Tags: #fetish, #mnage a trios, #erotica, #breast fetis, #folk tale, #elizabeth black, #cat, #shifter, #gypsy, #puss in boots, #sexy, #bondage, #cat shifter, #lactation, #fairy tale, #hungarian, #puss

PURR (2 page)

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When Muca entered the Inn, the smell of roasted lamb and minty rosemary overwhelmed her. A group of men stood in a corner drinking what she suspected was homemade ale. She longed for a mug! How long had it been since she tasted the strong hops and thirst-quenching joy of a homemade brew?

"Welcome, cat! Enjoy the best food and ale for many miles!"

"Thank you. I shall, but first, I have a gift for all of you from the Marquis of Carabas." She reached into her knapsack and pulled out a handful of gold coins. She tossed them into the air. Whoops of joy arose from parched lips as each man and woman scrambled for the riches.

"So your Marquis wishes to court us?" The farmer who oversaw the women harvesting tealeaves with their lips spoke quickly as he gathered coins to stuff his pockets. "We never turn down gold, but I'm curious… and a bit suspicious."

She didn't want him on her bad side so she thought fast. "I don't blame you. My Master is very sorry he can't be here to court you himself, but he's away in China. He sent me in his place, and I fear I'm not doing such a wonderful job convincing you of his sincerity. So I wanted to give you the gold he instructed me to give you to." She wouldn't tell him those coins actually came from the King, who in a fit of generosity awarded her a sack-full following her second gift of partridges. One coin was much more than these farmers saw in a year. In a month? Such riches impressed the farmers! A few teasers went over as well as she expected they would.

"You didn't have to shower us with the coins. We are a proud people."

"I'm very sorry about that. I simply got caught up in the moment."

The farmer smiled and patted Muca on top of her head. "Think nothing of it, my friend. It's understandable. I can speak for my people when I say we are grateful for the new wealth."

"You're very welcome, and I do apologize about my behavior. Sometimes being a cat gets the better of me. I tend to act on impulse."

"Think nothing of it." He patted the banquet table. "Please hop up here so I may look directly in your eyes when I talk to you. I'd feel better that way."

Muca leapt with ease onto the table and stretched out on her back, legs crossed and tail flicking back and forth. "Ah, this is comfortable. Walking tired me out and my feet hurt. Thank you for letting me rest here. And yes, I like being on equal footing with you, as well. So tell me more about this ogre? I have the impression he's a real bear."

The farmer rolled his eyes and clenched his jaw, making the muscles in his face pulse. Muca saw years of frustration and rage on the man's face, and her heart lurched at his agony. A strong urge to take him in her arms and comfort him overwhelmed her, but she had better ideas to avenge him. She already knew what Derp was like, but she suspected the farmer needed to talk about him - to get the despair off his chest.


"'Bear doesn't begin to describe it. We have worked these lands for generations for a lovely family that treated us well, but as happens sometimes, that family came onto hard times and lost all its wealth. Derp, seeing an opportunity, bought the lands for a song. He has treated us like slaves ever since. This has been going on for several decades, back when my father farmed these lands. We can't leave because we have long-established roots here. Where would we go? Start over? With what?"

He wring his hands until the knuckles turned white. "Derp has taken everything from us. He kidnaps our most beautiful women and keeps them for himself in his castle. He forces us into humiliating activities with him. You've seen two – the tea harvesting and the cow patty game. He's done worse. When any of us displeased him, for even the most mundane reasons, he's dragged those people into the square in the middle of winter and doused them with ice water. Two people died. He only laughed about it." He buried his face in his hands. Muca could tell he was crying because his shoulders shook with the weight of his exhaustion and grief. The sight of his pain brought tears to her eyes and a lump to her throat.

She twisted her body until she sat on the table facing him. She placed one paw on his arm, stroking him gently until he looked at her. "I and my Master can help you, if you let us. We can get you away from that ogre, once and for all. Please let us help you."

"What makes you so special?" The farmer asked. "I hear your Marquis of Carabas is a powerful man, but is he powerful enough to overcome a sociopathic and sadistic monster? Why should we believe you?"

"Because I have magic the ogre can't compete with."

"Show us your magic."

"Only if you give me a pint."

"You're on!"

As he poured her ale, she straightened her back, vertebrae popping as her body stretched and lengthened. Magic grew her boots to match her long, slender legs. By the time she stood at her human height of five-foot-nine, her leather boots reached the middle of her thighs. Four sets of teats on her belly retreated whilst the pair at the top rounded out to a mouth-watering D cup, capped with dark rosy nipples. Tawny fur receded into her soft, cream-colored skin whilst the fur on her head grew until it fell to her ass. Thick, full auburn hair tossed about her head and fell in her lovely face, which she blew away with a teasing puff from her lips. The farmer pouring her ale forgot about her drink as he gaped at her transformation. Muca laughed as the brew overflowed her pint and spill on the floor.

"Careful, there. Don't let any of that go to waste." She pointed at the growing lake in the middle of walnut slats.

He stammered and slipped in the spilled ale, much to Muca's amusement. He stumbled and stood, mug overflowing and dripping ale onto the wet floor. He unbuttoned the first few buttons of top of his shirt as he breathed deeply. Muca grinned with delight. She stole his breath. He squirmed, adjusting the top of his tight slacks, which couldn't hold his growing erection.

She loved transforming in front of a captive audience because she relished watching men and women lick their lips in bald lust. She liked watching them try in vain to keep from staring at her huge breasts. It didn't matter to her whether the enraptured person was a man or a woman – she enjoyed the heat that rose in the room at the sight of her transformation. More than anything, she loved to approach aroused men and women and seduce them when they were at their most vulnerable.

Men often walked into beams, drove into rivers, or stumbled over their own feet when they saw her switch from a large, spotted tawny feline into a tall, voluptuous ginger-haired vixen. Women absent-mindedly fondled their breasts or tousled their hair, eyes at half-mast, cheeks flushed, and moist lips plump and rosy with lust. Pints paused halfway to their lips and eyes open wide, the men could only stare at her, both in amazement and in bald arousal. She knew the look and she loved seeing it when it presented itself.

As usual, it took a woman to snap the stupefied men out of their trance. The delicious woman Muca had watched nurse her infant poured herself a pint. Muca eyed her with interest. She had indeed lost all her baby weight. Broad hips filled out a flouncing skirt, capped by a wide leather belt cinching her small waist. Her white cotton blouse slipped off her shoulders, revealing deep cleavage and full, firm, milk-filled breasts. Muca wanted to ditch the ale and taste a little motherly ambrosia.

"C'mon, boys, she doesn't have anything you haven't seen before. Not that you have much luck with the ladies in these parts." They continued to gape at Muca, who couldn't control her giggles. "Well, maybe her change was a bit much for you, huh lads?"

"We're still coping with your change, love," one of the men said. "How about you come over here and give us a taste?"

"That wouldn't be polite," she teased and looked Muca directly in the eye. "Ladies first."

Muca's blinked her eyes and stared at the woman.
Am I that obvious?
"Are you offering?"

"You've been begging for a suck since I saw you in the field a few hours ago. I can see it in your face. Trust me, I know the look. The lads give it to me all the time."

Muca's heart skipped a few beats as she sauntered towards the lovely woman. Her mouth watered as she thought of wrapping her lips around those magnificent globes. "Well, if you insist…"

One of the men, a strapping lad with muscles rippling his arms and along his ribs, grasped the woman by the upper arms, pulling her backwards against him. His long black hair fell in his face but not enough to hide his shining emerald eyes from Muca.
Once I'm done with this beautiful lady, I'll take him on the banquet table.
Held prisoner in his grasp, the woman thrust her chest at Muca, who lowered her blouse until enormous sun-kissed breasts lay uncovered, cool air brushing brown nipples, hardening them.

Muca grasped the right breast, lifting it as she wrapped her lips around the hard nipple. She didn't need to suck much before sweet, warm milk flowed in her mouth. How many years had it been since she tasted a mother's milk? As she sucked, small hands kneaded her full breasts. And then a pointed tongue flicked her earlobe as the woman whispered in her ear.

"My name is Francesca. You are delicious. Let them suck on you. They love to do that."

Imagining several men tend to her sexual needs excited her. Muca purred in her ear. "I'm Muca, and I certainly will let them if they wish."

Francesca laughed rang like chimes in her ear. "Muca means "cat" in Romany. If you don't want to tell me your real name, that's all well and good, Muca. Just enjoy all of us, especially if you're able to get us out from under Derp's rule. He's horrid."

"I understand that. My Marquis shall deliver for you. I'll see to it. Now let me finger you until you come."

Francesca's cool fingers wrapped around her hand as she guided her arm to her legs. She lifted her skirts until they bunched around her waist. Her nipples hardened as Muca's hand approached her smooth thighs.

Muca slid her hand beneath Francesca's skirts, seeking the warmth between her legs. Her palm found thighs strong from years of fieldwork. Fingers crept along soft skin until they parted her folds. Francesca's deep moans reverberated in her ear as she squeezed and suckled her breast, life's sustenance flowing into her mouth. Muca found Francesca's clit and she rubbed in circles until the bud stood on end. As she tended to Francesca's body, the new mother's hands kneaded her own breasts, first one, then the other. Fire burned in her groin, needing a good stoking.

She lifted her head from Francesca's breast to see the emerald-eyed one watching her every move. With a smile, she wiped the back of her hand against her mouth to remove a few droplets of milk, and asked him his name.

"Gyorgy. I've never met a woman like you before."

Muca laughed, a light-hearted sound. He smiled. "I doubt anyone in these parts has, my Gyorgy. Do you want me?'

Gyorgy's eyes opened wide, flashing sharp emerald green that seemed to glow from their sockets. He took in a few quick gasps, a blush rising on his massive hairy chest. That blush traveled to his cheeks, adding a rosy glow to his tanned and chiseled features. He licked his lips as he stared at her breasts. Her nipples hardened at his attention.

"Of course he wants you," Francesca said. "My lover wants all the alpha females."

Muca pulled back and eyed them. Her pulse raced in her chest. A thrill of wanton excitement ran over her skin, making her arms erupt in goose bumps. Already aroused, her pussy grew so hot and wet she wanted to wrestle him to the ground and take him right there in front of the crowd. So Francesca enjoyed an open marriage? She seemed to prefer men who looked like her. Both Francesca and her lover had pitch black hair, golden skin, large green eyes, and heart-shaped faces. Broad shouldered and broad-hipped, they exuded an animal magnetism Muca had not often seen in the neighboring villages.
Ah, to make love to both of these delicious creatures! They don't seem to mind sharing. I don't mind either. But are they game?

His amorous grin told her all she needed to know. "Of course I want you. So does my lover. What kind of question is that?"

"Then get to work, boy. My pussy needs taming."

Without another word, Gyorgy released Francesca, only to be replaced by an even buffer, tanned farmer who held her arms fast. She arched her back, giving Muca greater access to those incredible breasts whilst Francesca's lips met his in a passionate kiss. Such bald lust roiled Muca's blood, arousing her even more. When Gyorgy's tongue found her cleft, she groaned against Francesca's soft belly.

His pointed tongue flicked against her bud with an expertise she didn’t expect to find in someone so young. He couldn't have been more than twenty-one. His strong arms forced her legs apart, giving him greater access to her treasures. Two fingers slipped inside her, thrusting gently as he nibbled on her clit. She tightened around his fingers, nearly pushing them out, but he held his place. He massaged her bud with his thumb, whilst his talented fingers curved inside her to find the sweet spot that drove her wild.

She lowered her mouth from Francesca's breasts until she faced her bush. Curly ebony hair captured the rich scent of her sex, and Muca inhaled deeply to take in the luxurious aroma. Knowing the woman likely felt tender only months after giving birth, Muca treated her with a delicate yet sensuous touch. Her clit played peek-a-boo while Muca searched for it with her fingers. When it revealed its little head, she flicked her tongue over it once, then twice for good measure. A little nibble there, a little bite there, and Francesca melted in her mouth in no time.

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