Razor's Mark: (Marked Book 1) (16 page)

BOOK: Razor's Mark: (Marked Book 1)
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“Damn it, Michael Albert; I
swear I will shave your head and put Nair in your soap and Ex-Lax in your brownies. Now chill the fuck out!” she shouted as she walked past him and grabbed a bag of food from the other men.

His woman sure was a spitfire.
His woman
? Fuck, he was doing it again.

However, he had to keep his eyes on her older brother, who seemed determined to make sure she wouldn’t end up with him. Well fuck him, he had kept her safe, well for the most part. If Merlin hadn’t wanted him to be a part of her
then the stupid fuck should’ve just let him think she was still dead.

“I swear I will tan her ass if she yells at me like that again.”

Suddenly Razor saw red. No one, including her damn brother, would ever touch her.

“You. Will. Not. Touch. Her,” he said between gritted teeth.

Merlin lifted an eyebrow at him condescendingly. “You know she can do better than you.”

He nodded but didn’t respond, effectively ending the conversation about what he was to Faith. Walking around Merlin, he spotted Faith in the kitchen unpacking what looked like bags of food. She seemed so calm, so at ease right now.

“Anything good?”

“Yeah, real food, and look.” She held up a jar of instant coffee like she had just won the lottery. “Coffee.” He wasn’t an instant fan, but coffee was coffee and right now, it was a luxury.

“Cool.” He went to go help, but Merlin started to speak.

“Found some information out.”

“Did my email get sent?”

“I don’t know, Faith, but we will try to look into it. But we found out that the Tomb Riders are in on it. Seems screwing our troops doesn’t matter to them. But it also got back to them about you and your connection to me. Right now, we’re safe, but you need to be able to move by next week. We’re planning a
job to
- well, it’s better that you don’t know. Needless to say, you have everything you need right now. In the bag are more guns. No
internet and no calls.”

“Do you know why they’re doing it?” Faith asked.

“Quick and easy buck for them. Seems the price on your head is a hefty 50Gs. But alive it’s more. Seems you pissed off the wrong people, kiddo.” Merlin walked around and kissed his sister on the head before heading to the door. Several of his men did a half wave before leaving. “See
later. Oh, and, Razor?” he turned and held his steely gaze, “Keep her safe; anything happens to her, in any manner, and no one will find your body parts. Got me?” And like that, they were gone. The sound of bikes revved and faded into the distance.

“Isn’t he a ray of sunshine?” Razor mumbled to himself.

“He’s not that bad. Maybe a little overprotective, but he looks after everyone. It’s how he is.”

“Doesn’t mean I have to like it.”

“He isn’t the one you have to worry about,” she said softly.

“Really? Why’s that, kitten?” Looking at her square in the face, he saw a small blush creep over her.

“Umm, never mind. Food. Yes, food is good. I can cook us something. They brought steaks. So steak and potatoes?” She looked so hopeful waiting for his response that he nodded. Walking over to her, Razor wrapped his arms around her before kissing the top of her head.

place the guns in the room along with the other stuff.” Grabbing the bag, he left the room.

Razor needed a minute to process everything. He always knew that someone was out to get her, and this is one of the very few time he acted protective. She was his and no one, and he meant no one, would take her. Now he just had to convince her that he was the best choice for her after all this mess was over with.


Chapter Eighteen


It was day four
and so far Razor hadn’t kicked in a wall. He wasn’t used to not doing anything. The need to work and make himself useful was almost overwhelming. Faith was starting to feel it as well. At least she had her books. A few times, he found her blushing and breathing harder as she flicked through the pages. Last night was particularly fun. That simple memory made him smile.

“Sit still.”

“Sorry,” she mumbled, but her legs rubbed together.
Oh, so she was at a good part.

He found out she had been reading a lot of books lately
; some he didn’t understand. Why would a woman need two men? Hell, he was enough to satisfy any woman without worrying about another dude’s junk.

“Seriously?” She did it
and sighed then turned off her Kindle. “I take it
it was a good part.”

“The whole book is good.”

“The one from last night? The ménage book?”

“Oh no. That one was hot, but this is a different one.”


“Yeah.” But her gaze turned and looked out the window.

“That good, huh. I can be better.” He didn’t need to elaborate. He was well aware of his sexual prowess. And Faith liked it
any way
he gave it. Looking at her, he wondered now what she was reading. Quickly he grabbed her Kindle and clicked it on.

“Hey, that’s mine,” she said, trying to grab it back, but he was already reading it.

Huh, so this one was tied up and used at his whim. Oh yeah, he liked that idea.

“Hmm, someone likes a little D/s. Does kitten need to be spanked and fucked?”

“It’s not like that. There is romance, and there is…”

“Sex, lots of sex. I get it.
though, how many men does this chick need?” He kept reading on and on about the different men taking her. One in her ass, one in her pussy, and one in her mouth. Damn woman was like a stuffed turkey on Thanksgiving. But the thought of tying Faith up did appeal to him.

Turning the book off and dropping it on the couch, he stood and held out his hand.


“Umm, Razor, I…” she was stammering.

“Now, kitten.” She didn’t hesitate then and placed her hand in his.

Pulling her to him, he bent and took her in a demanding kiss that made her gasp and moan into him. She tasted of mint with a hint of coffee. Pulling her even closer he ended the kiss, leaving her breathless and dazed. He ground his hips suggestively into her stomach to let her know how hard he was.

So she wanted some excitement? He was happy to give it to her. Looking around he spotted an oversized chair with arms. An idea formed as he pulled her over to it before he sat down.

“Strip.” She looked at him with heavy eyes, but the request he had given her threw her for a moment.

“I don’t know.” She bit her bottom lip looking nervous. He could solve that. Finding the small radio that was their only form of entertainment, he found a station with music.

you do. I want my show.” She lowered her head
and he was afraid she was going to stop, but she surprised him and peeled off her socks. Merlin had provided extra clothes for them, which included some dresses for Faith. However, her feet always seemed to be cold, so she had been wearing socks in the house. The dress she had on was a simple blue and white with buttons.

She lifted her head and a small smile graced her face before she started to sway her hips to the rhythm of the song. Razor was able to tell right away that she was nervous and maybe even scared. Nimble fingers started to unbutton the top part of her
dress. . As the material parted, the pale blue of her new lace bra peeked through and
her breasts played peek-a-boo.

Once the top three buttons were undone, she slipped the strap off one shoulder, then the other. Small acts, yet erotic to watch. She was playing with him. As the second strap fell off her shoulder, so did the rest of the dress. It pooled at her feet leaving her standing in a matching, pale blue, lace bra and what he hoped was a thong. It seemed
whoever had
bought her clothes thought she needed those. He would have to send a personal thank you note.

“Keep going.” His voice had
on a husky tone, as she continued to dance for him. She reached behind her and unclasped her
but left the shoulder straps on. She lowered her head and let the garment fall to sit atop her dress, leaving her in only her small panties. The sun peeked through the curtains bathing her in a soft glow. She was beautiful.

“The rest. I want you naked.” Faith did as
and lowered them too. Soon she was gloriously naked before him.

“Good. Now tell me, kitten; are you wet?”

“I- umm.”

“Touch yourself and tell me.” Once again, she bit her lower lip. He could already tell she wasn’t going to do it. Standing, he stood toe to toe with her, letting the heat of her body be absorbed by his. He lifted his hand, placing his finger under her chin, bringing her head up to look at him. Lowering his head, he kept their kiss light; teasing; playing with her. When she went to deepen the kiss, he pulled away.

“No.” Spinning her, he pushed her onto the chair. Her girlish squeak made him laugh. “Stay there.”

Heading into the kitchen, he found some rope. Walking back to the living room, he saw her sitting, legs together.
That wouldn’t do
. Grabbing one wrist, he grabbed her sock and covered it before wrapping the rope around it. But he grabbed her knee and tied them together with her wrist before tying them off to the side of the chair. Running the rope under the chair, he did the same to the left side. Soon she was tied down to the
chair; legs
spread wide. Oh, he liked this a lot.

"Now, you can answer me. Are you wet?” he asked as he ran his hands up and down her inner legs.

A small whimper sounded letting him know she wanted this as well. Doing it once and then twice, making sure to play with the small hairs covering her mound, but not touching her where he knew she wanted. Instead, he ran his hands up to find her nipples. Her breasts pushed into his greedy hands while he twisted and pulled making her moan. Releasing them
once again, he focused on her pussy, which now glistened with her juices. Sliding a single finger down to her lips, he played with her clit for a second. Her eyes closed as she gave into him.

Faith didn’t know what to expect when Razor had taken her book away. She couldn’t even remember the name of the author, or the book, but it was hot. When she’d looked up at him, his eyes had been heavy with lust and wanting. Never in her life had anyone made her feel the way he did. Her body sprang to life just from his look alone.

Doing the small dance, she felt sexy, and slightly empowered, especially when he kept a calm look on his face, but the tent in his jeans proved she was doing something right. But his request that she touch herself? That was nerve-wracking.

Then he’d tied her up; exposing her to him to do whatever he wanted. Razor never took his eyes off hers, but the feeling of his tongue on her, then in her, made her jump and
into him. The rope held her steady as she tugged. The small burn on her knee did nothing as he licked and sucked her until she begged.

“Please, Razor, please.” She was begging, she didn’t have a clue what, but she needed
something, and only he could give it to her.

“Not yet, kitten.
get my snack. Come on, baby, come on my face. I want to drink you all up.” Again, he was persistent with his sucking. His damn hands joined the
but didn’t go into her pussy like she would have thought. Instead, a slick finger pushed into her ass. The slight burn felt good and made her want more.

He fucked her with his mouth while one then two fingers pushed into her backside. More, she needed more. Just like she asked, he pushed his tongue into her hole, while his thumb moved rapidly over her clit and his fingers in her ass moved faster. Screaming his name, she
and came.

She was wrung out, but she
didn’t miss the sound of his zipper. Then he was pushing his cock into her. He slid into her while her walls gripped him tight. His groan emanated
out of
him sending delicious shivers to her already overexcited pussy. He held himself steady while he grabbed the side of the chair. That’s when he started to thrust. Pulling out and then slamming back into her; making the chair jolt
. He continued with the same
until he pulled out of her completely.

“I found something in the kitchen.” He held up a bottle of what looked like lube.

She wondered where he’d found it, but she didn’t say anything. A cool liquid dripped down her
and his fingers pushed into her backside making a scissoring motion, trying to stretch her. She’d read enough books to know that if a man really wanted to fuck a woman’s ass, she needed to be stretched. Then she felt another slight sting as a third finger joined the other two. He continued to rub slow circles on her clit, never letting her come fully down from her high.

“Push out.” That was the only warning she got when she felt the tip of his cock breach her hole. Shit, the
burn, and sting were
more than his fingers. She didn’t know if she could do this. But looking at him, watching as their bodies joined together, she realized she could. He made small movements, adding more lube as he pulled out and slid back inside.

BOOK: Razor's Mark: (Marked Book 1)
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