Read Redeemed Hearts (Thoroughbred Men Series Book 3) Online

Authors: Ginny Sterling

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

Redeemed Hearts (Thoroughbred Men Series Book 3) (7 page)

BOOK: Redeemed Hearts (Thoroughbred Men Series Book 3)
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Millie nodded. “I’m just a bit overwhelmed that it’s here already. I have spent so much time working on making this moment perfect for him, for us, and now it’s here. It will all be over this afternoon,” she explained. Millie honestly felt extremely nervous. They had been planning the wedding for several months. Heck, they had even been trying to get pregnant!

Now that the moment was here, she was getting cold feet and she did not want to admit it. Not about Jacob, but that the event was already here and she wasn’t ready for it to be over. Millie wondered if Jacob was going through the same feelings. “I think I am going to throw up, girls,” she said softly, looking for a garbage can.

Teri moved into action and scrambled for a can. She caught Millie as she heaved into the small container. “Boy, I sure hope the pastor doesn’t change his mind and need any of that,” she said, trying to make light of the situation.

Teri felt pretty bad that Millie was making herself sick and wasn’t sure how to help things. “You know, you and Jacob are perfect for each other. Instead of worrying about making the day perfect, you should spend it just being happy to finally be his wife and you both can move forward from here together,” she said reverently. “It’s your day, enjoy it together.”

The women in the room looked at each other and then at Teri. All had forlorn expressions on their faces. “What? Did I say something wrong?” Teri asked blankly. They all just looked at her like she had stepped in poo.

Millie took the wastebasket and held it. Danielle and Carla moved to hug Teri. “Teri, I am sorry Daniel isn’t here and you two were not able to get married or be together. He is with you and will always be with you. You need to enjoy the day, too. You need to relax, open yourself up to new experiences and find a way to be happy,” Danielle coached.

Teri had not even associated today with Daniel yet. She had done a lot of soul searching and realized that she could still love him but she could be IN love with someone, too.

Teri could have cried. The women cared so much for her and they always watched out for each other. It was wonderful having people that loved you, looked out for you. “You guys need to stop it or my nose will be red the rest of the day if I start crying. I know I need to move on and I am trying. It’s hard because there was never anyone else but Daniel and now I’m alone.” She gave them each a wobbly smile.

“You were there for me after the funeral and you are here for me again. I love you girls more than anything and I am trying to move forward with my life, too. This is Millie’s day, though. Let’s celebrate! Besides, you never know. Maybe my guy is out there today just waiting to meet me,” she said, laughing through her tears.

They all hugged and got Millie a cup of water to sip on. They proceeded to do each other’s hair and makeup elaborately. Teri didn’t have a lot she could do with her hair because it was so short, but they did put a few curls in it-just enough to keep it out of her eyes. Danielle made sure that Teri’s makeup was striking on her cool complexion and dusted her with some glittery powder as she stood in a slip.

They took photos of each other getting ready for a scrapbook and laughed heartily as they ended up taking several in their underwear and chemises. They felt like children playing around in the room, dusting each other with the shimmery powder, spraying hair spray and perfume. It was a scented mess in the pastor’s office and would probably stay that way for quite some time.

There was a knock at the door that announced “thirty minutes, ladies” to give them the signal to get in their gowns and finish preparations. They zipped each other in the blue dresses and passed out Band-Aids for their heels. Teri was eternally grateful that Carla had thought to bring them.

Millie stood to be dressed in her gown and had a noticeable tremor to her hands. “Relax,” they said in unison to the nervous bride. Millie stepped into the gown as they zipped and buttoned her into it. It was breathtakingly elegant with a short train. Danielle and Carla pinned the veil on her head and carefully moved it in place in front of her face.

Teri, Danielle and Carla persuaded Millie to take a few photos with them, the last being a silly one to get her mind off of the upcoming walk down the aisle. They got her to laughing finally when making duck faces at each other’s phones. Teri loved how ridiculous and relaxed they could all be when they got together.

There was a knock again at the back door to the pastor’s office. The door exited the building. “Ready ladies?” the photographer asked happily.

He had seen a lot on wedding days; everything from crying hysterics, drunken brides, and happy brides. But this was the first time he had seen women making faces at each other. To each their own. “A few snapshots, please. If you will gather around Millicent,” he dictated. He took a few photos and guided them to the front of the church along the stone pathway.

Teri got a glimpse of Richard standing there in his tuxedo and felt her knees give.
My goodness
, she thought.
If he wasn’t attractive enough before, he was downright sexy now.

“Ladies!” the photographer interrupted her thoughts. “I need each of you to take a boutonniere and pin it on your groomsman one at a time so I can get a few shots of it,” he directed. Teri grabbed a small bud and moved to pin it on Richard’s lapel.

Richard looked at Teri and smiled. She was breathtakingly lovely. To him, she resembled a tiny, fragile doll. Her skin had an iridescent glow to it. Her lips were a deep wine color that complemented her coloring. The dress flattered her body like nothing he had ever seen her in before. The few times he had seen her, she had been in jeans but her body was designed for this dress.

Her gown had pleats and looked like something out of Greek mythology. Her arms and shoulders were bare and her tiny frame was cinched up in a fitted bodice that caught the eye. It was classical and flowed down to the ground. He could even see the heels peeking out from the bottom. “You look like a goddess, Sunshine. That dress suits you perfectly,” he whispered softly to her, for her ears alone, as she pinned the flower to him. He smiled down at her and saw her pink cheeks. “Sunshine, you take my breath away,” he said, tilting her chin up to him.

“Hold it!” they heard the photographer yell, interrupting the moment and snapping several times. “That’s good. Keep looking at her like that,” he coaxed from beside the couple.

Richard smiled even wider. “Nothing could keep me from it,” he said directly to her as he gazed into her eyes. He had never seen her look more beautiful than in this very moment. Her soul shone in her eyes and what he saw was stunning.

Teri could feel her heart pounding at his words. She felt like they were alone when he looked at her like that. She could hear clicking around her and hear other people talking, but none of it made sense. She could see only him. She ran her eyes over his visage, memorizing each feature tenderly. She watched as Richard leaned down to kiss her and he was interrupted again by the photographer.

“None of that you two! You will smear her makeup. Wait for a bit and let me get one more shot of you both,” he said and then moved on to the other pairs before the music started. Richard stepped back from Teri as they got into formation for the entrance to the church. He could not take his eyes off of her. She appeared to be so graceful but he knew the truth. She was scared she would trip in front of everyone.

Teri had a grip on his arm and every time she felt slightly wobbly, she would clench down to steady herself. Richard patted her hand encouragingly and did his best to hold her when she needed.

Richard guided her to the door of the church and gazed down at her. Teri looked at him with wonder in her eyes. Richard tenderly smiled at her. “Come on, Sunshine. It’s our turn.” He leaned forward to kiss her cheek gently before stepping over the threshold of the door. He held her hand with his, brushing his thumb across her knuckles and guided her down the aisle.

They were supposed to part at the altar to make way for Millie to move into position. Jacob already stood there by the pastor, a proud expression on his face, awaiting his bride. Richard lingered for a moment with Teri and then walked her to her spot. Jacob’s expression fell. He stopped Richard and gestured that he was supposed to be on the other side.

Richard let go of Teri’s hand at her smile. She knew why he was breaking the rules. He knew she still felt unstable in the heels. “Thank you,” she mouthed to him as he stepped back from the altar and moved to the side with the groomsmen.

Jacob was not going to let anything ruin Millie’s well-laid plans, including his friend’s obvious attachment to a bridesmaid. He was fully prepared to escort Richard over to the other groomsmen himself prior to Millie walking in the church, rather than let her see someone stray from his post.

The entire church stood as Millie entered the sanctuary. There was an officer at the end of each pew, all in dress uniform. It was truly a stunning sight to behold. The crisp, black uniforms and silver badges sparkled in the light. As she stepped forward to come down the aisle, the music began to play.

Several women began to tear up, Teri included. She was so happy for her friend and the emotions were overwhelming. She did everything in her power to keep from crying, afraid someone would misunderstand again. She did not feel sad. She felt overwhelming joy as she watched the couple speak their vows to each other. When the bride and groom kissed, several shouts and catcalls rose from the crowd as Jacob dipped her gently.

Teri could not restrain herself. She clapped and laughed in delight at the enthusiasm that Jacob kissed Millie with. She met Richard’s eyes and watched his reaction. He had a hungry look on his face that was barely restrained. He cracked a smile but that did nothing to stifle the desire in his eyes that was directed towards Teri.

Richard struggled for a moment, wanting nothing more than to cross the room and sweep Teri into his arms. He waited for his turn, for the bride and groom to head out of the church first. Then he crossed the altar, bowed at Teri in front of everyone and escorted her down the steps and out of the church. Richard wrapped his arm possessively around her waist, breaking another rule of Millie’s. He hoped Teri didn’t mind, but he had to touch her.

Teri and Richard exited the church and joined the others for more photographs as the rest of the guests exited to the reception area. She could hear loud music playing and wanted to dance. Teri enjoyed the way she felt cherished with his arm around her waist. They took several photos and left the bride and groom to finish up. Richard and Teri entered the large reception hall and went to their seats at the table set aside for the wedding party.

Richard guided Teri to her seat and cursed the fact that they had to sit separately. She sat among the bridesmaids and his seat was farther down the table with the groomsmen. He would be patient and wait his turn, as he hoped to spend several hours with her talking and dancing. He hoped she liked to dance because he certainly wanted to hold her in his arms for several slow songs.

Teri kicked off her shoes under the decorated table and relaxed. She was so happy everything was going off without any glitches. Millie and Jacob seemed so very happy together. She watched as Jacob whirled her onto the makeshift dance floor and introduced her as Mrs. Millicent Hunter. The lights lowered as Jacob pulled Millie into his arms for the first dance.

Teri let out a huge sigh of longing. She loved Etta James and “At Last” seemed so appropriate for the moment. She felt a tap on her shoulder and looked up to find Richard standing over her.

Richard was not going to pass up any opportunity to be with Teri. He saw other couples move to the floor now that the bride and groom were dancing. He moved behind Teri and asked formally, “May I have this dance?” while holding out his hand.

Richard noticed that Teri had removed her shoes. He wanted her to be comfortable and in her element with him. He shook his head at her, grinning when she reached for the heels under the table. “You won’t need those. I will be careful of your feet. I promise,” he vowed.

He spun her onto the dance floor with a flourish and grinned as Teri laughed. He pulled her tightly to him and held her close. They danced together for quite some time until Jacob tried to cut in. Richard was tempted to say no to his friend and decided against it.

Jacob held Teri loosely as Millie stepped into Richard’s arms. “Take it easy with my wife, buddy” Jacob said mildly and winked at Millie. Jacob turned back to Teri and asked lightly, “So? You and Richard, eh?” He didn’t see any reason to sugarcoat it and, frankly, after the display of affection between the two of them, he was downright curious.

For as long as Jacob had known him, Richard had never shown this much interest in one woman for any length of time. Richard had been asking about Teri over the last two weeks, ever since the bachelorette party. Jacob was surprised that the interest had lasted this long for him. Teri was not Richard’s typical woman he pursued. She, in fact, broke every stereotype that had come before her.

At Teri’s silence and downcast gaze, Jacob was about to ask Teri again if they were an item and changed his mind. Instead, he offered a piece of advice. “You know Teri, when Richard settles on something, he goes after it. It’s not a bad idea to go after things that make you happy and, frankly, I haven’t seen you this happy or laugh so much in some time. Maybe this is good for you.”

Jacob did not let Teri answer but instead swirled her around the floor. He watched his wife over Teri’s shoulder and then offered to return her to her table or Richard, giving her a choice.

Teri smiled tentatively at Jacob. “You’ve known him for a long time. Is he a good man despite the rumors?” she asked. Danielle’s words had stuck with her and she was very afraid of opening up to someone again. The idea of losing someone or being hurt again scared her to the point she felt like she was missing out on things in her life.

Jacob grinned. Teri and Richard? He was glad and couldn’t think of two more different people that deserved to have happiness or settle down. “Richard is a great man with a heart of gold,” he stressed with an exaggerated sigh. “DEEP down inside. I’m serious. He has changed quite a bit over the years and really matured. You would have hated him five years ago. He was such an arrogant shit.” He laughed at Teri’s expression.

BOOK: Redeemed Hearts (Thoroughbred Men Series Book 3)
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