Read RedeemingZorus Online

Authors: Laurann Dohner

RedeemingZorus (12 page)

BOOK: RedeemingZorus
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“I’ll be a slave to someone else?”

“No. I give you my word that you will live in peace, free
from harm, regardless of what happens between us. Earth Government will be
hunting for you and we both know Saturn isn’t far enough way for them not to
track you there if they really want you in their custody. They will never find
you on my planet. You’ll be much safer on Garden than anywhere else.”

“But Russell has all my money. I need to go after him. All I
own are the clothes on my back.” She fought tears. “I don’t even have those

“You won’t need money where we’re going, Charlie. I’ll
provide you with all that you could ask for.”

“So I’ll be your kept woman?” Anger and pain burned inside
her chest. “That’s a whore. You’ll be giving me money and things in exchange
for sex.”

“I’m taking you from everything you know to force you to
live on a planet unfamiliar to you. The sex is optional and only if you want to
share it with me. I’ll be compensating you for bringing you into my world.”

She closed her eyes and turned her head. “My head hurts and
I’m still tired. May I be alone?”

The silence grew very uncomfortable, only broken by their
breathing. The bed finally moved when Zorus rose to his feet.

“I’ll get dressed and leave you to rest. Please consider my
offer, Charlie. It is a genuine one. You can trust me.”

Zorus left her alone after he dressed. As soon as the door
closed behind his retreating body, she stared at the metal door. Hot tears
blinded her and she tugged at the bindings that held her down. He hadn’t untied
her, hadn’t trusted her not to try to escape, and she knew then he really was
intelligent. Escape would be her first option if given the chance.

“Damn you, Russell, you piece of shit,” she sniffed. “This
is totally your fault. You had to screw up what we had on Earth and look where
I am now.”

She pulled harder on the restraints, watched the material go
taut where it secured her to the bed, but it didn’t break. She tried to jerk
her legs up but Zorus had tied something around her ankles, her legs spread
wide open under the thick, warm comforter shielding her body. She twisted and
fought until she grew exhausted.

Chapter Seven


Zorus entered the room hours later only to find Charlie
sleeping again. He moved soundlessly across the room to stare down at her. He
noticed the tracks on the sides of her face where her tears had streamed but
then dried. The bedding covering her revealed the struggle she’d put up, the
once-smooth surface now a mess of wrinkles. His saw slightly reddened skin
around her wrists. His jaw clenched.
Damn stubborn female.

He turned to place another tray of food on the floor with
the hope that he could talk her in to eating. He’d never been responsible for
someone’s care before. He didn’t believe his skills were lacking until he’d met
the fascinating human. His gaze returned to her and the shape of her body
barely concealed beneath the blankets. He muffled a groan that threatened to
rise when his body responded to the tempting sight.

She’d have to learn to trust that he had no ill will toward
her and only wanted them to be as they had been the night before. He bent down
to tear off his boots. Frustration nearly boiled over as he straightened then
reached for his shirt. He wanted Charlie yet didn’t know how to make her yearn
for his touch.

The shirt dropped to the floor and he unfastened his pants.
His cock sprang free when he pushed them down his hips. He glared at the part
of his body that seemed to have ruled his brain for the past twenty-four hours.
Memories of Charlie in his arms made his cock swell harder, longer, and he
softly cursed under his breath.

He paced, occasionally glancing at the sleeping woman, his
mind going over feasible scenarios on the fastest way to alleviate her worries
over his long-term intentions. He paused when an idea struck. Humans were
needier than cyborgs. They placed a lot of trust in set roles inside their
society. He discarded the idea almost as quickly as it struck. She’d be even
more suspicious if he offered her too much, too fast.

Charlie moved in her sleep, her back arched, and a soft moan
came from her parted lips. He froze and watched her wiggle her hips, noticed
her faster breathing, and flushed features. A slow grin spread as he inched
closer to the bed. She dreamed and he had a good idea where it had led.

He’d be a bastard for taking advantage of the situation.
, he reasoned silently,
she already believes I’m one

He reached for the bedding to slowly pull it down her body
to reveal every seductive inch of her pale, creamy body. It took his breath
away to see her stretched out naked, bound, and spread open. His gaze traveled
from her wrists to the vee of her thighs where proof gleamed wetly that her
sleeping mind had gone where he’d hoped it had.

He debated for a long minute but then she tossed her head,
another moan passed her lips, and his cock twitched painfully, aching for the
woman who had become his sole focus, and probably the beginning of an
addiction. His knee gently dipped the mattress when he climbed onto it with
her. He tried not to wake her when he unbound each ankle.
The worst that
could happen is that she will be very angry when she wakes up

but she
already is.

Charlie arched her hips to seek the hot, wet, wonderful
sensation that rasped across her clit. She ached badly, desire burning
throughout her body, and the heels of her feet dug into something warm, solid,
and fleshy. Firm hands pushed her thighs wider apart and something tickled the
skin there as well but nothing distracted from the constant flicking against
her throbbing clit.

“Yes,” she moaned, bucking her hips.

She had to be dreaming about Zorus. No man had ever made her
feel the way he could. She opened her eyes to stare in a passion-filled daze at
the ceiling and the sensation only grew stronger. She hovered on the edge of
climax, ready to beg if need be to get there.

She lifted her head to peer down over her stomach to watch a
dark head and broad shoulders between her spread thighs, her legs bent up
around his upper arms, and her heels rested on the top of his shoulder blades.
Zorus suckled her clit, tugged on it, and his tongue swiped across the swollen,
throbbing bud again.

“Faster,” she whispered. “Please, Zorus?”

He groaned, the deep sound vibrated against her clit, and
his mouth tugged harder, his tongue doing things to her that nearly hurt—the
pleasure was that intense and raw. Her body arched up again to press her hips
tighter against his face and that did it. Charlie screamed out when the orgasm
gripped her and shot her into sheer bliss that threatened to steal not only her
ability to think but to breathe.

Her eyes were closed and she panted. Her vaginal walls
twitched hard, aching to be filled.
Hell of a dream
. It had seemed so
real, still did when the bed shifted and her heels slid down his back while he
shrugged them aside. She opened her eyes and watched him crawl higher over her
body. His dark eyes looked black in the dim room and happened to be the sexiest
things she’d ever seen. His handsome face seemed a darker, duskier color, and
his generous lips looked a little swollen to her, puffy, and she wanted to kiss

“You’re so beautiful,” he rasped softly.

His body lowered, his chest pressed tightly to hers, nearly
crushing her taut nipples against his hot skin. They lay stomach to stomach,
his face hovering mere inches over her own.

“Tell me ‘no’ if you don’t want me.”

She tried to touch his face but her arms wouldn’t work. The
dream turned to frustration for an instant and then his gaze narrowed. Zorus
softly groaned when the broad, hard tip of his cock nudged her very slick, ready
pussy. The instant he started to enter her, stretch her, reality slammed home.
His mouth crushed down over hers to capture the moan he drew from her when he
filled her. His cock reminded her of steel and pleasure blinded her while he
made her body take all of his thick cock. He held still there and then his
tongue slid between her parted lips.

She could taste herself on his tongue, not an unpleasant
thing, and then he growled loudly and started to rock his hips, to fuck her
deeply and steadily. Her muscles gripped his driving cock, fluttered from the
aftermath of her climax, and she wanted to scream out from the way it made her
pleasure rise higher to draw out the orgasm that still resonated.

Sensory overload enthralled her, from his hungry mouth
dominating hers and his powerful body that took her harder and faster as his
hips hammered her into the soft mattress without mercy. Her erect, sensitive
nipples rubbed against his chest and with the angle he had on her hips, his
groin rubbed against her swollen, oversensitive clit. Even having her arms tied
above her head notched the level of sexual tension. She came again, bucked
against his body frantically, and cried out against his tongue.

Zorus tore his mouth from hers, threw his head back, and
roared out her name while his body jerked violently. His semen spread warmth
deep inside her pussy while his cock throbbed as if it had a heartbeat against
her convulsing vaginal walls. He braced his arms to keep from totally
collapsing on top of her chest when his body sagged until he stilled over her.

Charlie turned her head, panted, and closed her eyes. That
had been no dream. It may have started out as one but somewhere along the way
it had become reality. Zorus lowered his head, his mouth brushing a kiss on the
side of her throat, and then his lips parted, so his tongue could trace the
vein he found. She shivered with erotic delight at the soft touch.

“Promise me you won’t try to escape. I want your hands on

She hated how badly she wanted to say yes. She bit her lip.
Zorus softly cursed and kissed her throat again, this time harder, and his cock
flexed inside her. It amazed her that he remained hard after coming. She knew
he had since there was no missing the heated warmth and she guessed his hotter
body temperature accounted for that.

“Please,” his voice turned husky when he spoke against her
throat. “Just promise me for now.”

That she could do. “Yes.”

His mouth left her and he lifted up. Charlie turned her head
and watched him reach up with one hand. He grabbed the material above her
wrists and gave a mighty tug to easily tear it from the frame of the bed. It
showed her how strong he was since she sure hadn’t been able to do that.

He gripped one wrist and brought it to his mouth. He used
his teeth to untie the knots and free her. He turned his head and dropped the
material from his mouth then frowned when he saw the skin that he had

“You mark so easily. I’m sorry.”

Their gazes met and she could see the truth lurking in his
eyes. “It doesn’t hurt. Whatever you used didn’t tighten on my skin and it’s

“I believe they are leggings, belonging to the human who
normally occupies this room.”

Charlie turned her arm, twisting a little, and Zorus
released his hold on it. She slowly lowered her arm until her palm rested on
his biceps. She loved to touch him, to feel his smooth, strong body, and the
heat he generated.

“The other one, please.”

He nodded and then shifted his gaze from her to free her
other wrist. She gripped both his arms. Zorus lowered back on top of her,
braced his elbows on the mattress next to her ribs, and effectively caged her
under his body. Their gazes met again and held as effectively as their bodies
were connected.

“Please don’t attack me, Charlie. I won’t hurt you but I
don’t want to tie you again.”

“I’m not stupid. You’re too strong and fast. I saw you fight
with that other cyborg inside the cargo hold and I’ll never forget how easily
you snapped that dock worker’s neck. I wouldn’t stand a chance.”

He actually flinched. “I don’t want you to fear me. I’d
never use my strength to harm you.”

“Just to tie me to a bed and seduce me when I’m half

Guilt passed over his handsome features. “I’ll take you any
way I can get you. Do you hate me for admitting that?”

She actually didn’t. “At least you’re being honest. You get
points for that.”

“Points?” His eyebrows arched. “What does that mean?”

The humor struck her, Zorus had a way of doing that to her
sometimes with his lack of basic slang terms, and she smiled against her will.
“It means I have to respect you for telling the truth. The points thing is just
a saying.”

“I’ll make note of that for future reference.”

She flat out grinned.

“What is so amusing?” He looked anything but amused with
that befuddled expression that she found so cute on him.

“You’re showing your computer side again.”

“I’m not familiar with Earth sayings any longer and admit it
wasn’t my strong suit even when I lived there.”

“I bet. It’s all about logic with you.”

“Not all.” He took a deep breath, nearly crushed her chest
under his, but then adjusted his body a little higher to ease his weight from
pressing too hard against her. “There’s nothing logical about my reactions to
you. I’m…” He didn’t continue.

Curiosity gripped Charlie. She rubbed his arms, tracing
upward to the curve of his shoulders. “You’re what? Talk to me.”

“I’ve entirely evaluated my reactions to you. I’m displaying
possessive, bordering on obsessive, behavior that isn’t within my normal range
of emotions. You make me feel unfamiliar sentiments, Charlie. I’m not certain
how to proceed with them, but regardless of my inability to control them, I
refuse to suppress them. You make me take risks I never believed I would be
capable of. Even telling you all of my uncertainties is against my normal
personality traits. I am usually very guarded with my thoughts.”

BOOK: RedeemingZorus
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