Reed, Erika - Something Worth Waiting For (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (3 page)

BOOK: Reed, Erika - Something Worth Waiting For (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“Sure, beautiful.” Tyler grabbed her hand and led her to the back patio. Nick was inside getting them some wine to drink when he came outside to see they had relaxed on the patio.

“This is all so gorgeous. How long have you lived here?”

“We had this house built three years ago after we got our degrees in college,” Nick said with a smile on his face.

“I heard you both are successful architects and have your own construction business in town.”

Tyler held her hand and looked at her when he said, “When you left that day, we decided to start taking school seriously and establish our careers so we can provide for our family. Playtime was over. We wanted to get serious about life and make something of ourselves. That’s when we started the blueprints for our dream home. We graduated, started up Peterson and Warner Construction Co., and we’ve been doing very well ever since.”

“Your mom told us that you are a successful web designer and you are very good at what you do ,” Nick said as he looked into her eyes.

“When I left and moved to California, that’s what I ended up studying in college. I love it. I’m very good at it.” Jenna liked what she did. She just was in a miserable place in her life. Jenna’s life just felt empty without Tyler and Nick being a part of it.

“We know we’ve seen some of your work online. Maybe you could help us design a new website for the company?”

“Maybe, I’m leaving in less than week. We’ll see if I have time before I leave.”

Both men just gave each other a silent look before returning their attention back to her.

“Jenna, why didn’t you ever respond to any of our calls or text messages? Nick and I missed you. We grew up together. We were best friends. When you left, you took a piece of us along with you.”

“There was nothing for me here. I felt as though I needed to spread my wings. Jeff asked me if I wanted to go to California with him, and I thought it would be a nice change of scenery.”

Nick, too, just looked at her for a moment before responding. “Tyler and I know you saw us with Kim that night through the window. We never meant for you to find out that way. Tyler and I thought you were still young and naïve to understand what we wanted. Tyler and I have always shared our women. We’ve gone out on individual dates before, but we enjoy sharing our woman with each other. Tyler and I have this connection when we share a woman together. We feed off each other. It works for us. You never gave us a chance to explain. Tyler and I wanted to come over the next day to talk to you. That’s when your parents told us you had packed up and left with Jeff to move to California. We were heartbroken that you didn’t want to talk to us or have anything to do with us. Tyler and I thought we could tell each other anything. You left us without even saying good-bye.”

Jenna saw sadness in their eyes. She knew they had meant what they said. That was the hardest decision she had ever made in her entire life. She loved them. There was no mistake in how she felt about them. Still Jenna she couldn’t stay around and watch them have relationships with these women and not wish it were her instead of them.

Tyler came and sat next to her on the loveseat, “We have always loved you, Jenna. That’s why it was harder for us not to follow you to California and drag you back here and make you understand why you should be here with us. We know you weren’t in love with Jeff. Why did you marry him? When your mom told us the news, we thought we had lost you forever.”

Jenna could tell this was going to be harder than she thought. She couldn’t tell them the real reason why she and Jeff had gotten married. Jenna and Jeff weren’t in love, but Jeff thought it would be best for their unborn child.

Chapter 4

Jenna had gone into the house to use the bathroom. Nick and Tyler just sat there staring at the lake like they did every night since they moved in.

Nick thought about her every waking moment. He knew she was special when they became friends at an early age. They had always had a special bond between the three of them. They did everything together, enjoyed the same sports and hobbies. They had always thought of her as one of the guys until she turned sixteen, and then they knew things had changed. Tyler had noticed it, too, and they had numerous conversations about their tomboy friend who had grown into a beautiful woman overnight.

Jenna had always had long black hair that swept off to the side. What captivated them both were Jenna’s sable-green eyes. She was beautiful then, now she was an erotic wet dream. Nick couldn’t wait to kiss her again. Her body was no longer tall and skinny. She had a woman’s physique now, so lush with curvy hips and perfect-looking breasts. He needed to get himself under control before he ended up excusing himself to use the bathroom and handling himself. Nick watched as Jenna walked back outside again, after being in the bathroom.

”Jenna, why did you marry someone you didn’t love?”

“I loved Jeff, Tyler. Just not in the romantic way. We took care of each other while we lived in California. Maybe things don’t always work out the way we want or plan, but that’s life. We have to deal with it any way we can. After our first year of college, Jeff and I were happy and comfortable with each other. We both agreed to get married and run off to Vegas to do it. After a year of marriage, we knew it wasn’t working. So, we got a divorce. We are friends and will always be friends. That was why it never would work for us. We keep in touch, talk periodically, but I am deeply involved in my job. That’s why I can only stay for a short visit.”

Tyler had a feeling there was something else she wasn’t telling them. She never was a good liar. That was probably why she never called them because they could always tell when she wasn’t telling the truth. When they had heard of her divorce, they thought she might move back home.

Nick was so happy to see her. She was finally home where she belonged. That was the hardest times of their lives. Every woman they ever tried to sleep with always wore the face of Jenna. It was always casual sex with women, ones that wouldn’t expect anything more from them. Nick was the patient one of the two. He had been the one to tell Tyler that she would be back and things would be right again for them all.

“Honey, we wanted to bring you back so many times, but always knew one day you would find your way back home,” Tyler said.

“I’m not staying, Tyler. I have a life and job in California I have to get back to. You know that. I’m only here till I know my mom can get back on her feet and be okay when I’m gone. She’s always been a strong woman, but now that Dad’s gone, I need to make sure she’ll be fine when I do leave.

“Mom and Dad were the perfect couple in my eyes. I wanted to have a husband like hers. There was some sort of affection between those two. I can’t imagine my spouse, who I’ve spent all my life with me, dying and leaving me to live life without them.” Jenna had a silent tear roll down her cheek and Tyler wiped it away with his thumb.

“We would give anything to have a relationship like your parents. They were our role models. Your parents were so fun and friendly to everyone. They were constantly hugging and kissing one another in front of people. When we get married, we want people to know how much we love and adore our wife, too.”

* * * *

Jenna knew what they said was true. She could tell they meant it.

“There’s something we want to show you,” Nick and Tyler said as they walked her down to their private dock. They were walking toward a boat she assumed was theirs.

As she came closer she noticed the name on the back,
Sweet Jenna
. Dear Lord, they even named the boat after her. All she could say was, “Why?”

“What else would we call something we are quite fond of?” Tyler smirked.

She had always been a sucker for his boyish charm, but they were definitely not boys anymore judging by the rather large bulges in their jeans. She had to maintain control of her body, or else this was going to be a rougher week than she anticipated.

“I need to get home now. It’s getting late. My mother will worry if she wakes and I’m not home.”

“You used to say the same thing when you were seventeen and you snuck out while they were sleeping.”

“Do you remember the time they actually caught you coming home one morning?”

“Yes, Mom caught me coming back into my room one night and wanted to know what boy I was sneaking out to see. When I told her I was with you both, she just smiled and said, ‘Get to bed before your dad wakes up.’ My mom did always like you two. She never questioned anything we did or when we would be home. I think she knew I was in good hands and you would make sure I was safe.”

Nick put his arm around her shoulder and said, “We love you, Jenna, you were always ours to care for. We knew from an early age we wanted to take care of you and to protect you. It wasn’t until our teenage years that we started to fall in love with you.”

“Baby, we love you, and when we built this house, we had you in mind when we did it.”

Jenna had tears in her eyes. She couldn’t believe what they were telling her. This is her house. They built it for her intending on them all living here like a happy family? What they didn’t know is that she couldn’t have children. The doctor had told her because of the complications she had during her miscarriage there was a ninety percent chance she would never be able to have children.

Jenna felt her body would reject their sperm. She couldn’t tell them the truth. She had told her mom about the pregnancy. Her mother was the only one who knew the truth behind her and Jeff getting married so quickly. They were going to wait until her third trimester before telling people she was pregnant. She had a miscarriage right after her first trimester. Jenna pulled away from Jeff. About four months after her miscarriage, she asked Jeff for a divorce. They both agreed it was for the best.

If Nick and Tyler ever found out that she couldn’t have children with them, they would probably want nothing to do with her. That was why she needed to leave and go back home before all her secrets came out.

“I don’t understand. You built this home for us…for me, thinking…hoping I’d come home one day to live in it so we could be a family?”

“Yes!” the both said simultaneously.

Nick brought her face up to his and hugged her body against his before he kissed her passionately. Before she knew it, she heard Tyler groan next to her and pull her away to give her one of his own heart-pounding kisses. She slowly opened her eyes to see that they were both staring at her. She had never seen this look in their eyes before. They wanted her. That was an obvious look of lust in their eyes.

“Why are you doing this? I have to leave, and I can’t start something with you that has to end in a week.”

“Honey, we don’t just want a week with you. We want forever!” Nick said to Jenna with promise in his eyes.

Chapter 5

After what they told her down at the dock, Jenna needed another glass of wine. They all made their way up to the house. They went back inside to open another bottle of wine for her. She drank half the glass before saying, “This a lot for me to process in one night.”

“We know, baby. You have been away from us for so long. Tyler and I have so much to talk about. So much making up for.” Nick rubbed her shoulders and neck. He must have sensed she was stressed.

“Let’s go into the living room so we can relax, Jenna.” Tyler grabbed her wine glass and took it into the living room for her. She sat down on the couch, Nick and Tyler sat on either side of her. She felt caged in. She was surrounded by their masculinity. They smelled so good, so familiar. Nick continued to rub her shoulders, and that was when Tyler propped her feet up on his lap so he could massage them.

“This feels wonderful. I’ve been so stressed out for the past couple days. I feel like I could sleep the whole day away if I was able to do so.”

“Just relax, honey. Let us take care of you right now. Everything will be all right. We promise.”

Jenna felt Nick’s soft lips against the back of her neck. She let her eyes fall shut at the sensation taking over her body. He let his hand roam down her arm and go under to rest on her stomach. Nick slowly slid his fingers up her shirt to cup her heavy breast.

“Oh, Nick, that feels good.”

She felt Tyler raise her butt off the couch briefly to pull her pants off. She wasn’t wearing any panties.

“Shit, if I’d known you weren’t wearing any panties tonight, we’d have done this sooner,” Tyler said with a growl

Before she knew it, they were lowering her body flat on the couch. At some point Nick had pulled her top over her head and unsnapped her bra. “You have the most beautiful breasts I have ever seen, Jenna.”

Tyler had her legs spread and over his shoulders before she knew it. “Look at this pretty pussy, all wet and glistening with her juices already. I bet you’re as sweet and juicy as you look, baby?” Next thing she could feel was Tyler licking her from anus to clit. “Mmm, Nick, I was right. She’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever tasted.”

Jenna couldn’t process everything that was going on around her. It was happening so fast. She didn’t know what to do. Everything they were doing to her was fantastic. This was nothing she’d ever experienced before. “Yes, more. I need more!”

Nick caressed and pinched her breast with one hand and sucked on the other one. Jenna almost came from the attention to her nipples. “I think our girl here is very responsive to having her nipples played with. What do you think, baby? Do you like having me suck your nipples while Tyler dines on that sweet pussy of yours?”

BOOK: Reed, Erika - Something Worth Waiting For (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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