Reggie's: Changing a Wolf's Heart (8 page)

BOOK: Reggie's: Changing a Wolf's Heart
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They worked together for so long that no one really knew what they could do.

Waiting for the computer to finally start he watched his mate sit and stare at him. He knew she was fragile, but he thought that after this last beating, she would break. He could not have been more surprised when she woke up fighting and cussing. He thought that she was stronger than she appeared. She had been hiding behind her fears, and now she had decided that she was no longer going to be a victim. She was looking at the men who hit her with such anger; Reggie knew she was planning something in her head.

He watched as she quietly and without drawing attention to herself reached under the bed and pried the wire springs off the base.

She had been subtle, if he had not been watching her so closely he would have missed it.

Now he wondered what she was going to do. With such a look of determination, she had no qualms about thinking of something to kill their captors with.

Finally, the screen came up, and he checked what access they thought they were giving him. He wanted to grin when he saw the limited access they gave him while working on the computer. As if that was going to hold him back, but since he did not want them to know that, he grumbled a little out loud about only letting him go to certain sites. He was certain in another room they had someone monitoring him too. He was already creating a ghost program which would allow him to do anything he wanted without them knowing.

Finally, after a few minutes of his fingers flying across the screen, he was able to do what he wanted. Searching for Casey online was easy. He knew everywhere she usually hung out. It was just a matter of making sure she got online, so they could talk. He sent a message directly to her cell phone telling her to log on to the computer. It took only moments for her to pop on.

“Reg?” She typed.

“Yeah, where are you? With Ruby and need a way out.” Reggie said looking over to the two men who were watching him. They were so stupid he figured he could chat with the President, and they would never know.

“So much has happened. I am calling Devon, the Council Beta. He is in Denver. They know where you are. Don"t have time to explain. They need to know the specifics."” Casey replied.

“Four guards in the room with us. I saw at least five in the hallway. I think we"re on the second floor of a warehouse. There are not too many windows, but we are not on the ground floor. I am supposed to be finding the New Council Pack money and stealing it.” Reggie said and stretched a little, making it look like he was getting stiff from sitting at the computer. He raised his hands and motioned for Ruby to look at him.

Ruby nodded and stared at him intensely while he used his hands to try to tell her what he was doing. She must have understood something because she nodded and got back to work making weapons.

“Can you fake it?” Casey said.

“Me, make a fake money trail? Surely, you jest.” He typed and closed the window and began to set up an account with a local bank. He used all the resources to make it seem real. It was scary how you could hack into banks and play with their stuff. That is probably why his old Alpha refused to allow the Pack money to be in a bank. They had been very creative where they hid their money. No one would ever be able to find it.

That was what he was going to do with the New Council money also when he got the chance.

“Hey, you want to tell your boss that I found something?” Reggie said to Hugo, who was beginning to get restless.

With the stroke of the last key, Reggie covered his conversation with Casey and turned the computer for the idiot to see. Of course, he had no clue what he was looking at. He figured that he was satisfied seeing numbers.

While Hugo went to get Roarke, Reggie backed out of where he was at with Casey and sent a brief message to her telling her they would be waiting. Then he polished up the fake money sheets and made sure there was nothing they could see.

Roarke came into the room with a smirk on his face, thinking that he had played Reggie and Ruby like a harp. He laughed when he saw the scowl on Reggie"s face and patted him on the shoulder.

“Good thinking, doing what we want. I would have to have ordered these big mean men to hurt your spouse even more. Hugo over there wanted a piece of her ass. I told him that if you cooperated that he would have to forgo that. I think it has put him in a bad mood. So what have we found?” Roarke said.

Reggie wanted nothing more than to bash his face in. He wanted to feel the other man"s blood on his skin. Gods he was turning into a blood thirsty little wolf. But it was necessary. His mate needed him to stand up and be strong.

“Look, here is their primary account. The deposits, the withdrawals etc. Here is their total balance, $72,000,000 roughly. I can see they are transferring into another account overseas. I would bet there is a lot more than you think. That will take a little more time, because it is international. A few hours at least, maybe more, but I might point out that we have not had a good meal since we were awakened. And my mate needs some care.” Reggie said, knowing from the way the guy was salivating that he was thinking about all the money he was going to be able to tell the Master he found.

“What, oh, of course. I will order up some food. You have a half an hour before you need to get back to work. I will get the numbers you need to transfer this money into.” Roarke said and smiled before turning and running from the room.

Chapter 8

Devon walked back into the conference room and announced that Reggie had contacted Casey through the computer. Levi felt a rush of relief when he said they were both fine.

“He had to log off for a while, but until we make contact again we have to wait for the recovery. It seems they are planning something else in Milliken too.” Devon said.

Levi was not happy about waiting, but at least his mates were okay. He hoped they were going to be getting to them soon, or he may go stark raving mad. So long, without his intended mate had driven him crazy. It was all his fault, but still.

He mentally made a list of all the things he was going to do to make up to his mates the last few months. This big bad wolf was going to grovel. He knew what he had to do, and after talking with Cami and Casey over the last few months, he knew that Ruby was going to be hurt. Reggie was going to hold a grudge, that was who he was. Casey had explained that her brother loved to make people think that he was a Queen. He liked loud clothes and to be pampered at the hair salon. Most men just went to a barber.

Reggie had spa days. But, regardless of that, he was a strong and fierce wolf. Casey explained how when they were younger people picked on them.

Reggie would protect Casey and even when they grew up, he would step in front of anyone who tried to hurt her. It was the twin bond; it plainly existed even then when they did not know they were twins. Casey gave him a list of things that made the little man excited, and he was going to do all of them for his mates.

Lost in his thoughts he did not notice that Casey appeared in the huge video screen in the corner. When he heard Reggie"s name, his head jerked up, and he walked quickly to where Casey was talking to Devon.

“Hi honey.” She grinned at her mate. In the background, they could see that their other mate Sid was standing behind her.

“How are you feeling?” Devon asked softly. He did not want to leave his mate, especially since they found out she was pregnant such a short time ago, but his mate had begged him to come and get her brother.

“Good, just a little morning sickness. Poor Sid has had to hold my head every morning.” She grinned.

“Then I get to give her some TLC.” Sid laughed and bent down and winked into the camera.

Devon laughed and said, “Wait till I get back, we can give her all the TLC she can handle.”

“HA, Reggie said he would be back in a few, that was thirty minutes ago. I hope they did not discover what he was doing. Although I don't know how they could. Reggie is a sneaky hacker.” She grinned. “Levi did you know that one time, Reggie hacked into the Old Councils files to see if he could find out if he was adopted? He was convinced that his mother was the spawn of the devil.”

“She is.” Levi muttered and then laughed.

“Yeah, well the Pack Alpha found out about it, he was pissed. Reggie said if he told his parents that he would hide all of his money. The Alpha hired him on the spot; he says to prevent him from going to jail.” Casey laughed, and he heard a beep in the background and Casey turned a little to stare at her screen.

“Okay, boys and girls, he is back.” Casey announced and started typing.

“What is he saying?” Levi demanded unable to keep quiet any longer.

“He says that he has created a dummy account to fool them, for the time being. They are using Ruby as a way to keep him in line. He wants to get her out immediately. Reggie says that he has demanded that he be taken to the person they are calling Master. That will leave Ruby with minimal guards. Wait. He says they are taking him in a half an hour. You have to move.” Casey said worriedly.

“What about Reggie?” Levi said.

“One at a time, brother.” Devon said and laid his hand on his shoulder.

“Reggie claimed Ruby yesterday.” Casey said her eyes wide. “He said he had no choice.” Levi closed his eyes and nodded. He knew they would have had to in order to protect themselves, but still it stung. He wanted them all to be together when they claimed each other. He wanted to prove to Ruby that he loved her, and he was sorry, and prove to Reggie that he could protect them. Damn it, would Ruby even want him to be a part of their Triad?

“Let's move. Maybe we can follow Reggie and get him too in the process. They would not be expecting an attack on two fronts. Cloe, go with Teagan and Darien to get Ruby.

Levi and I will go after Reggie. Tell him what to expect Casey, and we are gone.” Devon said.

Everyone got their gear ready and went to their bikes. It was only a fifteen-minute drive to where they were going. They had sent others to watch already, so at least there were some in place.

Levi and Devon parked a block down from the warehouse. They could see the exit and cars parked in front of the building. Obviously, someone was going somewhere because the flurry of activity increased every moment.

Several guards appeared and checked around the building and street slowly.

Thankfully, they were too stupid to look up. Levi could see Cloe and Teagan on the roof of the building closest to the warehouse. They were crouched down low but there was no mistaking the pair. Levi looked up some more and saw that they had the building surrounded from the roof.

Good, at least they would get Ruby out. He would bring Reggie back to her. Movement at the front of the warehouse drew his attention. How arrogant were they? He thought as he saw three men lead Reggie to a waiting car.

Chapter 9

Reggie finished his conversation with Casey and shut down his link. He watched the men in the room start to look at Ruby with a little too much interest. He knew the Rogues were not looking at her just to be nice. They were trying to decide who got to go first when Reggie left the room. Damn it. It was the one flaw in his plan. He did not want to cause her a minute of suffering. She had been through enough. But leaving her with only a few guards was the best way to get her out of here. If they tried to rescue both of them, there was a real possibility, they would get hurt. There were too many guards in this place. He figured that Roarke was arrogant enough that he would take a lot of guards with him when he left the warehouse. That should leave only a reasonable amount here guarding Ruby.

But by the looks of things, she was going to be a sitting duck for a few minutes until the Calvary came. He did not like to do that, but he really did not have a choice if he wanted her out sooner rather than later. Reggie thought the longer she was in the apartment bedroom; the more the Rogues looked at her like she was open game. It pissed him off.

“I am going to get ready to leave with Roarke, can you give me a few minutes with my mate?” He said to Hugo, who smirked but nodded.

Thank the Gods he had planned this out. He had little doubt in his mind that she was going to have to be strong until the Calvary arrived. Now it was convincing her to leave him behind. He knew that so much had happened to his little mate in the last few years, and because of that, she was shy and unsure of herself. She was going to have to suck it up for a few hours. Then she would have Levi to lean on. He only hoped the man had come to his senses over the last few months.

“Baby girl.” Reggie said leaning down and pulling at his mate's hands so she would stand. He pulled her into a tight embrace so it looked like they were sharing an intimate moment should anyone be watching. “Listen very carefully.” He said into her ear.

“I have contacted Casey; they are coming to get you. The only way was for me to leave so the security was less. So I am going to go with Roarke and then Levi will come for you. Don"t worry about me. We have a plan to get me out too. It will just be a few days.” He said softly and tightened his grip when she began to shake her head in denial.

“No, I will stay with you. I won"t leave you. I have weapons. We can defend ourselves together. Don"t do this, don"t leave me.” She whispered and looked at him with a sad expression on her face.

He knew this was going to be hard, he did not want to leave her either, but he would have to make sure that she was safe. She was the most important thing in his life. He heard his friends talk about finding their mates and falling in love quickly, but he always laughed about it. Now he understood, Ruby was his world. He also knew when Levi finally accepted them that he would join her in his heart.

“Listen to me,” he whispered in her ear. I can"t do this without knowing that you are safe. I have to see if I can find out what the Rogues are really after.” Reggie whispered.

“Why you? Why can"t they send someone else?” She cried softly into his neck.

“Because I am here, and now is the time.” He replied softly. “When I leave, I want you to use your weapons on these assholes if they try anything. I don"t like the way they are looking at you. Casey said that they would come in as soon as Roarke was clear of the building. So, you will have about 15 minutes to wait. I think maybe you should go into the bathroom, and lock the door. Wait until you hear Levi and then come out. If anyone other than Levi comes through that door, use your weapons on them. I love you.” He said and leaned forward and kissed her gently.

BOOK: Reggie's: Changing a Wolf's Heart
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