Read Relentless (Relentless Soul Book 1) Online

Authors: Rachel Ryan,Eve Cassidy

Relentless (Relentless Soul Book 1) (19 page)

BOOK: Relentless (Relentless Soul Book 1)
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God she smells so good. As we walk back to the party, I am so tempted to just drag her off into the night, so I don't have to share her with anyone. The way this girl makes me feel is beyond amazing. I never thought I could feel this way about anyone in my life. For almost half of my life I have been consumed with the guilt of not being there for my baby brother. If I couldn't be there for my own family, how could I have a relationship with someone? How could I expect someone to put so much faith and trust in me and not fail or disappoint them in the end? But Ava, she makes me feel like I could be there for her, love her, cherish her, give myself to her completely. I was so close to kissing her hot little mouth, but at the last minute, Jeremy's image popped into my head and I found myself kissing her forehead. But it wasn't enough. I want her so bad. My body and my heart ache for her.


Opening the door I wave my arm in front of me, signaling for her to go in first. When she does she suddenly stops and I hear a small gasp come from her mouth. Looking over her shoulder, I wonder what made her react that way. Straight ahead of us sitting on the couch with two blond groupies is Jeremy.

"Motherfucker!" Pushing past Ava I stride over to the couch and pull Jeremy away from the groupie that currently has her tongue down his throat and pull him by the collar of his shirt into a standing position. "What the fuck is wrong with you? Why the fuck would you do this to her?"

Jeremy smiles and sways on his feet. Obviously he's had a few more drinks in our absence.

Glancing over my shoulder, I see Ava still standing in the doorway, a hurt look in her eyes. Suddenly, Tori is by her side putting an arm around her and leading her from the room. Turning back to Jeremy I shake him and yell at him again "Why the fuck would you hurt her like that Jeremy?"

He somehow gathers some strength and pushes me away from him.

"Why don't you just stay out of my fucking business for once, Brody?" He sways again, unsteady on his feet as he slurs. "I'm a fucking rock star; I don't have to put up with your shit. Or hers."

"You're a fucking dirt bag, Jeremy." Suddenly my body takes on a mind of its own and I feel my fist clench as I pull it back and land a punch right on Jeremy's jaw, splitting the side of his lip. He goes down like a lead balloon and lands straight on the couch. "And you've just lost the best thing that ever happened to you."

Turning, I almost run out the door and look both ways down the corridor. Taking a chance I head out the way Ava had gone earlier to find her and Tori hugging.

What do I say? How do I comfort her?

My boots crunch on the gravel and the girls both turn in my direction.

"Uh…Sorry to interrupt. I just wanted to check that you are okay."

Tori steps away from Ava "I'm gonna…go back inside and give you two kids some privacy. Plus I got some ass whooping to do. Look after her Brody"

I study Ava's face as she smiles at what Tori just said.

"Are you okay, Ava?"

Nodding her head she smiles up at me as I move closer to her.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I knew it was bound to happen. I just didn't expect it to happen this soon." She looks up at the sky and I watch her with admiration. She is handling this so well and with complete dignity. "I think deep down I knew it wouldn't work. We're just so different."

I can't believe what I'm hearing. I knew she had reservations about a relationship with Jeremy, but I didn't realize just how deep those reservations were.

She looks back into my eyes and takes a step toward me.

"Plus, I think my heart wouldn't let me get too close to Jeremy because it knew what it really wanted." She takes hold of my hand and I can feel the air sizzle between us as I stare into the golden depths of her eyes.

"What are you saying, Ava? What does your heart want?"

She leans in closer and whispers "My heart wants you, Brody. I think it has wanted you from the moment we met."

I'm frozen. I have wanted this moment to happen since that first day I laid eyes on her in the elevator. I felt an instant connection with her that day and I'm sure she felt it too. I can't believe she is finally saying the words I've been waiting and wanting to hear for the last eight weeks. Leaning forward I cup her face in my hands and place a soft kiss on her gorgeous lips. She grips my waist and pulls me closer to her. She closes her eyes and I watch her as she parts her lips and traces her tongue around my lips. Kissing her is heaven. I claim her mouth with the hunger that has been burning inside of me for the last eight weeks and I hear a small whimper as I run my hands through her beautiful soft hair. She opens her eyes and the passion and desire I see in her eyes makes me feel so much love for her.

Tearing my mouth from hers I stroke her hair from her face as I finally put my feelings into words.

"Ava, Baby, I have wanted to kiss you ever since I saw you in that elevator." This brings a gorgeous smile to her lips. "For the last eight weeks I have told myself that I wasn't right for you and you deserved someone better than me. It has been torture watching you and Jeremy together, but I just wanted to see you happy. You are the most amazing person I have ever met. You're strong and determined and so fucking sexy. I do love you. More than I have ever loved anyone in my life. That's why I'm going to take you home now and let you have some time to yourself so you can sort this all out in your head. I want you to be with me, but I want you to be sure it's what you want."

The door flies open behind us and I turn to see Hunter and Luke dragging a very drunk Jeremy from the building. There is blood on his lip and Ava gasps when she sees it.

"What happened to his lip?"

Luke looks at me with a cheeky grin "Brody's fist happened to it."

As they walk past us to the waiting car, Ava looks at me.

"You hit him? Because of me?"

Shaking my head I grab hold of her hands "I couldn't stand to see you hurt like that."

Ava slowly backs away from me. "But you two are best friends. I never wanted to come between you like this. God, what have I done?"

The door behind us flies open again and this time it's Tori and Emma.

Ava rushes over to them "Can you girls take me home? I have to go."

Tori looks at me in confusion, "Sure, Ava."

Ava glances back at me "I'm sorry, Brody. I have to go."

She walks off into the night with Tori and Emma and a little piece of my heart.


"Ava. Are you okay?"

"No Tori, I need to go. I never meant to come between them."

"Jeremy made his bed and now he has to lie in it. He should have treated you better. He would have if he really cares about you, like Brody."

The car stops and I open the door instantly, over my shoulder I mumble "Thanks, I'll talk to you later." As soon as the car has started to drive away I make a run for it.


Running into my bedroom I can't stop the tears from flowing. I need to go, I never meant for this to happen. I won't ruin a friendship, a band. Leaning down on my floor I lie down on my stomach and reach under the bed. Grabbing the cold handle of my small suitcase I pull it out and throw it on the bed. As I throw some clothes and various toiletries into my suitcase I make a call to the airline company to book a ticket on the next flight to Australia.


I leave a message on Jennifer's phone telling her there has been an emergency and that I have flown back home for three weeks. I tell her that I will send the last of the tour photos and articles to her when I land. I apologize endlessly but I need space, I need to go. Zipping up the suitcase, I set my alarm for four; I managed to get on the first flight tomorrow morning.

Chapter 25


As I pull up outside of Ava's apartment building I switch off my bike and take my helmet off. After the events of the other night, I have tried to stay away. I lasted forty eight hours before my body couldn't resist seeing her anymore. Walking up to her door I knock a couple of times. I'm so nervous. I have no idea what was going through her head the other night when she left with the girls. It seems like she thinks she was coming between me and Jeremy. But I don't care. After the way he treated her, he no longer deserves her respect. I was honest with her. I was honest with myself for the first time in a long time. I want her with all of my heart and I'm not going to let anyone come between us. Not even my best friend.

Peering through the glass in the front door, I knock again. I wonder where she is. The door to the apartment beside Ava's opens up and an elderly lady walks toward me.

"She's not here son."

Is she talking about Ava?

"Where is she?"

"My son is the landlord of this building and he said that she's gone back to Australia. He asked me to keep an eye on the place for her."

She disappears back into her apartment and I can't move. She's gone? Why would she leave like that? I scared her away. I must have come on too strong the other night with all the talk about love. Fuck!

As I slowly make my way back to my bike, I feel my heart shattering into a thousand tiny pieces.


Travis has called an emergency meeting with the band and as I enter the room my eyes are met with an angry blue glare. I ignore the death stare from Jeremy and sit down at the opposite end of the table.

Travis stands and rests his hands on the table.

"Okay, now that all band members are present, can someone please explain what the fuck happened at the after party the other night?"

Jeremy chuckles "Why don't you ask Brody?"

My head snaps in his direction. "It's simple, Travis. Jeremy got pissed and accused me and Ava of sneaking around behind his back. He then decided to stick his tongue down some whore's throat and broke his girlfriend's heart. She has since flown back to Australia."

Jeremy's mouth opens in surprise and I give him a dirty look.

"What? You didn't know that your girlfriend has left the country? Have you even bothered to call her since that night?" Jeremy looks down at the table. "No, I didn't think so."

Travis shakes his head.

"Well, boys." He looks at me then Jeremy. "Sort this mess out. You've all worked too hard to let some girl come between you. This band is more important than that." I can't listen to him belittle Ava like that. Standing up, I grab my helmet off the table and leave the room.


This is a god damn fucking mess. How the fuck it all went pear shaped so fucking quick I'll never know. I know I shouldn't have accused them of sneaking around behind my back, but I just have a feeling that she feels more strongly for Brody than she's admitting. I can't believe she left. The last couple of days I have wanted to call her, but I think I was just scared to face the rejection. I know I fucked up, but I just couldn't help myself. It's like I no longer had control over my body or my thoughts. I needed answers.

I'm sick to death of wondering if my girlfriend is in love with my best friend. I hate that it's coming between me and Brody. But he should have stayed out of my fucking relationship. She chose me; he should have respected that and left it the fuck alone.


As I sit at the bar downing beer after beer, I realize I need some more advice. Scrolling through the contacts on my phone I find Jo's name and connect the call.

Chapter 26


It has been five days since I left LA, I have really missed my Grandma and it has been so good to spend some time with her. I realize now though that I shouldn't have left the way I did. I should have stayed and faced the issue head on and sorted it out. I have received a few messages from Tori and Emma wanting to make sure I was ok and when I was coming home. Neither Brody nor Jeremy have messaged me though. I think they are giving me some space.


I was confused for a while about what to do and what I wanted. I really like Brody but I also really like Jeremy. They are both really great guys and they have both touched my heart in one way or another. It's taken me a while to work out what to do, I'm still not really sure if it's the right move or not. I just have to go with my instinct. I can't be afraid to take a chance my life. I need to give myself over completely to my relationships. I can't fall in love and expect to be loved in return if I'm not giving it one hundred percent.

Picking up my phone I scroll through my contacts. Finding the number I need I open up a blank text. As I stare at the screen for a few seconds I don't know what to write. What if he doesn't want me anymore? I messed this up big time by leaving and I don't know if he will forgive me.


I made a mistake. I'm sorry I shouldn't have left. I just needed space. I hate what I have done to the two of you, which was never my intention. I miss you.


Hitting the send button on my phone, my heart thumps. What if he doesn't reply? Just then my phone rings and I see his name flash across the screen. I know deep in my heart I am making the right decision for myself.

Answering the call, I softly reply.


"Hey. When do you come home?"

"Not for another two weeks."

"I'm on my way."

"What about your visa?"

"I'm applying for my ETA visa now. As soon as it's approved I'll be on the first flight. I miss you too."

My heart is dancing as I end the call and realize in a couple of days I will once again see the man who I think has completely stolen my heart…


…to be continued.


Look out for ‘Surrender (Relentless Soul Part 2)’ coming in July.

BOOK: Relentless (Relentless Soul Book 1)
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