Read Rescued by His Lone Wolf Mate Online

Authors: Anya Byrne

Tags: #erotic, #anal sex, #erotic romance, #explicit adult content, #gay, #MM

Rescued by His Lone Wolf Mate (3 page)

BOOK: Rescued by His Lone Wolf Mate
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Naturally, it didn't work. In all honesty, Connor hadn't
expected it to. He needed more, far more if he ever wanted to breathe without
feeling this all-consuming hunger.

But no, he had to be careful and not turn into a mindless
beast because of his instincts. His mate deserved more. He deserved to be shown
that having a mate was more than visceral passion. It was emotion, gentleness,
comfort, a true, genuine bond that could only exist between twin souls.

When he broke the kiss, he was panting heavily, rock hard,
but more secure than ever in his decision. He got up, even if in the process he
had to temporarily move away from Dani. Dani looked at him, big brown eyes
wide, inquiring and dilated with lust. Connor took him in his arms, barely managing
to suppress the need to kiss him again.

He carried his mate to the bed, reminding himself that the
floor was not an acceptable place to claim Dani. Moon be blessed, a random
motel room wasn't the most romantic location to begin with. At the very least,
Connor wanted to make the best of it.

He set Dani down on the bed, smiling when his mate wrapped
his arms around his neck and refused to let go. Since he couldn't bring himself
to pull away from Dani again, he crawled on top of him, paying close attention
so as not to accidentally crush Dani under his larger bulk.

This time, when they kissed again, he didn't deepen it,
didn't let it flare brighter like it had before. "Let me take care of you,
baby," he whispered in Dani's ear. "Relax, and let me show you."

Just like that, Dani melted against the pillows. He didn't
protest again when Connor moved back, although the yearning in his eyes didn't
abate in the slightest. Connor had no intention of making Dani wait. He let his
hands roam over Dani's clothed chest, soothing his mate through his touch.
Dani's T-shirt was a barrier that needed to be eliminated, and while Connor had
told himself to keep his wolf in check, he refused to let some random piece of
material block his view of Dani's face and eyes even for a second.

Slowly, so as not to startle Dani, he slid a sharp claw over
the cotton. The cloth parted like butter under a knife, exposing Dani's creamy
skin to Connor's greedy gaze. Dani shivered at the slight touch of Connor's
claws, the scent of his arousal pulsing through the air like a living thing.

It occurred to Connor that the whole pheromone thing was
probably correct, in some respects at least. Connor could feel it now, but it
wasn't a blind instinct like Dani had guessed. Instead, it almost seemed like...
a mating call of sorts, like Dani's shifter was reaching for Connor's. Moon
only knew how other people had interpreted it.

Well, it didn't matter anymore. No one would hurt Dani ever
again, not while Connor lived. He'd protect Dani and shower him with so much
love that Dani would never doubt it again. And he'd start right now, by
focusing on his mate, on making Dani feel safe and wanted.

When he discarded Dani's shirt on the floor, he reached for
his mate's jeans. Miraculously, he remembered to remove Dani's sneakers first,
although the sight of Dani's feet distracted him more than he'd expected. He
ran his fingers over the elegant arch of Dani's foot, drawing a startled giggle
from his mate.

There was something relaxing and endearing in learning a simple
tidbit about Dani, like the fact that he was ticklish. It was precious, a gem
Connor added to his existing stash of memories and experiences. He hoarded
those treasures jealously, but he also craved more, every sound, every laugh,
every tear. The way Dani's lips parted when his breath caught, and the light of
passion in his eyes—he wanted it all.

Pursuing his new goal, he sucked Dani's dainty toes in his
mouth. Dani moaned and arched his back, clenching his fingers into the sheets.
Connor gripped his mate's ankle, largely to prevent Dani from kicking him in
the face. Dani let out another breathless groan. "Connor... Please."

Hearing his name on Dani's lips, spoken in that lustful tone,
almost broke Connor's resolve—or at least, it would have if he hadn't seen
straight through Dani, known what his mate needed. With a great deal of
reluctance, he released Dani's feet and went back to his previous
self-appointed task, only to realize his mate was already popping the buttons
of his jeans and shoving them down. And moon be blessed, his scent was even
stronger now, making Connor's instincts rear even wilder, clawing at the edges
of his consciousness.

With trembling hands, Connor reach for his mate's briefs. He
was a little rougher than he'd have liked when he divested his mate of them,
but it was worth it, oh, so worth it. Finally, Dani was completely naked in
front of him, and so beautiful Connor hurt.

For a few seconds, he simply couldn't move, because he was
afraid of what he might do. On some level, he could easily imagine himself
pouncing Dani and ravaging him right then and there, but at the same time, he
highly suspected that the mere brush of Dani's slender fingers against his skin
would have him coming in his pants. Connor simply couldn't remember ever feeling
so aroused, no, so... alive. Every single nerve ending in his body screamed for
this, and he had to take a moment to muster at least a modicum of control.

Dani didn't seem too willing to wait. His cock was rock hard,
and already leaking copious amounts of precum. In fact, as Connor let his eyes
feast on Dani's figure, he realized a great deal of moisture was gathering
beneath Dani, as if flowing from... his buttocks?

Connor had to admit he was confused, and Dani must have
noticed it. His face flamed and he curled into a ball, trying to hide himself
from Connor. "I... self-lubricate. I know it's weird. It's another...

Connor set his hand on his mate's knee, trying to keep his
mate from retreating further without actually taking away his choice. "Not
an anomaly. You're just for me. Special." When Dani didn't reply, Connor
decided that this time around he needed to be completely honest. "I want
you, Dani. I want to bury my face between your legs and taste you, to cover you
in my scent, claim you as mine. I want to touch and lick every inch of you. If
you don't want that..."

If Dani didn't want that, Connor had no idea what he'd do.
Now that he'd held his mate, listened to him and comforted him as he cried, his
noble plans were all but gone. He didn't think he could let Dani go.

Thankfully, he didn't have to. Dani faced him again, and
Connor saw the moment his mate's last doubts finally faded. "I do. I want
to be yours."

Taking a deep breath, Dani spread his legs, wordlessly
inviting Connor to continue what he'd been doing earlier. Connor didn't
hesitate for a single instant. He lowered his mouth over Dani's cock—still rock
hard, thank the moon—and took his mate's erection in his mouth.

Dani's flavor exploded on his taste buds, and Connor couldn't
help a groan of lust and tortured need. His cock throbbed in his jeans,
pressing insistently against his zipper. Connor ignored it, instead choosing to
focus on his mate.

As he bobbed his head up and down Dani's shaft, he reached
for the opening to his mate's body. He found it slick, Dani's body
instinctively readying itself for Connor's penetration. It was quite possibly
the hottest thing Connor had ever encountered—which was crazy, because moon
help him, he was sucking his mate's dick.

In a way, he couldn't really separate different sensations
and feelings anymore. He hadn't been ready for what Dani meant to him, so it
was futile to even try to quantify or rank any of these new experiences.
Complicated reasoning faded into the background as the pure simplicity of their
already forming bond took over.

Connor reveled in his mate's pleasure, in the weight of
Dani's shaft on his tongue. He simply gave, registered the responses of Dani's
body and used every single of them. He alternated heavy suction with teasing
flicks of tongue, and Dani's cries of pleasure rewarded him as they rose and
echoed all around them, a mating call just as potent as his pheromone.

When Connor sensed Dani was on the edge, he thrust two
fingers into his mate's ass. Dani's flesh yielded with no protest. In fact, it
embraced the invasion, practically sucking in Connor's digits. An instant
later, Dani was coming, filling Connor's mouth with sweet and salty spunk.

Connor kept sucking his mate's dick as Dani rode the waves of
his climax. Much to his surprise, Dani didn't soften at all. In fact, his cock
hardened once more even as Connor released him from his mouth.

"Please," he whispered, his voice ragged, almost
torn. "Connor..."

Connor had expected waiting, and he wouldn't have minded.
After all, this wasn't just about him, but about his mate. Dani was still
fragile after being banished from his warren, and if anyone could understand
how Dani felt, it was Connor. But the comfort Dani needed... It was exactly
what Connor yearned for—the closeness, the bond, the claiming. They had desired
each other before they'd even been able to understand it, and now they could
finally be one.

The hunger to explore and worship hadn't abated in the
slightest, and Connor embraced it, seeing no need to hide it from his mate. He
caressed the curve of Dani's buttocks, wordlessly letting his lover know what
he had in mind. Dani didn't say anything, but the pleading look he gave Connor
was all the encouragement he required.

Even if it was hard for him to give up the sight of Dani's
beautiful eyes, Connor flipped his mate on all fours. Dani went with it and
pushed his ass back, his entire body a study in sensual demand and perfection.
Groaning, Connor spread his lover's ass cheeks and, before Dani could even
realize what was going on, stabbed his tongue into his mate's hole.

Dani practically screamed, his muscles going tense with
uncontrollable arousal. Connor felt it, scented it, almost breathed it, and
everything in that demeanor, in that intoxicating desire, urged him to keep
going. He wiggled his tongue inside Dani's body, using it like a little cock,
tasting Dani in the most intimate way possible.

By now, Dani had been reduced to incoherent sobs and broken
whimpers. Some sort of instinct told Connor that Dani was already on the edge
of coming again, and while he'd have wanted nothing more than to witness that,
his patience was running out.

Mercifully, Dani didn't need him to be patient. Somehow,
through the lost murmurs Dani uttered under his breath, Connor managed to
distinguish a few words. "Connor, fuck me."

Each syllable was filled with a want that could not be
denied. Connor lifted his head, abandoning his ministrations on Dani's ass long
enough to get rid of his own clothes. Dani rolled over on the mattress, watching
Connor with avid eyes as he stripped. And in that moment, Connor knew beyond
any shadow of a doubt that no, he wouldn't be fucking Dani. He'd be making love
to him.

As quickly as possible, he discarded his shirt, sneakers and
jeans on the floor, never once taking his eyes off Dani. His beautiful lover
seemed intent on maddening Connor, because even as he watched, he reached for
his own nipples and tweaked. The pink nubs of flesh were already peaked,
demanding attention, and, judging by Dani's gasp, apparently very sensitive to
the touch. And Dani wasn't nearly done, not done by far. He trailed his free
hand over his abdomen, zeroing in on his cock. Connor's name once more escaped
his lips as he gripped the hard shaft in his hand and pumped.

Connor couldn't take it any longer. The sinful sight of his
mate touching himself could have broken any man, even one stronger than Connor.

He crawled back over Dani, reaching for his mate's dick and
twining their fingers together to pleasure Dani. He lowered his mouth over
Dani's free nipple, flicking his tongue over the tender bud.
In response, Dani buried one hand in Connor's
hair and wrapped his leg around Connor's waist. Whatever misgivings he'd
experienced before were now completely gone, leaving behind only pure, honest

Connor released his mate's nipple with a wet pop and greedily
took in the sight of his lover's flushed face. Dani bit his lower lip, but the
action no longer held any uncertainty. It drew Connor's attention to Dani's
mouth, and he couldn't help but steal another kiss from his beautiful mate.
Their tongues entwined and they feasted on each other, the lip-lock a promise,
a mimic of what they both truly craved.

Thoughts faded, melted in the heat of Dani's kiss. Every
action was guided by the natural flow of their need for one another. When they
finally broke apart, Connor lifted Dani's legs on his shoulders, practically
bending his mate in half. Dani didn't seem to mind—he was beautifully
flexible—and in fact, released another encouraging gasp.

Connor positioned his cock at Dani's slick opening and
pushed. Both he and Dani groaned as he slid home, the tight heat of Dani's
channel enveloping him in a velvet fist. Connor trembled with the effort not to
come, and the only thing that kept his climax in check was the need to make
this moment last.

It didn't help that Dani buried his fingernails in Connor's
shoulders, his hold so tight it might have drawn blood if Connor hadn't been a
werewolf. As it was, it just aroused Connor further, making his instincts and
his need flare even brighter.

Even so, he stilled inside Dani, half for his own benefit and
half for his mate's. Dani showed no sign of discomfort, his body swallowing
Connor's cock with greed. Nonetheless, Connor didn't want to accidentally hurt
his mate. The little pause allowed him to push back the impeding urge to come,
although Connor knew better than to believe his resolve would hold. Being
inside his mate simply felt too good, Dani's heat short-circuiting his thought
processes and crushing every single barrier he might have tried to put up.

BOOK: Rescued by His Lone Wolf Mate
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