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Authors: Hallie Miller

Rescuing Lilly (14 page)

BOOK: Rescuing Lilly
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Jake looked back at Sylvia as he left the room to go shower for dinner. He met Lilly in the bathroom as she was stepping out of her jeans. He gave her a light swat on the bottom. "Wanna shower with me?"

Lilly felt all the heat in her body drop to her pelvis. This man could get her aroused so quickly by just a simple touch. "If you don't mind," she said, smirking at him.

He pulled her shirt over her head and wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her into him. Slowly he unclasped her bra and let it fall to their feet. He yanked off his shirt and slipped out of his jeans, still keeping her within arms distance. Once they were both naked, he lifted her by the waist and stepped under the hot running water. Taking time to lather the sponge, he ran it gently across her breasts, down her stomach, to her sex. He began nibbling on the wet skin of her neck and shoulders as his fingers wandered further south, found her clit and began smoothly stroking until he could hear her small moans.

Lilly closed her eyes and enjoyed the sweet attention he was giving her. She felt the pressure building up like rushing water before a dam. She leaned back against the tile wall as he continued his sensual torture of her pussy.

Jake could feel her legs become weak as she leaned against the wall. He wrapped an arm around her waist to steady her while he continued his pleasure. He kissed her, taking what breath she was holding before her orgasm.

Lilly's body awakened as his lips touched hers, igniting the force inside of her to release. Her body felt weightless. She closed her eyes, watching and feeling the fireworks that were set off from her sensual explosion. She leaned up against his chest, exhausted from the orgasm.

"Wow," she whispered, looking up into his eyes. "You're amazing."

He grinned down at her, "We're not done yet." He grasped the back of her thighs and hoisted her up, resting her back against the tile shower wall. She wrapped her legs around his waist and arched her back. Jake knew as she gave her body to him that he was completely head over heels for this girl. There was no way he could live without her. He shook the scared thoughts of her leaving from his brain and grabbed his cock to plunge into her. She had her head thrown back and was breathing deeply. He thrust his lips onto her collar bone and he pushed himself inside of her.

"Ahhhh," she moaned as he plunged his thick member deep inside of her. She had never been so full and yet she still couldn't get enough. She grabbed his shoulders and tried to thrust herself onto him at a faster pace.

"Uh uh. Slow down baby. Let me take my time," Jake said as he steadied her with his hands on her ass cheeks. He pulled all the way out and gave her a deep thrust that took her breath away. He repeated it three more times until she gave in to his ministrations. She loosened her grip on his shoulders and molded herself into his arms. "You ready to let me take the reins, little girl?"

Lilly nearly came at the growl in his voice. She couldn't figure out why his dominance was such a turn on for her. She never considered herself to be submissive. In fact, she had been very independent ever since graduating high school. Yet every time he got that serious look or reprimanded her, her panties would get wet and all she could mutter was 'Yes sir'. She shook the thoughts from her head as he took her mouth roughly, kissing her so hard she could barely breathe. If she'd been standing, her knees would've gone weak.

Jake hoisted her up onto one arm while he slowed his thrusts. He took his other hand and rubbed circles on her clit until she was begging for release.

"Jake, please. Please I need to come. I n-need you to..."

"Need me to what, baby?" he whispered in her ear. He began tugging on her earlobe with his teeth. He knew she was about to burst.

Lilly struggled to take a breath. She could feel herself right on the edge of orgasm, but unable to get there with his slow movement. "I need you to fuck me," she grumbled, knowing he was doing this on purpose. He landed a hard smack on her outer thigh. "Sir," she added meekly, feeling the sting of his smack even through the cascading water of the shower.

"That's better," he breathed in her ear. "Do you need to come, sweetheart?"

"Yesss," she moaned. Another slap landed on her behind.

"Yes sir!" she screamed.

Jake took hold of her hips with one arm and started pummeling into her, while he rolled her clit with his other hand. "That's better. Who's pussy is this?"

"Yours! Yours sir!" Lilly yelled, trying to hang on as her orgasm began to build. She didn't think she could hang on much longer. Her body was screaming for release.

"Good girl," he praised as he lifted her slightly higher to hit her g-spot.

Those words pushed Lilly over the edge as she opened her mouth in a silent scream of her release. The orgasm rolled on and on until she didn't even realize Jake pulled her out of the shower and was holding her in a towel on the side of the bathtub. She sunk into him, craving his touch after such a powerful orgasm.

"Thank you," she whispered, her head buried under his chin. She wasn't sure why she was feeling shy all of the sudden. Maybe it was because she had blatantly flirted with those guys at the bar a few days ago. Should she feel guilty? It wasn't like Jake had mentioned any kind of exclusivity. Would she want him if he did? He really was strict about so many things, and then there was the spanking. She honestly didn't even know what to think about that. Part of her thought he shouldn't treat her like a child, but she also felt so safe and comfortable around him. Even her dad hadn't really spanked her as a kid. All he'd done was yell and then walk out of the room. Would they have had a better relationship if he had? They still talked and were amiable around each other, but they never developed a close bond. And she definitely didn't feel the same trust and dependability that Jake had come to provide.

"Baby? You still with me?" Jake asked softly as he rubbed her back through the towel.

Lilly smiled up at him, loving how he called her sweetheart, honey, and other affectionate names. She couldn't put her finger on what she felt for him, but she knew she would have to work this all out if she was going to stay here with him.

"Yes sir, I'm still here," she answered sweetly. She nuzzled up into his arms again, casually wondering how those words came so easily to her around him.

He chuckled, loving the sound of those words on her lips. The way she groaned 'Yes sir' in the shower was enough to make him explode. He lifted her up in the towel and carried her into the bedroom. Plopping her onto her feet, he gave her butt a swat. "Let's get moving honey. We don't want to keep Sylvia waiting with dinner."

Lilly's mouth dropped into an 'o'. She had completely forgotten Sylvia was downstairs waiting on them. What if she'd heard everything?

"Don't worry. She couldn't hear us through the shower," he answered, somehow knowing exactly what she was thinking.

Lilly let out a sigh of relief as she pulled on her yoga pants and tank top, following Jake down the stairs to the kitchen.




Sara arrived on Friday with Sylvia and rushed to meet Lilly down by the stables. As she approached, she heard Lilly talking heatedly with Jake from inside the barn.

"That's not fair! You told me two days that I could go as long as I called you to check in!"

"Lilly, I'm sorry but the answer is no."

Sara could tell Jake sounded stressed. She knew this had to be about their planned trip into town. Sara and Lilly had been talking about going to the bar in town for a mini-bachelorette party before she had to leave town. Lilly told her she'd finally convinced him to let her go as long as she checked in throughout the night. Part of her was worried that she hadn't told him the entire truth of where they were going, but she also didn't want to ruin their chance of having some girl time. She knew if she tried to trick Andrew by leaving out integral information of her whereabouts, she would not be sitting for at least a week. He absolutely had no tolerance for lying and that included lying by omission. Sara had a feeling that Jake may be the same way and she realized a conversation with Lilly might do some good before she dug herself into a hole.

Rounding the barn door, Lilly ran directly into her in her haste. Both girls stumbled backward as they regained their balance.

"Sorry, Lilly. I just got here with Sylvia," Sara said noticing the tears in Lilly's eyes. "Is everything ok?" she asked, glancing back at Jake whose jaw was tense with what looked like worry or frustration. She couldn't quite tell.

"No! It's not okay!" Lilly screamed. "Now I can't go with you tonight because Mr. Asshole over there thinks it's too dangerous to go into town for some fucking reason!"

"Lilly!" Jake interrupted, "That's enough! I understand you're upset and I'm sorry about the situation, but I will NOT put up with your language or your disrespect. Do you understand me?"

Jake walked up to the girls until he was standing next to Lilly, who had her fists balled at her sides and her face red with anger. He leaned down until his mouth was at her ear. He knew he upset her, but he just couldn't risk anything happening to her. With new threats from David and Taylor, he wasn't about to take any chances with anyone on the ranch. Especially her.

"Honey, I asked you a question and I expect an answer," he chided, speaking much softer now into her ear.

"I understand," she said through gritted teeth.

Jake shook his head, hoping she would apologize to him. He wanted to tell her the whole truth of what was going on with Lance and his team, but he didn't want to scare her away. He knew that's what he had to do tonight. Hopefully it would convince her that he wasn't trying to be cruel by keeping her from her girl's night with Sara.

Sill hurt by her words and anger, Jake looked at Sara and Lilly, whose face was staring at the dirt in front of her. "I have to get some work done ladies. I'll see you at the house for dinner."




"Jake, I think it's about time we involved the police," Jim said as he looked at the broken glass littering the ground around his cabin. All of the windows had been broken, and the inside was completely destroyed.

"Maybe you're right. I thought at first it would be a couple of pranks to scare me off, but this is getting serious." Jake paced back in forth in his office. "I'll meet you at the cabin. Go ahead and call the police and we will make and official statement about everything that's happened."

Rushing out the front door to his truck, he noticed Sara and Lilly sitting at the picnic table by the shed. Lilly had her head in her hands and Sara was rubbing her back. The sight of her so upset was like a knife to his chest. He couldn't wait to explain things to her tonight. Hopefully she would see that he was just trying to protect her and forgive him for ruining her night with Sara. He ran his hand through his hair as he thought about how long it would take to explain all the incidences to the police Knowing he should hurry, he hopped in his truck with one last glance in the rear-view of his girl on the picnic table.
I'll fix this baby, I promise




"I can't believe how mean he is," Lilly sobbed as Sara rubbed her back.

"Lilly, I think something else is going on. I know he is protective, but when I saw you two earlier at the barn, I could tell something else was wrong with him. Maybe this is for the best?"

"For the best?" she exclaimed. "I just wanted to have some fun. Every time we make plans, he tells me there's something I can't do or somewhere I can't go. It's just ridiculous. I should go to the bar just to show him that I can take care of myself."

"I don't know," Sara warned. "I'm pretty sure he would be a whole lot angrier if you disobeyed him and went anyway. It would probably earn you the spanking of a lifetime."

Lilly giggled. She knew the spanking she would get would be nothing to laugh about, but at that moment, talking to her new friend so casually about getting spanked struck her as outrageous. She never thought she would be having this conversation. "Yeah, you're probably right. I'm so angry at him right now. Come on, Sara. Will you please come with me? We don't have to stay long, just enough to have a drink or two. I just need to get of here right now and getting drunk is pretty high on my to-do list."

Sara laughed. She knew how frustrating dominant men could be. "Okay. You're right. Drinking does sound pretty good right now," she agreed.

"Thank you! I promise you won't regret this!" Lilly yelled as she ran toward the house. "Come on, we can take my car! Jake finally got it fixed and I'm pretty sure I know where he's been hiding the keys.

Both girls snuck some party clothes in a grocery bag and snuck them out the back door to Lilly's car in the shed, telling Sylvia they were only going up the road to meet with one of the photographers about her wedding portfolio. Sara and Lilly grinned to each other at the ease of their lie. It only took about 20 minutes to get to town and at 4:30 in the afternoon, they arrived just in time for happy hour.




Jake surveyed the damage as he walked through Jim's cabin. His place was on the southeast corner of the property, only a mile or so from the edge of his land. Jim took pride in making sure all of the fencing remained intact for the livestock and asked Jake after his first few years as foreman if he minded him building his place towards the outskirts of the property. At the time, Jake appreciated his concern for his ranch, but seeing the disaster in from of him, he was concerned about his foreman and good friend living so far from the main house.

BOOK: Rescuing Lilly
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