Resistance (Earth Evolution Series Book 2) (8 page)

BOOK: Resistance (Earth Evolution Series Book 2)
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Chapter 13


“Find them!” Dusty yelled.

“We have checked the tunnel and there is nothing. We had to turn around because of the search party from the aliens. We need to forget the girl and get out of here before we are caught,” Leonard told him.

“If the aliens are sending out search parties, that means the girl is still in this tunnel somewhere. We’ve put too much time and energy into this to just walk away. I want every nook and cranny searched. She has to be hiding somewhere.”

“I think I found something,” Ennis called out.

They went to where he was standing at a doorway. He shoved it wider so they could enter. “There’s blood on the floor. It looks relatively new.”

“So she came here, but now where is she?” Dusty asked.

One of Dusty’s goons stepped forward. “It looks like there are two sets of footprints here. She’s not alone.”

“There’s another door over here that leads to a lower level!” Ennis yelled out.

“Let’s go. If she is bleeding she couldn’t have gone too far.”


Rachel snuggled closer to Kyle’s warm body. She was partially lying on top of him. He had thrown both coats over them to keep them warm and was using one of his arms as a pillow for his head. She smiled, thinking about what they had done. She never knew being with someone would be like that.

“You’re awake.” Kyle rubbed her bare back with his fingertips.

“I dozed a little.” She shivered from the soft touch. He was so gentle with her. It made her feel protected. She loved that about him. She pretty much loved everything about him. She loved his smile, his cute dimples, and his beautiful eyes.

“We need to get going. It’s a matter of time before the guys who took you figure out that we didn’t make it out of the tunnel. They’ll come after us.”

She sighed. She didn’t want to leave their little sanctuary. But eventually they would run out of his energy bars. And he was right, the creeps who took her wouldn’t give up easily. She remembered something. She sat up abruptly.

“We need to contact Liam right away.”

“We will, but my communicator still has too much interference right now. The closer we get to the tribe or the entrance, the clearer the signal will be.”

She was standing and pulling on her dirty jeans. “You don’t understand, they’re going to try to kill Maggie and the baby.”

“What?” Kyle yelled as he jumped to his feet.

“They weren’t just after me to use me as an example, they were going to make Maggie and the baby die to try to keep others from breeding with aliens.”

“These people are insane,” Kyle commented dryly.

“I know.”

“How do they think they can get past Drastan warriors and board the ship to get to Maggie and the baby?”

Rachel paused to think about it, and then she looked at Kyle with her own question. “How did they get past your security here in the subway station?”

Kyle shook his head when he realized what she was hinting at. “Impossible.”

“Then you explain how they got past your security measures. You’re a tight ass when it comes to that stuff.” She waited but he didn’t have another answer. “Face it, Kyle, a Drastan, or maybe more than one, is aiding these rebels.”

“I just can’t accept that. You’re wrong. My people aren’t conniving like humans.”

She flinched at the insult. She understood that from a Drastan’s point of view, humans were destructive and immature. They had nuked their own people for goodness’ sake. But not all humans were bad, just like not all Drastans were good. She didn’t want to argue with him over it. It would prove nothing and would make tension between them even worse. How had things turned so bad so quickly.

“Then prove me wrong.” She walked out of the locker room back to the subway tunnel. She wouldn’t wait for him. He was in denial, but that denial had already gotten her kidnapped once. She couldn’t let his denial cost Maggie and her baby their lives.


Kyle followed Rachel out into the subway tunnel and walked behind her a few feet, processing everything that she had said.
Could it be true? Had one of their own people betrayed them?
It was the only thing that did make sense.
But who would do such a thing?

He should say something to her, but he didn’t know what to say. He knew he had hurt her feelings when he made the comment about humans being conniving. Kyle had gotten to know a few humans since coming to Earth and he found that most were good and loving people. Just like Rachel and her family.

They walked silently for about thirty minutes. Kyle couldn’t take it anymore. “Are you going to speak with me at all again?”

Rachel shrugged but kept walking. That infuriated him. If she was angry with him, she should at least stop long enough to yell at him.

He caught up with her and grabbed her arm to halt her. “Rachel, come on…”

“Let me go, you big jerk!” Rachel turned on him and kicked him in the gut.

Kyle released her as he clutched at his stomach. “What the hell, Rachel?”

“Didn’t expect that from us puny conniving humans, did you?” she asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

“I didn’t mean it like that.” He tried to reach for her, but she maneuvered out from under his arm. She tried to punch him but he easily deflected that. She was not as strong as he was, but she was fast. He just didn’t want to do anything that could harm her.

“Calm down, Rachel.”


He pulled her up against his chest, trapping her little fists between the two of them. “I apologize.”

She grunted at him but started to calm down.

“I was upset that anyone would try to hurt you or Maggie. Maggie’s like my sister and she’s carrying my little niece or nephew. Not all humans are conniving.”

She still glared up at him. “Not all Drastans are innocent.”

He sighed. “Agreed.” He rubbed her back gently, coaxing her to relax in his embrace. He liked having her this close. She was even sexier when she was irritated or upset. Her face flushed and her nipples tightened against her shirt. Her heavy breathing made her chest go up and down in size. He couldn’t help but watch in fascination. He wanted to see her do that but completely naked.

“What are you looking at?” Rachel asked, looking confused.

“You have the most amazing body. Did I tell you that?” He could tell he threw her off guard. It took her a moment to realize he was trying to seduce her.

“Kyle, this isn’t the right time to, you know…”

“Every time with you is the right time, baby.” He swooped down and claimed her lips with his. She tried to push away at first but then she gave up and opened up to him.


Rachel wrapped her arms around Kyle’s neck and kissed him back with all the passion she had been feeling. Fighting with him had really worked up her appetite. He lifted her up his body and she took advantage of it by wrapping her legs around his waist.

He walked her over to the side of the tunnel and pressed her back into the wall, all the while lavishing her with kisses. He released her lips and trailed kisses down her neck and her shoulder. She felt his busy hands unbuttoning her shirt and reaching for her breasts. Her nipples were already there, hard tight points welcoming his touch.

She wanted him. Fighting with him was a real turn-on. But now she wanted him deep inside her. She reached down between them and fumbled with the buttons to his pants. “Damn buttons!”

He chuckled at her exasperation. “Let me.” He reached down with one hand and swiftly flipped the button loose.

Rachel wasted no time as she reached for him and took him firmly in her hand. He was so soft and hard at the same time. It was amazing. He was amazing.

Kyle worked on unbuttoning her jeans. She lowered her legs so that he could drag them down her legs. She kicked off her shoes and he removed her pants.

“Hurry,” she ordered him, pulling gently on his hair to get him to move back up her body. He growled at her as he rose up against her body. He lifted her once more.

Rachel wrapped her legs around his waist. She felt his cock at her pussy lips. The look in his eyes was the only warning she had before he plunged hard and deep inside of her. She yelped out from the size of him.

“I’m sorry.” He stopped moving, waiting for her to adjust to him being so deep.

“I’m okay now. You can move now.”

“So tight, so fucking good,” he whispered against her neck and he paced himself inside her.

Rachel held on to his shoulders, riding him, moving up and down on him. She might have been a virgin before Kyle, but she was a fast learner. She twisted her hips and made him groan loudly. Yes! She was a sex goddess.

She braced her feet on the back of his shapely ass and grounded herself.

“Baby, you’re killing me.”

She reached for his lips and kissed him. She loved his lips; they were so plump but firm. Juicy lips. She needed to come badly but she needed just a little more…

Kyle reached down their bodies and rubbed her clit with his thumb. The added pressure and friction gave her body what it needed and Rachel’s inner muscles clamped down on Kyle during her release, squeezing and milking him of every drop of his seed.

Kyle held her as he lowered himself to his knees. “Damn, you drain me completely.”

She nibbled his chin, feeling well-loved. “Is that good or bad?”

“Oh, it’s good...beyond good.”





Chapter 14


An hour later


“Stop touching me or we won’t get any further than we have,” Rachel warned Kyle. He couldn’t seem to go ten feet without patting her backside or twirling her around in his arms.

She had never seen him so happy or carefree before. She loved this side of Kyle. She also loved it when he was serious and overprotective. It made her want to lick him all over. She loved how he was so playful with her and how he made her feel beautiful even though she knew she must look like a mess. She just...loved him.

Oh crap! When had she fallen in love with Kyle?
Maybe she did from the very first moment they met. He had rubbed her wrong, but she honestly had felt more bothered by him than any other man she had ever met. He pushed her buttons on purpose, he flirted outrageously, he was cocky, he was stubborn, and...she loved anyway.

She was so busy looking at his hot body that she almost stumbled and fell, but Kyle reached out and caught her in time. He pulled her to him and kissed her hungrily. When he finally released her, she was breathless. “You are dangerous.”

He chuckled and took her hand as they continued to walk. She needed to find a distraction for them.

“What’s Drasta like?” she asked.

“It’s beautiful. The skies are colorful with pink and orange streaks. The oceans are so clear you can see for miles below you. The grass is green and the soil is similar to what you had on Earth before its desolation period.”

“I’ve heard other Drastans refer to a desolation period or desolation time when talking about Earth. What does that mean?”

“We refer to that desolation period or time when a planet has experienced a devastating attack of some sort, whether natural or other. When the planet is desolated and has to clear the debris before it can rebuild. Drasta had experienced its own desolation period. It happened many, many years ago, before I was born. But our world was in a similar state to what Earth is now. There were other planets that tried to take advantage of that and wanted to either completely annihilate us or to enslave us. But we overcame our desolation — we evolved and rebuilt our world.”

“Is that why you came here? Because Drastans know what it’s like and wanted to help?”

Kyle nodded his head. “Yes. We wanted to offer our assistance during your desolation period and help Earth evolve like Drasta did.”

“Evolution, huh. The guys that took me don’t see it that way. They think you are trying to take over our world.”

“They are complete and utter idiots.”

She laughed. “I agree.”

There was a comfortable moment of silence as they walked hand in hand. Each of them was just enjoying their time together.

“What was your world like before the nuclear bombs were set off?” Kyle asked curiously.

“We had advancements, but I think we were too overconfident in ourselves. Dad said that he always felt that something like this would happen eventually. He just didn’t think it would happen in his lifetime. It kind of caught us off guard.”

“The first bomb was launched in error, correct?”

“Yes. Some computer glitch and a panicky person with their finger on the button pretty much caused a ripple effect that was devastating.”

“Your father was lucky to have gotten you and your mother to the dome in time.”

“I know. We thought we had lost Maggie and the effect of that on my family was horrible. It never really left us. We are lucky to have her back in our lives. So many others do not get to have that. Most have loved ones lost forever. But there are times I wonder what life would have been like if Maggie had stayed with us and got to the dome.” She pushed her hair out of her face.

“You never know. You might not have even made it to the dome if Maggie was still with you. She might have inadvertently slowed you down, and then all of you could have died.”

“That’s true. I guess things worked out for the best in the end. She met Liam and they are extremely happy.”

“Are you still hurt over Liam choosing Maggie instead of dating you?” he asked, sounding a little unsure.

She squeezed his hand. “I was never in love with Liam. I barely knew him. He was something different and new. It didn’t hurt that he was handsome, too.” She didn’t want him to question her feelings. “But I truly went after Liam to get back at you.”


“Yes. You came to the dome all cocky and flirting with every girl there. All my friends were halfway in love with you on sight. I was...jealous.”

He stopped her from walking, pulling her to him. “You wanted me jealous because you thought I flirted with your friends?”

She looked away from him. “You did flirt with my friends.”

He lifted her chin so that she looked at his beautiful eyes. “I was trying to impress you with my good looks and wit.”

She snorted. “You didn’t think twice about dating my friends?”

He shook his head. “The moment I saw you I couldn’t see anyone else. They may be wonderful women, but they are not for me. You are the only woman I want or will ever want.”

“Kyle. I feel the same about you.” She stood up on her tiptoes and kissed him.

“Mmm…” Kyle wrapped his arms around her and lifted her up in his arms.

“We need to keep going,” she moaned as he nibbled her neck.

“We will, we will. After we take a little break.” He pressed his crotch against hers. The friction, even with their clothes on, was still good. It made Rachel shiver with need.

“Right, a little break will be good for us.” She would agree to anything at that moment just to have his hands on her. God, he turned her to mush. He was going to kill her with all his sexual demands.
But what a way to go.


“These towels are damp. They were definitely here.” Ennis said, squatting in the locker room.

“How long ago, do you think?” Dusty asked him.

“An hour or two. I’m not a tracker, you know.”

“Let’s go. We might be able to catch up with them before they reach the tribe.” Leonard motioned everyone out of the locker room. That bitch was costing him time and money. He’d be lucky if that asshole Dusty gave him any ammunition at all. He was going to have to think of an alternate plan. One in which he would come out alive and richer.


“I told you they’re not here.” Corey Nash glared at the woman who had been a thorn in his side for months now. He had lived for years in the subways with Maggie and their tribe. But when Maggie got involved with one of the aliens that supposedly came to Earth to help, he knew he could not let her live on the ship surrounded by aliens all alone. So he asked to train as a warrior. He had no idea that the individual that they had him train under would be such an ass. Even though she was a woman ― a gorgeous alien woman — she was still a dick.

“How do you know this? Do you have psychic abilities?” the woman in question asked.

More arguing would have occurred if it were not for Captain Liam Estro, Maggie’s husband. “Mr. Nash, please tell us how you know which direction they went?”

“I can read tracks. There’s disturbed dust and dirt all the way here but then they go off in that direction.” He pointed back down the subway tunnel that they had just come from. He wouldn’t be back here if it weren’t for Maggie. Her sister Rachel had been kidnapped and since Maggie was too pregnant to come down to help search, she had pleaded with Corey to help look for her sister. Damn Maggie and her big beautiful weepy eyes. He had never been able to say no to her before. Now he was back down in these God-forsaken tunnels searching for kidnappers.

Corey began to backtrack, following the trail of footprints. Everyone had joined the search party, including Maggie’s father, Lieutenant Colonel James. That man was scary, to say the least.

“What else can you tell us about the footprints?” Liam asked him.

Corey kept walking, pausing here and there. “The tracks leading here were two male prints. One was heavier which leads me to believe that he was carrying something or someone...Rachel. I saw indentions earlier with handprints, which meant that they sat her down. Three more prints came in from the north side so the group has grown. Instead of two kidnappers, there are now five. What I am following now includes smaller footprints followed by messy tracks of the five kidnappers. I think Rachel escaped and is being chased.”

“We have to find her now!” Lieutenant Colonel James demanded from behind him.

“We will, sir,” Liam reassured him.

Corey shook his head. “I have to be honest. I don’t think we’ll catch up to them in time to save Rachel. These tracks are at least a couple of hours old.”

Liam grinned. “That’s why we brought these.” He motioned for four of his lieutenants to come forward.

Corey watched as the men came forward carrying folded-up bikes. The men expanded the bikes, each of which included a set of handlebars and a seat but no wheels. The bikes hovered over the ground.

“These are air bikes. They travel but like our little air carts do, hovering. But with the bikes, we can reach much faster speeds,” Liam explained.

“How fast?” Corey asked, looking over the bike.

“If we are in a flat area, what would take an hour to walk will only take five or ten minutes while riding on an air bike.”

“Damn, that’s fast.”

“Give me one of those damn things!” Lieutenant Colonel James yelled out. “I can’t be wasting my time yapping. I need to find my daughter.”

“Which way, Mr. Nash?” Liam asked.

“Let’s take a look in this control room. It looks like someone is with her now and they are headed this way.” He hoped they found her before it was too late. He knew better than anyone that the motto for living in the subway was to run, fight, or die. So far, Rachel had managed to outrun these guys, but it was only a matter time before they caught up with her and then she would have to fight if she wanted to live.


“You said you came here to help. You didn’t have to. You had an easy life in the dome.” Kyle said as he held her naked against him. They had made love several times. He wanted to let her rest some. But now he was delaying them from getting dressed.

“I felt useless there. I wanted to make a difference. I’m not like Maggie, I can’t be strong like her and a warrior like she is. But I can help carry supplies and spend time with the kids here. I want to do something for someone else, show people I am more than just a pretty face.”

Kyle gently gripped her face and turned her to look up at him. “You are more than just a pretty face. You are kind, funny, generous, and don’t ever think you aren’t brave. You are the bravest woman I have ever met. I didn’t rescue you ― you rescued yourself. I was just here to tag along for your escape. But you aren’t just are gorgeous.”

She looked up at him and blushed. “Thank you, Kyle.”

“You felt like you weren’t equal with your sister. I get that. I am the youngest Estro brother and have had to fight to gain the respect of my fellow warriors who assumed I got everything handed to me on a silver platter. It is a lot to live up to, being the son of the Great Commander of the Drastan Empire, the younger brother of a top mediko and brother to the renowned Captain Estro. I also had to live with the fact that I killed my mother.”

“You killed your mother?” She looked at him, surprised.

“Not directly, but she died due to complications with childbirth. Evidently, my father had not wanted to get pregnant again but she did anyway. My grandmother told me that my mother would say all the time that I was worth every struggle she went through to maintain her pregnancy. But I blamed myself for the longest time that she died. I also thought my father blamed me too. He rarely visited me and when we spoke to one another it was always followed by an argument.”

“It wasn’t your fault she died, Kyle. You were just a baby.”

“I know that now, and thanks to your sister my father and I are closer than we’ve ever been. I owe her for that.”

“See what I mean? My sister, the amazing all-knowing, all-caring, can-do-no-wrong perfect person. How do I live up to that?”

He kissed her pouting lips. He just couldn’t resist. “You don’t live up to her. You live up to you. Whatever you are, whatever you do, know that you are enough. I wouldn’t change one thing about you. You are perfect to me.”

“Kyle…” She whispered his name but he cut her off with another deep kiss that left them both dizzy.

“We need to get moving. We are getting closer, but, my communicator can’t get past the interference without the long-range chip. It is getting scrambled signals. I know that they’ve sent out a search party. But I can’t get through to them to let them know where we are. I don’t even have a location to tell them.”

“Let’s go.” She stood up and he watched her put her clothes back on. He swore to himself that when they finally got out of here, he was taking her up to his ship to his bedroom and keeping her in there naked for at least a full week. That was a great plan. The best he’d ever had.






BOOK: Resistance (Earth Evolution Series Book 2)
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