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Authors: April Zyon

Revealed (6 page)

BOOK: Revealed
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She moved so
that every possible inch of her body that could touch him did. With her cheek
on his chest, she rubbed it lightly and closed her eyes. “Rest well, Hector,”
she whispered before placing a kiss to his skin. “Dream of me,” she added,
falling sound asleep.

Chapter Five


Dinner that
evening was an interesting affair. While she’d finished her nap, Gaius had made
up salads, as well as some fresh bread from little blocks of frozen dough kept
in the freezer. He’d apparently had to run out for the greens for the salad, to
which Hector had rolled his eyes.

Gaius was a
little dry in his humor, but he actually did have a sense of humor. A definite
surprise. Hector had a more obvious humor, and both men were brutally honest in
everything. Any question Riley posed, they would answer without even a hint of
a fib.

“More sweet
tea?” Gaius asked, holding up the jug.

“Thank you,
yes.” She picked up her glass and let the large man fill it. “So.” She took a
sip after he sat back down. “Did your girlfriend fall as easily for you as I
seem to have fallen for Hector? I just ask because I’m very hopeful that I’m
not the only one around here who knows an amazing thing when I see it.”

She didn’t want
to bring up the woman’s injuries again. She’d seen the hurt on his face the
first time she had asked. It had made her sad, just as if a close friend was

“She was a
little resistant in the beginning but came around to my charm quickly enough,”
Gaius said.

Hector snorted
at that. Getting up, he began to clear the table, waving her back into her seat
when she tried to follow.

“You’ll like
Emily, I think. She is amazing, sweet, and generous, and of course she has the
best taste in men. I realize that may be a point of contention between you
two—deciding whom the best choice is between Hector and me. I have a feeling
she’ll triumph, though. She’s fierce when it comes to me.” Gaius was grinning
at her, wiggling his eyebrows too.

Riley just chuckled. She wasn’t
about to give this man a piece of knowledge about women. While they might
and make men think they were
over whose man was the most attractive, they all knew the simple
truth—there was no one better than the man she gave her heart to. “I’m sure
I’ll like her. She does, after all, put up with you,” she teased.

Hector let out a
laugh behind her. “I think she takes some sort of medication to put up with
him,” he said. He came back to the table and settled a plate of fruit in the
middle. Passing her a fork, he leaned in to press a kiss to her neck. “Are you
putting up with me, Riley?”

“Nope, I’m
enjoying you, Hector,” Riley answered without missing a beat. “I’m loving my
life with you. I’m happy you found me.” Which was honest. She couldn’t lie,
anyway—it hurt her too much. “I need you in my life too much to simply put up
with you.”

“Oh, by the
gods, is this what you guys have been talking about?” Gaius looked horrified.
“You’re all syrupy and … and…” He made gagging sounds as he held up a hand.

“Pretty much
what we’ve been trying to tell you for the last seven weeks,” Hector said. “You
and Emily are a thousand times worse, believe me. You’re more like—” Dragging
up a chair, he sat down next to Riley and faced her. “‘I can’t imagine my next
breath without you. Waking up without you at my side is a thought not worth

Gaius was really
gagging now.

Hector rolled
his eyes. “It’s all true, by the by,” he said quietly in Riley’s ear. “Are you
now getting our point?” he asked louder of the other man.

“Got it,” Gaius
croaked out.

Riley grinned
and leaned closer to Hector. With her cheek to his, she whispered, “I have to
tell you, though. If you said those things to me, I think I would stay naked
twenty-four seven waiting for you to be inside of me the next time.” Just the
words had her wet and needy. “There’s something that goes right to a woman’s
core when her man tells her how much she means to him and how much he loves her.”

“And there’s my
cue to go to bed. Goodnight,” Gaius called over the scrape of his chair.

brother,” Hector called after him. “You’re my world, Riley. My very being
yearns for yours. My soul calls to yours. My heart beats for yours alone. My
whole life I’ve been waiting for you. Those long centuries alone, without
knowing if I’d ever find you, mean nothing now that I have you in my life and

“I love you
too.” Riley moved so that she was as close to him as she could get. “I think we
should clean up the mess here, and then you and I need to go to our room. I
want you to love me again.”

“I’ll clean up.
Eat some fruit. If you don’t, then it may go bad before someone comes around to
clean out the fridge,” he said. “It won’t take me but a few minutes. Eat, then
we’ll go upstairs to get you naked. If you play your cards right, I might even
get naked.”

“Okay.” She
reached out and grabbed his hand. “You take great care of me. You have no idea
what that means to me. I’m happy you found me, Hector of Troy, and now I’m
never letting you go. Just so you know.” She released him and began to eat the

He pressed a
kiss to her temple before he stood. He’d been right—it didn’t take him very
long to clean up. Soon he was back for the plate she’d cleaned off. With a
smile, he left her lounging at the table to do the last dish.

Riley rose to
her feet and moved to Hector’s side. When he was finished she leaned into him,
smiling. “So, you ready to take me to bed? Because I’m more than a little ready
to take you as mine.”

“You already
have me,” he answered softly. He lifted her into his arms. “Put your legs
around my waist,” he ordered.

Riley didn’t
hesitate. She wrapped her legs around his hips and her arms around his neck.
Face-to-face with him, she brushed her lips against his. “I love that you can
pick me up and move me around like you do.”

“You weigh
nothing at all, Riley. You need to put on some weight.” He bit her earlobe
gently as he walked through the house, turning off lights as they went. “A
woman should have meat on her bones.”

“I’ll do all
that I can.” Riley shuddered. “I’ve never been a heavy person. I’ve never been
able to gain much weight. But I’m sure that with you helping me, I’ll be able
to do something.” She nuzzled her mouth against the side of his neck and
shivered. “God, I need you.”

“Hmm, some
muscle, then. Anything to help with my fear of harming you. I’m constantly
scared I’ll break you,” he said. He cupped her bottom as they entered the

The door shut
with a sharp
, and Hector paused long enough to throw the lock. He
kissed her when they were moving through the space again.

“You won’t hurt
me. You won’t break me.” Then she kissed him back, desperate to have him. She
needed all of him. Her hands moved over his back and down his shirt so that her
nails could lightly rake over his back.

A tremor ripped
through his body as they tumbled onto the bed, one of his hands moving up under
her blouse. His strong fingers cupped her breast, squeezing the mound as he
kissed her. His cock, through their jeans, was rubbing her most sensitive spot
as he rocked his hips back and forth.

“I need … show
me … show me everything again,” she whispered. Then she added “Sir” with a

His lips curved
against her skin. “Good girl. Get naked. Then back on the bed on your hands and
knees, head toward the headboard. I want your ass up high in the air, with your
legs spread as far as you can so I can see my pussy.” Hector pushed up off her
and the bed, turning on a lamp.

Riley nodded.
She slipped off the bed and, rapidly as she could, stripped out of her clothes.
When she got back on the bed she looked at him. “Do you want me to hold the
headboard again, Sir?” The last word trembled with her need.

He was close to
her, still fully dressed. A sharp hand landed on her ass. It stung a little,
but not as much as it could have. “What did I tell you to do, Riley? Follow my
instructions until I tell you otherwise, always.”

Riley spread her
legs as far as she could, moved so that her ass was in the air, and faced the
headboard, her shoulders to the bed as she waited anxiously on what was to
happen next. “Like this, Sir?” She could feel her pussy creaming.

“Very good,” he
said in answer. A rustle of clothing behind her indicated that he was getting
naked. The mattress soon dipped near her feet, and the heat of his body came up
against her legs. He didn’t touch her, but he was close. After long minutes,
she felt the brush of his fingers up her leg and over her bottom. “Did I hurt
you when I slapped you, Riley? Or did you like it?”

“I liked it.”
She saw no reason in holding anything back from him. “I didn’t think I would
like something like that, but with you doing it, I do. Sir.” She wanted to
wiggle, wanted to push back against him, but she remained still because that was
what he had asked of her.

He made a
humming sound as he trailed his fingers over to her other butt cheek, then back
and over the tight bud of her anus. “Have you ever thought of someone taking
you here? Sliding his cock into your tight ass and fucking you hard as he
played with your pussy.”

Riley shivered
and shook her head. “No, Sir. I’ve never thought of anything like that, but my
ass, my pussy, they are yours. If you want to fuck me there, I won’t say no.”
Not with as wet as she was getting at the mere thought of it. “I want to have
everything with you, Sir. I need all you give and want to give you all I am.”

Both his hands
landed on her bottom, squeezing each globe gently. Then came the heat of his
mouth, pressing a kiss to the base of her spine a moment before his tongue slid
over the tight bud of her anus this time. “Soon, not yet. We would need to
prepare you, and I find I don’t have the patience for that tonight. Not with
the scent of your pussy calling to me.” A flick of his tongue stroked her from
her clit all the way to her anus again. “Fuck, you taste so sweet.”

Riley shuddered.
“Oh God,” she whimpered. “That feels so good.” Moaning, she pushed back against
him, unable to stop herself, and cried out when his large hand unexpectedly
swatted her bottom again. The answering sob was tempered by another moan.
“Jesus. Hector.”

Her words earned
her a smack to the other side. “How are you to refer to me when we are in bed,
playing together?” he demanded. She didn’t answer right away, which earned her
two more slaps, one to each cheek. “Riley, this only works when we are both in
full control. I need to know you are with me always.”

His hands moved
to under her arms. “Sit up for a moment, please,” he ordered. He drew her up
until she was sitting on his lap, his arms sliding around her waist. “Riley, do
you want this or don’t you? Are you on board for what our lives entail in the

She nodded. “I’m
sorry, Sir. I forgot.” She wanted to be all that he wanted. But the moment that
he’d tasted her, she had lost all thought and control. “You’re all that I could
want. All I need. I need someone to take control of me, someone to show me how
to have pleasure, and someone to teach me. I want to be your submissive.” She
hesitated, then added, “If you still want me, Sir?” She had never been overly
dominant in anything she did. And now, she understood why. It was because she
had been waiting for him to come in and be her Dominant.

“Of course I
want you, Riley. It’s not about that at all. But I need you to be fully comfortable
in the bedroom.” He stroked a hand over her cheek before he kissed her. “I need
you to pick a safeword. Something that you won’t ever forget. Something that
will come to you even in the heat of passion. The word will be for any time
you’re overwhelmed, or I do something that has you panicking.

“It can happen,”
he said, stalling her words. “Every Dominant out there pushes their sub to see
how much they can take. There are boundaries. Some hard, that are never
crossed. And others, that are soft, that can be explored. We’re just getting
started. So, pick something that you will never, ever forget and tell me what
it is and why you chose it. That will ensure I never forget it either. Each
time we play, I’ll ask you for that word, a reinforcement for us both.”

Riley nodded. With her head on
his chest, she drew circles over his arms as she thought. Finally, she
whispered, “Daddy. I know that’s not a very good word, but I chose it because
when I lost my father, I lost everything. Before you came into my life, he was
my world. So, if I say
means that I’m worried I’ll lose everything again.” She hoped it would make
sense to Hector. She knew it was very strange to use.

“Okay, that
works. It’s something you won’t forget, even if it’s a little unusual.” He
wrapped her up in a hug and held her close.

Riley looked up
at him and smiled. “We might have to change it one day, but for now, it’s the
word that comes to mind. I’ve never done anything like this before, so I don’t
know what is or isn’t a good word to use. I love you. I trust you, and God help
me, I want to be with you in every single, possible way there is. Sir.”

Hector pressed a kiss to her
lips and squeezed her close. “We’ll change it as you see fit. Now, get back on
your hands and knees, your ass up in the air for me. If anything, at any time,
makes you uncomfortable and you say
I will stop. Immediately. No questions asked. Then we’ll talk about it and
figure out what needs to change.” He gave her another kiss and loosened his

Riley licked her
lips. “Yes, Sir,” she said with more confidence. Once she was back on the bed,
she put her shoulders to the mattress, ass as high in the air as she could get
it, and spread her legs wide. Then she looked back at him and waited for what
was to come next.

“Turn your head
back, cheek to the bed, and just wait,” he commanded. He pressed a hand to her
back, rubbing slow circles over her skin. “You’re in complete control in all
situations, Riley. Never forget that.”

BOOK: Revealed
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