Read Revving Up the Holidays Online

Authors: A. S. Fenichel

Revving Up the Holidays (8 page)

BOOK: Revving Up the Holidays
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As soon as they sat down at the table, she wished she’d
prepared something really special for him. She’d never wanted to show off in
the kitchen before. She was an academic. Cooking was her mother’s thing. Still,
she’d learned quite a lot growing up, and those skills had kept her fed over
the years.

If he minded the simple meal, she couldn’t tell. He ate with
enthusiasm. “If this is what you do with twenty minutes, I can’t wait to see
what you can do with an hour.”

She laughed and ignored the innuendo. “I can recite some
Shakespeare, but if you want all of it, that will take more than an hour.”

When her plate was empty, he kissed her on the lips and
picked up both plates. He headed to the kitchen.

“What are you doing?”

“You cooked. I’ll do the dishes.”

“Really? Are you trying to impress me?”

He looked over his shoulder. “Yes. Is it working?”


She put away the remaining pasta and watched his broad back
hunched over the sink. There was something very sexy about a man in the
kitchen. She wrapped her arms around him from behind, letting her fingers drift
over his rippled abs. “You said you work all the time, but you must find time
to exercise.”

“Ben built a gym at the office. He says a healthier staff
works more and better.”

“Ben Silverman, right? That’s who you work for?” She
remembered Isaac’s friend from high school.

“Yup.” He dried his hands and turned so that he was facing
her. “His father built the company and he and I helped to open the New York
office when we graduated from college.”

She closed her eyes and enjoyed the warmth of being in his
arms. “Thank you for giving me Christmas, Isaac.”

Leaning down, he kissed her nose. “Can I stay the night? I’d
like to wake up with you on Christmas morning if you don’t mind. We don’t have
to make love. I just want to stay with you.”

She had no idea when he had become so gallant, but if he was
trying to make her love him more, it was working. Even so, not having sex while
he was there, in her condo, after all the things he had done for her, plus
doing the dishes—it was a ridiculous notion. She tugged open the button on his
jeans and unzipped the fly before dropping to her knees on the kitchen floor
and pulling his already stiff cock out of his shorts.

His eyes were wide and his lips parted as he looked down at
her. “Okay, so abstinence is not what you want.”

She kissed the swollen head. “Definitely not.”

He moaned as her mouth closed over him and drew him in. She
circled the head with her tongue and sucked him deep again. When she looked up,
he was staring down at her. His impassioned eyes bolstered her desire to
pleasure him. With her hand wrapped around the base of his shaft, she took him
in down to her fingers while sliding the taut skin up and down. She watched as
he threw his head back and moaned. The guttural sound ripped from his mouth and
had her creaming in her panties. The idea that she could give him so much
pleasure was the biggest turn-on. Her nipples pressed against her T-shirt and
the friction sent jolts between her legs. Her lips stretched around his girth
before letting him pop from her mouth. She licked along the vein that ran the
length of him.

His moans increased as she continued her ministrations. She
watched as he stiffened. He was close to coming. Her excitement escalated and
she thought she might come with him in spite of never being touched.

When he reached down and lifted her away from his cock, she
moaned in complaint. An instant later, her heart raced when he lifted her onto
the countertop and tugged her jeans off. He took a moment to remove his pants
and retrieve a condom from the pocket before thrusting inside her. Their
joining was almost violent.

She was gushing with juices just from sucking his beautiful
cock. She didn’t mind the rough way he’d taken her. In fact, she reveled in his
lack of restraint. He kissed her neck as he plunged deep inside her. Suddenly,
her T-shirt and bra were cumbersome. She wanted to feel his flesh against all
of her. Ripping both over her head, she then tugged on his polo shirt. He
lifted his arms, expediting the process.

Her pleasure rose to just below the surface. She was close
to going over the edge. His warm skin and the hair on his chest abraded her
nipples with every thrust. Her body trembled against the cold granite. Isaac
pulled his body away a few inches, slipped his hand between their bodies and
rubbed her clit. She screamed as the orgasm shook her. He didn’t stop rubbing
and her rapture soared higher. Her legs shook and she gripped his back and
neck. Nothing had ever been quite so intense in her entire life. An eternity
passed while the ecstasy continued.

A deep groan escaped from his lips as he pumped harder,
faster and deeper inside her sensitive flesh. She wouldn’t have thought it
possible, but when he came, another orgasm rocked her.

They clung together, her arms and legs wrapped tightly
around him.

Naked and still intimately joined, he lifted her from the
countertop and walked toward the bedroom. She clutched at him, still shaken
from the intensity of her frenzied release.

Once he’d gotten them to the bed, she relaxed her clinging
limbs and stretched out in a feline pose with her arms high above her head. It
was heavenly to feel the soft sheets against her still-vibrating skin. Isaac’s
hand slid from her hip to her abdomen and upward, until he covered one breast
and she moaned.

“Giada, I’ve never felt this way.”

She wanted to believe him. Long ago she had learned that the
things men said while involved in the act of sex were usually forgotten in the
morning. She smiled and arched her back into his caress, reveling in the
scratchy surface of his calloused fingers as they teased her breasts and
nipples. His mouth replaced his hand a moment later and she let out all her
breath. Her clit tightened once again. She’d just had him, but her body
demanded more. Inch by inch, he kissed his way down her rib cage to her
stomach. His tongue dipped inside her navel and she gasped, clutching his dark
hair with both hands. She didn’t know if she wanted more or if it were too
sensitive. Not having the will to push him away, she allowed the sensations to
course through her.

His hand slid between her legs and thick fingers slipped
between her wet folds before pressing inside her.


He licked her from the top of her crease to where his
fingers disappeared and up again before taking her bud in his mouth and
suckling. Her hips rose from the bed, arching tighter to the source of
pleasure. A moment later her pelvis rocked, fucking his mouth and fingers. Her
climax once again built deep within her. She wanted him inside her when she
came again. It took all her inner strength to push his head away.

With confused eyes, he stared up the length of her body. She
smiled and turned over onto her knees and elbows. It didn’t take him a second
to take advantage of her position. A quick trip to her nightstand and he knelt
behind her. She heard the foil pack ripping open. Slowly, he slid his thick
cock deep into her pussy in one long thrust. She screamed into the feather
pillow, clutching the soft cotton case and rocking back into his every pulse.
His hands gripped her hips, setting a rhythm that gained speed and ferocity
until she had to come. She reached below and rubbed her clit hard and fast,
bringing her the pleasure she needed. She cried out and came hard while Isaac
slowed his pace to give her time to fully enjoy the orgasm.

When it had passed, she stretched her fingers lower to the
soft skin of his balls. He groaned and his pace quickened again. Harder, he
plunged inside her. His grunts and groans came faster as he stiffened,
continuing to plunder her already tantalized pussy. She rejoiced in the
roughness of his thrusts. The near violence of the moment pushed her to another
thrill at her core as they came together.

Isaac kissed her back several times before moving off toward
the bathroom. Giada rolled onto her back and pulled the blanket and sheet over
herself. When he slid in beside her, she sighed and settled her back to his
chest. She didn’t even know if it were late enough to be going to sleep, but
exhaustion overtook her ability to glance at the clock.

Chapter Eight


In one week everything he thought about himself had been
shattered. He never thought he could love again and now he was holding Giada in
his arms, watching her sleep, and he was most definitely in love. She had
fallen asleep and he watched her for a long time before going back in the
living room and shutting out all the lights, checking that the door was locked
and pulling the plug on the tree lights.

It was only nine o’clock. If he’d been home he would have
done some work or watched television to wind down before bed. With Giada in the
next room that wasn’t going to happen. The temptation to hold her in his arms
was too great. He picked up all the clothes from the kitchen floor and padded
back into the bedroom. Dropping them on the chair in the corner, he climbed
back into bed and pulled Giada into his arms.

A satisfied moan rumbled from deep in her throat and she snuggled
back against him. It must have been tiring for her to expend all that emotion
she worked so hard to control. He loved that she’d let down her guard. She
trusted him.

Leslie had trusted him too. Pain shot through his chest.


“I should have driven Leslie home that night. I should have
taken better care of her.” What was he doing? Why was he opening up this
subject with her and waking her up to do it? The answer was right in front of
him, she had the right to know. He needed her to know.

Giada rolled toward him. Sleepy eyes blinked at him in the
bed. The only light came from the parking lot but he could clearly make out her
features as she tried to banish sleep. “Why would you think that?”

“It was raining and late and I let her drive home because I
was working.”

Her hand cupped his cheek. “Isaac, you have to forgive
yourself. Bad things happen all the time. I’m sure Leslie knew how much you
loved her. She probably knew that you worked too much and she loved you in
spite of that.” She sat up and pushed her hair out of her face. “Look, I didn’t
know her but I’m sure she wouldn’t want you to suffer like this. She’d want you
to be happy.”

Her gesture and words eased the throbbing in his heart. “I
don’t know how to forgive myself.”

She smiled. “I think talking about it with the people who
love you is a great start.”

He didn’t know if she was talking about Sadie and his mother
or herself. He liked to think she meant the latter. “I’m sorry I woke you.”

She pressed her hand to his shoulder and he leaned back,
wrapping her in his arms. “I don’t mind.” She yawned.

He kissed the top of her head. In seconds she was breathing
deeply and regular and her head became heavy on his shoulder.

Still, it was an hour before he finally fell asleep.

* * * * *

She was already in the kitchen when he woke up. He’d been a
bit disappointed that she hadn’t stayed in bed. He still hadn’t experienced the
thrill of waking up with Giada in his arms. He smiled to himself and thought of
the following morning. It was nice to have something to look forward to. With
Giada there were always moments of expectation.

“It smells good.”

“Pancakes and bacon.” Her expression went from joy to horror
in an instant. “Oh my God, do you even eat bacon?”

He laughed and rounded the counter that separated the living
room and dining room from the kitchen. He pulled her hips against his crotch
and kissed her neck. “Relax. I eat everything. I’ve never even lived in a
kosher house. Mark’s family kept kosher, so Sadie does.”

She relaxed and flipped the first pancake while wiggling out
of his grip and giggling. “Go sit down. This will be ready in a couple of

He left a lingering kiss at the top of her spine and she
moaned. “Merry Christmas, Giada.” He loved the bright smile that lit her face.

“Thank you.”

Doing as ordered, he sat at the table and looked over at the
tree. She’d plugged it in and the lights were twinkling happily. He was no
expert, but he thought it was a pretty nice Christmas tree.

A few minutes later, she came to the table with two plates
of bacon and pancakes. “I was thinking of making a big dinner tonight. The
supermarket is open for a few hours today. I think I can get a turkey and
fixings. Do you think your family would want to come for Christmas dinner or
would they be offended?”

“We’ll have to ask them, but I’m sure they won’t be

She beamed. “Great. After breakfast I’ll call your mother
and Sadie.”

“Why don’t we just ask when we go over to take the bike for
a ride.”

He loved the change in her expression as she thought that
through. “Just a short one. I have a lot to do for dinner.”

“I’ll help you,” he said. Of course he would help. She was
feeding his family, it was the least he could do. She got up and kissed him in
spite of the maple syrup that was likely on his lips.

He’d had other plans in mind for the day, but he would work
them in too.

* * * * *

Sadie, Mark, Giada and the two kids stood in the driveway as
he rolled the Harley out of the shop. “Okay, assistants, come on over, let’s
get you on this thing.”

Daniel ran over and was the first to be lifted onto the
seat. Abigail stood clutching her mother’s leg.

“Mark, can you hold on to this guy for a second?”

“Sure thing.” Mark kept his son balanced on the seat.

Isaac crouched by his niece. “Don’t you want to sit on the
bike, Abigail?”

She shook her head and buried her face behind Sadie’s leg.

“No one is going to force you, but you did help me put the
bike together and I hope you know I’d never let anything happen to you. If
you’re sure you don’t want to, then stay right here.” He stood and took the two
steps toward the bike.

She ran up behind him. “I want to try.”

He lifted her, smiling, and placed her on the bike behind
her brother. The bike started right up, rumbling under the two kids. Abigail
held her ears. Daniel screamed with laughter. After a few moments, he shut the
motor down. It really was too loud for their little ears. He would have to get
some earplugs for the future.

“It sounds awesome, Isaac,” Mark said.

“Thanks, man, and thanks for saving her.” He slapped him on
the back.

“What are you going to do with it?” Sadie asked.

“If Mark doesn’t mind, I’m going to have her shipped back to
New Jersey.”

“I don’t mind. I think it’s a great idea.”

He plucked the two helmets off the back where they hung by
the chin straps and turned to Giada. “Do you want to go for a ride?”

She nodded and took the new helmet he’d bought, hoping she
would be the one to wear it. Once he was on, she straddled the seat behind him
and gripped him around the waist.

“We’ll see you later,” Sadie said.

They nodded and waved as Isaac started the motor up and gave
her gas. He rolled down the driveway into the street, put her in gear and took
off. Giada clutched his waist so tight he had trouble breathing for the first
mile. Then she relaxed her grip. They drove west where the roads were less
crowded and more fun to ride.

Thirty minutes later, he pulled off onto a dirt road and

She got off and lifted her arms above her head in a long
stretch. “That was fun. I’ll bet it’s really great in the spring.” She rubbed
her arms and looked around. “Where are we?”

“It’s an old mining road. I used to come up here when I was
a kid. It’s a good place to think.”

“What did you think about?”

“School, my dad wanting me to be more mature, what the coach
had said that day, but mostly I thought about you.” He put the kickstand down
and got off the bike.

She pulled her helmet off and ran her fingers through her
hair. “I don’t believe you.”

“I did. I thought about you all the time.” He placed his
helmet on the sissy bar.

“If you say so. So, what are we doing here now? Do we need
to think about something?”

“I wanted to talk to you without all the distractions of
town. And yeah, I guess you do need to think about something.”

She turned toward him and her eyes grew wary. “I do?”

“How attached to Georgia State are you?”


He was messing this up. “I mean. Do you ever think you might
want to move on to a school with a larger liberal arts program?”

“You brought me up here to discuss my career? Is this one of
those reality television shows where someone jumps out with a camera?”

He really was making a mess of things. “No.”

“Well then, what is it you’re trying to say?”

“If you really love your job here in Georgia then I have to
rethink this thing.”

“What thing? You’re not making any sense.” There was a large
boulder near the tree line. She turned her back on him and walked over to sit

He followed her, but stood, shifting from foot to foot. “I
don’t want to mess up your life.”

Now her eyes were wide but she didn’t speak.

He took a deep breath. “Look, I’m in love with you and I
don’t want what we’ve started to end because you’re here and I work in New
York. I’m willing to relocate back to Georgia if that’s what you want, but I
will need to talk to Ben. I may have to get a new job unless he lets me work
remotely. If you’re happy here, then that’s what I’ll do.”

Her mouth was open and her eyes were as wide as saucers. She
snapped her mouth closed and then whispered, “You’re in love with me?”

Was that the only part she’d heard? He chuckled and reached
out to tuck a wild hair behind her ear. “I’m desperately in love with you.”

Her gaze darted from the ground to the trees and then back
to him. “What’s the other possibility? I mean, if I’m not in love with my job
or Atlanta?”

His heart felt as if it were lodged firmly in his throat. “I
have a nice apartment in Jersey City. It’s big enough for the two of us. If you
don’t like it we can look for something else. Cornel has an excellent liberal
arts program, as I’m sure you know. Maybe you’d enjoy living in a big city
again. At the very least, you could come back with me and spend your winter
break on the Hudson River. It would be like a test drive.”

“You want to have a test drive?”

He was an idiot. “No, not for me, for you. You might hate me
after you spend some time with me. As for me, I’m all in.”

She stood up and placed her palms on his chest.

“You want me to sell my condo, quit my job and move to New

When she said it like that, it sounded as if he was a jerk
asking her to give up her entire life for him. “Um…well, that’s not the only
option that I put out there, but it would be my first choice.”

She walked to the pavement, away from him. It was a serious
moment, but he couldn’t help thinking about how hot she looked in those jeans
that hugged her round ass, black leather boots and a leather jacket. Hanging
from her hand was the helmet, held by the chin strap as she looked down the
road. He wished he had a camera but his phone was in the saddlebag and this was
not exactly the moment for a photo op.

He waited an eternity while cars drove by and she didn’t
move. Finally she turned back toward him, tears streaming down her face. He
rushed forward and pulled her into a hug. “If you don’t want to move in
together, I understand. I’ll move down here and stay with Sadie until you feel
more comfortable. I’m not rushing you, Giada. I don’t want to pressure you. I
just don’t want to lose you for another fifteen years.”

“Lose me? You can’t lose me, Isaac. I’ve been yours for as
long as I can remember. Of course I’ll move to New Jersey. I love you. I never
want to be away from you.” Tears still coursed down her cheeks as she looked up
at him.

“Then why are you crying?” He used his thumbs to dry her
tears. His heart was pounding so hard and fast that he might burst out in tears
himself. He grinned at the idea.

“I guess that’s what happens when all your dreams come true.
I don’t know. I’ve never been this happy before. Maybe I’ll cry every day.”

On the dry, dusty road with cars driving by and his
refurbished Harley standing only feet away, he leaned down and let his lips
drift over hers. She was the first to demand entrance. He loved that she knew
exactly what she wanted and she wanted him. He couldn’t believe his luck.
Tilting his head to one side, he deepened the kiss, gripping her tighter.

He lifted his head and waited for her eyes to open. “No you
won’t. We’ll be having too much fun for tears. Didn’t I tell you? I’m promising
a lifetime of happiness, Giada.”

“How can you be so sure?”

He smiled. “I know that as long as you are with me, I’ll be
deliriously happy. If I thought you’d say yes, I’d ask you to marry me today.”

Terror filled her eyes and she was about to say something,
but he cut her off.

“I know it’s too soon.”

She nodded.

“Let me prove to you how happy we can be and then, when
you’re ready, I’m going to marry you.”

Fresh tears welled up in her eyes.

“Is this happiness again?”


“It’s no wonder you’re always hiding your emotions. You’ve
got them all backward, my love. You’re supposed to cry when you’re sad and
laugh when you’re happy.”

“I’ll try to keep that in mind.”

He couldn’t stop grinning. His heart overflowed with joy.
“Are you ready to go home?”

“Only if you’re planning to make love to me.”

His cock jumped at the suggestion and he pulled her close so
she could feel how much he liked the idea. Why had they invited his family
over? He laughed. “We’re going to have to make it quick. In about five hours,
my mother and sister’s family will be having dinner in your house.”

He continued to laugh at her wide eyes.

“Oh for goodness’ sake, I forgot.” Pushing him away, she
jumped on the bike and tucked her hair under the helmet. “Come on. We have to
go home.”

BOOK: Revving Up the Holidays
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