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Authors: Ryan Field

Ricky's Business (7 page)

BOOK: Ricky's Business
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was even one who said he’d swallow all the come anyone wanted to give him (called himself


The Come Dump). Some offered blindfolded blow jobs without any reciprocation for two


hundred bucks, others promised they were completely versatile and would do anything for


money. And some were so blatant and aggressive about what they did or didn’t do sexually they


caused Ricky’s face to flush. After a half hour of searching through these advertisements, Ricky


slammed the laptop shut and kicked the trash can under his desk.


While he was sulking, he remembered the small pink paper Dawn had given him. Dawn


had said if he was ever interested to call this number and he’d be pleased with the results. Ricky


picked up his jeans from the floor and fished for the paper. He pulled it out of his pocket, stared


at the number, and then reached for the telephone.


A deep voice answered. “Hello?”


Ricky sat back in his chair and concentrated on his voice so it wouldn’t shake. He wanted


to sound sophisticated and adult. “Hi,” he said. “Is Chad there?”


“Hey, man. This is Chad.”


This one sounded friendly enough, and his voice had that deep, smooth quality Ricky had


always admired. And the biggest turn-on of all was that he’d called Ricky
, with that casual, all-male-jock way the guys on Ricky’s football team spoke to each other. “I’m a normal guy and


I’d like to hook up tonight,” Ricky said.


“I’d like that, buddy,” Chad said. “Where are you?”


Ricky hesitated. He’d called him
. He sounded like Ricky’s hung football coach,


another huge turn-on only a gay man would understand and appreciate. But Ricky frowned. He


was worried that when he told Chad he lived in the suburbs in New Jersey Chad would never


want to come out that far. He reached for his baseball cap on his desk and put it on. He lowered


the brim below his eyes and said, “I’m in Rockaway, New Jersey.” His tone grew softer, with a


hint of innocence he couldn’t seem to hide anymore.


“What’s your name?”


Ricky pulled the hat down even more. He hesitated again. “Henry,” he said. But he


wasn’t sure why he lied. This guy probably didn’t even care about his name.


“Henry,” Chad said, “Can I have the address? I know that area fairly well.”


Ricky didn’t hesitate this time. The more Chad spoke, the harder Ricky’s dick grew. “555


Pintail Point Lane,” he said.






“I’ll see you in about an hour and a half,” Chad said.


After Chad hung up, Ricky remained seated at his desk for another minute or two. He


couldn’t believe he’d just called a male escort named Chad. He couldn’t believe this Chad guy


would be at his door in about an hour, ready to have sex with him. It was a feeling the resembled


shock: he had trouble concentrating, he stared forward in a daze, and he seemed to be moving in slow motion. He knew, deep down in his gut, this would either be the best move he’d ever made


in his life, or the worst.


Chapter Five


For the next five minutes, Ricky remained seated at his desk. He stared at the phone and


wondered if he’d just made a grave error by calling Chad. After all, this guy had been referred to


him by a she-male prostitute. What if Chad showed up in lipstick and earrings?


But Ricky wanted to think positively this time. He figured if he lowered his standards and


thought about all this realistically, nothing could go wrong. He wasn’t expecting perfection; he


didn’t think his Keanu Reeves dream guy would knock on the door. All he wanted was a nice


looking, normal guy with a decent body and good hygiene. He didn’t even care if the guy had a


small paunch, or if his nose was too large and his chin was too weak. As long as Chad wasn’t a


complete turn-off, Ricky would smile and invite him into the house.


So he jumped off his chair and went into his bathroom. He only had about an hour or so


to prepare and there was a lot to do. If he was going to have sex for the first time, he wanted to


look as good as possible so the escort didn’t think
was repulsive.


In the shower, he shaved his entire body with a new doubl-edged razor. Though he


wasn’t a hairy guy by any means, he wanted to be smooth all over for Chad. He’d started shaving


his legs for athletic reasons back when he was a freshman. He knew what he was doing and he


knew how to be fast about it. But he’d never shaved his entire body, including his armpits, until


that night. All the porn stars he’d seen were cleanly shaven, especially the bottoms. Their asses


were smooth as silk, and their genitals were almost always bald. Some left little triangles above


their dicks, but Ricky decided that would take too long. He even squatted in the shower and shaved his ass crack thoroughly. He used a small


shower mirror to get into the spots he couldn’t see; he spread his legs wide so he wouldn’t miss a


single hair. When he stood up, stepped out of the shower, and placed his dripping feet on the


tiled floor, his legs tingled and his body seemed to shine more without hair. He dried himself off


in the full-length mirror, turning sideways to be sure his body was completely smooth. When he


stood up and arched his back, he looked into the mirror and smiled. He liked what he saw; he not


only felt cleaner, he also felt sexier this way.


After he dried his body, he slowly applied a musk-scented bronzer. He hadn’t been in the


sun since the previous summer and his body had a pale, grayish tone. He didn’t apply gobs of


bronzer, just a light even coat so there would be some color. And this bronzer had a slight hint of


glitter, which made his tight skin glisten and shine beneath the bathroom fixtures. Then he


shaved his face and styled his short brown hair the way he usually did. Ricky had thick, dead


straight hair. There wasn’t much he could do with it other than part it on the side, apply some


glaze, and let it fall naturally. He’d thought about getting one of those ultra short haircuts with a


turned-up wave above his forehead, but it felt too cliché.


For underwear, he chose the black low-rise briefs that made his ass look rounder and


firmer. He pondered the thought of not wearing any underwear at all, then decided that might be


too sleazy. Though he didn’t want Chad to know he was a virgin, he didn’t want him to think he


was a slut either.


By the time he pulled his navy blue crew neck over his white polo shirt and looked into


the mirror, he took a deep breath and sighed. He hadn’t taken this long to get dress for the prom.


But then again, he’d taken his cousin from Newark to his prom and he hadn’t been worried about


how he’d looked that night. He turned sideways and smoothed out his sweater. His slacks were tight beige khakis, the ones that pulled across his ass and cut off circulation in his groin. He


didn’t wear these pants often; they were too uncomfortable to deal with for any length of time.


But he figured they were perfect for this meeting. He wasn’t planning on wearing them long.


When he went downstairs to wait for Chad, he turned on his father’s sound system and


played something slow and simple. Then he sat on the living room sofa and folded his hands on


his lap. He remained there for ten minutes, tapping his right foot, waiting for the doorbell to ring.


There was cash in his back pocket and soft music coming from his father’s sound system. He


took quick breaths, hoping to calm his nerves, praying Chad wouldn’t be a complete waste of


time. When the doorbell finally did ring, he jumped up so fast his elbow hit the coffee table and


almost knocked over his mother’s crystal vase.


He answered the door just as Chad’s hand was hovering over the bell, about to push the


button a second time. When Ricky switched on the overhead lamp, his stomach jumped and his


lips parted. The man looking back at him was nothing like he’d imagined he would be. He was


six feet tall, with a strong square chin, short black hair, and almond-shaped eyes so brown they


were almost black. His shoulders were broad, his abdomen flat, and his legs bowed at the knee.


This wasn’t the man of Ricky’s dreams, the one who resembled Keanu Reeves. This guy could


have been Keanu Reeves’s identical twin.


Ricky just stood there staring, so Chad smiled and said, “Can I come inside, Henry?” His


voice was even deeper and smoother than it had been on the phone.


Ricky smiled and nodded. He looked into Chad’s eyes and nodded. Then he stepped to


the right and Chad stepped into the house.


This guy wasn’t even dressed as Ricky had imagined he would be. He’d pictured a guy in


jeans and a T-shirt, maybe a few tattoos and an earring. But Chad wore a crisp white dress shirt, a black cashmere sport jacket, and light khaki slacks just like Ricky’s. His shoes were black


quarter boots with square toes, and they had been shined to perfection. If he had any tattoos, they


weren’t visible.


Chad turned and sent Ricky a warm smile. He lifted his arm and placed his palm on the


right side of Ricky’s face. “I’m glad you called when you did. I was just leaving a restaurant with


friends and I was about to go home and call it a night. I’d hate to think I’d miss out on meeting


someone like you, Henry.”


His large, strong hand made Ricky’s body tingle. Ricky had trouble finding his voice.


“Ah well, you look nice.” He thought before he spoke; he didn’t want to say the wrong thing and


look stupid.


Chad caressed his face a couple of times and said, “So do you. You’re far more attractive


than I thought you would be, Henry.” He leaned forward, toward Ricky’s shoulder, and inhaled.


“And you smell nice, too.”


“Thanks,” Ricky said. He wished he hadn’t used a fake name. But there was no going


back now.


“I have to ask you something first, buddy,” Chad said. “I have to know how old you are.


You look like a man. But I have to be sure you’re eighteen or older. I have a rule about that. I’m


very strict about dating minors. I don’t do it.”


When he called him buddy, Ricky gulped and said, “I’m eighteen. I turned eighteen last


January. I can prove it.” Though his hands were on the verge of shaking, he didn’t want Chad to




“Cool.” “How old are you?” Ricky asked. Dawn had said he was in his twenties, but he looked








Chad smiled. “Then close the door, man.”


While Ricky closed the door, Chad crossed into the living room and lowered all the lights.


By the time Ricky walked in, Chad was standing in front of a long window seat. His hands were


in his pockets and he was smiling. “Come here, Henry.” His tone was low and smooth, with a


resonance that caused Ricky’s heart to flutter.


Ricky had been worried about how this would work. Did they talk for a while and get to


know each other? Did they just strip and suck each other off? But Chad knew how to take control


without asking any questions at all. Ricky slowly walked toward the window seat, keeping his


focus on Chad’s strong, handsome face. He couldn’t stop staring at his deep brown eyes. Though


he’d never seen eyes this brown or this magnificent, he couldn’t help feeling as if he’d met Chad


somewhere before.


Whenever Ricky imagined being with a man, he’d always felt anxious and unusual about


it. But with Chad his heart wasn’t pounding from stress; it was pounding with anticipation. All


the fears and worries he’d ever had about being with a man suddenly vanished. He walked right


up to Chad and smiled. And when Chad reached down and grabbed the bottom of Ricky’s navy


crew neck, Ricky lifted his arms in the air so Chad could remove it.


So much for small talk.


Chad slowly undressed him. Ricky moved with gentle turns so Chad wouldn’t have to tug


or pull. When he was completely naked, standing in front of Chad with an erection, he lifted his palms and placed them on Chad’s broad chest. The fabric of his black sport jacket was soft, like


his mother’s cashmere coat. And he could feel the muscles in Chad’s chest beneath the fabric.


He squeezed Chad’s chest and looked into his deep eyes. Then Chad placed his large


palm on the small of Ricky’s back and said, “It’s your turn. Undress me now.”




Ricky took a quick breath and bit his bottom lip. He removed Chad’s jacket, folded it in


half, and placed it on the window seat. When he removed Chad’s white shirt, he ran his palms


across Chad’s wide shoulders and gulped. He’d never touched a man’s body this way. Each


movement filled him with a new sensation; each time he touched Chad’s bare flesh his cock


BOOK: Ricky's Business
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