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Authors: Sabrina York

RisingGreen (2 page)

BOOK: RisingGreen
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The drugging movements against her clit and nipples, along
her neck and the backs of her knees, all over her scalp and even in her ears,
increased. A smaller bulb teased her pucker and, dabbing at the cream dripping
down her slit, nudged inside.

In dual action, in perfect counterpoint, the two knobs
worked at her. Crackles of electricity shot through her as the heads passed,
separated only by a thin membrane. The rhythm tightened, increased until she
was nothing but a welter of sensation, of back and forth, of in and out. An
agony of longing and raw, raging need clawed at her. Ate at her. Consumed her.

The heat, which had been steadily rising within her,
blossomed. With a violent shudder, a mewling, mindless cry, she came.

Sage. The ice princess. The woman who had never, ever had an
orgasm, came.

And with that intense spasm, the bulbs within her swelled.
And burst.

A hot, wet wave swamped her and, with it, a remarkable sense
of delirium and peace.

From afar, Sage felt the tendrils loosen their hold on her
body and retreat. The vine withdrew from deep inside her and receded along her
thigh like a tide leaving a damp trail in its wake.

She whimpered—all she was capable of at the moment—and
closed her eyes, allowing the miasma, the mist, the ecstasy to take her.

Chapter Two


“You’re awake.”

Sage opened her eyes to find she was lying on the cot in
Riley’s office. She peered up at the team’s medic through a grainy haze,
wondering for a moment how she’d come to be there. The wisps of a sensual,
sinister dream teased at the edge of her consciousness but when she reached for
it, it danced away.

“What happened?” She sat up and rubbed at her temples. Her
head didn’t hurt but it felt heavy. There was a heaviness in her belly too,
like cramps. Pleasurable cramps.

“That’s what I’d like to know. Kale and Davidson found you
unconscious on a patch of weeds in sector four. They brought you back.”

Sage wiped her palm across her nape and then let it scrape
across her chest. Her nipples were swollen and tender. She frowned and pulled
her jacket closed. She flicked a look at Riley, who was glaring at her like an
annoyed parent. They’d been friends for years, she and Riley. How was it she’d
never noticed how…attractive he was?

“I guess I passed out.”

He blew out a breath and picked up his stethoscope. “I
guess.” He dragged a chair across the floor and sat in front of her. Far too
close for comfort.

The scent of his breath teased her nose. Her nostrils
flared. Damn. Riley had never smelled good to her before. Hunger raised
prickles on her spine. She shifted away.

She watched through veiled lashes as he took her wrist to
check her pulse. His touch burned and she yanked away. She rubbed her thumb
across the face of her watch.

“Sage, I have to check your vitals.”

“Fine.” She thrust her hand back out and ground her teeth as
his soft, silky touch abraded her skin for an eternity.

She didn’t understand why her heart suddenly pounded in her
throat or why a peculiar restlessness swamped her. Anxiously, she shifted on
the bed.

Riley was her
. He’d never been anything but
gentle and kind. She had certainly never had such a reaction to his nearness
before. But now, for some reason, he made her…twitchy.

He put the stethoscope into his ears and leaned closer,
placing the metal bell against her chest. It was a common enough action. God
knew he’d done it plenty of times before. Sage had never even thought twice
about such an intimacy.

But now. But now she shivered at his touch. Her nipples,
which had already been tender, hardened like little stones. A pulse beat low in
her belly. Her clit began to throb.

She looked up at him and their gazes tangled. He stared at
her with a strange, muddled look, as though he’d never seen her before. Or
never seen her like this.

She licked her lips.

His mouth dropped open. “Sage…”

Well, hell. Was he leaning in? Was he leaning in for a kiss?

It took just about every ounce of determination she had to
force herself to her feet. In a rush, she collected her rucksack and Dan’s
Glock, which was on the worktable, and hightailed it out of the medic’s

She didn’t understand these feelings. But she knew one
thing—she didn’t like them in the least. And until she shook off whatever had
happened to her out there on the heath, she would damn sure avoid Riley


She found her sanity, as she always did, in her lab. The one
place where things always made sense, where things were always as they should
be. She could push everything else to the back of her mind when she worked and
it was wonderful. Wonderful to be able to forget.

She spent the rest of the afternoon analyzing and studying
the clippings she’d taken from the strange plant on the rocky escarpment in
sector four.

The cross section under the microscope shocked her to the
core. This was no ordinary plant. It was like nothing she’d ever seen before.
Perhaps even unearthly. The cell structure was a different shape than any plant
she’d studied and each cell had an unusual number of mitochondria. Aside from
that, there were multiple lysosomes in the cytosol, which was much more common
in animal cells. Interesting…

She pulled the slide from the microscope plate and was about
to pop in a cross section from the leaf, when a sound behind her caught her
attention. She turned.

Kale leaned with his shoulder against the frame of the door,
watching her with a smarmy smile plastered on his face.

Not again. Hell, she should have smelled him

He was out of uniform, dressed in faded jeans and a tight
tee shirt with the logo of some Hong Kong whorehouse plastered all over it. His
short hair was mussed, as if he’d gelled it and gone to sleep. It poked up in
all kinds of directions. Sage curled her fingers against the annoying and
unfamiliar urge to smooth it down.

“What do you want?” she muttered, carefully placing the
slide back in the rack. She pulled off her gloves, glared at him and tapped at
the face of her watch in an impatient tattoo.

“Just watchin’ you work, doc.” He sucked in some air through
the gap between his teeth. “What can I say? I like the view.”

Sage crossed her arms over her chest, ignoring the scrape of
her sleeve over her nipples. Damn if those things weren’t hard again. Of all
the men in the world to be patently uninterested in, Kale was at the front of
the line. He was crude, rude and socially stunted. In his opinion, women were
for fucking, and frankly not good for much else.

Sage had little use for him either. Or at least she used to
feel that way.

Now, here in the muted shadows of her lab, now as he stood
there all muscled and bulging and big, looking at her as if he wanted to lap
her up… Well, now she felt differently.

Now she wanted to lap him up too.

His bulging neck, which had always disgusted her, looked
thick and…tasty. She wanted to wrap her lips around those defined veins and
suck. And his arms—muscled biceps rippling and clenching at her glance—those
arms could lift her, hold her, move her.

She looked away and cleared her throat. “Didn’t…didn’t Dan
talk to you about bothering me when I’m working?”

“Am I?” He quirked a brow, making the scar on his forehead
dance. He stepped into the room, crowding her, and kicked the door shut with
his heel. “Bothering you?”

Heat rolled off him in waves. An answering heat rose within
her. Something squirmed in her belly and a shiver racked her frame.

“Yes… You…” She waved impotently at the closed door. She
should say something to get rid of him. She should do something to arrest his
insistent approach.

But she didn’t. She couldn’t. And before she knew what
happened, he had her plastered against the wall, trapped in his heat. He looked
down at her, down from the heights. She tipped her face up so she could see

Damn. He was good-looking. In a savage, brutish kind of way.
Why hadn’t she noticed before?

Her palms, ostensibly holding him off, tested the rigidity
of his chest. His muscles bunched in response and he growled.

“There’s something different about you, doc,” he said,
nuzzling her earlobe.

Rockets exploded in her body as he hit
making her dizzy, blurring her vision. Delight shimmied down her spine, drawing
a line between his scraping teeth and the snarling ache in her cunt.

How was this happening? How could this be happening? How
could she be letting it?

But it felt so good. It had never felt good. Not like this.
Not like…

“You are so fucking sexy in a lab coat.” Even as he said
those words, hot and heavy in her ear, his hands slipped to her waist, beneath
her lab coat, beneath her shirt, to rest against the damp skin of her belly.

Sage threw her head back as frissons of electricity slashed
through her. Against her will, she arched her back and rubbed her pelvis
against his. She licked the salt from his neck, suckled the vein throbbing

“Shit.” His voice was feral. He pulled back and glared at
her with a wild glow in his eyes. “I’m gonna fuck you,” he said. “I’m gonna
fuck you hard.”

Even as he issued this threat, this promise, he popped open
the buttons of her jeans, yanked them down her thighs and groped the nest
between her legs.

He was rough. There was no cadence or seduction or
technique. There was only sensation, ruthless, insistent abrasion over an engorged
nubbin that ached, wept for nothing but
. More. Sage kicked off her
jeans and propped one leg up on the counter. It was uncomfortable, unnatural,
but she didn’t care. She wanted. She needed.

In a frenzy, she sucked and chewed at his neck, rubbed his
ribs, pinched his nipples, as rough with him as he was with her. It inflamed

When she found the bulge in his pants, he hissed through his
teeth. “God yes. Yes.”

She slapped him there. Hard. His nostrils flared. A muscle
bunched in his cheek and he pulled her closer. She wasn’t sure where this was
coming from. She was not that kind of woman, but something about him, his
scent, his energy, his brutality, wove itself into her sanity. She became like
him. An animal, mindful of one thing and one thing only—rutting.

Put your fucking cock inside me.

Did she say the words or only think them? It didn’t matter.
It was a searing mantra possessing her mind, her starving, aching body.

She spread her legs wider as he fumbled with the catch to
his jeans.

I need your cock. I need your cum. I need it. Give it to

And, oh God, he did.

Again, no style. No seduction. No preparation. Only a big
cock at the mouth of her cunt, pressing in, filling her, abrading her,
scratching the itch she could no longer scratch for herself.

How he filled her. Her cunt lips sucked at his girth and she
squeezed as tight as she could. The walls of her pussy wept with rapture as he
shoved in. When he pulled out, she whimpered. He laughed, a deep dark chuckle,
and plowed into her again. Deeper. Harder. The skin between them was slick and
hot. She moved her leg to strengthen her position in the battle.

All along, he murmured obscenities and foul curses. He bit
at her neck, twisted her nipples, and she gloried in it all.

Because she felt it.

She felt it coming.

Her raw hunger for it mounted.

The pressure between them rose higher and higher. His brutal
thrusts became quicker and shorter. He grunted in harsh guttural bursts. Like a
boy, he fumbled with her clit, trying desperately to make her come, trying
desperately to make her pussy the tight vise he craved.

Something blossomed inside her. It lashed at her, danced
within her. Exquisite agony.

His eyes went wide and he thrashed against her, in her. He
sucked in a high-pitched peep, something like a whimper. His eyes rolled back
and he released.

His cum washed through her womb in a hot, burning tide.

And then—ecstasy. Absolute bliss. It soaked her, saturated
her. Fed her.

She held on to the sensation, reveling in it, held on to
him, milking each delicious drop of his seed.

But when the moment passed, she pushed him away. “Now, get
out.” A snarl.

Kale slipped from her pussy and fell to his knees, staring
at his cock, still rock-hard, still quivering, still dribbling little spurts of

“Holy shit, doc. That was fucking amazing. How did you do

She glared, her old disgust for him raising its hoary head.
How on earth could she have wanted

“Out.” And when he didn’t move except to gape at her like a
man bewildered and bemused, she hissed, “Don’t make me tell Dan you’ve been
bothering me again.”

“But doc—”

“Go.” She pulled up her jeans, ignoring the wet trail of
jizz making twin tracks down her thighs, and turned back to the microscope. She
had work to do. She was far too busy for this.

Far too busy to wonder about the insanity that just
possessed her. Far too busy to reflect on the profound feral pleasure she’d
felt when Kale’s sperm splashed against the mouth of her womb.

Chapter Three


“So.” Riley sat in the chair facing hers and propped his
hands on his knees. “What seems to be the problem?”

Sage rubbed her belly. “I’m not sure.” She wasn’t sure about
a lot of things lately. Not the least of which was why she felt compelled to
come here and burden him with her concerns.

He tipped his chin and sent her a look. She tried to ignore
how his blond hair flopped onto his brow. How he raked it back with long, thin

They said finger length and girth were a reflection of
another appendage. Sage couldn’t help but wonder if this was true. Riley’s were
awfully long.

She swallowed the drool pooling in her mouth and tried to
focus on the reason she’d come. His presence there, just a few feet away from
her, was annoyingly distracting. His neck, for one thing, was long and thin and
slightly veined. She glanced at her watch but then her eyes tracked back to his

“Come on, Sage. You know what’s bothering you. Otherwise you
wouldn’t be here. Tell me.”

She shrugged, one-shouldered, as though she didn’t really
care. “I dunno. Since the other day, I’ve been feeling strange.”

He leaned closer, his eyes intent.


She fixated on his lips, those perfectly molded lips. His
tongue dabbed at them, an unconscious gesture perhaps. Then again, perhaps not.

Whatever had happened out there in sector four, it was clear
something within her had changed. In addition to her frequent and irresistible
urges to fuck any man who came within spitting distance, she had developed an
uncanny ability to sense a man’s arousal. And stroke it.

When she was close to a man, especially an undeniably
attractive man like Riley, she became super aware of his every breath. The way
his pupils dilated when she touched him, however innocently. The way his pores
opened when she was near, the subtle scent he emitted. Hell, she could feel his
heart rate increase, his temperature infinitesimally rise.

“Strange, how?” He set his palm gently to her forehead and
then to her cheek.

A shiver, harsh and hollow, slashed through her. A ravaging
hunger settled in her belly. “I’ve been…” She let her lashes flicker. “Horny.”

He sat back suddenly. His heat receded with him and she
ached to draw it back, to wrap it around her like a blanket. She glanced up to
see his Adam’s apple bobble.

“Um. Horny?”

“God, yes.” She met his eyes and willed him closer.

Instead he stood and showed her his back. “Anything else?”

Sage frowned, although it was a wasted effort since he kept
his back to her. She rubbed her belly again, as though this could still the
peculiar churning there. It felt good and it ached, all at the same time.

He looked at her, from across the room. Too far. Too far


He stepped closer. “You didn’t feel warm a minute ago.”

“It comes and goes. With the hunger.”

“Hunger?” His brow quirked. He leaned against the back of
the chair facing hers.

“Oh. And it…hurts to urinate.”

“Really?” He sat. Ah yes. He sat. Close to her again. A
sweet warmth gushed through her.

She leaned closer. “It hurts…and it feels good.”

“Well.” He was comfortable again, cloaked in the mantle of
his profession. Safe from inconvenient feelings. Feelings of a personal nature.
A sexual nature.

Because he wanted her. She could smell it. He wanted her and
he was fighting the urge.

“Sounds like a urinary tract infection.”

She nodded. Smiled. Leaned closer. “Can you fix it?”

“Well, sure. A simple antibiotic should do the trick.”

“And the hunger? Can you fix that too?” Her message was
clear. She saw it in the flush crawling up his neck. God. She wanted him. And
she wanted him now.

He cleared his throat. Looked away. “You could eat

“It’s not that kind of hunger, Riley.” She traced the
nodules on his knee.

His entire body stiffened. “Sage…”

“Riley.” She angled out of her chair and stood before him,
one hand on his shoulder.

He looked up at her, his jaw slack. She caressed his nape,
toyed with the thick waves of his hair. He closed his eyes and muttered a

“This is wrong,” he said under his breath.

She ignored him. Hunger burned, pulsed within her. It
consumed and controlled her. She stepped closer, straddled his thighs and sat
on his lap. She rubbed her clit against the ridge of his cock and sucked in a
breath at the sensation.
So good.

He didn’t stop her. Good.

She laced her fingers through his hair and tipped his chin
up, making his neck a clear target. And she feasted. Dear God, he tasted good.
Smelled good. Of arousal and heat and caged sperm. She arched against him
again, rubbing against the bulge in his jeans.

“Riley,” she whispered. “I’m hungry for you.”

“Please, Sage.” His breath was a hiss. “We shouldn’t.”

“We must. I need you to fill me. Cure me.” She found and
fisted his erection.

He shuddered beneath her ministrations, but still he managed
to resist. He lifted her, his tight grasp biting the tender flesh of her upper

“No, Sage,” he said, drilling her with a resolute
expression. “No.”

Frustration howled through her like a cold, piercing wind. A
panic, unlike anything she’d ever known, swamped her. She needed him. She

A sharp rap on the door echoed through the room. They froze,
a rigid tableau.

Riley responded like a drowning man thrown a line. “C-come

The door opened. Dan’s nostrils flared as he took in the
sight of the two of them standing too close together. He crossed his arms over
his chest. His Adam’s apple worked. “Riley, Do you have a moment?”

“Yes, Dan.” Shit. Was that relief in his voice? “Come on in.
Sage was just leaving.”

She glared at them both, boiling inside. Raw.

Well, hell. Without a word to either of them, she stormed
out of the medic’s office, slamming the door shut behind her.


Disgruntled, hungry and aching, she headed for the kitchen.
It was quiet and empty except for Sanders, one of the pudgy geologists, who was
rooting around in the fridge. Her gaze snapped to him and tracked his every
move. Her mood began to lift.

Balancing a plate of cold cuts and a variety of condiment
bottles, he turned and smiled. “Hey, Green.” He wore a grimy tee shirt and
boxers, for Christ’s sake. His thick glasses sat heavily on his nose, weighing
down his face. He was the definitive science nerd. The last guy she should ever
want to fuck. “Want a sandwich?”

A sudden, unbidden warmth sluiced through her. She was
ravenous, aching. Just not for food. He set the plate on the table and opened
up a loaf of bread. She inspected him with hungry eyes.

God. Had she never seen it before? She stepped closer, as
though in a trance.

“Green?” He glanced up and caught her watching him, noticed
her predatory approach. He licked his upper lip. “Green?”

They were close now. Close enough to feel his heat, feel his
arousal beginning to stir. She riffled his unruly hair, drew a soft, teasing
line down his neck and across his chest. His mouth dropped open. She tugged him
closer. Kissed his neck. Nibbled his earlobe. Ah, the taste of him. She felt it
to her bones.

“Jesus, Green!” he gasped.

His hands settled on her hips. She pushed them higher until
they cupped her breasts. Obligingly, he thumbed her nipples. A now familiar
desire, that hot streak of lightning, shot through her. She rubbed against him
like a cat.

His cock was heavy and hot. It pressed against her clit with
maddening friction.

She couldn’t bear it. Couldn’t wait.

She pushed him to the floor and yanked down his boxers. His
erection sprang free. It was long and thin and the bulbous tip was an angry
purple. She stilled, licked her lips. How she wanted, needed to taste it. She
took him into her mouth and sucked. He flinched and clutched at her hair.

“Easy, Green,” he mumbled but she ignored him.

He filled her mouth, so firm and hot and sweet. His scent
enrobed her. She swirled her tongue over the head and sucked on him again,
harder. He hissed a breath and arched into her mouth. His cock swelled, the way
a cock swells when it is about to burst, so she pulled away. He whimpered a
little and tried to tug her back. But that was no longer what she wanted.

Now she wanted more.

She quickly kicked off her jeans and peeled off her panties.
And she mounted him.

“Oh God,” he cried out as her hot quim lowered onto his rod.

She cried out as well, something snarled and unintelligible
and raw. It felt so good inside her, all the way inside her. She braced herself
on his chest and rode him, back and forth, swirling her pelvis around and back.
Getting it. Getting it everywhere.

He tried to direct the motion but she wouldn’t let him. As
she rode him, something rode her, spurring her on to wilder, more frantic
strokes. His fingers dug into the flesh of her thighs as he held on for dear

“Oh. Please,” he breathed as she undulated, riding him,
fucking him. “Please. Please!”

And then his eyes widened. His entire body stiffened and he

“What is that?” he moaned. “What is that?” He bucked his
hips as though trying to throw her off.

But Sage was determined. She was ravenous. She needed this.
She needed

“No. God. No!” This, with a high-pitched panic. His eyes
rolled back.

Ah. Yes.

Spurts of cum surged into her cunt and a great wash of
delicious delight descended, wrapping her in a cloak of contentment. It
quenched the thirst, banked the fire and filled her completely.

She collapsed onto his chest and enjoyed the afterglow, the
twitches, the spirals of pleasure lingering in her orgasm’s wake.

Then she stood—leaving Sanders lying on the floor, panting
and staring at his cock in shock—and made herself a sandwich.

By the time she finished, the hunger was rising again.

So she went to find Davidson.


She was atop Davidson on the rough floor of his cramped
room, riding him, nearly delusional with hunger and a passion that burned, when
the door slammed open and Kale appeared on the threshold.

“What the fuck?” He kicked the door shut with his heel and
tossed his M16 on the bunk.

“Get lost,” Davidson growled. He tightened his grip,
grinding Sage against his pelvis, writhing beneath her. His breath came in
short pants.

Kale snorted a harsh laugh. “No way. No fucking way.”

Sage ignored Kale—she’d already had him—but she could hear
the rustle of his clothes as he disrobed behind her. She focused on Davidson,
his big cock inside her, the thrills shooting through her as little dribbles of
cum leaked from the engorged tip. She was so intent on him, she swore she could
feel every leaking drop. He was close.

She was close to having it—his cum. In her. She swallowed
the saliva pooling in her mouth, increased her movements. Sweat beaded on her
brow. “Yes. Yes. Yes.”

Kale knelt behind her. She could feel the heat rolling off
his body, smell his musky arousal. It smelled sour. She’d had him.

She looked over her shoulder and snarled, “Get lost.” But
then she stilled. Because she felt something…something astonishing.

It wasn’t Kale’s blunt finger worming its way into her ass
that sent a whole new kind of hunger raining through her body. It was some
squirming restlessness, a new warmth tingling deep in her ass. She shivered
around this incursion, this new exploration. When she clenched her pucker, the
warmth blossomed.

“Oh. Yeah.” She’d had him. But she hadn’t had him there. And
now, suddenly, she wanted him, ached for him. In there. Up there.

She shifted her knees farther apart and levered her ass up
higher so he could delve deeper. He pulled out his finger and she groaned in
protest, but Kale didn’t hesitate. He quickly shoved two fat digits into her.

The fullness made her squirm. It was painful, uncomfortable,
nasty but delicious.

“Move. Move!” Beneath her, Davidson, beginning to panic,
thrust up harshly. Sage squeezed his cock and circled her hips and he
shuddered. “Yeah. Oh God. Yeah.”

She glanced over her shoulder and glared at Kale. “Fuck me,

He laughed. The prick. “You mean, ‘Fuck
asshole,’ don’t
you, bitch?”

Her glare morphed into a growl. “No. I mean
fuck me,
. And do it now.”

His smarmy smile melted away, replaced with a resolute lust.
He yanked his fingers out and quickly hunkered down, angling his cock into
position. He pressed in.

God. He was huge. Huge and hard. The tight ring of her ass
resisted at first but then the tip of his cock pushed through. He invaded her,
sank deep.

They all groaned, all three of them, as the added pressure
tightened everything.

Sage threw her head back and yanked at her nipples. The pain
was exquisite, the pleasure unbearable. Her body was stuffed full of man meat,
hard and slick and digging into her depths, scraping at her every nerve. She
was filled in a way she’d never been filled before.

Kale pulled out and shoved back in again. He wasn’t gentle.
Not slow or tentative. He plowed into her with a powerful passion, nudging her
sanity, prodding the cock weeping on the other side of a thin membrane.
Davidson panted and whimpered and thrust madly against this added weight
holding him down. Sage dropped to his chest and lifted her butt to give Kale
better access. And he used it. He used her.

His cock whipped in and out of her like a piston. And as he
fucked her, a blooming warmth grew and grew until it consumed her. The pressure
of his thrusts, the sucking tension of his withdrawals, pushed her forward and
back, grinding her over Davidson’s rod, fucking him too in a harsh, savage

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