Read Risky Pleasures Online

Authors: McKenna Jeffries and Aliyah Burke

Risky Pleasures (5 page)

BOOK: Risky Pleasures
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It was obvious his question had shocked her, for her eyes grew wide. “No, nothing. Why do you ask?”

“I saw him with his arm around you today.”

She nodded. “Oh, okay. No. I’m not involved with anyone.”

“Would you like to be?”

Her pupils dilated and her nose flared. “As in an exclusive kind of thing?”

“I don’t share well.” Something rose in her gaze that made him tilt his head to the side. “Is something wrong, Delicia?”

“I need to ask you something.”

He grinned as he recalled her last question at the diner. “Ask away.”

“What were you doing in the hospital in Chicago?”

He sighed and his chest tightened. “Arissa told you she saw me, but not why I was there?”

“She said it wasn’t her place to tell me. Can you? Will you?”

He’d always liked Arissa, and her handling of that situation only made his appreciation grow. With a deep breath, he leant forward, resting his elbows on the table. “The night I was in the hospital there, I had just lost my son.”

“Your son?”

He rubbed his hands together and pressed on. “Yes. When I was twenty-two I went to Vegas with some friends. I was stupid and drunk when I married Lacy. I tried to make it work with her but after a while, I realised it never would. So we got divorced about a year after we’d wed. She never told me she was pregnant, not until later.” Bitterness rose swift and sharp. “Years later.”

He stared at his drink briefly then closed his eyes. When he opened them, Delicia was waiting for him, compassion and sorrow overflowing in her gaze. “She contacted me because she wanted money for him. I took the money in person, wanting to meet my son. But I was too late. Lacy had been driving while intoxicated and had gotten into an accident. She survived, Tony didn’t. Arissa was the doctor who worked on Lacy, that’s why she saw me.”

“I’m so sorry, Archer. I…I…”

He waved off her explanation, not wanting to go into it with her right now, preferring instead to have a nice evening. “Not many people know, Delicia. It’s hard, but it’s okay. It’s been two years now.”

The timer went off and she rose to pull the meal out of the oven. The kitchen filled with rich scents and his mouth watered. Delicia walked to his side instead of retaking her seat. He didn’t move when she reached out to touch his face. She smoothed her hands along his features, her eyes holding his.

“I’m so sorry. For everything. I can’t imagine how much pain you’ve gone through.”

Turning his head, he pressed a kiss to her palm. “Thank you.”

“Let’s eat.”

She stepped back and he grabbed her wrist, halting her. Her brown eyes met his and he drew her in slowly, tugging her down for a kiss. He sighed as she allowed him access to her warm mouth. Bringing her to his lap, he gripped her hips and increased the kiss.

Delicia wound her arms around his neck and pressed closer to him, tangling her fingers in his hair. His cock stiffened even more when their tongues danced and she nipped his lightly. He broke the kiss and stared at her.

“You said something about dinner.”

“I did,” she whispered, placing light pecks on his lips. “Are you hungry?”

“More than you could possibly know.”

She rested her forehead against his. “Okay then.”

He could hear the disappointment in her tone. “I don’t want you to think I am just after sex, Delicia.”

“What are you after?”

“You,” he admitted, surprised at how easy it was to tell her that.

She leant back a bit. “Me?”

Moving his hands up and down her back, he said, “Yes.”

Delicia blinked and got off his lap. “I see.”

Archer followed her to the counter and stared at her.
Maybe I moved too fast
. “Delicia?”

She looked at him and smiled. “I just thought about something.”

“What’s that?”

“I’ve not really said anything stupid since you’ve gotten here. Normally I’ve said something that embarrasses the hell out of me.”

He grinned. “I happen to like that.”

“You would.”

“Nice to know there’s something that makes you a bit unsettled.”

“You always have.”

He brushed his lips along the curve of her neck. “Likewise, Delicia.”

She rested against him briefly before turning her attention back to serving them dinner. The meal was relaxed and delicious. Afterwards they relaxed on the couch, popcorn between them and waited for the movie to start. By the end of the show, Delicia was tucked against him, her hand resting against his chest.

He held her close as the credits scrolled, not in any rush whatsoever. She felt so right along his body. Pressing a light kiss to her temple, he felt her sigh.

“What are you doing tomorrow?” he asked.

“Training in the morning then my afternoon n’ evening is clear. Why?”

“I wanted to spend some time with you.”

Delicia moved so her head was in his lap and she stared up at him. “What’d you have in mind?”

A whole lot of you and me with nothing on.
“Nothing specific. Something you’d like to do?”

“Do you like to hike?”


“Want to go hiking?”

After kissing her briefly, he said, “Sounds like a plan to me. Want me to come pick you up or did you want to drive to my house?”

“I can come to your house, that way I don’t keep you waiting for me if I’m running a bit behind.”

“I don’t mind waiting for you, Delicia. But by all means, come to my home. I’d love to have you there.”

“You’re a charmer, Archer Bennett.”

“You think so?” He ran a finger along her cheekbone and around her lips.

“I do.”

Remember those words, Delicia Wright. I plan on hearing them from your lips before a minister one of these days.
He smiled. “I should get going. Thank you for a lovely dinner and for even better company.”

For an answer, she reached up and threaded her fingers into the hair at the base of his neck. Drawing him flush to her lips, she kissed him. Slid her tongue into his mouth and stroked along his. Flames of primal lust rose within him and he growled low in his throat. He dragged one hand down her side, loving her curves, and sank his other into her hair and pressed their mouths tighter.

Her back arched and her breasts met his chest. He took over the kiss and thrust his tongue in and out of her mouth, sweeping through all he could reach. Her mewls made him harder than granite and he wanted nothing more than to strip off their clothing and enjoy her body. He knew she was a powder keg—beneath her calm exterior lingered a raging fire. A fire he would keep for himself.

He broke the kiss with a curse. Her gaze was slightly unfocused as she stared up at him. Sitting up fully, he cupped her face. She swallowed a few times, the pulse on her neck throbbing.

“I have to go, Delicia. I have only so much control.”

She got to her feet and pulled him up. They walked in silence to the door. Before he opened it, he wrapped his arms around her again and waited for her eyes to meet his.

“I’m not leaving because I don’t want you, Delicia. I’m going because I want you without a single doubt in your mind that being with me is what you want. Okay?”

“Goodnight, Archer,” she whispered before pushing up on her toes to brush their lips together.

“Goodnight, Delicia.”

After one more kiss, he left her there then, with a dick that could break rock, he headed home for a cold shower. Standing in the stall, he struggled with the urge to bring himself release.

“No, damn it all. I want her touch. Not mine.”

Archer set his jaw and finished his shower in record time. His erection still pulsed when he climbed into bed. Sleep was a long time in coming and Delicia Wright’s name was on his lips when he awoke the next morning.


* * * *


He paced anxiously, waiting for her to show up. It was three in the afternoon when his doorbell rang. With a deep breath, he walked to the door and pulled it open. A smile lifted his lips when he gazed upon the person on the other side.

Delicia wore black shorts and a light grey T-shirt. Her hair was drawn up in a ponytail and a sparkle in her eyes.

“Hi,” she said.

“Hello, beautiful,” he replied. “Come on in.”

Chapter Four




A thrill went through Delicia at his words.
Breathe, girl, or you won’t get through the date
. She’d enjoyed their kissing, and thoughts of having his naked flesh pressed against hers had filled her all through her training. Although her focus had been scattered, she had pushed on to make sure she got her work out done. Now, as she stood before him, the image of him naked was even sharper.

Delicia turned her attention to his house. She’d driven by where he lived, often on her way to work and her own place. The outer part showed an older home with lots of character and a welcoming air. Flowers indigenous to New Mexico led up to the three steps, then the covered porch that ran the length of the front had some hanging plants. A comfortable looking swing was on one corner of the porch. After she’d entered, she noted that the interior had a welcoming feel and was full of character.

The foyer was small. To her right she glimpsed a kitchen, which had a breakfast nook. Archer led her to the left to a living room. The fabric of the couch, chairs and love seat were done in caramel. On the sofa there was a throw across the back. The centre and end tables on either side of the couch were cut from a rich oak. An Aztec style rug was under the centre table. A large entertainment centre—made from the same wood as the end tables—whose focal point was the big screen TV was on a wall that could be easily seen no matter where you sat. There was a full stereo system with speakers.

Unconsciously, Delicia headed for the wall farthest from the door they had entered. When she stood before the floor to ceiling bookcase, which was built into the entire wall, she studied the titles on the shelves. A smile curled her lips as she noted they were in a variety of topics. She went to the ladder glancing up then moved it, noting it was attached and moved along some sort of rail at the top of the bookcase.

“Oh my, this is awesome. I always wanted one like this,” Delicia mumbled as she climbed the steps.

“Me too. That’s why I had it built. Have one in my bedroom too.”

Delicia stopped, startled and looked at Archer. “Oh…sorry I was so taken by it that I just—”

He cut her off. “No problem. Feel free to check any place in my home. I want you to be comfortable here. Think of it as yours, too. Come down a sec.”

Delicia wasn’t sure what to make of his statement. She did as he asked.

“To save space, I usually keep the smaller ladder down. Let me change that. Step back a few steps.” Archer moved forward then pressed a button she hadn’t noticed.

The ladder she had climbed slid up then seemed to fold right at the top of the bookcase leaving behind a decorative design. She returned her gaze to Archer. He had a small smug smile on his face.

“Watch.” He pressed another button.

Delicia looked up. A shape started to unfold from just below another design. It came down and rested just next to Archer.

“No way.” Awed, Delicia ran her hand over the ladder with handrails.

This ladder was wide enough to fit two or more people comfortably next to each other. The steps were also larger, and could fit a box on, if you had to unpack some books. She pushed it and it rolled along a mechanism near the ceiling. Delicia turned to Archer. He smirked.

“Who did this for you? And hell, can they make me one too? You said you have one in your bedroom too?”

“I designed the bookcases I wanted and then talked it over with my buddy Harmon McCurdy. And we built them together. The ladder gizmo was a pain to get right, but we did, and this is the result.”

Delicia frowned. “Harmon? Didn’t he play football with you in high school? I think he made Katiya’s desk set at The Oasis.” Delicia remembered the big bruiser of a linebacker. He was intimidating as hell.

“Yeah, that’s him. He’s a furniture maker. The things he can do with a piece of wood are artistic. He made most of the pieces in the house. I help him out once in a while. It’s an interesting process, going from wood to a finished product.” Archer was studying the bookcase.

Delicia was impressed, Archer was turning out to be a surprise. She went up the ladder and Archer joined her, pointing out some of his favourite books. Some of them were similar to her own tastes. After a bit they got down and he showed her the bookcase in his bedroom—it was almost identical to the one in the living room. Reaching for a book, Delicia again marvelled at the variety of topics.

“Delicia. We need to go.” Archer’s voice sounded strangled.

Delicia glanced back, confused. His gaze was lowered, but when he raised his head, the heat in his gaze made her body clench. Delicia put back the book and turned to face him, stepping down to press her body against his and Archer groaned. Delicia raised on her toes and closed her mouth over his. He gripped her waist and she kissed him thoroughly. Archer duelled his tongue with hers, then he withdrew, a harsh sound escaping him. He breathed deeply.

“We can’t, Delicia.”

Delicia flushed and pulled back. She lowered her head, but with blunt fingers, he tipped up her chin until their gazes met.

“It’s not that I don’t want to, but I want more than a roll in the sack. I want you all in with this. Sure of going long-term.” Archer sounded very certain.

Delicia wasn’t sure what to say to that. He kissed her gently then released her.

“Think about it. And once you know, tell me. Until then, let’s do some hiking.” Archer went down the steps then held out his hand for her.

Delicia let him help her off the ladder then they went out of the bedroom door, crossing the hall to the front door. She waited as Archer locked up, then headed for her Jeep.

Once they were inside, Delicia said, “I was thinking of going to the Kellava but with the time it’s too late for that. We can go to the Felilta Canyon and take one of the easy trails to see some of the petroglyphs.”

BOOK: Risky Pleasures
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