Rock Your Body: A BWWM Romance (20 page)

BOOK: Rock Your Body: A BWWM Romance
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Tamra didn’t move, waiting for Colin to make a move.


Colin relived that moment when he saw Tamra in handcuffs. He’d seen red. Why were they manhandling his woman? That was his thought.

He wasn’t afraid of that thought, but dammit she might be. Tamra might not consider herself his woman, but he was going to make sure she knew that she was. Or at least that he wanted her to be.

He strode around the island, then tugged her off her stool. He put his hand in her hair and kissed her so she knew he meant it. His lips tingled and hoped hers did, too. The he put his hands under her butt, lifting her off of her feet. He set her on the counter, next to the sink and settled himself between her legs.

He nipped down her chest, his hands tugging off her shirt. If she resisted, he’d stop, but it would pain him to do that. He slid her off the counter then undid her pants. Her hands were on his shoulder as he slid her pants and panties down her legs and off. He scooped her up again, planting her butt back down on the counter.

She tugged at his belt and he took over, undoing his pants, and shoving them off of his legs. His erection jutted out and she took it in her hands. His eyes fell closed.


Her hands stilled on his dick. He put her hands on his shoulder, putting his hand on the counter, with her leg over his elbow she he could get to her. He rubbed his other thumb over her clit. He was rewarded with her nails digging into his arm. She was so wet.

He slid himself into her, enjoying
surrounded. He needed this and was glad she would oblige. He put one hand behind her butt and began his rhythm. Not a hard one, but not a sweet one either.

He wanted her to know she was his. No one else could do this. He slammed into her with increasing speed and fury. Her head fell back and she gritted her teeth. A high, keening sound came out of her as her vagina clenched around him.

That set off his orgasm and he pistoned into her until the release hit him so hard, he almost couldn’t stand. His breath hitched and his chest heaved as he finished putting his seed into her.

Her breath came out in bursts. She still clung to him.

He hoped he hadn’t hurt her.

“What the fuck was that?” she said.

“That was me letting you know you’re mine.”


“Because when that cop had his hands on you, I wanted to shoot him. I’ve never felt that possessive of anyone before in my life.”


Tamra finally caught her breath. That had been mind-blowing. Truly remarkable. He’d been hard, but not angry. Not gentle at all, but he’d accommodated her when she’d needed hot monkey sex.

He stepped back from her. “Did I hurt you?”

“No, that was pretty incredible.”

“You sure?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. Better than fine.”

He handed her clothes to her. He stood there naked watching her. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. I’m a big girl.”

He shook his head. “No. I could have hurt you.”

She reached out and put a hand on his face. “You didn’t.”

He nodded, frowned then pulled on his pants. “I need a shower.”

He left without zipping up his pants, leaving a bewildered Tamra standing there. She dressed, but stared at the doorway. Not one to just let things go, she followed him upstairs. He was naked standing outside the shower.


She poked him.

He put a hand where she had touched him. “What?”

“Don’t apologize.”

“I could have hurt you, Tamra.”

“I would have stopped you. Remember, I can take you out? I’m not some shrinking violet. You can’t do anything to me that I won’t let you.”

“I weigh more than you.”

“Doesn’t matter. I’m well-trained. I am a freaking bodyguard for a living.”

She didn’t know why she was so pissed, but his apology had rubbed her the wrong way.

He reached out to her, but she had him on his back a second later. He looked up at her. “Okay, point taken.”

She helped him up. “Don’t forget it.”

She walked out. She heard him laughing, but chose not to rise to the bait. He’d already pissed her off once. By the time she reached the kitchen, she was calm. Roger had returned with the pizza and was munching on a slice.

“I wasn’t sure how long you guys would be.”

Tamra laughed then grabbed herself a slice.


Kelly had changed her outfit twice. She wasn’t sure what she should wear to tour the city. Comfortable shoes were a must, but beyond that, she didn’t know.  She was nervous and part of her wished Sophie was there to advise her.

She settled on a cotton sweater and jeans. She knew she had to get to the train station soon. Larry would be waiting for her at Penn Station and she didn’t want to be late.

The train ride was uneventful and Larry was where he said he’d be. He kissed her on the cheek. “You look beautiful.”

“Thanks. What are we doing first?”

“You’ll see. You up for a walk?”


“How was your trip in?”

“Fine. I don’t take the train very often, so it’s better than I remembered,” Kelly said.

“You don’t come into the city much?”

He took her hand and tucked it into his arm. The gesture warmed her.

“No, I’m not a city girl. I
ove the country.”

“Guess I better figure out how to like the country.”

She let the statement go. She didn’t want to have a serious conversation. “No hints on our first destination?”

“It’s a place not many have seen in a while, but I have a friend who is getting us in.”

“Now I’m excited. Something exclusive. You really took my terms to heart.”

“I did. It was kind of fun calling in favors.”

“Now you owe a lot of people,” Kelly said.

He shrugged. “Just part of doing business in this city.”

They walked in silence until they arrived at Rockefeller Center. “I’ve been here before.”

“But not in this part.” Larry shook hands with a man in the lobby. “This is Jake. He’s taking us up to the roof.”

The elevator ride took a few minutes. Then Larry led Kelly to the rooftop gardens. They were beautiful and she had a great view of the city.


“These closed in the 1980s. They

re kept up, but no one gets to see them,” Larry said.

She twirled around not sure what to look at first. “I’m impressed.”

Larry smiled. “I’d love to have dinner up here.”

“It would be romantic.”

“That would have been pushing it. As it is, we’re not supposed to be up here, but Jake’s a real estate agent who has access to all sorts of places.”

“Okay. This was cool. What’s next?”


Colin slept late and was happy that Tamra was still in bed when he woke up just after lunch on Saturday. She was reading her Kindle, the pillows propped up behind her. He smiled at the sight of her.

In his house, well the one he was living in for a little while. In his bed. Naked, even.

She was reading intently, her tongue sticking out a little bit. He wondered how long she’d been awake and did she often just stay in bed.


She looked his way, a small smile on her face. “This is the laziest Saturday I have ever had.”

He shifted onto his side to look at her. He stacked his hands under his head. She was beautiful. Such clear skin and those eyes that he could get lost in. She’d stayed up with him part of the night, then they’d made love before they fell asleep.

He’d enjoyed every minute of it. He wanted to enjoy the whole day, now, too. He had to figure out what they could do.

“What do you normally do on a Saturday?”

“Laundry, which I do need to do, but the pile isn’t very big since I don’t have many clothes yet.”

“What else?”

“Food shopping.”

“You really live life on the edge.”

“Not all of us have staff to do all of these things,” Tamra said.

“Hey, I do my own laundry.”

“Can I throw mine in with yours?”

“I’ll wash your clothes. I get to put my hands on your underwear,” Colin said, wiggling his eyebrows.

“Speaking of which I need some new stuff.”

He smiled. “A trip to Victoria’s Secret?”

Tamra laughed. “The secret is that normal sized women do not fit into that stuff.”

He lifted up the sheet and perused her body. “I think you’d fit. Come one. Let’s have some fun. Why not have fun underwear?”

“Do you have fun underwear?”

“I’ll tell you that I have some fun boxers.”

“If you say so.”

He hopped out of bed. “I’ll model them.” He pulled open a drawer in his dresser, then slipped on a pair of his favorite boxers. “These are my lucky ones.”

She put down her Kindle and laughed. “SpongeBob?”

“Yep.” He slid those off of his body then put on another pair. He strutted across the bedroom, then turned like he was on a runway. Tamra laughed and clapped. He’d never seen her so happy.

“What’s the pattern on those?”



“Yes, I like amphibians.”

“Do you have seasonal ones?”

“Yes, just not with me. I have Halloween, Christmas and Easter.”

“How festive.”

“See, underwear can be fun,” he said.

“Yes it can, but I don’t want to go to the mall with you. Nothing personal.”

“Oh right. That might not be a good idea. I’ll call them and have them bring stuff here.”

“You’ll call Victoria’s Secret and have them come here.”

“The local store doesn’t know me. If we were at my penthouse, that local store would come,” he said.

She shook her head in disbelief. “A whole different world, but moving out to your penthouse wouldn’t be a bad idea. Until you find a new house.”

“Then let’s do it. If you think I’ll be safe there.”

“Yes, I do.”

“Breakfast, then packing.”




Tamra had enjoyed the fashion show and his energy was intoxicating. He made her breakfast while he made arrangements for his car to go back to its garage. He never brought it into the city.

He had Roger stock his penthouse for a few days. The whole process made her head spin. She was used to doing everything herself. Colin was used to delegating. He had someone to do everything. Tamra wasn’t sure she could deal with that loss of independence.

Then again, maybe there was so much to his lifestyle that he needed others to do the mundane tasks.

They’d showered after breakfast, after making love again.

they drove to Manhattan to stay at his penthouse since that had the best security. Larry was still looking for a house with a recording studio.

“What do you do when you’re in Manhattan?” Tamra asked.

“Well, I actually can walk around freely. Sometimes a tourist will stop me, but New Yorkers see people all the time. They are not impressed.”

“That must be nice for a change.”

“Odd, the first time I realized that, but then I found it refreshing,” Colin said.

His cousin was driving them again and she’d found in her encounters with him that he was a man of few words. She respected that, but part of her wanted to ask questions. It was in her nature.

He dropped them off at the front door of Colin’s building. The noise was what got to Tamra. So much noise, though she didn’t hear it from his penthouse the last time. She liked to be able to open a window.

There stood Carie. As if she’d been waiting for them. At least for Colin. She ignored Tamra.

What did Colin know about Carie? Tamra hadn’t found much out. Her record was clean, but how did she know that Colin would be here? Only Roger, Kelly and Larry knew. Tamra trusted all of them.

Maybe it was just coincidence?

“Hey, Carie.”

“Hi Colin.”

The girl twirled some of her hair between her fingers. Tamra wanted to roll her eyes. She wanted Colin off the street.


Colin stopped in front of his fan. “What’s the good word, Carie?”

“Well, your fans are looking forward to another album and your tour.”

“Good to know.”

“I have a favor to ask.”


Tamra stood behind him, looking at all the passersby, wishing they could move this along.

“There’s this kid in my school who has cancer and we want to do a benefit for him. Do you think you’d be able to perform?”

Was this girl asking him that? That took balls.

“Do you have a date? I’ll have to clear it with a few people, but I think I can make an appearance,” Colin said.

Colin should not have agreed to it. Tamra would need time to secure the area.  “How about we have Colin’s assistant get in touch with you.”

Carie glared at Tamra. Colin glanced back at her, but his expression was unreadable. “Tamra’s got a point. Roger has a way to contact you, right?”

Carie frowned. “Yes, he does. Hopefully we can work something out.”

Tamra knew that if Carie could have smacked her she would have.


The door closed on the elevator before Colin spoke. “I need to keep a good relationship with Carie. She is a conduit to my fans.”

“I don’t trust her.”


“Yes, I don’t trust her. Bad vibe and you can tell she doesn’t like me.”


“You didn’t see the look she gave me when your back was turned.”

“I’m sure you did a search on her.”

“I did and came up with nothing.”

“Then let it go. She’s harmless,” Colin said.

“Not so sure, but don’t listen to me. I’m just your bodyguard.”

He leaned in and kissed her cheek. “You are way more than a bodyguard. I’ll be careful.”

“And that benefit? I’ll need time to secure the venue.”

“It’s probably a high school. What could go wrong?”


The elevator doors opened. Roger waited for them.

“Sometimes, Roger, I think you have magical powers to be so many places we need you,” Tamra said.

“Oh, I do, honey.”

Tamra laughed. She left.

“Let’s go into my Office,” said Colin.

“Sure thing, boss.”

Colin settled behind his desk. His mind was still on his encounter with Carie. Was Tamra just being jealous? She had no reason to be. Carie was not a threat. To any part of Colin’s life. “I ran into Carie.”


“She wants to do a benefit concert for a kid at the school where she teaches.  Can you contact her for more information?”


He tapped that into his phone.

“Then make sure all my stuff gets packed from that house,” Colin said.

“Have you found a new place?”

“Not yet and I’m itching to get recording. I’ve been writing like mad for the album after that.”

“I’m sure you are.”


“Whenever you fall in love you are your most creative. If we could just keep you in that state all the time you’d never run out of songs.”

Colin chuckled. “Really? I never noticed.”

“Seriously? Look at the timing of all of your albums”

He’d never thought about it. “Okay if you say so, but I feel more creative than usual, like I need another outlet for my creativity.”

“You might need another assistant.”


“Because I can barely juggle your schedule now. You have the final meeting with the fragrance company Monday. The launch won’t be for six months, but there’s the publicity leading up to it. Then your new album. The tour that goes with it. Plus your clothing line.”

“That reminds me. Tamra’s clothes. They might be delivered to the house instead of here.”

“See what I mean? Even you can’t keep track.”


Tamra stood outside Colin’s office. She didn’t mean to eavesdrop so she knocked on the doorframe. “Sounds like a full schedule.”

“I gave you most of the next week already.”

“Do you have the tour dates?”

“Yes, and the venues,” Roger said. “You don’t think this will be resolved by then?”

“Not sure,” she said.

She wasn’t. She was just keeping her head above water protecting him. She needed to find out who this person was.

“No?” Roger said.

“No, I’m no closer to figuring it out. I’m wondering if now that we’re here, the person will show themselves more. I don’t want to risk Colin, but we need to flush out this person. I’m feeling helpless waiting for them to make a move.”

“Do you even understand their motivation?” Colin said.

“No. That bothers me. If I could figure out what the person’s trigger is I could flaunt it and bring them out into the light.”

“Then you’d be able to deal with them,” Roger said.

“Yes, I’m confident that once I know who they are, that I can take care of them,” she said.

“So let’s go walk around New York,” Colin said.

“Not a good idea.”

“I agree with Tamra.”

“I’m not being held hostage by a coward. You need to shop for some things, let’s go.”

He stood as if they could just go right now. As if it was all that easy.

“I don’t like this.”

“Come on, Tamra. What can happen on the streets of New York?”

Tamra laughed sardonically. “Anything.”


“You want to walk some more? The next stop is a few blocks away at Columbia University,” Larry said.

“Let’s walk. It’s a nice day,” Kelly said.

She was enjoying Larry’s company. He was more relaxed when he wasn’t working. He’d turned off his phone for her and she admired that. She couldn’t, not with Tamra in Manhattan.

Her phone buzzed. She looked at it.

“Who is it?”

“Tamra. They are going to be out and about in Manhattan today.” She scratched her chin. “I may have to call her. Not sure I like that idea, but they want to know if we want to come for dinner to Colin’s penthouse.”

“I didn’t have anything specific planned, so why not?”

“Okay. I’ll text her back. She’s going to text me their locations.”

“I can’t imagine Colin wants to stay locked in his penthouse. He’s go too much energy for that.”

She tucked her phone back into her pocket after sending Tamra a text. “I wonder if she’s trying to flush this stalker out.”

“Is that a good idea?”

“Not without backup, but I trust Tamra. She knows what she’s doing.”

They finished the rest of the trip in a companionable silence. Then Larry showed her some tunnels underneath the campus of Columbia University.

“Wow. Those are pretty cool. Probably nice on a wintry day to take these from building to building.”

“Yes because the wind whips its way between the buildings in the winter,” Larry said.

“This is fun,” Kelly said.

“The next walk is longer, so we could get a cab if you want?”

“How long a walk?”

“Thirty minutes or more.”

“Let’s walk. I’m really enjoying this day. And no calls from my daughter.”

“Amazing. I’m sure your ex can handle whatever comes up.”

“I hope so. We had a great talk the other day and we agreed to always communicate about Sophie.”

He held out his arm again and she took it as they walked. They chatted some more and Larry asked a lot of questions about her daughter. “Will I get to spend any time with her?”

“It’s takes a while before I let anyone into that part of my life.”

“Fair enough. Do I have to pass muster with your ex?”

“No, we rely on each other to make those decisions. When the time comes you’ll meet her. I’m just really cautious. And she’s got the whole wanting to be a star thing.”


“Yes, she wants to sing for you,” Kelly said.

“I see. She wouldn’t be the first.”

“I know, but let’s stave that off for now” ***

Tamra had never gone shopping with a man in her life. She certainly had never gone bra shopping with a man before. Nor had she ever shopped in Victoria’s Secret.

To say she was out of her comfort zone would be an understatement. They were in a private room in the back. If she were a betting woman, she’d bet that the average customer never saw this room. It had a chair for Colin and a dressing room for her to put on the bras.

Colin had insisted that she model them. The first one was a deep purple and she had to admit that it was comfortable. She just didn’t feel comfortable showing Colin.

She knew it all made no sense. He’d seen her naked and had his face in some of her most intimate parts, but in the light of day with someone else there, it all seemed so odd. She took a deep breath and strode out of the dressing room.

Colin’s whistle should have put her at ease. She looked at herself in the mirror and she liked what she saw. She’d never considered herself vain, but she did like what she saw.

“That looks great on you,” Colin said.

His smile was appreciative. As if he enjoyed the female form. Well he’d clearly enjoyed her female form. She was having more sex than she’d ever had in any relationship.

He had boundless energy. Even more stamina at times.

“I’ll take it,” she said.

“It comes in three colors, blue, purple and black,” the saleswoman said.

“Okay, I’ll take them all. That should be enough to get me started,” she said.

Colin was going to take out his credit card and she didn’t want him to pay for this. She was a big girl who could pay her own way. By the time she’d dressed, he’d paid for them. He had the bag and was ready to go.

“I have Roger tracking down those clothes you ordered. He said they should be delivered to the penthouse later today.”

“All of them?”

“Yes. The woman had your size in stock. Nothing had to be ordered.”

He put a hand on her back as he guided her out of the store, then took her hand once they were out on the sidewalk.  “Kelly and Larry can come for dinner. What time should I tell them?”



She texted that to Kelly then looked up to see someone stop in front of Colin. Must have been a tourist.

“Oh, my God. It’s Colin Brennan.”

Tamra looked around to see if this fan was drawing anyone’s attention. No one seemed to notice and she thanked the aloofness of New Yorkers.

“Hi,” Colin said, charming as ever.

“Can we take a selfie? I can’t believe this.”

BOOK: Rock Your Body: A BWWM Romance
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