Rough Draft: Big Easy (5 page)

BOOK: Rough Draft: Big Easy
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The Dom stopped in front of Carissa.

“Get on your knees,” he demanded.

Carissa’s spine straightened. No doubt she knew her rights. The man wasn’t her Dom and she certainly didn’t have to obey him.

However, Jett had witnessed his wildcat tossing more than a few rowdy drunks out of her bar in his lifetime. He decided to step in and guide her through her fantasy. What worked in the Royal Lunch was not going to work in this dungeon.

Jett was behind her in less than two seconds. He wrapped his arms around her waist, gripping her tightly. “There you are, my love. Standing just as I told you to. You’re such a pretty sub.”

Carissa stiffened, but didn’t try to escape his hold. She started to turn, but Jett grasped her hair, forcing her to face forward. He’d purposely deepened his voice, not wanting her to know it was him. She hadn’t mentioned her interest in the dungeon or told Jett she was planning to leave their room, which indicated she’d come here looking for a dalliance with a stranger. He planned to give her that…sort of. She’d definitely be playing tonight. But she’d be doing it with him.

“This is your sub?” The other Dom studied him, suspicion on his face.

Jett tried to keep his fury toward the obnoxious man at bay, but it was difficult. He had no respect for men who were more bully than Dom. “She is.”

“She’s disrespectful. She didn’t lower her eyes when I spoke and she didn’t obey my command.”

Jett didn’t respond. Instead he leveled a stare at the man that would leave no sensible, intelligent person in doubt of his anger. It was lost on the idiot in front of him, who failed to back down.

“She doesn’t have to respond to jackasses,” Jett said at last.

“Who are you calling a jackass? Your sub is badly behaved. All I’m saying is I’d be more than happy to help you punish the bitch.”

The man was clueless about dungeon etiquette. If he continued behaving this way, Roan would kick the man out on his ass.

Carissa pressed closer to Jett in an attempt to get away from the bastard. He held her tighter, his protective instincts on red-alert. “I don’t intend to punish her.”

The man leered at Carissa, viewing her like a juicy steak. “That’s a shame. I’d like to see how she responds to the whip. Bet she takes it like a bitch in heat.”

The man’s comments and unsavory ogling sickened Jett. Carissa started to turn away, but Jett held her in place. It was important they keep up the appearance of Dom and sub, even though he wanted to pull her against his chest, shielding her from everyone in the room. She was his.

From now on, she would always be his.

But he needed to proceed with caution. And he needed to get them the hell away from this man before the asshole scared Carissa so badly she left.

“If you’ll excuse us.” Jett waited for the man to step aside.

He didn’t.

“Is everything okay here?” Jett glanced over his shoulder to find Roan standing just behind him. “Master Gregory?”

Clearly another dungeon master had alerted Roan to the scene unfolding.

Gregory scowled, shooting a look at Jett that screamed retribution. He started to drag the sub roughly, causing her to wince in pain. Roan stopped him. Reaching down, Roan helped the poor woman to her feet, lifting her mask to reveal blue eyes filled with tears. Jett could see blood welling from fresh scrapes on her knees from Gregory’s strong pull.

Gregory blanched. “That was an accident.”

Blood was a red flag in a place like this.

Roan looked at Jett, who still held Carissa in his arms. “I’ll entrust the lovely Carissa to you.” Obviously, Roan could tell how much Gregory’s actions had upset her. “She’s new to this scene.” The words were a warning for Jett, but he didn’t need them. All they did was confirm his suspicions. Carissa was a novice. The idea of teaching her the beauty of submission took his cock from half-mast to rock-hard instantly.

“I could have taught her a few things.”

Gregory needed a lesson in keeping his mouth shut. Jett wished for the opportunity to teach the son of a bitch a thing or two about it. Gregory better hope they didn’t run into each other on the beach.

Roan’s eyes darkened and Jett realized any punishment he might mete out would pale in comparison to what Roan would deliver. Roan put a supportive arm around Gregory’s sub, helping the limping woman walk to his office. Gregory followed behind, but not before he sent one last unsavory leer in Carissa’s direction. “The island’s not that big. We’ll see each other again.” The softly spoken words were laced with a threat, yet rather than scare Carissa, Jett felt that same stiffening of her spine that indicated she wasn’t afraid. She wouldn’t back down.

Gregory was picking on the wrong girl. Not only because Jett would kill any man who tried to hurt her, but because Carissa packed a powerful punch on her own.

“Thank you.” She started to step away from him, but he refused to relinquish his grip. She struggled slightly. “You can let go of me now.”


His simple response seemed to confuse her. “I don’t understand.”

It was time to wipe away the unpleasant scene they’d just endured with seduction. “Why are you here, Carissa?”

She stopped trying to break free of his grip. She tried to turn her head once more, but Jett merely tightened his grip in her hair. The tug on her tresses had another, more sensual effect, however. Her voice was breathless when she asked, “What do you mean?”

“Roan said you were new. What brought you to the dungeon? What are you looking for?”

She laughed softly. “Shouldn’t that be obvious? Sex.”

“You’re a beautiful woman. I hardly think it would be difficult for you to find a man to share your bed. You don’t need this dungeon for that.”

“You’re right. I don’t. I want more.”

Jett loved her honesty. Loosening his grip, he stroked her hair lightly before closing his fingers again tightly. He applied more pressure, enjoying her heated response to the pain.

Carissa moaned quietly, then asked, “Who are you?”

“My name doesn’t matter. You’ll call me Sir.”

She shivered at the title. Jett fought to restrain a grin.

“Answer my question, my love. Why are you here?”

She took her time, choosing her words carefully. Jett had always respected Carissa’s cautious nature, the way she thought before speaking or acting.

“I want to see if…I think I might be…”

She struggled with the word. Jett wasn’t surprised. Carissa was too independent to release her grip on the reins for long.


She released a breath. “Yes, but I think it will be hard for me to…I mean…I don’t think I’ll submit easily.”

He chuckled. “I like a challenge.”

Carissa stiffened at the sound of his laughter. “Do I know you?”

He’d nearly revealed himself. Until he convinced her he was the right man to indulge her fantasy, he couldn’t let her know it was him. Carissa would never risk their friendship on what she would think was just sex. He deepened his voice once more. “No.”

She didn’t seem convinced, but mercifully she let it slide. “I can’t let a man drag me around on a leash.”

Jett grimaced. The asshole
scared her, given her a bad impression of what it meant to submit. “I don’t drag women around.”

“He was cruel to her.”

Jett wanted to go find Gregory and beat the shit out of the man. “The only pain I give would bring you pleasure.”

“Even if I did something wrong? I’ve never done this before. I don’t know how—”

“I would like to teach you. How long are you staying at Eden?”

“A week.”

“Give me the week. Promise to be my submissive and I’ll show you exactly how incredible it can be to put yourself in the hands of a man whose only goal is to give you as many orgasms as you can stand.”

She laughed. “Orgasms sound nice.”

Carissa wasn’t shy about asking for what she wanted. It was a refreshing change, given his last few girlfriends, who preferred to play games and make him guess what they wanted.

“Should we start your lessons?”


Carissa’s courage was faltering in the face of making her fantasy a reality.

Jett lifted the hand wrapped around her waist to her breast. Cupping it, he pressed firmly, applying pressure until he heard her gasp.


Carissa didn’t protest or resist when Jett placed his hands on her hips and slowly pushed her forward.

“Where are we going?”

Jett didn’t bother to respond, just continued to move them across the room. While there were many public areas where couples who enjoyed exhibitionism could play in front of an audience, Jett suspected Carissa wasn’t ready for that. She was questioning her ability to submit, so he would have to guide her along the path slowly.

He had the perfect place in mind. He had spotted it when Roan had given him the tour. When they reached the private, curtained area, Jett directed her inside then bid her to kneel on the spanking bench. It was one of Roan’s designs, with black leather padding covering the two levels. Carissa’s knees would be cushioned on the lower bench, her upper body draped over the higher surface, which tilted slightly so that her head would be lower than her hips. It would leave her ass raised, vulnerable. There were straps attached to the four corners.

Carissa hesitated, studying the bench. He was pleased that, while she was excited and curious, her sense of self-preservation was firmly in place.

“Are you going to tie me up?”

“Do you want me to?”

She started to shrug, but he wasn’t willing to let her off easy. This night would only succeed if she were honest about her desires, her needs.

“Yes or no.”

“Yes, but—”

“But nothing. You said yes. Kneel.”

She lowered herself to the padded bench, offering no resistance as he pressed on her back until her stomach was flat against the surface, her arms dangling toward the floor. Once she was crouched over the bench, he moved closer, brushing her ass with his crotch, letting her feel his erection.

Her hands hung loose, though she clenched her fingers tightly around the front legs of the bench. He considered using the straps to secure her, and then decided against it. Jett understood the psychology of BDSM well enough to realize there were other ways to make Carissa feel captured.

He bent over her, pressing his chest against her back, caging her beneath him. She tried to lift up—the response an instinctual one—to test her ability to escape. He prevented her movement, putting more of his weight on her.

Carissa stilled, but he felt the stiffness in her posture when he lifted the mask from her face.

“Relax,” he whispered.

She snorted softly. “Yeah right.”

“The correct response is ‘Yes, Sir’.”

Her right cheek rested against the leather and she licked her lips nervously. “Yes, Sir.” He saw her struggling to use her peripheral vision to see his face, but the mask and near darkness of the curtained area protected his anonymity.

“I’m going to list some things. Your only responses are yes or no. Understand?”

She nodded. Then quickly added, “Yes…Sir”

Jett decided to start easy, tackling something they’d already discussed. “Bondage.”




Her answers were immediate, letting Jett know she had indeed been fantasizing about this.


This time her response took longer.


He heard the question in her voice, but he let it go.




“Shit,” she muttered.

Jett tried not to laugh. “That’s not an answer.”

“Yes, dammit.”

“Threesome.” Jett wasn’t sure why he’d added that to his list. It certainly wasn’t something he’d ever seriously considered trying himself, even though his brother, Justin, found sharing the woman he loved hot. Carissa had remarked once how cool she thought Justin’s relationship with Bella and Ned was. Jett hadn’t thought much of it at the time, but now that he was looking at Carissa and thinking girlfriend, he wondered just how interested she was.

Carissa shook her head. “No. I don’t think so. I’m not very good at sharing.”

For a moment, Jett considered bending down to place a kiss on Carissa’s cheek. However, he feared that would be too familiar, would give him away.

Instead, he continued his list. “Nipple clamps.”


“Role play.”

“This is kind of a long list. I’m only here for one week.”

This time, he did chuckle. She was too adorable, too funny. She also didn’t realize they had much longer than one week. Forever was starting to sound feasible.

“Answer my question or I’ll spank you. You failed to respond correctly to most of these. Role play.”


“Good girl. Now. Tell me your dirtiest fantasy.”

She hesitated. “I…I—”

“This will only work if you’re completely honest about what you want. As you said, our time is limited.”


Though her response was short and succinct, it fired off a million kinky scenes in Jett’s mind as he considered all the ways he’d like to capture her. Claim her. Take her.

He pressed his lips to her ear and whispered his own single word. “Yes.”

With that, he pushed up, pulling her hands as he went, clasping them behind her back. “Your safe word is red. Say that and I’ll stop whatever it is I’m doing and we’ll talk about it. Understand?”


“Yes what?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Good.” He’d taken a pair of handcuffs from the toy room after signing in with Roan. Pulling them from his back pocket, he slipped them around Carissa’s wrists. She startled and started to rise, but he placed a firm hand on her upper back. “Don’t move.”

She’d obviously expected him to employ the straps on the bench. He liked keeping her off balance, always wondering what was coming next by not being predictable. She was captive to him and his desires.

He’d sensed her beginning to relax as they spoke. Jett had hoped that by talking a bit she would start to feel more comfortable. Now, with one click of the cuffs, he’d taken that comfort away, keeping her on her toes, wondering what would come next. The fear and excitement of the unknown would only continue to build her arousal.

BOOK: Rough Draft: Big Easy
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