Read Royal's Untouched Love Online

Authors: Sophia Lynn

Royal's Untouched Love (7 page)

BOOK: Royal's Untouched Love
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He lay down on his belly between her legs, his face pressed against her lean stomach. She giggled a little when he started to kiss the soft skin of her abdomen, running his tongue over her pale skin, dipping it lightly into the oddly sensitive cup of her navel. She could feel the strength and power of his body leaned against her spread legs. Without thinking of what she was doing, she squeezed her legs around him, dragging him closer as he groaned softly.

Undaunted, however, he kissed his way up her body, coming up to lavish similar attention on her nipples. He tugged at one lightly with his fingers while lapping at the other. Heidi had never thought that her breasts were sensitive before, but now she realized that they were, delightfully so.

Then Jaque dragged his lips up over her collarbones to start kissing her neck, and that was when she realized she would give anything for this man to keep touching her forever. She gave in to him completely, arching her neck so that he could use his lips, his teeth, and his tongue to send sparks of pleasure running through her entire body.

Finally, when Jaque pulled back to kiss her mouth again, she was starving for him. She tangled her fingers through his thick, dark hair, dragging him close so that she could press her tongue against his. It was a darkly velvet sensation, one that made her heart beat faster.

All of her fear was gone. Her lack of experience, her feeling of general shabbiness, all of it fell away under the warmth of his body, and the pleasure he was giving her. She knew she was rising up to press herself against him, but it felt so good that she didn't care.

She thought that he was going to drive her crazy with his skilled touches, but then he pulled away. Heidi made a sound of protest, but he stroked her hair comfortingly.

"I should just remember something before passion carries us away, and we forget …"

He reached one long muscular arm over to the antique nightstand, where he found a condom. She watched, wide eyed, as he tore the foil packet open and sheathed his thick member, now fully erect, in latex. She had never thought that a man putting on a condom could be such a turn on, but there it was.

Heidi was so busy watching him that she was quite startled when he came back to pull her up and roll himself down onto his back. In a matter of heartbeats, she found herself straddling his thighs, his cock just a few inches from her most secret place.

She knew that her face was blushing with heat when he drew his thumb across her clit. At his first touch, she gasped, and then she couldn't help rocking against him. Steadying herself with her hands on his chest, she rocked herself against his pleasurable touch, rivers of fire running along her thighs and through her lower belly.

When she felt his fingers shift lower, probing at her entrance, she cried out. Would he find out now …?

He only touched her lightly there, however, just enough to ascertain how wet she was. When he pulled back his fingers, he smiled at how they gleamed in the low light before pressing those fingers in his mouth. The frank sensuality of the motion made her groan, and he smiled up at her, as wicked as the devil himself.

"You're ready, I think. I want to see you, is that all right?"

Heidi supposed that it would make it simpler, at least. Biting her lip in what she hoped passed for passion, she shifted forward until the tip of his erection was poised at her entrance. Heidi rocked herself there for a moment, bringing that pleasure out even more strongly. She could feel him tense underneath her, his hands tight on her hips. She knew that he wanted to drive up into her, but he was letting her be in control.

Heidi pressed herself downwards slowly and cautiously, making Jaque groan with pleasure. She slid herself down until she could feel a … not a pain, but an increase in pleasure, a slight tightness. She took a deep breath, drawing herself back up slightly.

Jaque seemed to figure out something was strange right before she lowered herself. She had a glimpse of his eyes going wide, of his hands tightening a bit on her hips, but it wasn't enough to stop her.

With a gasp at the intense sensation, she pressed herself down on top of Jaque's cock until their bodies were as close as two bodies could be. She froze, her eyes wide, panting slightly, her hands fisted on his chest.

It wasn't pain. Pain she had been expecting. Instead, there was only a gorgeous feeling of fullness and completion. Slowly, the surprise was giving way to that feeling of pleasure again, only this time it was even deeper.

She looked down at Jaque gazing up at her with a mixture of wonder and concern.

"Heidi … are you …"

"Yes," she said softly. "I'm fine, just … new at this …"

He snorted at her understatement, running his hands up and down her flanks. With a power that was still shocking to her, he rolled her over, still joined with her, until now he was the one rising over her. In this position, she could feel the strength of his body over hers. She could wrap her legs around his, making her faint with pleasure to be wrapped around him like this.

"Let me take care of you," he murmured. "Like I should have been doing …"

She didn't quite understand what he meant, but when he drew back to slide deep inside her again, she groaned. He started thrusting into her with a rhythm that she felt as if she had known it all her life. He filled her up as much as she could be filled, and then he pulled almost all the way back until she was groaning with need for him.

Deep inside, she could feel the fire that he had created rise up deeper and more powerful than she had ever felt before. Her entire body started to shake, and that was before he pressed a hand between their slick bodies. He found her clit again with unwavering accuracy, and this time, he had no mercy. He stroked at that pleasurable, sensitive spot until she was nearly begging with need.

Her climax rose up like a snake about to strike, and when it did, she felt as if her body had been shot through with light. The release of the tension shook her to her very core, and she dug her nails hard into his shoulders, dragging him as close as she could. She was crying out, but she didn't know what she was saying. All she did know was that Jaque was moving above her and telling her that it was fine, that she was beautiful, that she should follow the pleasure, let it come through her.

It seemed as if fireworks were threaded through her body and going off in a chain. By the time she was done, she was utterly exhausted, falling limply back onto the bed as Jaque began to thrust into her with more roughness than he had before.

It was a pleasure of a different kind to feel his body tremble above hers, to feel the way he couldn't seem to get close enough. When he finally thrust into her one last time, he cried out her name, leaving her in wonder. She was certain that no one had ever said her name like that before, and it brought a pang to her heart.

Finally, when he lay still and heavy on top of her, she wrapped her arms around him.

"I never imagined it could be like this," she whispered. "This close, this lovely."

Jaque's chuckle was soft but real. "Well, I don't suppose that you have anything to compare it to. Do you?"

The question was pointed, making her flinch a little.

"No," she whispered. "Are you angry with me?"

"No, never," he said, kissing her forehead. "But here, stay still for another moment, darling."

She started to ask what he meant, but he then shifted, pulling away and making her cry out softly at the loss. He kissed her again before standing and heading to the small bathroom off to one side. She heard running water for a moment, and then he came back, a towel in his hand.

"Spread your legs for me, Heidi."

His command was so smooth and calm that she didn't hesitate for a moment before she did as he said. Then he pressed that soft towel between her legs, making her whimper with pleasure. She blushed a little when he pressed the towel more intimately against her, cleaning her with a thoroughness that was both tender and complete.

When he finally pulled the towel away, he came to lie down next to her, taking her into his arms. "I wish you would have told me that it was your first time," he said, kissing her forehead.


"I might have been slower, more gentle, maybe. I would have taken more care with you."

"Would knowing that I was a virgin have stopped you?" she asked, glancing up.

She could see him fighting with himself, but then he shook his head reluctantly.

"No. I wanted you, and unless you had stopped me, I was going to have you."

She placed a gentle kiss on his lips. Now that the passion was over, she could feel a few new aches in her body. There was still something pleasurable about them, however, something wonderful and sweet because they reminded her of who had put them there.

She wanted to talk with him more. She wanted to hear what he thought, what he wanted. She had been up for a very long while, however, and without willing it at all, she drifted into a deep and dreamless sleep.


Jaque smiled as he watched Heidi try to resist drifting off. Finally, she sighed, and drifted into slumber. He had never really been a man who was inclined to cuddle much, but it seemed like the most natural thing in the world to hold her close.

She was, he thought, one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen. He had known and slept with models, party girls, and princesses, but there was something shockingly gorgeous about this young woman from the United States. Perhaps it was her innocence that attracted him, but he didn’t think that was it.

It was her passion, the pure golden light of what she believed in. For a man who had spent most of his life doing precisely as he pleased, it drew him like a moth to a flame.

He was going to hurt her, he realized with a sinking feeling.

He was more than ten years older than she was, and where she went about with her bright smile and her heart on her sleeve, he was more cynical by far. He couldn't stand to be the one who doused out her flame for good. Perhaps he would only quell her for a moment if he stepped back now.

There was a strange tearing feeling in his chest as he realized that he would need to step back for her own good. She needed a gentle man who could keep house with her, take care of her, look at her as if she was the only star in the sky. He was simply not designed for that, and he wouldn't humiliate and hurt them both by even trying to pretend.

He thought about what he needed to do, and even if it felt cruel to him, he could not flinch.

Still, something in him seemed to ache at the thought of it. He knew that he would be best off simply getting some sleep himself, but he couldn't stop himself from propping himself up on one elbow to watch her sleep.

Something in her dreams must have been particularly sweet, because her soft pink lips curled into a smile. Jaque was startled by how much he wanted to lean in and kiss her, but he held himself back.

Tomorrow was enough time to put his plan into motion. Right now, when the night was growing ever darker, he could do what he liked, and the barest tip of what he needed was simply being able to watch over her as she slept.


Heidi woke up confused. She sat bolt upright, unsure about where she was or what she had been doing. For a moment, she panicked, but then she remembered the events of the previous night. Despite the strange set of circumstances that had brought her to this barge on the quay, there was no fear or regret. Instead, her body sang with life, and she stretched, looking around for Jaque.

The smile quickly left Heidi's face when she realized that she could not see him at all. The barge was set up like one big room, with only the closet and the small bathroom closed away. A quick search revealed
that the barge was entirely empty, and suddenly, Heidi was very cold. Without thinking of what she was doing, she wrapped herself up in the shirt he had discarded the night before. The sudden warmth and his scent on the fabric comforted her for a moment before she felt a deep sinking in the pint of her stomach.

"What have I done?" she asked.

Suddenly, her eye fell on a folded piece of paper on the antique nightstand that she had not noticed before.

For Heidi
, it said on the front.

For a moment, Heidi simply stared at the note. If she didn't read it, she would be spared whatever poison it contained. Finally, taking a deep breath, she opened it and started to read.

Dearest little American,

Last night was an experience that left me breathless, and which has no compare in all my life. In your arms, I have found a kind of pleasure and sweetness I am not sure I even knew existed.

So of course, it brings me great regret to say that this is likely not something that should be repeated. Last night, we gave in to a passion that is greater than the two of us. Today, you are a young woman newly come to Athens, and I am your employer. I am very much afraid that the gossip that might come around would ruin you, and so we should call a halt to this.

Eat whatever you like in the kitchen. There should be plenty of hot water for your shower. There is a number on the desk, and that will ring you right through to my car service, which will see you wherever you need to go. Take the rest of the week off, and then come to work next week at the main office. Your space will be ready for you then.

I hold you in the highest regard, and no matter what, I always will.

I remain, as ever:


He didn't sign it so that there wouldn't be anything to trace back to him,
a part of her said bitterly.

The rest of her only sat in stunned silence, looking at the paper in front of her. Even if it made her flinch, she made herself read it a second time and then a third time.

This is what he is,
she told herself coldly.
He couldn't even stay to say these things himself.

A large part of her wanted to do nothing more than to collapse into a puddle of weeping. The rest of her knew that once she started, she might never stop. Instead, Heidi called back on the strength that had gotten her through the dark days after her parents' death, and through the long hours of working terrible jobs to put herself through school.

BOOK: Royal's Untouched Love
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