Read Running in Fear: Abandoned Online

Authors: Trinity Blacio

Running in Fear: Abandoned (5 page)

BOOK: Running in Fear: Abandoned
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Jaycee's head leaned against the wall while he made slow love to her. He worshipped her body as a lover would.

Chapter Five

Jaycee woke, her whole body sore. Strong arms wrapped around her body, Remi. She had to go potty she tried to move his arms, but he held her tight. He was awake.

“I have to use the bathroom.” He released her and kissed her back as she got up. Jaycee brushed her teeth and ran some water on her face as he came into the bathroom with her. He rubbed against her.

“Let's take a shower. I know you want one. It's okay now.” Remi pulled her to the tub and turned on the water. She stepped into the shower and soaked up the water. It washed the dirt and grime she felt covered her body.

Remi grabbed the soap and started to scrub her body. He didn't miss an inch of her body. He rinsed her body using the attachment, making sure he paid extra attention to her pussy.

Jaycee shook her head. By the time they had gotten out of the shower, Remi had taken her twice. Her stomach growled and she heard him laugh. Well, I think we should go, and get something to eat, don't you? So I can keep up your strength.” He handed her a dress and she slid it on.

“I thought I wasn't allowed to leave the bedroom,” Jaycee said. He pulled her out the door and down the stairs. He smiled at her and gave her that grin that all men do when their proud of something.

“You wouldn't be, but I am afraid you have already taken my seed. You carry my child now.” He stepped down off the bottom step. Jaycee just stood there and stared down at her stomach.

She couldn't believe it. How did he know? She rubbed her stomach slowly, looking back up at him as he smiled.

“How do you know? It's too soon,” she said in awe. Remi pulled her towards the kitchen.

“Your smell, it changes when you're pregnant. And you're pregnant, baby.” He pulled her into the kitchen, and wouldn't you know? It was filled with family.

Jaycee sighed and rolled her eyes. They all jumped up and sniffed her, then hugged her, congratulating her. Jaycee grabbed a plate, pilled on the food, and ignored everyone as she stuffed her mouth. When she looked up, everyone stared at her.

“What, do I have something stuck in my teeth?” Jaycee ran her tongue over her teeth as they all laughed. Dane laughed so hard he doubled over. She just growled at him and stuffed her food back into her mouth. Then she had to use the restroom. She grabbed a piece of bacon and excused herself.

Jaycee was just going to enter the kitchen again when she heard Remi and her other two mates talking.

“I told you it would work. All you had to do was get her relaxed and her body would accept your seed. Aren't you glad I left that CD in the player?” Mark laughed as all of them did. Jaycee felt her heart sink. The only reason he had danced with her was to get her pregnant. She looked behind her. Kate stood there, furious. Jaycee didn't say a word. She ran upstairs and grabbed her coat, boots, and her purse. She needed new clothes and time alone. Jaycee made it to the garage and into Dane's truck, and suddenly Shelly jumped into the passenger side.

“Gun it if we're to get out of here. I grabbed Dane's credit cards also,” Shelly said. Jaycee pulled the truck out of the driveway and headed into town.

“Kate told you, didn't she?” Jaycee asked, after about five minutes driving in quiet. The snow had stopped again and the roads cleared. Jaycee turned onto the highway, heading away from the small town. She headed for Farmington, the larger city.

“Yes, she ran to my room, and knew you were going to take off. I thought we could go shopping, so I grabbed his wallet. I'm sorry about this, Jaycee. I don't know what's wrong with them. They're acting like assholes.” Shelly blew out and shook her head.

“I'm nothing to them, Shelly. Every time I turn around, they promise me they will talk, spend time with me, and promise me this and that. Then they did this. We haven't even discussed our bonding ceremony. Now I'm pregnant—no courting, no dates, nothing.” Jaycee just shook her head. The tears were gone; she was just numb. Jaycee pulled off the exit towards the mall about ten minutes later. Shelly's phone rang and she rolled her eyes.

“What?” she growled into the phone. Jaycee knew it was one of her mates. She knew Remi would track her with his powers.

“Leave her alone, Dane. You guys have done enough. We'll be home later tonight,” Shelly yelled and shut the phone. Shelly looked at Jaycee and frowned.

“I know they're coming. Remi can track me anywhere I go. Did you know this is the first town I came to before I met James? I lived here for about two years. Used to work in the mall at Macy's, had the biggest crush on the store manager. I wonder if he's still working here.” Jaycee parked the truck and sat there for a minute.

“Well, let's do some shopping before they find us. I have a feeling this is all the freedom I'm going to get for a long time.” Jaycee sighed, pulling her hood over her head, and opened the door. She locked it behind them and they both walked into the mall. Neither of them said anything, knowing her time was limited.

Jaycee walked straight to Macy's. She wanted to see if some of her friends still worked there more than she wanted to shop, but she did find some great dresses, skirts, sweaters, and some boots. She even found gifts for Kate, Camille, and Grace for Christmas. She found two of her friends, and she was talking to them when she felt her mates enter the mall. They were close. Shelly looked at her and nodded. She also knew they were there.

Jaycee gave her friends her new address and phone number, and grabbed her bags. She headed towards the boys’ department. She wanted to see if she could get Sam something while she was here. Jaycee wasn't looking where she was going when she ran straight into a man, she had always thought was hot.

He caught her before she could fall on her ass and steadied her.

“Jaycee, is that you?” he asked and smiled down at her. His hands still held her. Shelly smiled, but fidgeted.

“Yep, it's me. I'm living up on Saddleback Mountain. Thought I would do some shopping, for Christmas.” Jaycee rambled on and stepped back from him.

“God, you look beautiful. I love the hair. It's natural too, isn't it?” he asked and ran his fingers through it. Jaycee smiled up at him and nodded. Snarls came from behind her. She stepped back a little, still smiling, as he lowered his hand and stared behind her.

“Don't worry about them. They're just my guards. Someone has been stalking me, so they're a little cautious when anyone is around me,” Jaycee lied. Shelly groaned next to her.

“Well, I won't keep you from your shopping. I hope you catch that creep. Here is my card. Give me a call when things settle down. I would love to take you to dinner and catch up on news.” He turned, walking away as Jaycee proceeded to walk into the boys’ department. She scanned the toys they had there. Jaycee started to put the card in her purse when it was ripped out of her hand, and torn into tiny pieces in front of her, scattering to the floor. Jaycee shook her head.

“I don't need it. If I want to contact him, I know where he works.” She sneered and started to walk away. Remi grabbed her arm and halted her progress.

“What did I tell you yesterday about any man touching you? Don't push this, Jaycee. You're carrying my child!” Remi demanded. Jaycee snarled back and yanked her arm from him.

“That's right. I'm carrying your child, so you shouldn't care if I fuck another since that's all you wanted, all three of you wanted,” she yelled, not caring if anyone heard her. She stormed out of Macy's and glanced at the corner bookstore.

Jaycee loved to read erotic romance stories; it always calmed her down. She walked into the story and ignored her mates. Jaycee saw a couple of her favorite authors had released new books. Grabbing those and a couple of other books she found interesting, she saw Shelly looking at one of the books she had grabbed.

“She's a great author if you like it hot. I had all her books, but they were burned with the rest of my stuff. Her first book was
Capture Me.
It was great. Here, I'll buy it for you. Then we can compare notes on the hottest parts.”

Standing in line, Jaycee noticed a magazine for horror lovers, listing all the horror movies.

Shelly grabbed it and flipped through it. She added it to her purchases and pulled out her own credit card. She wasn't about to let them pay for nothing else. She wanted her own things. She exited the store with them still trailing her.

“Hey, Shelly, you know that painting I got two years ago? The artist has a shop up ahead. Want to go check it out? I would love another of his works. When I stared at that picture it always made me wish for things I knew I would never have.” Jaycee glanced back at her mates.

“We have to get back. We have meetings.” Dane glared at her.

Jaycee turned her head and headed toward the store she wanted to go to. “Well then, go. Don't let me keep you. I'm already knocked up, so you don't have to worry anymore.” Jaycee didn't get two steps before Remi grabbed her around the waist and turned her towards the exit of the mall.

“Let me go now. I'm not done shopping.” Jaycee gritted her teeth. He didn't say anything as he pulled her out of the mall and headed toward the cars. Remi pushed his remote on his truck, picked her up, and set her into his truck, slamming the door.

Jaycee put her bags down on the floor. She looked up to see Shelly being escorted to Dane's truck. Dane, Mark, and Shelly got into it and followed them back onto the highway.

* * * *

Jaycee didn't say a word all the way home. Remi parked the truck and she grabbed her packages, and headed for the house. Entering the house, her father stood there with the other National Council members. He frowned at her.

“Do you know you made your mates late for our meeting?” he demanded and followed her to the stairs. Jaycee turned towards her father as her mates came into the house.

“Well, then they shouldn't have come to the mall, and made a scene, now should they?” Jaycee yelled.

“They're protecting their mate. What the hell are they supposed to do?” he demanded after she took three steps. Jaycee stopped, not looking back.

“No, Dad, they came to protect the baby I carry. That's all they're worried about: getting me knocked up, and the children I can supply for them. I'll tell you what. Tell Kate she can have Nana's wedding dress, and give it to your daughter when you have another, because I won't need it.” Jaycee continued up the stairs with her packages. Shelly ran after her. Jaycee was taking all the tags off her purchases when Shelly walked in, shutting the door.

“Jaycee, you know they love you.” She sat on the bed and helped her remove the tags. Jaycee looked up at Shelly shaking her head. “No, Shelly, I don't anymore. They have lied to me, they don't trust me, and they won't even just talk to me. There will be no wedding or bonding ceremony.” Jaycee put the clothes and Christmas presents away.

Jaycee took off her coat and walked out of her room, going to the back staircase, going down into the family room with one of her books. She shut and locked the door and turned on the radio, trying to find a country station. When she found one, she flopped down on the sofa, and opened her book to read.

Jaycee didn't even pay attention to the time until she heard her name being called by Dane. She ignored him and looked at the clock. It was one in the afternoon. Her stomach growled and she smiled down at her stomach. Hoping off the couch, she went to the small fridge and rummaged through it. She found enough to food to make a couple of sandwiches. She also found a bag of chips not opened. Grabbing those, and a pop, she headed back to the couch to munch down and read.

Someone tried the family room door. “Jaycee, are you in there?” Kate asked.

Jaycee groaned and knew she would have to open up the door for her. Getting up she opened the door and let Kate in, locking it again. “What can I do for you, Kate? You or Sam need something?” Jaycee asked and took a bite of her sandwich. When she moaned, Kate laughed at her.

“I was going to tell you lunch is being served in the living room for the other National Council members, and they would like you to join us.”

Jaycee groaned, taking a sip of her diet soda. “Do I have to? I mean, I just got to one of the hot spots in my book.” Jaycee picked up her book, showing Kate. Kate laughed.

“It would be nice if you joined us, sweetie. I know you're not talking to your mates, but the pack is still yours also. You should represent them.” Jaycee looked at her sandwiches, and picked them up, along with her chips and pop.

“Okay, let's go, but it's not that I'm not talking to them, Kate. I'm done with them. I'm their mate fine, they want me pregnant fine, but when it comes to anything else, except for the pack I'm done. There will be no bonding ceremony or wedding.” Jaycee walked up the stairs. She heard Kate gasp, but she didn't care. Jaycee smiled at the members of the Council, said hello, and sat down on a chair, eating her sandwiches and chips.

Remi came up to her and tried to take her chips, but Jaycee growled at him. He stopped frowning down at her. “Those aren't good for the baby,” he said and looked down at her. He tried to push a plate of salad to her, but she ignored him, stuffing her face with chips and taking a drink of her pop.

“That's right. You're worried about the baby. Well, the baby is fine, and it wants these.” Jaycee stood up, going to another chair near Camille, who laughed and patted her leg.

Then Camille turned an angry face at her son, Remi. “Leave her alone. Haven't you done enough to hurt her?”

He looked angry, but he left her alone, and so did the rest of her mates. Jaycee turned her attention to the National Council, which was talking about having a pack representative come to National once a month to report to them. They wanted her mates to pick the person.

“Tell me, Jaycee. We were thinking of having a New Year's Eve bash, inviting all the U.S. alphas. Would you be interested in helping my mate arrange things from this end?” one of the National Council Members asked. Jaycee didn't know what to say. It was a big honor, but she didn't think she deserved that, when there were so many who did.

“I'm honored you would think of me, but don't you think it would be wise to pick someone with more experience with dealing with pack members than me? I don't mean to be disrespectful, but even my own mates don't trust me with anything around their packs,” Jaycee said and shrugged her shoulders, looking down at the floor.

BOOK: Running in Fear: Abandoned
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