Read Running in Fear Escaped Online

Authors: Trinity Blacio

Running in Fear Escaped (9 page)

BOOK: Running in Fear Escaped
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“Yes, all your clothes are in the master bedroom, and you have your own walk-in closet. I think that gorgeous black dress would look great with your red hair. It will be sexy as hell. You could show that bitch there's no competition with that number.” Shelly laughed as they walked back.

“That's not the problem. It's my mates. They didn't even consider me or my feelings. They lied to me. How am I supposed to believe anything they say?” Jaycee asked.

“They're going to have to earn that trust back, but it will happen. I went through the same thing with your father. He didn't tell me about you till after we were mated. I only learned about you when I heard him talking to his source about you,” Kate said, smiling at her. “You could say he was in the dog house for over a month. And he's in the dog house now for pulling that Alpha shit with his daughter,” Kate snarled.

Jaycee laughed. She entered the house, shook off the snow and hung up her coat. She knew her mates’ gazes never left her body as soon as she'd walked in, but she ignored them. Kate and Shelly followed her upstairs to the master bedroom. At once, she noticed the whole bed was gone: mattress, headboard, and even the dressers. New dressers… well, not new…
dressers had replaced them. The same with the bed frame. An old, huge bed sat in the middle of the room. Walking around the bed, she took in all the details that had been hand carved into the wood. It showed stories of the pack's history.

“This set belonged to my grandparents, who passed it down to Mark. He just had it brought up out of storage.. He knows they hurt you and this is way of saying sorry.” Shelly said, smiling at Jaycee.

“It's beautiful, and it helps. But I don't know if it's enough. And don't you want it?” Jaycee asked, staring at her.

“I have our other grandparents’ set. This should be yours.” Shelly hugged her. “Now, go hop in the shower. We already took ours, and our clothes are in closet with yours. We can all get dressed together.”

* * * *

Jaycee stepped out of the shower, drying off, and fidgeted with her hair. She didn't really have to do anything to her hair. It automatically dried just like she liked it. Walking into the bedroom, she saw Kate and Shelly already dressed. “You guys are quick. Look at those dresses – they're beautiful.”

“Come on. We have fifteen minutes to get you ready. They're waiting for us in the living room, even though they deserve to wait. We'll walk behind you and your mates to the pack house dining room,” Kate said, grabbing the dress and handing it to her.

She'd always loved this dress, but she'd never had anywhere to wear it. It hugged her body tightly, and the front dipped down to her belly button in a slit between her breasts. Her breasts were big, and the dress showed them off perfectly. It ended mid-thigh, but slits ran up both sides to her waist.

Shelly handed her the black thigh highs and a garter belt. Next came the black four-inch fuck-me pumps Shelly had bought her that she'd never worn, because she would always be taller than James. But, with all her mates, she would still be shorter than them, even in the heels.

“I have something for you. It was your grandmother's. She gave it to me to hold onto until we could find you,” Kate said, slipping in behind and her wrapping around a pearl, diamond, and black onyx necklace around her neck.

“It's Nana's! Is she going to be here?” Jaycee stared into Kate's eyes in the mirror.

Kate shook her head, lowering her eyes, and Jaycee knew she was in another world now. Her eyes started to mist, but she wouldn't cry. Her Nana would laugh at her if she cried right now. Instead, she composed herself and smiled. “Thank you, Kate. This means so much to me. She was the mother I never had.”

“Okay, you're ready. You don't need any makeup. Your natural beauty is plenty,” Shelly laughed, opening the bedroom room. They all walked down the stairs to the waiting men.

Her mates stood at the bottom of the stairs dressed in black suits, their pants tight as the muscles rippled through them. Their shirts covered their chests and defined their massive frames, making her want to pant. Yet, she held her ground and wouldn't think about that. She heard them snarl as she reached the bottom step.

“You're beautiful. But if I'd seen that dress, you wouldn't be wearing it now,” Dane snarled, lowering his head and trying to kiss her lips, but she turned her head so he could only reach her cheek. She glanced up at Mark, smiling at him.

“Your gift means a lot to me. Thank you, Mark.” She reached up and kissed his cheek.

“We better get going. I don't want to be late. That would be one more thing for them to hold against me,” Jaycee said, and took his arm.

“Jaycee, we're sorry,” Dane said quietly, escorting her down the hall. She didn't even acknowledge her father.

“I am sure you are, but that doesn't help with the trust issue, does it, Dane? How can I trust any of you? You more or less lied to me and disrespected my orders. Tell me, did you ever put any guards on her? Was she even questioned?” Jaycee asked, not even raising her voice.

Dane didn't say a word, and she knew the answer. She would have pulled away from him, but she knew this was important, so she said nothing as they entered the pack dining room. Over three hundred eyes turned to stare at them. They were all standing, waiting for their leaders to sit at the head table.

Jaycee watched Dane make his way to a podium. He was breathtaking, the way he utilized his Alpha manner and addressed his pack.

“I first want to welcome all of you home for our monthly gathering. As you know, this is a special time for my family. My brother, Pierre and I have found our mate and brought her home where she belongs. Some of you have heard she has a few enemies that would like to take her from us, but this won't happen. Our Alpha Bitch has told me and her other mates that we have shown her disrespect, and that we have lied to her.”

Jaycee heard growls come from the pack. Every member glared at her with hatred. Her heart raced, and she glared at Dane. She was ready to leave for good, but he continued, growling himself.

“She was right. We did do this without meaning to. I won't have you threaten or disrespect our mate. We were wrong, and it won't happen again.” He turned to stare at her.

“If we even hear of anyone that disrespects her, or lies to her, they will answer to me,” he proclaimed, turning back to the pack. “I'll also tell you that Blair is no longer living in the main house. She now lives in my sister's old cabin, and she is open for pursuit.” Dane stopped and looked right at Blair.

“As you know, her brother is no longer living. He was a traitor to the pack who was trying to kill my mate. Blair has been questioned, and she wasn't involved with the plan.” He paused and glanced at her again. Some relief escaped as she sighed, knowing that now, at least, they had followed some of her orders. “If she continues her disrespect towards our mate, she will be banished from this pack.”

Jaycee followed his eyes as he said this last part. Sure enough, Blair was present. Blair glared at her, but she lowered her head, not her eyes. Jaycee was about to jump from the stage when Mark held her in place, pointing with his head towards Dane.

“Adrian, will you please remove Blair from this home for good? I warned you, Blair, but you still wouldn't listen. You are now banished from this pack. You'll have till tomorrow to get your things and leave,” Dane ordered.

Jaycee watched the two men escort a furious Blair from the pack home. She shouted and screamed all the way out.

“Now that that is done, I want you to meet our mate, Jaycee. Our bonding ceremony will be held next week and performed by her father, our National Council Alpha, Guy Manz. Jaycee?” Dane turned to her, holding out his hand.

Taking a deep breath, Mark walked her up to Dane, who slipped his arm around her. Everyone stood applauding her and whistling. She heard Dane and Mark growl as the other men whistled and shouted at her.

“Hey, Alphas are you going to share? She's hot!” Jaycee heard someone shout as she smiled.

“Frank, I know that was you. And the answer is no. She's all ours, if she ever forgives us,” Dane mumbled, and Jaycee laughed.

“As all mated females know, my mates will be in the proverbial dog house for a while. I do want to apologize if I offend anyone. I am new to all of this, so please bear with me, but, as my mates have found, out I'm not a push over. I can't wait to meet everyone. Thank you for the warm welcome,” Jaycee stated, stepping back from the podium. Everyone applauded and whistled as she stepped back, ribbing their Alpha.

She watched an evil smile form on Dane's lips. He wrapped his arms around her, hugging her tightly. His lips covered hers in a scorching kiss that caught her off guard.

She melted in his arms, and her body quivered. His hands slid to her ass, grabbing it and squeezing. Jaycee heard the whistles and shouts as he lifted his head, smiling down at her.

“I'm sorry. Let's eat,” he said aloud, for everyone to hear.

Chapter Eleven

Jaycee sat next to her mates and, once again, piled food onto her plate. She shook her head, eating what she could, while she tried to ignore them. She gazed out at all the people and noticed Dane and Mark's parents at the other table next to them. Getting up, she started to walk over to them when Dane grabbed her arm. “Where are you going?” he demanded.

“I am going to say hi to your parents. I haven't seen them since I've gotten here.” Jaycee pulled her arm out of his grasp and walked over to them. They both rose, hugging her.

“Oh, you're beautiful tonight. If I didn't have this lovely lady at my side, I would give my sons a run for their life. You wouldn't stand a chance with me, young lady.” Their father laughed, and his wife hit his arm. She pushed him out of the way and hugged her.

“I heard that, and you'd have a fight on your hands. She's ours,” Dane growled, pulling her back into his arms. He wrapped them around her from behind. Mark stood next to him, and he lowered his head, kissing her cheek.

“I wanted to say hello. I'm sorry I haven't visited since I've been here,” Jaycee said, smiling at their mom.

“ It's understandable after all that you've been through. Now go eat your food or it will get cold. And don't keep my sons in the dog house too long. I want grandkids soon.” Jaycee laughed as Dane groaned. “She better not keep us in the dog house that long!” Mark grumbled, and Pierre said, “You got that right.”

Jaycee walked back to her seat without a reply. As she went to sit down, she noticed a box on her chair. Picking up the box, she happened to catch a whiff of what was inside. It smelled rotten.

Dane stepped up next to her, noticing the box and the look of disgust on her face. “What is it?” he asked, taking the box and looking it over to make sure there was no return address. He sniffed it and growled.

“It's something dead, isn't it?” Jaycee whispered. Mark came up to her, sensing her distress. The room got quiet as the whole pack stared and waited. Pierre came and took the box, staring at it, flipping it one way then another.

“There's no bomb or electric equipment in it.” He ripped it open and looked inside.

“Shit!” he barked. Dane took the box, and Jaycee peeked in. She screamed and backed up into Mark's arms.

“It's Jumper's head. He was my dog. James took him from me last year. I thought for sure he had killed him then,” Jaycee snapped, turning her head into Mark's chest. He held her, rubbing her back. Shelly came up and peered into the box.

“Oh God, I am so sorry. I know how much he meant to you, Jaycee,” Shelly whispered, hugging her from behind.

“The postage is from in town. I want to know who put this box on her chair,” Dane ordered, glaring across the room.

“I saw Derek up here, but I didn't think anything of it,” Shelly stated, pulling away from Jaycee. Jaycee turned and watched Dane storm off to find Derek. She went to sit down and noticed blood on her seat. A cold chill ran up her spine. Pierre grabbed the chair, snarling, and stormed off with it.

“Mark, I'm not feeling too hot. Would anyone mind if I just go and sit in front of the fire in the living room?” Jaycee asked quietly. Her stomach churned.

He scooped her up into his arms, carrying her back towards the main house. She heard murmuring around them as they passed through the room. People reached out to touch her and support her. Jaycee felt a single tear slip down her cheek, and she buried her face into his chest.

“Why can't they leave me alone?” she mumbled.

“I don't know, baby. But don't worry – we'll find them. I promise.” He kissed the top of her head and sat down on the sofa in front of the fire, holding her. Only the guards followed them into the room. Mark reached around her, slipping her shoes off her feet.

“I'm so sorry your first dinner was ruined, baby. I'll get you something to eat later, after your stomach settles.” He kissed her ear and then nibbled on it. His hands trailed under her dress, up her thigh, settling on her mound, waiting.

Jaycee took a deep breath and grabbed his hand. “Not now, Mark. It's too much. I just want to be held.” She reached back and pulled his head down for a kiss.

He nibbled her lower lip, asking her to open for him, and she did. His tongue and mouth devoured hers. She heard Pierre come in and growl, picking up her legs and sliding between them. Jaycee broke the kiss. “No, Pierre. Not now. I can't.” She gazed down at him, brushing away a strand of hair in his eyes.

“Let us comfort you, baby, and take away all the pain.” He laid his head down on her stomach.

She smiled. “Pierre, there will always be pain and hurt in our lives. But it's how you deal with it that makes a difference. Right now, I just want to be held and know you're here. I don't need sex every time something goes wrong. Just love and understanding.” She stared into the fire, rubbing Pierre's head, while Mark held her.

Pierre lifted his head. “I don't know how you survived through the years. All I know is that I want to take you and hide you from the world so no one will hurt you again.” A single tear slipped down his cheek. One of his hands reached up and cupped her cheek. “I've always loved Hoyt, but when I heard about all that you have been through, something inside of me snapped. I can't explain it, but you've brought peace to me.” He turned and looked into the fire. “I know it sounds corny, but growing up with so many brothers and sisters, one can get lost, too.”

A lump formed in her throat, and a tear dropped down her cheek. “Oh, Pierre, that is the sweetest thing anyone has said to me.” Her fingers touched his chin and turned his face to her. “We can create our own family, the four of us.” Jaycee leaned down and placed a small kiss on his mouth. Both of Pierre's hands cupped her face, and he deepened the kiss, holding her.

By the time he lifted his head, her body temperature had soared and her panties were soaked. “Make gentle love to me, Pierre.” She looked back to Mark. “You too, baby.”

Pierre's hands slid up her dress, slowly exposing her garter belt. He moaned and lowered his head, tracing the rim of her stocking with his tongue. Mark reached around and pulled her dress the rest of the way off her.

She sat there in her stockings, but she wasn't cold. Their loving was keeping her warm.

Pierre stood up and pulled off his shirt. Jaycee rose and slowly ran her hands up his chest, winding her fingers around the hair on his chest. She kissed the tip of his nipple and sucked it into her mouth.

Pierre hissed. “Baby, if you keep this up, I'm not going to be able to take it slow and give you the loving you need.” His hands grabbed her bare ass cheeks.

Mark's hard, naked body pushed up against her back. His large hands grabbed her full globes, caressing them.

She lifted her head and laid it against Mark's chest. “Thank you again for the bedroom set, Mark. I love it.”

Pierre stepped back and stripped out of the rest of his clothes. His long, muscular legs were dark from the summer sun. His calf muscles flexed as he removed his pants.

Jaycee lowered herself to her knees and smiled up at him. She grabbed hold of his hips and brought him forward. Her hands circled his long cock and rubbed it up and down. “Let me show you how much you mean to me,” Jaycee whispered, her mouth inches above his cock. She heard his sharp intake of breath and lowered her head, taking him as far as she could down her throat.

His hand gently held her head while he pumped his cock into her mouth. Mark kneeled down behind her. “Get on your hands and knees, baby. Let me give you pleasure.” He nipped at her neck, guiding her hands to the floor. He spread her legs and slipped in between them.

“Mmm, I can smell your honey.” Mark's tongue licked from the front to the back of her nether lips. “So sweet.” His fingers separated her folds, exposing her clit.

“God, you're sexy,” Pierre muttered, pulling her onto his lap, away from Mark's lips as he lay on the couch with her on top. “You have to meet my oldest brother, baby. He would love you.”

“I would love to meet him, Pierre. Why don't you invite him to the bonding ceremony?” She nibbled at his lips.

“I would, but he wouldn't come. He would say his appearance would draw to much attention away from us. You see, my big brother has this horrible reputation, but really he's just a giant teddy bear.”

Jaycee whispered into his ear, “Well, then, I'll have to keep that secret. If he means that much to you, he should be here. Would it help if I called him?”

Pierre gazed up at her and cupped her face. “You are the most amazing woman. I hope one day he finds someone just like you. I'm afraid she would be in big trouble, whoever she is, because if you think Dane is a hard ass, you just wait till you meet Remi.”

Mark slipped up behind them, his cock rubbing against her back. “So what are all the woman calling him these days?” He murmured into her neck.

Pierre smiled, reaching up and rolling her nipples. “This month they're calling him Big Foot.” Both Pierre and Mark laughed.

Jaycee lowered her body onto Pierre's cock. “Umm, so tell me: is that because he has big feet, or a big cock? Because if he is anything like you, women should be warned.” She smiled down at Pierre.

“You don't need to know how big he is. It's bad enough. Dane and he already compete about everything. I won't have him worrying about you,” Pierre growled and sat up, separating her ass cheeks.

Jaycee loved to feel their hands on her. Pierre bit down on her neck as Mark pushed into her ass. “I wouldn't do anything with him. Are you nuts? I have enough right here, thank you…” Her head fell back against Mark as both of her men made slow, passionate love to her. God, she loved being stretched. They were so big.

Mark smacked her ass, entering her again, and she moaned into Pierre's mouth. He continued to spank her as they slowly brought her body to a heightened moment and stopped. She cried out her frustration as she freed her mouth from Pierre's.

“Please. I need…” Jaycee begged, trying to move her hips, but they wouldn't budge. Mark grabbed her head. “What do you want, baby?” Mark asked, kissing her neck.

“I want to cum. Please,” she begged, as they started to move again. Mark pulled her arms back as he rammed into her. Pierre countered his move by reaching up biting her nipple, then pulling it. Jaycee felt the tremors start at the bottom of her toes and rise up her body.

“Yes, more please!” she screamed as Mark pulled her upper body back further, arching her back as they tormented her body.

Pierre reached down, grabbed her clit and pinched it, sending her body into full-blown tremors as her orgasm took control of her body, all talk of Remi gone.

Mark released her arms, howling his release at the same time Pierre did. Jaycee collapsed onto Pierre's chest, closing her eyes.

An exasperated voice spoke from behind them “I go to take care of business, and the three of you seek out your release,” Dane grumbled.

She smiled into Pierre's chest. “Pierre was telling me about his older brother, Remi, and I told him to invite him to our bonding ceremony. Since he means so much to him, I told him that I would love to meet this ‘Big Foot’.” Jaycee turned, hearing Mark and Pierre groan. She smiled up at Dane, who ripped his clothes off, standing over them.

Jaycee didn't move. “Plus you weren't here, and I needed some distraction.” She tried to keep her laugh to herself. Glancing up, she met Dane's red eyes.

He glared at Pierre and Mark, “So these two have told you about our little competition going, haven't they?” Mark pulled out of her, and Dane reached down, pulling her into his arms. “Well, I'm sorry to tell you this, little troublemaker, but there will be no competition for you. You're ours and only ours.”

Dane carried her to a chair, bending her over so that the chair spread her legs.

“Dane?” Jaycee questioned, looking back at him, when he pushed his shaft into her pussy, stretching her. He grabbed hold of her hair, bringing her head back with one hand, and used his other hand to grab her breast, kneading it.

“Mine. You're mine!” he growled, biting her neck to mark her again, but this time with the permanent mark a mate will do when ready to let the world know who she belongs to. Mark kneeled down in between her legs. Grabbing her clit, he pinched and pulled it.

“Cum for your Alpha, now!” Dane ordered, and she screamed, feeling him push his powers through her, sending her over the edge again. His seed poured into her pussy, his cock locking them in place. Dane licked her neck where he'd bitten her.

“The pack wants you to come back inside. They have something for you. And Pierre, Remi is more than welcome here. I know how much he means to you. Remi and I might joke around, but I would never deny you seeing your family. Plus, I know I don't have to worry about this one.” Dane smacked her ass. “I'll keep you busy,” Dane whispered into her ear as his cock released itself from her and slid out. He pulled her up, turning her around hugging her.

Dane backed up and grabbed his pants. “Will you come back with us?”

Jaycee looked up into his face. “Yes. Just let me get dressed.” Mark slipped her dress back on her as she pulled out of Dane's arms.

Mark was already dressed except for his jacket. His shirt was opened halfway, and she stared at his chest, licking her lips. She heard all three men moan.

“You can't do that, baby,” Dane growled.

“Do what?” Jaycee asked, strapping back on her shoes and standing up. Her mates stared at her with lust rising in their eyes.

“Oh no. You said they were waiting, so let's go. You can play later if you're good boys. Maybe I'll even put on that outfit Dane confiscated earlier.” She laughed as they all growled and followed her back to the pack house.

Jaycee walked into the dining area with her mates, and everyone stood as they entered. Dane escorted her to the middle of the room, and a little girl came out of the crowd carrying a baby Rottweiler puppy. Jaycee's eyes watered.

“Baby, this is Samantha and one of her puppies,” Dane said, his gaze watching every movement she made.

The little girl stopped in front of her, “I heard about your puppy, and I have six of them, so I asked my mommy if I could give you one. She said it was okay. My mommy calls this one the runt, but I call him Button, because he is so small and the others picked on him.” Samantha held the puppy out to her.

BOOK: Running in Fear Escaped
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