Read Sacrificed to the Demon (Beast Erotica) Online

Authors: Christie Sims,Alara Branwen

Sacrificed to the Demon (Beast Erotica) (3 page)

BOOK: Sacrificed to the Demon (Beast Erotica)
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A pillar of fire shot into her stomach. Another finger joined the first and they played over the wet pussy lips. Ayra shivered as the creature toyed with the sensitive skin. The leathery fingers brushed gently across the wet, virginal flesh.


“Oh, this is very exciting. You’ve never had a carnal experience before. How sad that you’ve never had the chance to savor the pleasure of feeling another male’s flesh upon yours. That is a shame. We can’t have you pass into the afterlife without tasting the satisfaction of the flesh. Why, that would be more evil than even I could bear to deliver. So, it seems as though someone should remedy this problem, and that being will be me.”


Small moans escaped Ayra’s lips as the beast played its fingers across her pussy. She swallowed hard. Why didn’t it kill her? Why didn’t the bastard just kill her? Was this just part of the torture? A torture that, even though it awoke longing in every nerve of her being, was worse than pain.


The demon induced pain in her, sharp jabs of pain that pressed into her pussy and traveled up her stomach. But it also made her desire him. She wanted to feel his leathery skin pressed against hers. It hurt, it hurt so bad, but she wanted it to hurt. She wanted that being to take her roughly, and give her all his pain and pleasure. Her mind was clouded, and her fear was almost completely forgotten.


The demon played over her maidenhood for a few seconds more before sliding his digits back upward. His hand moved up until it cupped the side of her breast. It squeezed and sent a warm shock inside. The other hand joined it and he gently fondled her ample mammaries.


Painful shocks burst through her as leathery palms gently rolled around her breasts in circles. The stabbing pain was hard to endure, but Ayra wanted it. She opened her mouth and called out to the creature. Thunr moved its head close to hers. She opened her mouth to catch his lips and saw a crimson tongue slide from his mouth.


The tongue invaded, the barbed appendage gifted her with gentle, clawing warmth as the hands caressed her breasts. His tongue was agile and snaked around hers. His lips were supple, despite his protruding tusks. The beast worked his lips around hers as their tongues entwined. Thunr’s thumbs pressed down on the pink nipples. Clawing sensations entered her breasts, and in response her breasts jumped.


Ayra pushed her hips forward as the beast continued to feel the soft flesh of her breasts. He moved his torso close to her hand and she reached out with her fingers. They brushed across the grooved muscle. Powerful heat pulses traveled down her arm. His muscles felt so firm and exciting. Did all men give off these kinds of sensations? She’d heard from other girls that touching another man’s skin felt good but she never heard anything about fiery sensations.


The demon exposed more of its belly and her fingers continued to admire the smooth texture of Thunr’s skin and the muscles beneath. The beast took in a deep breath and withdrew his tongue from Ayra’s mouth. His hands, his painful, pleasure-inducing hands left her breasts.


Ayra mewled and tried to reach out for him. She caught herself. What was she doing? She just kissed a demon and allowed it to touch her. She enjoyed the touch of an unholy being. What was wrong with her? It had hurt her for crying out loud. How could she even be thinking about pleasure?


Well, she hadn’t let it touch her. She didn’t really have a choice. The huge creature forced its pleasure onto her. It made her take the painful and exciting touch of its smooth but firm skin. She was forced to endure the teasing pleasure.


Her body tingled as she pressed herself against the cold slab of stone. Her breasts jumped as she looked at her captor. In surveyed her, as if examining a prize it’d won, before stepping forward again. It pressed both palms of its hands down on her stomach. Fire coursed through her veins and singed her nerves.


Ayra screamed. The world around her grew unbearably hot. Heat exploded inside her and rose from within her skin. Was the creature about to consume her in its unholy fire? Had it given her a taste of lust and was now going to destroy her?


The hooded figures around the room shielded their eyes as purple fire erupted from the ground, a few feet away from them. The fires encircled Thunr and Ayra, leaving the summoners outside. Tongues of flames wildly danced and reached up four feet, leaving enough room for the Order to continue to watch the demon and his sacrifice.


Ayra continued to scream as the fires swayed to the pained sounds that she made. She didn’t know how long the sharp, burning sensations inside of her would last. It felt like hours, even though her mind knew that it was only a few seconds.


The demon lifted its hands from Ayra’s stomach and she took several, heavy breaths. She saw the robed figures cringing away from the flames, pressing themselves against the circular wall. The young woman’s body was covered in gleaming sweat. Her muscles were weak. The demon knelt down and pressed its tusked mouth to her neck. She flinched as the cutting sensation, now becoming familiar to her, rushed into her shoulder.


The beast pressed his tongue against her neck and snaked it down her shoulder. A prickly trail of saliva was left in its wake. The moisture sizzled and tickled before evaporating. The barbed tongue slowly rushed down her chest and quickly brushed around her left breast. Pointed excitement washed over her and made her stomach bounce. The creature’s fingers grazed up her hip. The demon pressed its talons into her skin and drew small beads of blood as it grazed across.


Ayra thrust her hips up again and relished the exotic afflictions the demon pushed upon her. She moaned softly as the tongue slid across her breast and encircled the nipple with the barbs on the end of its tongue. She pressed her breasts up against the demon’s mouth. She was excited, but she wanted more. Her eyes watched his big shoulders and muscled torso move as he pleasured her. She needed more.


As if it sensed her desire, the demon increased the pressure of his pleasuring. He brushed his tongue over her nipple more roughly. The fires pressing into her chest were more powerful than they’d been before. The beast brushed its fingers across her maidenhood again. Fires pelted her hips and spread to her stomach.


The beast slipped a finger down and tried to push between her pussy lips, but felt something stopping him. He huffed out a small breath and settled for the bright pink clit that was in full bloom. He stroked across the nub. Warmth flooded into Ayra’s maidenhood again, but it wasn’t from the demon’s heat. Her feminine nectar gushed into her pussy and slowly leaked from her lips.


Thunr slid his fingers across her pussy lips and lifted his face away from her breast. He slid the finger in his mouth and slowly moved his lips over his digit. “Very sweet, very tart,” he said. “My you are a wonderful thing but we can’t continue with our fun until your virginity is claimed. Once I’ve claimed your first taste of love as my own, I will allow you to experience pleasure as no woman on this planet has.”


The creature rose and walked over to between the parts of the slab that held Ayra’s legs. The beast thrummed his thumb across her pink nub. Her lower body jittered as she saw the demon reach down and stroke between his legs. After several seconds she saw something emerge. It rose up, large and very round. It didn’t take her very long to realize what it was.


It was Thunr’s member and it was huge. She didn’t know how big, but she was certain that it was larger than any male human’s. Her friends that had committed the act of carnal knowledge said the males they were with were only a few inches in length. The demon’s was way over a foot, possibly a foot-and-a-half. Either way, it was massive, and the large, black head was pointed toward her pussy.


Her womb quivered as she imagined that large member pressing into her. She’d had several fantasies of the farmer, laying her down on her bridal bed, thrusting into her with unrestrained passion. But all of those fantasies were washed away. Even her fantasies of human men paled in comparison to the reality that was this creature.


It strummed her clit and filled her stomach with burning excitement as the creature pressed the head of its member against her virginal pussy lips. It was hot, burning hot. She could feel the head pulsate against her. She let out a deep breath. Her lower muscles clenched as she thought of the massive meat delving into her.


The head pressed against her tight lips. Little bolts of heat dispersed from the demon’s head. The demon grunted and his hip muscles flexed as he pushed in. Ayra felt something burst below and she felt a powerful sting. She screamed as the beast’s large meat pressed into her.


She screamed and moaned as Thunr pumped his member into her pussy. The large creature’s face twitched as it filled her with his maleness. Powerful blasts of tingling fire crashed through Ayra’s body. Her screams filled the room and the members of the Order cringed. Despite themselves, some reached inside their robes and began fondling their private areas. The demon grabbed her breasts and magnified the pointed, bouncing pain and excitement that spread from her pussy walls.


Ayra tried to open herself up so the creature’s huge member wouldn’t be so painful, but all her muscles cared to do was close around the huge interloper. It squeezed and milked the smooth, slick member as it slid back and kissed the back of her vaginal wall before pulling back and pushing in again.


She could barely describe the feelings that tumbled through her. They were exciting and painful, but there were so many others that they were hard to put labels to. She loved how full the beast’s member made her feel. She wanted the creature to push his mostly exposed shaft all the way into her. She wanted to feel the entire hot, thrumming member ravish her body. Ayra didn’t understand but she didn’t care. She wanted it, and that was enough.


She clawed at the slab and pressed her back against it as the beast continued to thrust into her body and cup her breasts. He squeezed her tits and she felt them jump in response to his fiery grasp.


Thunr slowly increased his pounding. His chest muscles arched upward with each thrust as did the massive head of his member. It touched a spot against an upper slot in her womanhood that made feel feathery. She tried to angle her body so he’d continuously hit it.


Her body was wrapped in stabbing pains. Clawing fires scrapped at her tummy. But light, airy excitement brewed in her toes and breasts. Her entire body felt like it was tingling. Ayra moaned as the creature used her body. She felt like this otherworldly being was using her for a pleasure toy and she loved it.


Ayra felt her entire body spasm. A cool relief flowed down from her stomach, into her flower below. The demon squeezed her breast and sent a burst of fire into her skin. The wind caressed her body, teasing her nerve endings. She shook and moaned.


Her pussy spasmed and grabbed Thunr’s member. The demon gritted its sharp teeth as his member worked into the clenching muscles. The flash of excitement passed all too soon for Ayra. Her muscles relaxed and she gasped.


The demon smiled and withdrew from the young woman. Her juices flowed from her open flower. There were small traces of red, signifying her former status as a virgin.


Ayra’s body shook. Dull prickles poked over her body. It hurt, everything hurt. She watched the robed men and women watching her. Part of her felt terrible for the way the demon used her. She noticed the robed figures standing outside the circle of fire, openly fondling their privates. She felt so humiliated. She wanted to cover herself and hide her embarrassment.


Yet, something inside her yearned for this. She wanted to be looked at and wanted them all to see how controlled she was by the demon. The Order, the most powerful people in the city, watched as she was being used as a living pleasure doll for this demon. Her breasts perked at this fact. Her pussy muscles clenched, as if longing to be filled again. She just climaxed, but she wanted to do it again. Her body felt warm, and eager for more of the demon’s lust and pain.


The demon waved a hand over the juices that excreted from her pussy. They fizzled for a second and vanished. It was like they weren’t even there at all.


“Well, it seems as if you’re still eager for more pleasure.” The demon chuckled. “That’s good, very good, I love eager sacrifices. But you can’t have the privilege of pleasure for free. You have to earn it. Do you want to earn your pleasure?”


“Yes, Lord demon, I want to earn your pleasure,” The words fell from Ayra’s mouth. She had no idea where they came from, but they seemed natural.


Thunr chuckled and stood over her with his hands on her hips. “I don’t believe you. Tell me how much you want it.”

BOOK: Sacrificed to the Demon (Beast Erotica)
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