Read Safe Passage Online

Authors: Kate Owen

Tags: #F/F romance, contemporary

Safe Passage (10 page)

BOOK: Safe Passage
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Jules drove from Lakeshore to her place quickly, and pulled up to her house. She glanced over at Gen as she killed the engine. She walked around the car, opening Gen's door. Gen followed her inside and Jules quickly deactivated the alarm and let Samson out of his crate, unlocking the dog door.

"Jules," Gen murmured.


"I'm not really ready for dessert."

"Me neither."

Jules pulled Gen to her and their bodies crashed together. Gen's fingers tangled in Jules' short hair and she pulled lightly. Jules groaned and dragged her hands down Gen's body to grip her hips.

Gen broke away from the kiss and worried Jules' earlobe with her teeth. "Jules, we agreed this is our third date, right? So, if I asked you to take me up to your room, that wouldn't make me a slut, would it?"

"Not at all," Jules growled. "It makes you a damn good sport." Gen laughed and then yelped in surprise. Jules had gotten frustrated bending over because of Gen's drastically shorter frame and lifted her up. Gen wrapped her legs around Jules' waist, bringing their cores close to where they needed them. Gen moaned at the contact and Jules turned, pressing her against the wall. "So much better," she hissed.

"Jules, bedroom."

"Right," Jules said as she walked toward the staircase, her hands on Gen's ass to keep up their connection.

The pair made their way up the stairs, Jules almost dropped Gen once she started to grind onto her abs. Jules kicked open her bedroom door and made her way toward the bed. "Jules, wait."

Jules stopped in her tracks. "What?"

"I need you to be naked right now," Gen whispered. "So put me down so I can take all your clothes off."

Jules slowly lowered Gen to her feet. "Oh, thank God. I thought you wanted to stop."

"No," Gen murmured as she began to unbuckle Jules' belt. Jules pulled off her own sweater, but let Gen undress the rest of her.

When Jules was standing there in a bra and boy shorts. she looked at Gen, her blue eyes dark with desire. "I think you're overdressed, cher," she growled, her already low, raspy voice two octaves lower than usual. Her hand went to the back of the dress and found the zipper that she slowly lowered. The dress loosened around Gen's shoulders and Jules slowly brought her hands back up Gen's body, grazing her newly exposed back in the process. Gen hissed in appreciation and Jules slowly pushed the dress off Gen's shoulders, watching it fall, and pool around her ankles.

She backed up a few steps to take in Gen's body, encased in nothing but a blue lace bra and matching thong. As Jules' gaze raked over the other woman's body she whispered, "Genevieve, you are the most exquisite woman I have ever seen." It sounded like a prayer and Gen jumped back into Jules' arms, her hands gripping Jules' shoulders for balance and her legs wrapped around Jules' narrow hips. Jules gripped her ass, bare because of the thong and groaned. Gen kicked off her heels and they clattered on the hardwood floor. Jules took them over to the bed the two of them falling onto the comforter, Jules being careful not to let all of her weight crush the tiny woman.

"Jules, I need you, now."

Jules laughed lightly. "All good things, cher. There is way too much of you I want to explore."

Gen groaned as Jules started kissing her way down her neck. Jules stopped at the place that made Gen groan, along her collarbone, and raked her teeth over the area, making Gen arch into her as she kissed the area to soothe it. Then she blew cold air across the wet skin causing Gen to arch into her all over again, moaning Jules' name.

Jules smirked against Gen's skin and moved lower. Her hands had been tracing erratic patterns across Gen's stomach, but now they slowly worked their way behind Gen, to quickly remove her bra. Jules sat up and pulled Gen up with her. She slid Gen's bra down her arms then quickly undid her own and tossed it off the bed. She gently pushed Gen back onto the bed, still sitting up and admiring the woman's full pale breasts and rose nipples standing at attention. Jules couldn't resist any longer and lowered her lips to Gen's left nipple, taking it into her mouth and running her tongue around it. Gen groaned and arched up into Jules' mouth. Jules nipped the nipple very lightly and Gen cried out in surprise. She threaded her fingers in Jules' hair and bit down on her shoulder. Jules kissed the nipple and moved across to the other one, her right hand snaking up to continue to play with the one her mouth had left. She continued her journey down Gen's body and reached her belly button. Jules made her tongue firm and moved it in and out of Gen's navel.

Gen growled in frustration with Jules' mouth so close to where she wanted it and doing exactly what she needed. "Jules, please!"

Jules nodded against Gen's stomach, kissed the skin just below her navel, and moved with lightning speed between Gen's legs and parted her lips. Her mouth latched onto Gen's clit as she entered her swiftly, filling her with three fingers.

"Yes, Jules, yes, God yes," Gen moaned.

Jules sucked on Gen's clit in tandem with the thrusts of her fingers. Gen was thrusting up to meet her mouth with her hands wound in Jules' short dark hair. Jules took advantage of her longer reach by snaking her left hand back up Jules' body to work her nipple. Gen's thrusts became more insistent, and Jules knew she was close. She did three things at once. She curled her fingers while sucking down on her clit hard, and pinching her nipple. Gen's fingers tensed in Jules' hair as she screamed her release. Pleasure rocked through Jules' body in sympathetic orgasm and she moaned against Gen's clit. Jules waited until the tremors in Gen's body stopped. She slowly removed her fingers and kissed Gen's clit. She moved back up the bed and lay down next to Gen.

"Wow," Gen gasped, still trying to get her breath back.

"Thanks," Jules said smugly.

"Oh, trust me, I will be thanking you properly in just a second."

Jules smiled. "Take your time. Trust me I had plenty of fun."

"Oh no, can't have you thinking I'm a pillow queen," Gen said as she rolled on top of Jules. She ran her hands down Jules' toned arms and entwined their fingers. Her tiny hands almost disappeared inside Jules' large, calloused ones. She brought their joined hands up above Jules' head and then moved her hands so she gripped her wrists. She pressed Jules' hands against the headboard and moved her lips to the woman's ear. "Jules, if your hands leave the headboard, I'm going to stop."

Jules nodded and moved her hands so they gripped the wooden headboard.

"Good, it's my turn, I can't have you distracting me."

A thrill of arousal ripped through Jules at the idea of being restrained without actually being restrained. It was an act of will and she gripped the headboard tighter.

Gen moved her hand down and began circling Jules' clit, slowly. "You're so wet, Jules, you really did get off from getting me off, didn't you?"

Jules moaned in response, words escaping her. Gen moved two fingers into Jules, keeping the heel of her hand pressed up against Jules' clit. She leaned her head down and took one of Jules' nipples into her mouth.

Jules gasped in pleasure. "God, Genevieve, more!"

Gen smiled against Jules' nipple, then bit down and added a third finger, pressing harder into Jules and increasing her pace.

"Jules, you are going to come for me, now, because you are mine," Gen hissed into Jules' ear.

"God yes, yours," Jules moaned. Gen brought her other hand down and twisted Jules' clit. Jules cried out her release and her body arched so much that Gen was afraid she'd fall off. But she held on.

When Jules body was back on the bed Gen slowly removed her hand and looked into Jules' hazy blue eyes. Jules was still gripping the headboard and Gen moved her hands up to them, working the fingers loose from the bed. "Jules, you can let go now."

"Oh, cher, I already did."

Gen laughed. "No, let go of the headboard, babe, you'll hurt yourself."

"Oh, I forgot I was holding on."

Gen smiled. "I'll take that as a compliment."

"You really should."

Gen snuggled into Jules' side and Jules wrapped an arm around her. Their rapidly cooling bodies meant the chill of the air conditioning was a bit too much. Jules moaned in frustration.


"We need to get under the covers."

"Yes, we should."

"I don't wanna move."

"Come on, you can do it."

Jules sighed. "Okay." She rolled Gen on top of her body.

Gen shrieked in surprise. "What are you doing?"

"I'm getting us under the covers. I'm not sure I can stand up." Jules reached out with her right arm to fold down the comforter and sheet on one side of the bed. She wrapped her arm back around Gen and rolled the two of them to the side of the bed where the sheets were folded down. She used her legs to get the sheets and quilt over them, then rolled back to the middle of the bed, with Gen again resting on top of her. Gen, still laughing at Jules' ridiculous maneuver, moved so she was curled into Jules' side, draped one leg over her, and wrapped an arm around her waist. Her hand ran lightly over Jules toned abs. "Next time," she murmured.

"What's that, cher?"

"Next time, I'm tracing your abs with my tongue."

"So there will be a next time, then? Excellent."

"Of course. You're perfect, Jules."

"Oh, no, Genevieve, you're the perfect one. Sleep now."



Jules woke up at eight. It was impossible for her to sleep any later. Because of the schedule she kept during the week, eight felt like sleeping far too late. She glanced down at the blonde head resting on her right breast and grinned, remembering the night before. She planned to stay watching Gen sleep for a bit, but then her stomach growled. She figured Gen would sleep a bit later and carefully extricated herself from Gen's embrace. Gen groaned at the loss of contact but rolled over and went back into a deeper sleep.

Jules quietly pulled a pair of basketball shorts and a wife beater on. She walked downstairs and fed Samson and turned on the TV in the kitchen to catch some news on CNN while she fixed breakfast. She took the coffee out of the freezer and ground it. The whole time she was cooking, she couldn't stop smiling. She set up the French press and poured water in to steep. Then she took down flour, baking powder, sugar and shortening, mixing up southern biscuits. She rolled the biscuits out and cut them, placing them on a baking sheet, humming to herself. She put them in the preheated oven then took out an iron skillet and set the bacon in to fry. While she fried the bacon she mixed up scrambled eggs, getting them ready to cook. The bacon finished and she put it on a plate, poured the drippings into a jar, and began scrambling the eggs in the iron skillet. That was when she felt arms snake around her waist.

"You weren't there when I woke up," Gen said.

"Well, I was trying to make you breakfast in bed."

"Hmmmm. Sorry, I interfered."

"Oh, don't be."

Jules backed up and opened the oven to take out the biscuits.

"How long have you been up?" Gen asked her eyes goggled at all the food Jules had cooked already.

"I don't know, fifteen minutes maybe"

Gen kissed the back of her neck and went over to the French press to pour herself some coffee. "Honey?"

"Not a pet name I'm crazy about, but sure, I'll take it."

Gen laughed. "No, do you have honey?"

"Yeah, in the pantry, third shelf."

Jules took the eggs off the heat of the stove and began dividing them up on two plates. She turned around and saw that Gen was wearing one of her work shirts that she must have pulled from the dry cleaning hamper. The button-down was comically large on Gen's tiny frame, so she had rolled up the sleeves, and forgone pants. Jules growled her appreciation and pulled Gen to her by the front of the shirt and kissed her soundly.

"I know it's cliché, but, Genevieve, you can wear my shirts any time you want," Jules murmured when they came up for air.

"Good morning to you too," Gen said. She leaned back and looked up into Jules' eyes. "Why do you call me Genevieve when things get sexy?"

"Oh, do I?"

Gen nodded.

"I guess that is probably because I always thought of you as Genevieve before I got to know you. I can work on stopping."

"No, it's fine, I like it."

"Good," Jules whispered, leaning in and kissing Gen again. Her stomach growled angrily and Gen laughed and turned back to the pantry grabbing the honey. She poured a dollop of honey into her coffee and then opened the fridge, finding the cream and adding that.

"Leave the honey out for the biscuits, cher," Jules said as she divided up the bacon and put two biscuits on each plate.

"Okay," Gen said. Jules turned to the fridge and pulled out butter, jam, and orange juice. "So, you have this routine down."

"Not for the reason you think."


"No. I eat like this every weekend, even if it's just me."

"Wow, must be nice to be a rower and know it'll all get burned off."

"Oh, come on Gen, you have an amazing body."

Gen blushed. "I don't eat like you do, though."

"You do work out though, you are so toned."


Jules closed her eyes at the images that gave her and Gen laughed. "You cooked me this breakfast, are you going to let me eat it?"

"Oh, sure." Jules walked both plates to the table then went back for the condiments. Gen had carried their coffee cups in already and put glasses and silverware on the table.

Gen took a bite of the eggs. "Damn, is there anything you don't cook well?"


"What, really?"

"Yeah, I don't flip them well, they just turn into scramble."

As the two women ate, a comfortable silence went through the room.

"So, what do you have going on today?" Jules asked.

"Nothing set in stone. I need to grade some essays at some point. You?"

"I thought I'd try to figure out where Evie was buried. I just want to know. You know?"

"Know if your auntie killed her father?"


"Want help?"

BOOK: Safe Passage
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