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Authors: Charity Parkerson

Sated (6 page)

BOOK: Sated
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“Just let us please you, baby. Your ass is tight and greedy. I don’t have to do a thing. Lyric is going to make you come hard, your orgasm is going to milk mine. I can feel you getting close.” He circled her clit, teasing her bud with perfect timing. Lyric dipped his head, capturing one of her nipples between his teeth while surging upward with his hips and hitting bottom. She groaned. It was damn good. She was close. It was right there, tightening her stomach and thighs. Lyric shifted, rocking against her at the perfect angle as he grabbed Killian by the back of the head and jerked him forward. Their mouths collided. The sight of the two men’s tongues entwining was so erotic, Arbor exploded.

Her lower body convulsed harder than it ever had in her life. The motion pulled a sound from deep inside Killian’s chest. It vibrated against her spine, seeming almost animalistic. A vision of riding Lyric’s perfect lips as Killian fucked the man’s ass slammed into her mind. It was so vivid in detail she almost swore they’d done it before. A sense of déjà vu and nostalgia rolled over her, oddly causing her to orgasm again even harder than the first time. Lyric’s head hit the wall behind him. Loud gasps filled the tiny space. With her chin on her chest, she spotted the condom wrappers on the floor and a wave of relief rolled down her spine. They’d stolen her thoughts. She hadn’t even thought of protection.

“Fuck, Arbor,” Lyric said, sounding wrecked. “You’re fucking perfect.” She wanted to keep both these men. Not only that, she wanted them to desire each other as well. Every secret fantasy she’d ever experienced slammed into her at once. These men were her one-way ticket to hell and she was going down with a smile on her face.

Chapter Four

“It’s odd having someone watching every move I make, but the guys tell me I have to have security with me at all times now. I guess it was only a matter of time before the world learned of my existence. Apparently, women really hate me for stealing away their fantasy. Trey isn’t too bad as far as security goes. Not that I have any experience in the matter. If you set aside the fact that I can feel his eyes following me, it isn’t terrible. Lyric is happy with him, so I trust him to take care of me. He’s funny but kind of quiet. For some reason I can’t explain, it bothers me that he might think badly of me. I don’t know why I worry over it. Sometimes, if I’m quick enough, I catch a certain expression on his face before he can mask it. It’s a mystery, but I’ll figure it out. Gah! I feel like such an idiot for even thinking it. Yesterday, I had the oddest thought. I’m almost certain it was longing I saw written on his face. It’s ridiculous. I know.”—September 2

Arbor stared at the corner, half-asleep and reliving every moment of the night before in her head. Trey was due to arrive at any moment. The laundry piled on her bed called her name, but she ignored it, telling herself it was ridiculous to start anything when he could be there any second. Of course, the truth was she was too tired to move. Lyric and Killian’s presence still filled every ounce of her small apartment. After sneaking from the bathroom at La’Vone, they’d taken things back to her place. It had been one hell of a night. With a groan, Arbor leaned over, resting her head on her crossed arms on top of the desk. It wasn’t the least bit comfortable, but her eyes were so heavy. The room spun, making it impossible to keep them open.

“You’re judging me.”

“I’m not.”

Arbor snorted. “I can feel your judgey stare boring into the back of my skull.” Glancing over her shoulder, she found Trey slouched on the loveseat, arms crossed over his chest and watching her. When their eyes met, her brows rose in challenge. “Told you so.”

“Never said I wasn’t staring. I said I wasn’t judging.”

With an exasperated sigh, Arbor turned back to the window. She bore it for a good five minutes longer before snapping. “You’re still doing it.”

Warmth engulfed her. “What am I doing?” Lyric asked, pressing against her back and wrapping his arms around her waist. She leaned into his touch.

“Yay. You’re home.” Instead of the cheerful words she heard in her mind, her statement came out sounding breathless. His lips touched her shoulder as Killian’s lips touched her check. Tilting her chin, she captured his mouth.

“We hurried,” he said against her skin. Lyric’s arms tightened around her waist even as his hands slipped beneath the hem of shirt. The open happiness shining in Killian’s eyes, as he claimed the window seat in front of her, caused her breath to hitch. Even as he gave her a minute-by-minute accounting of their business meeting, all Arbor could focus on was the sensation of Lyric stroking her stomach and the way Killian toyed with her belt loops. “Have you had fun playing with Trey while we were gone?”

Killian’s mischievousness was catching. “He stares at me.”

Trey snorted. “Tattletale.”

Not only did Killian’s smile never falter, he didn’t bother glancing Trey’s way. “Of course he does. That’s what we pay him to do.”

Lyric set his chin on her shoulder. “I’d be worried if he didn’t,” Lyric said, offering his two cents. “You’re fucking gorgeous.”

Killian’s smile hitched up a notch. “Yeah. What he said.”

Heat exploded across her face. She’d always been uncomfortable with praise. Killian’s expression changed, turning hot. Warmth spread through her limbs. Moving slowly, Killian came to his feet while holding her gaze.

“Go away, Trey,” Killian ordered.


The man’s agreement and the door closing behind him vaguely registered in Arbor’s mind.

“How far down does this blush go?” Killian asked, tugging his shirt over his head. Lyric slid the button on her jeans free.

“Let’s find out.”

The knock landing on her front door seemed over-the-top loud to Arbor’s pounding head. She stumbled to her feet, trying her best to shake off sleep and barely hanging on to her temper.

“For fuck’s sake. This is a studio apartment. You could’ve tapped your fingernails and I would’ve heard you. All that wasn’t necessary.” Trey lifted his eyebrows at her snarled words. She regretted her bitchiness immediately. Snapping her teeth together, Arbor drew a deep breath in through her nose. “I’m sorry,” she muttered, rubbing at her temples. “That was ridiculous.” The dream about Lyric, Killian, and Trey nagged the back of her mind, driving her insane. It felt so real. It was still hanging in the air, choking her. “You look nice,” she added because she was a dumbass. But really, he did. His black slacks and maroon dress shirt went great with his shaggy blond hair and gun. Seriously. Something about him toting a weapon ratcheted up his hotness level by ten notches. He also smelled rather lickable.

Apparently mollified, a low rumble of laughter left his too-perfect lips. “In spite of the dark smudges beneath your eyes, you’re looking damn hot as well.”

To stop herself from tugging at the low neckline of her dress—something she’d done a thousand times before his arrival—she snagged her purse from the side table and stepped into the hall. Left with no choice, Trey backed up, giving her space to pull the door closed. For some reason Arbor couldn’t explain, she didn’t want him inside her apartment. Perhaps—after last night—she no longer trusted her judgment when it came to men. It seemed she’d forgotten how to tell them no. Being alone with Trey, with her bed only feet away, didn’t seem like such a good idea.

“Sometimes I don’t sleep very well,” she said, explaining her bad attitude and dark circles. Not to mention, she hoped to draw his attention away from how she was rushing him from her apartment.

“I rarely sleep, so I can’t judge.” He didn’t make any move toward the elevator. Instead, he seemed content to stand in the hall all day. Arbor shifted, nervous beneath his stare. Hyper-awareness over her kiss-swollen lips and the beard burns on her neck left her incapable of thinking straight. Finally, she chose something simple to steer him in the direction she wanted.

“Where are we going for lunch?” Damn. He was a detective. Most likely, he could see right through her. Why was he standing so close? Her hormones couldn’t take it. That smell...sheesh. It made her stomach growl.

“Let’s get something out of the way first.” She was losing her mind. His statement didn’t make sense.


At her placid acceptance, he smirked. “I didn’t expect you to agree so easily.”

She shook her head. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

A silky chuckle met her admission. The sound stroked her over-sensitized skin, making her want. By the time Arbor realized what she was doing, it was too late. Her fingers were already clasping his shirt tightly between them, drawing him closer. When she went up on her toes, Trey met her halfway. Dipping his head, he touched his lips to hers. They clung. Unmoving. She shared his air. It was amazing.

The tip of his tongue swiped the valley in the center of her bottom lip. She wanted to chase it. It disappeared. Letting go of his shirt, Arbor slipped her arms around his waist, closing the final gap between them. His hips pressed against her stomach. The erection couldn’t be missed. His mouth opened over her bottom lip enough to allow him to sink his teeth into it. Her breasts were begging for the same treatment. The hard surface hitting her back let Arbor know he’d pushed her against the wall. The support was appreciated. When her head thumped against the wood, and she could go no further, his tongue finally slipped past her lips. His hold tightened on her hips, making her realize she’d been rubbing them against him, unconsciously seeking relief. She’d heard of people becoming addicted to sex. Maybe that was what was happening to her.

The taste of coffee and mint teased her taste buds. Soft strokes brushed across the roof of her mouth and the side of her tongue before disappearing again. There was talent, pure skill behind his every action. Arbor was helpless against it. When he pulled away and pressed his lips to her forehead, all she could do was breathe. She didn’t have the strength to do anything more. Every lungful of oxygen was hard won. Her gasps sounded loud in the otherwise silent hallway.

“I’m going to take you to lunch,” he said against her skin. She nodded. “I don’t want to.” She shook her head. He leaned away. Tilting her chin up, she met his stare. “Goddamn.” His breathless curse barely died away before he was on her again. This time, his kiss was demanding—nipping her lips and sucking her tongue. Her body drew up so tightly, Arbor thought she might come from his kiss alone. That was something that had never happened to her before. He groaned, sounding doomed as he pulled away.

“We’re leaving now before I do something stupid.”

“I’d be insulted, but even I can’t defend my senseless behavior as of late.”

Trey didn’t smile as she’d hoped. “And I don’t know whether to laugh or shake you for that comment. Instead, I’m going to feed you because I think you need more people who actually care about you in your life.”

Arbor wanted to argue that he didn’t know her well enough to judge. The words wouldn’t come. No matter what came to mind, it died on her tongue. His gaze was too wise. She did need someone who cared because she wasn’t entirely sure that even she did any longer.

* * * * *

She’d been quiet, barely saying a word since they’d arrived at the restaurant. Trey hadn’t pressed. It was comforting. It was Arbor. She didn’t fill the world with unnecessary noise. For someone such as him, it was irresistible.

“Are you ready to go home or do you have time to spend with me?”

Arbor took a sip of water, eyeing him questioningly. “Don’t you have a job to go back to?”

Trey didn’t hesitate. “You’re my first priority.”

“That’s sweet. Ridiculous, but sweet.”

He wasn’t sure if she meant to insult him, but he was either way. “Why is it ridiculous?”

Arbor’s sigh clearly said that she thought the answer should’ve been obvious. “You’re supposed to be on your lunch break, and everyone needs to work.”

No. They didn’t, but it was pointless for Trey to say as much. “You called me, so I get to keep you now.”

She huffed but was smiling. Trey took it as a good sign. “I called you yesterday.” A frown pulled at her brow. “At least, I think it was yesterday, or was it...” She made a slashing motion. “No matter. You have a career to think about.”

“Today, you’re my job.” She was his responsibility every day, but Trey kept it to himself. Her eyes narrowed. A full minute passed before she responded.

“What did you have in mind?”

The triumph raging through his veins was hard to hide, but Trey tried. “A tour. You said you hadn’t been here long. New Orleans is an amazing place. I refuse to let you miss out on all the best places because you don’t have a local to guide you.”

“Mmm, guide me,” Arbor repeated. Just like that, he went hard. The one-two punch of naughty tone and wicked expression had him raring to go. Arbor’s gaze slid over him. It was almost physical in its power. Her lips parted. A flush crept up her chest. He didn’t miss a single detail. “If you could see the way you’re looking at me right now.”

At Arbor’s breathless statement, Trey had to clear his throat before he could speak. “What would I see?”

She shook her head. A rueful smile touched her lips. “So where are we headed?”

Disappointment punched him in the chest. Never in his life had he wanted a question answered as badly. He did his best to hide it. “It depends on you. Would you prefer to hear all about the architectural history of the town or are you interested in the darker side of life in this area? If it’s structural history, we’ll do a walking tour. If you’re a paranormal junkie, there’re some awesome ghost tours, and even a few out in the swamp.” It was almost funny. Even discussing historical buildings and haunted locale didn’t dampen his lust.

“Ghosts? During the day?”

Trey chuckled. He couldn’t help it. “In my experience, once you’re dead, you stay that way twenty-four hours a day. So, what’s it going to be?”

“Neither,” she answered immediately, causing his disappointment to ratchet up. He must not have done a good job of masking it. Her smile turned mischievous. “I have something better in mind. If you’re up for it, that is.”

BOOK: Sated
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