Savage Chains: Shattered (#3) (Men in Chains) (3 page)

BOOK: Savage Chains: Shattered (#3) (Men in Chains)
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He had to tap into his Ancestral power or he’d die on this table, because the last thing he’d ever do was place himself in Sweet Dove’s hands again.

Reyes, she’ll kill you. I can feel it in her. She’ll let you die before she releases you from these chains.

He wanted to reassure Angelica, but he had to stay focused.

He reached his Ancestral power, which resided like a deep water table within his body and his soul combined.

At the same moment Angelica screamed. Sweet Dove must have figured out what he was doing and, in an attempt to distract him, was hurting Angelica again.

He struggled to stay focused. His primary instinct shouted at him to stop Sweet Dove from torturing Angelica. But what could he do if he didn’t have added power?

He turned all his attention back to his Ancestral storehouse. He began to sink within it and felt an absolute rush of sensation, like nothing he’d ever known before. He felt strengthened from within and without at the same time.

A second sensation followed, like the tightening of a bond, which he knew would complete his rise to Ancestral status if he allowed it to form. But he didn’t want that, at least not now. He didn’t trust the Ancestrals he knew and wouldn’t allow himself to become one of them.

By pulling back slightly the impulse of the bond melted away, yet he could still draw from his power. When he felt he’d gained enough to break free of the preternaturally charged shackles, he began the long glide back to consciousness.

Angelica, if you can, reach down and grab hold of me. Can you do that?

Too … much … pain …

She couldn’t move. Sweet Dove had her trapped in pain. He knew that sensation. He’d lived with it for a century.

He flooded every muscle in his body with the stream of Ancestral power. He focused on the shackles at his arms and wrists.

As the power coalesced, Reyes opened his eyes and saw that Sweet Dove was distracted by Angelica’s pain, that she was feeding off her suffering. Her attention sidetracked, in one burst of energy Reyes broke out of each shackle, rushed toward Angelica, and gathered her up in his arms.

Before Sweet Dove had the time to react, he shifted to altered flight and flew straight up and out of the cavern system.

He wanted to keep going, but he had a powerful instinct about the situation that if he didn’t play this moment right, he’d get kicked out of Starlin then and there.

Angelica, we have to return. I must speak with Sweet Dove. I’m sorry.

She trembled in his arms.
No, I get it. You have to mend this bridge right now or she’ll revoke your membership.

Exactly, but I hate taking you back there.

Please, don’t worry about me. I’m siphoning your power and healing as we speak.

He circled back quickly to Sweet Dove’s torture cave and found her crumpled on the floor, against the cave wall.

As he touched down in front of Sweet Dove, the woman’s eyes rolled in her head as she worked to recover.

She looked up at him, squinting. “You broke free.”

“I did. You’ll never own me again, Sweet Dove. But you’ve made me what I am today. I’m a slaver now and this slave belongs to me, to use as I see fit. I wouldn’t mind becoming your lover, though, if you’re open to it.”

Sweet Dove sat up and her vision finally came together. “Even after I tried to enslave you, then to kill you?”

“Now that I know I can occasionally tap into my Ancestral power, that you can’t hold me, I’m open to a relationship. Your ruthlessness excites me.”

She got a look on her face that he’d seen before, a very calculating expression. At one time he would have shuddered, knowing that nothing good could follow. But after having escaped just now, he had no fear that she could ever capture and hold him again, not like before.

“I’ll have to think about it, Reyes. I’ve never thought of you as true lover potential, but it might work.”

“We could be excellent partners as well. I have a head for business and already have ideas about ways we could expand the Starlin enterprise.”

“You did quite well for yourself after you escaped me, and I’ll admit I’m impressed by that. I suppose this means I’ll need to adjust my thinking, but you’ll have to give me time. I’ve thought of you as just a slave for so long, it never occurred to me you could become something else in my life.”

He used words she could understand. “But I want more, Sweet Dove, so much more. I have ambitions and want to fulfill them.”

She gained her feet and stroked his arm. “I guess we’re more alike than I ever understood. We’ll talk again. Soon. Perhaps when the final event of the festival is over.”

He almost pressed her about the one thing she’d promised, a place on the Starlin Board of Governors, but he knew he’d reached his bargaining limit.

“Yes, we’ll talk after the masked ball at the Crystal Dome.”

She glanced at Angelica. “And maybe by then you won’t be so encumbered. It would please me if you would get rid of your slave.”

Reyes actually smiled, because he had every intention of faking Angelica’s death immediately following the masked ball. “That won’t be a problem.”

With that he returned to altered flight and shot toward his home in the Como Cavern system.

Once arrived, however, he recalled that Angelica couldn’t handle flying that fast. When he touched down in his bedroom, he released her, apologizing. “I forgot. Angelica, I’m so sorry. Are you all right?”

She blinked at him. “I’m not hurting anymore. Once you tore me away from Sweet Dove, the pain stopped.”

“No, I mean, don’t you have a headache?” Previously when he didn’t take altered flight slow enough, Angelica would experience a pounding headache that made her sick for a long time after.

She shook her head, then her eyes went wide. “Oh, because you moved so fast during altered flight.” She put a hand to her head. “I’m not. I’m fine. Why?”

“I guess because I tapped into my Ancestral power.”

She held both his arms and frowned slightly. “That’s right. Does this mean you’re an Ancestral now? Although I’m not sensing much of a difference.”

He shook his head. “No, I’m not, but I did make use of the power.”

Her lips curved slowly. “You broke out of those chains.”

He nodded. “I did.” He still couldn’t believe he’d accomplished the impossible.

“While it was happening I felt so much from you, what you were going through, even while that bitch was hurting me. I could sense you reaching deep, and I knew the moment you connected. Everything began to shift. Most of the pain Sweet Dove was inflicting drifted away. And the way you looked when you were free, like a triumphant warrior.”

He turned in a circle. “You have no idea how wonderful this feels. All those years with Sweet Dove I was powerless, but now I feel as though I could do anything.”

“You know, there were a couple of times I didn’t think we’d make it out alive.”

Reyes reached for her, pulling her into his arms. He kissed her deeply.
I’m so grateful to you.

She drew back, smiling. “We did it, Reyes, and you were damn brilliant going back like that, saying what you did just to keep her hooked.”

He searched her face, her brown eyes, how wild her hair looked because of all that she’d done. “And the way you siphoned my power. You even levitated. Did you know that?”

“Oh, that’s right, I did. I was just so intent on keeping Sweet Dove away from you.” She shuddered.

He held her waist and pulled her close, connecting his hips with hers. “You stunned me, Angelica. She could have decimated you with one carefully aimed thought, but you faced up to her like a warrior.”

“I suppose it was foolish, but I’d reached this point where I didn’t care if I lived or died. I just knew I couldn’t have her anywhere near you, not with you chained down.”

His heart swelled as he kissed her again. He’d never been so happy, so full of excitement, in his life. After a moment he drew back, his body on fire once more. “I’m not sure you remember this, but before we went to the masked ball I promised you something, and right now I intend to deliver."

She looked wonderfully confused. “What’s that?”

“Maybe I should just show you.”

He lifted her in his arms and carried her to the bed. Throwing the comforter back, he settled her near the edge.

“Should I get out of this costume?” Her hand fell to the bustier.

He shook his head. “Not yet, because
be taking care of you.”

She put a hand to her chest, her eyes widening. “What do you mean, ‘we’?”

Chapter Two

Desire poured through Angelica, a rush of sensation that brought a warm flush to her cheeks. She remembered now. Reyes had spoken about being able to split into two beings.

Apparently he was going to do that now, but she couldn’t imagine what it would be like to have two Reyeses tending to her.

Her breathing grew labored as he stepped away from the bed. She felt his power sing through the blood-chains. As she watched him closely, he became a blur first, then suddenly there were two of him.

The first one moved toward her. “I’m the primary and I’ll do the speaking. My secondary self just engages. So what I want to know first is, what’s your pleasure?”

Her lips parted, but her mind got jammed with all the images of the ways she wanted to touch him, or rather them, and to be touched. Finally she just shook her head. “I don’t know. Everything.”

Reyes smiled, a wonderful smirk that let her know she was in for an extraordinary treat.

More of Reyes, a lot more.

His primary self drew up close and leaned down to her kiss her, his hands fondling the swell of her breasts. After a moment he drew back, moving his hands lower. “You have one of the smallest waists I’ve ever seen.”

“I like your hands around me.”

When he rose up unexpectedly, his secondary self, now at the foot of the bed, levitated just enough to catch her at her waist as well, only he dragged her to the end of the bed. He began working the leather pants off her hips.

Angelica knew where this was headed, and desire streamed once more. Reyes leaned close, and while his secondary self continued to work the strange leather pants off her, Reyes kissed the swell of her breasts. He slid one hand beneath the lace, fondling her, then finally freed each nipple from the lace. He settled in to nurse on her, which of course caused flames of pleasure between her legs.

When the secondary Reyes had removed her stilettos and the snug pants, he moved between her legs. She cried out as his mouth settled on her down low and he began to suck.

The pleasure of her nipples and her clitoris being sucked at the same time had her on the brink so fast, she clutched at the sheet beneath her fingers. The sounds of the suckling alone were almost too much.

“Reyes, what are you doing to me?”

He kept tugging on her nipple.
How close are you? Can you come like this?

Very close and yes, it would take so little.

At the exact same moment, both Reyeses sped up their movements, the secondary’s tongue flicking her down low so fast that she was coming before she knew what was happening.

She released a series of cries and gasps. Because she’d orgasmed so recently, her flesh was still tender, which made the sensation sharper and even better than before.

She writhed on the bed.

Both Reyeses slowed their movements, but continued to lave her low and kiss and suckle her breasts in turn. After about a minute they settled in as before, and began nursing on her in earnest in both locations.

She whimpered and grabbed at his shoulders with one hand and reached low to caress his head with her other.

she whispered through his mind.

And again he sped up suckling her nipple fast and at the same time flicking her with his tongue low. Just like that, yet another orgasm sped through her so that she groaned and arched her neck. She couldn’t believe this was happening.

This time he eased back from both places, watching her and smiling. “What would you like now?”

She glanced from one to the other. “How are you doing this?”

He shrugged. “I can battle like this as well, but I don’t really know the physics. I just can.”

“I guess I don’t really care. I love having two of you here, tending to me. Come close, one on each side.”

He lifted her toward the center of the bed. The secondary Reyes stretched out on her left, the primary on her right.

She kissed each of them in turns, two mouths to savor, two bodies. Using her hands, she once more savored his muscular dips and swells. She took her time, sucking on nipples and pecs, tracing her tongue down abdomens.

Two cocks as well.

She rose up on her knees and took one in each hand, rubbing slowly, thumbing each crown. She watched their shared pleasure as each gaze roved her chest, the swell of her breasts.

She released their cocks and unhooked her bustier, letting her breasts free. Each sat up and took a breast. Two mouths feasted on her, causing her to clench hard between her legs.

She hadn’t thought making love with Reyes could get better, yet here she was, ready to lose her mind from so much pleasure.

“Make love to me,” she whispered, her voice hoarse.

Each lay back down, and she resumed her place between them. The primary Reyes pulled her toward him, kissing her as he moved his cock between her legs. He angled his hips and found her entrance, pushing inside.

She cried out. He felt so good buried inside her.

The Reyes at her back kissed her neck, her shoulders, and drifted his lips to her buttocks. He nibbled and licked until she was panting.

“Do you want my blood?” she asked.

Both men groaned.

The one now behind her positioned himself at her neck and bit down with his fangs, then began to suck. In front of her, Reyes held an arm over her chest, keeping her in place. At the same time he slowly rocked his hips into her, driving his cock in and out. He kissed her eyelids, her cheeks, her lips.

She was overcome with sensation, especially when the secondary Reyes moved in closer, nestling his thick cock between the cleft of her bottom. He rubbed himself in quickening thrusts. She reached behind her to caress his shoulder.

BOOK: Savage Chains: Shattered (#3) (Men in Chains)
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