Read Savage Fire (Savage Angels MC #2) Online

Authors: Kathleen Kelly

Tags: #Mafia, #Alpha, #contemporary romance, #Biker Erotica, #mystery, #Action, #Love story, #Suspense, #Biker romance

Savage Fire (Savage Angels MC #2) (5 page)

BOOK: Savage Fire (Savage Angels MC #2)
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Emily goes ahead of me and walks out of the clinic. Luke arrives as I hit the pavement. He’s in the tow truck, his hair is wet and he doesn’t look happy.

“Jonas, what gives? It’s too fucking early,” he says, sliding out of the truck. He scowls at me as he approaches us and I laugh.

“Luke, this is Emily Reynolds and she had an accident out of town. We need to go get her car,” I say.

“Reynolds?” he asks.

“Yes, Luke, Emily Reynolds.”

“Hello, pleased to meet you,” she says as she holds out her hand to Luke.

He looks at her quizzically then grasps her hand. “Likewise, so where is your car?”

“If you head back out of town,” she says as she points, “and drive for about four hours, you’ll find it. I impaled it on a tree. It’s a silver Chevy, Malibu.” She smiles at him and hands him the keys.

“Four hours?” Luke has his hands on his hips and shakes his head in frustration. “Right. VP, I’ll be gone for a while, can I take Keg with me?”

Keg, another member of the MC, has been looking after Luke. Luke’s girlfriend, Jess, was murdered and Keg has been making sure Luke doesn’t do anything that would get him killed, or worse.

“Yeah, I’m sure Keg would just fucking love climbing out of bed this early to spend time with you. If you can wake him, you can take him otherwise pick another prospect. I don’t care which one.” Luke nods, does a two-finger wave at Emily and then climbs into the tow truck. He’ll make a good MC member one day. I don’t think Dane is going to make him stay a prospect for long. Emily stands near me as we watch Luke drive away. She sighs and moves her eyes to mine.

“Whatever the Doc gave me is starting to make me feel even sleepier, if that’s possible. I think I’ll take you up on that offer of a bed.” She tries to smile at me but she looks exhausted.

“Come on, Em, let’s find you a bed.” She nods and begins to walk towards the Compound on unsteady feet. I grab her by the arm and put my other arm around her. She sure didn’t inherit Dane’s height; she can’t be more than five foot two.


ebel!” I yell as I carry Emily through the doors of the clubhouse.

“Yeah, VP?” He walks out from the back of the clubhouse and wipes his hands on his jeans. He raises his eyebrows at me as I stride through to Dane’s room.

“This is the Prez’s sister, Emily. I’ve just taken her to Doc Jordan’s; she had a car accident and he’s given her something for the pain. She collapsed on Main Street. I think she’s exhausted. I don’t want anyone going into Dane’s room. You hear me? No one. I need you to make this happen, yeah?”

He nods and pulls back the covers on the bed. I lay Emily on the sheets, take off her shoes then cover her up. She really is a beauty; I push the hair off her face and turn to Rebel.

“Dane doesn’t know she’s here. She says she wants to surprise him, so keep everyone out and don’t tell him. I’ll be in the garage all day but if she wakes I want to know immediately, understood?”

He nods and says, “Yeah, VP, understood. Think Dane is still being kept prisoner by Kat anyway.” He smiles but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes. I think Rebel has an unhealthy crush on Kat but you’d have to be blind not to see how much Kat adores our Prez.

“Yeah, I’m supposed to be breaking him out tomorrow. Let’s hope Emily is awake by then.” I run my hand through my hair and head for the door.

Rebel follows me back out of the room and into the main room of the clubhouse, only to grab a chair and head back to Dane’s room to stand guard, or in this case sit guard, over our guest.

Chapter 9


fter I drop off my vulnerable companion, I drive to the local motel—The Country Inn. I wake the owner, an alcohol soaked man in his late fifties. He is not happy about being woken up at such an early hour but he soon changes his attitude when I pay him double for his troubles. The only highlight of my meeting with him is his very attractive daughter.

She explains the conditions of the rooms as she leads me to mine. “The rooms are clean and if you need more towels or fresh linen please come to the front desk and ask for me, Adelynn.” She unlocks the door, turns her smile on me and slips the key into my palm. “Remember, if you need anything, just ask.”

“Thank you, Adelynn, I’m Sal. Tell me, do you happen to know where I can get a good meal around here?”

“There’s a café on Main Street, Betties. She makes a fabulous apple pie and you can walk to it from here.”

“Thank you. Have you lived in Tourmaline long?” I ask.

“I was born here. But I’ve only been back for the last three years.” She smiles and goes to leave. 

“Would you care to join me for some breakfast?” I need information and having a meal with a beautiful woman is certainly a nice way to pass the time and hopefully glean something out of her.

“Oh, I can’t, but thank you. My son needs some help getting ready for school,” she says.

“I apologize, I did not realize you were married,” I say with my hands held up.

“I’m not anymore, my husband died a while ago.” Before I can say anything she continues, “Please don’t apologize, it’s been a long time. I came back to be with family. It’s just me, my son and my dad. But in Tourmaline everyone knows everyone; it’s a nice place to live.”

“Alright then, perhaps another time?” I ask.

“Maybe. Enjoy your stay.” She walks towards the main office and I watch her go. She must be five foot ten, long brown hair and a lithe figure. Her stride is deliberate and graceful, very pleasant to watch. My room is more spacious than I thought it would be and she’s right, it’s all very clean. I walk into the bathroom; it smells of apples and it too is clean and bright.

I take off my jacket and throw it on the bed. I need a shower and sleep but before I can rest, I need information. I undress, place my clothes on the bed and go into the bathroom. When I step into the running water of the shower I find the source of the apple smell, it’s the soap. I lather up and use it in my hair as well. The warm water washes over me, relaxing my muscles, but now is not the time to forget why I am here so I turn off the heat and let the cold water wake me up. I need to be awake for my meeting with the Savage Angels.


open the door to the diner and find a small group of people already seated inside. I plaster the best smile I can on my face and head for a seat at the counter. My hair is a bit of a mess as I don’t have a comb or brush so I run my hands through it. I’m sure I look like a well‐dressed bum, but I smell nice.

The waitress watches me approach from the other side of the counter and says, “What can I get you?” She’s very young, maybe twenty; she has one of those boyish shapes, no chest and no ass. Her hair is pulled up neatly in a ponytail. Her name tag tells me her name is Rosie.

“Morning. A coffee, eggs over easy, bacon, toast and pancakes.” I smile at her and she smiles back.

“Well, I sure like a man who knows what he wants,” she answers flirtatiously. “You want maple syrup on those pancakes?” she asks.

“Yes please, and I take my coffee black, no sugar.”

“Alrighty then, I’ll go rustle up some coffee and I’ll ask Howie to get started on your order.” Another innocent smile flits across her face and I respond by offering some of my hidden charm. This one will be easier to retrieve information from, especially if she thinks I like her.

She grabs a mug, pours coffee into it and places it in front of me. “So, what brings you to Tourmaline?”

“I’m here to visit an old friend, perhaps you know her? Christina Saunders.”

Her face clouds over and she looks upset. “I’m sorry to tell you this, but Ms. Saunders died a while back. It’s been over twelve months.”

“I didn’t know,” I say, lowering my eyes to the mug in front of me. “I was actually coming to town to discuss some business with her. Do you know who is looking after her transport business?” I do my best to look upset. I knew that Ms. Saunders had passed. I was notified. She was a major player in the gun business but she knew better than to sell on the East Coast. The Savage Angels are about to find out that you do not fuck with the Abruzzi Family.

“I’m so sorry; she was a nice old lady. Her business is now in the hands of the Savage Angels. They have a clubhouse at the end of this street.”

Before she can say anything else, the cook Howie yells out, “Rosie! Order up!” She rolls her eyes and goes to fetch my breakfast.


t’s a little after ten as I make my way towards the Savage Angels Compound. It really is a pretty little town and my breakfast was surprisingly good. Rosie didn’t know very much about Ms. Saunders, all she kept saying was what a nice old lady she was. Ms. Saunders was anything but nice. I only had a sit down with her once and she made it clear she wouldn’t interfere with our business on the East Coast. On the odd occasion that she breached her word, she gave us a healthy percentage to appease the family. She knew how things worked; she was a crafty old woman who would slit your throat while smiling at you. She looked like your grandmother and people always underestimated her. I did not; her reputation preceded her, as did mine.

It was about six years ago and she came to New Jersey for the sit down. I wasn’t a Captain back then; I was a soldier trying to get noticed. She walked into the room and looked around at all of us, then proceeded to sit at the table with the head of our family, Dominic Abruzzi.

“Dominic, my friend, how are you?” she asked. “Christina, it’s been a while. I was told you had retired.”

“It didn’t sit well with me, Dominic, I need to keep busy.” She smiled and turned her eyes to me. “I see you have some new faces since I was here last.”

Dominic looked at me and motioned me to come forward, “This is Salvatore Agostino, he’s been making a name for himself. He’s proving to be a good soldier.”

“A soldier? Is that what you are, Salvatore, a soldier? Or do you long for more?”

“I serve at Don Dominic’s leisure and I hope I do it well. I would hope all my efforts would one day be rewarded, but that is up to him,” I said.

She laughed and looked around the room. “Dom, if you don’t promote this one, you’ll lose him. He’s ruthless and will do anything to get what he wants. I know. Some of my other businesses have been affected because of this one.”

“I serve the Don; do not undermine my allegiance to him,” I growled at her.

“Now, Salvatore, I didn’t mean to insinuate that you aren’t loyal, merely ambitious.”

“Christina, I need some assurances that you won’t be tampering with my business deals here on the East Coast,” the Don said.

“No, Dom, I would not interfere with any of your deals. I will keep to the west coast. If anything overlaps, I will pay our usual sum. Yes?” she asked.

“It’s been a while, Christina; I’ll be needing a little more if we...overlap.” He smiled at her but it didn’t reach his eyes.

“Of course, Dom, of course! Forgive me; it’s been a while, say plus ten percent?” “Now, Christina, say fifteen percent and we have a deal.”

“Fifteen on top of what I will already pay you?” She looked at the ground then raised her eyes to his.


“Agreed! Now, my wife has made you some cannoli, it’s divine, let’s have coffee too.” He got up and walked away.

She looked at me and said, “He’s slipping, he should have asked for more. But you know that don’t you, Sal?”

“It is not up to me to question the Boss,” I said.

“If he doesn’t promote you soon, you come see me. I can always use a man like you.” 

“I am a part of the Abruzzi Family. Your business could not compare.” I laughed at her.

Her eyes never left me and she did not laugh. “Oh, Sal, you disappoint me. Who do you think stopped the deal with the Balotelli Family? I have my fingers in more than a few pies.”

“You stopped the deal? How?” I asked.

“The head of the Balotelli Family owed me; you know how this game is played. One hand greases another.

Perhaps one day we could be of use to each other.”

After that, we spoke occasionally on the phone. She kept her word and stayed away from our business on the East Coast and I can’t be sure but I believe she had a hand in my early promotion, to what end, I don’t know.

As I walk across the Savage Angels Compound, I take in how many men are in the garage and who’s out the front. Call me cautious, but it’s kept me alive this long. I push open the doors and walk up to the bar.

“Little early for drinks, isn’t it, buddy?” A rough looking man appears behind the bar.

“Yes, I suppose it is. I’m here for information.” I smile at him and he leans forward, putting both hands on the bar. “I was just in at Betties Café and Rosie said that old Ms. Saunders had passed and the Savage Angels had taken over her business. I’ve had dealings with Christina over the years and hoped to continue that relationship.” I offer him a reassuring smile, but he does not smile back.

“It’s not the Savage Angels that got Ms. Saunders business. It went to our President, Dane Reynolds.” He stops and takes me in. “He employs us to take care of the runs and work at the depot. What kind of business did you say you were in with Ms. Saunders, Mr.?” he asks.

“Thank you. You’ve been most helpful.” I turn to leave and four men stand in and around the doorway. I hesitate for a moment then walk past them and out into the fresh air. No one tries to stop me and this confuses me. As I walk back to The Country Inn, I feel the hairs on the back of my neck bristle so I know I am being followed. I have no problem with that, the sooner I have a sit down with Dane Reynolds, the sooner I can clear this mess up and go home. For now, I need sleep.

When I arrive back at the motel I go to my car and grab a gun that Tony has left for me taped to the underside of the driver’s seat. I’m sure, knowing Tony, that there are more guns hidden throughout. We have been together a long time, so if I need them I will be able to find them.

I enter my room, pull the curtains and position a chair underneath the handle of the door for a little bit of added security. I then strip off and take another shower, letting the warm water flow over me and ease my tired muscles. Before I let sleep claim me, I place the gun under a pillow on the bed and turn the air‐ conditioning down to sixty degrees. I find I always sleep better in the cold. I lay there for another few minutes, listening to the sounds outside, and then allow myself to sleep.

BOOK: Savage Fire (Savage Angels MC #2)
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