Read Saving Dallas Online

Authors: Kim Jones

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

Saving Dallas (6 page)

BOOK: Saving Dallas
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“Ah! Ah!” I cried
, arching my back and slightly pulling away from him.  His hand immediately released me then I could feel his thumb rubbing over the top part of my ass.  He let out an exasperated sigh and collapsed on his back beside me putting his arm over his face.

“What the fuck am I doing?”
he asked all the hot bedroom talk completely out of his voice. 

“Yes, what the fuck are you doing?” I asked him, still on my knees and completely confused. 

“This is wrong.  This isn’t me and it’s not you either.  I am no better than that sorry bastard I beat the shit out of last night,” he said, still talking with his arm over his eyes and sounding completely defeated. 

“Ok, I’m confused.  I
this.  I
for this.  What’s the problem?”

“The problem is I have done things wrong for so long, and with you
, I want to do them right.” 

“Are you fucking kidding me!?” I practically screamed.  I jumped off the bed and stomped in the bathroom.  “Here I am, allowing you to see me naked, twice
,” I said sticking my head out of the bathroom to make sure he was listening.  He was now sitting up in the bed with a pillow covering up his package.  “Then...” I continued while stomping around the bathroom, “I let you sleep with me, but only after you drove me to an undisclosed location. Then I wake this morning to be confronted with Blondie the Bitch, pour my heart and soul out to you, bring you to my house, give you the code to the gate, do a fucking strip tease for you, and you can’t even fuck me?”  I was panting by the time I turned the shower on and stepped in. “And now you are on some guilt trip about celibacy.  Let me guess, you want to wait twenty dates? Well this is not the ‘forty year old fucking virgin,’” I screamed to the showerhead.

Suddenly the curtain was snatched open and Luke was standing there in all his glory.  “You are cute when
you’re mad.  First of all…,” he said holding a finger up silencing me when I started to snap on his ass again.  “I don’t feel guilty about anything.  I just like you, a lot and I want things to be different with us.  Secondly, I’m sorry about last night and today.  I know things are moving fast, that’s another reason I want to slow down a little.  And thirdly, that was the best lap dance I have ever had in my life.  Were you once a stripper?” I playfully slapped at him while he laughed at me, my fury gone, replaced with only mild disappointment. He wrapped his arms around me, kissing me tenderly.

, will you at least join me for a shower?” I asked poking my lip out.

“Babe, nothing could stop me from getting in here with you
,” he replied stepping into the shower. 

“Oh yeah?” I reached around cutting off the hot water causing us both to squeal and lose some of that sexual tension that was building between us once again. 




A cold shower was just what we both needed.  We managed to keep our distance from one another, barely making eye contact.  I stepped out of the shower, drying off quickly, and made my way into the walk-in closet -- shutting the door behind me to give Luke some privacy.

My closet
was like stepping into another room.  It was every woman’s dream - one hundred square feet of the latest fashion designs around the globe.  The room was solid white.  The shelves ran from the floor to the ceiling.  Both sides were open and covered in everything from jeans to evening gowns.  The back wall housed over seventy pair of shoes all set in their own cubicles.  A large vanity covered in the finest of perfumes and lotions and lined in studio lights sat in the middle of the room.  Built in drawers of endless lingerie, bras, and panties stood on opposite sides of the wall of shoes. 

I selected a black strapless bra with
matching panties, a red strapless sundress, and then grabbed a gold pair of sandals to complete the outfit.  I dressed in front of the mirror I had custom made to fit perfectly on the back of the door.  My toned body had a golden brown tint to it, as a result from spending endless hours lounging naked by the pool.  I sat in front of the vanity deciding on applying some black mascara and red lip gloss to my plump lips. 

The girl looking back at me in the
mirror seemed to be the happiest I had seen her in a long time.  I had a glow about me and my big hazel eyes seemed full of life.  I towel dried my hair, running my fingers through it then piled it on top of my head in a messy bun.  I was sure it would be dry within the hour.  Satisfied with my appearance I walked out of the closet in search of Luke. 

I found Luke in the living room, admiring the mirrors that covered the wall.  They were framed in antique wood and made the space seem much larger than it actually was.

"They were my mothers," I said, standing beside him staring at our reflection in the mirror. “She had them custom made from wood that she found from an old barn.”

"You look lovely
," Luke said, turning to me and planting a sweet kiss on my lips.  "But, that outfit is not going to work."  I looked back at him, only inches from his face, searching his eyes for a sign of humor hoping he was only kidding.  "I'm serious.  Go change into some jeans.  We are going out on the bike.  My goon squad may get a little excited seeing your dress over your head," he said, smiling down at me. 

The thought of riding on a motorcycle with him sent a chill of excitement through me.  I bit my lip to try and hide my smile, and was rewarded with a smile from him that spread all the way across his face, making his eyes crinkle at the corners.  I reached up, planting a peck on his lips.

"I'll be right back," I said, turning to leave and practically skipping back to my room.  I stepped into my closet selecting a pair of dark wash designer skinny jeans and a long black three quarter length shirt that was cut low in the front and belted with a rhinestone belt.    I chose a pair of heeled black, boots that covered my calves and headed back to the bathroom to dry my hair. 

Less than fifteen minutes later, I walked back into living room, just as Luke was walking out of the kitchen.  He stopped in his tracks when he s
aw me.  I noticed the dishes from earlier had been washed and the bar was cleaned off.  His eyes roamed over all over my body from my face to my boots.  I had decided to leave my hair down and added dark eye shadow and black liner to my eyes giving them a smoky look.

"You are so fucking sexy
," Luke said, sauntering over to me.  I couldn't take my eyes off of his face.  The stubble around his mouth and chin reminded me of what his face felt like between my legs.  I could feel the sexual chemistry forming between us once again.  "Why now, at thirty-two years old am I just meeting you?" he asked, still looking at me like he could eat me, which at the time sounded pretty damn good.  "I mean, I feel like I have known you all my life.  I have always felt like I was missing something in the world, running a step behind, but with you I just feel... whole." 

Hearing a confession like this from him had me thinking I had already fallen in love with this man that I had only known for less than twenty four hours.  I almost said it.  I almost told him I loved him and I didn'
t even know his last name.  My thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of his cell phone. 

“I need to get this.  Get your
stuff. I’ll meet you at the truck,” he said, giving me a wink and heading toward the library.

I grabbed my clutch and emptied the contents on the table.  My cell phone fell out showing I had absolutely no missed calls or messages.   It made me sad to know that the only person I spoke to regularly was my assistant
, Lindsey.  She was the closest thing I had to a friend, although we never talked outside of work.  I slipped my credit card, along with a little cash and my license into the back pocket of my jeans and sat my phone back on the table.  I walked to the laundry room, making sure Neo had plenty of food and water, and that the dog door was accessible.

“Dallas!”  I heard Luke yell. 

“I’m in here,” I yelled back to him, filling Neo’s bowl with food.

“Sorry to rush, but you about ready?” Luke asked, coming to grab the large bag out of my hand. 

“Yep, all set,” I said, leading us out of the laundry room and back into the kitchen.

“Don’t you need your phone?”
he asked, holding my cell phone in his hand. 

“Nah, I only use it during the week anyway
,” I said nonchalantly.

“Well what if someone calls?” Luke asked, seeming amused at my lack of need for such a popular piece of technology.

“They won’t.”  I couldn’t hide the disappointment in my voice as I busied myself in the kitchen avoiding eye contact. 

,” Luke said, walking up behind me and turning me to face him.  “I never want you to go anywhere without your phone, ever.  This is very important, do you understand?”  I nodded my head, still keeping my eyes from his.  “I’m putting my number in your phone and I’m going to call myself so I have yours.” Less than a minute later I heard his phone ringing in his pocket.  “There, now I can talk to you anytime I want,” he said smiling down at me.

Warmth flooded my body when he reached his hand up to move the hair off my face.  He leaned down, kissing my head then grabbed my hand and we headed out. 

As we headed out the drive and back towards Luke’s, I couldn’t resist the temptation of asking him to tell me something about him, even though I had promised not to pry.  I decided to keep the conversation light in hopes that he would open up on his own just as I had.  “Have you been riding bikes for long?” I asked, turning to him admiring his profile. 

“Ever since I was old enough to climb on one
,” he responded smiling.  “My grandfather was the founding president of the Devil’s Renegades Motorcycle Club.  He passed away less than two years ago and since, I have taken over the gavel.” 

“Gavel?” I asked, fully intrigued. 

“The presidency.  When he stepped down about 6 months before he passed, we voted that the Vice President be awarded the position.  The VP refused and nominated me.  Everyone was in agreement, so I was given the presidency and the opportunity to carry on my grandfather’s legacy.”

“I bet he is very proud of you
,” I said, smiling reassuringly. 

“I don’t know about that.  Times have changed.  My Pops was pretty old school.  I don’t think he would agree with some of the decisions I make
,” he said to me in a voice not much more than a whisper. 

“What about your mom and dad?”
  I asked trying to change the subject because I could tell he was becoming uncomfortable. 

“Let’s just say my dad did not follow in my Pops footsteps and wasn’t really happy about me doing it either
,” he said, laughing a little and lightening the atmosphere.  “My mom is great.  A true southern belle is what some would call her.  You remind me of her,” he said turning to look at me. 

I laughed, “You are kidding right?  Honey, I’m far from a southern belle.   They
’re charming, classy and refined and I am none of those things.”  Most people would think so by my appearance on the outside and I could even convince some, mostly my clients, that I was a real lady.  I was not. I had been broken and hurt and had a past that would make some of the worst kinds of people look like saints. 

I think you are all of those things,” Luke said, with no trace of humor on his face.  I just smiled in response.  It was hard to argue with him when he was being so sincere, and honestly I didn’t want him to know the real me.  I wanted him to believe I was all the things he thought I was.  

“So, tell me about tonight
,” I said, that same chill returning that I had earlier when I thought of being on his bike.

Our club is hosting a benefit for a local boy who has brain cancer.  We are going to a couple bars around town gathering the donations that were taken for him and then we are going to his house to visit with him.” 

“Wow… that’s very charitable of you
,” I said, blown away by what he had just told me.  I was not expecting that answer at all.  I had stereotyped him, believing we would be intimidating people around town while delivering illegal drugs to the back of a warehouse. 

“I try to do my part
,” was all he said.  The look on his face looked like that of guilt.  I wondered if his show of charity was only a deploy, while he did the things I was silently accusing him of.  “I should probably let you know that I will have some minor business to attend while I am there, so I’m gonna have to leave you with the girls.”

I knew it
.  “Is that ok?” he asked nervously. 
It most definitely was not ok.  I would much rather be in the comfort of my own home, hiding away in my big bed and away from the scrutiny and callousness I was sure to endure by hanging out with the trashy bitches he considered friends.

“That’s fine
,” I responded tersely.  I was not going to give these bitches the satisfaction of not having me there.  I would handle it, one way or another.  Plus, Red would be there and she wasn’t that bad.

“I promise I’ll make it up to you
,” he responded relieved.  “They’re really not that bad once you get to know them.” 

BOOK: Saving Dallas
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