Scandal at Vauxhall (Pleasure Garden Follies) (5 page)

BOOK: Scandal at Vauxhall (Pleasure Garden Follies)
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The barrister,
elder by two years, had always been interested in her, yet seemingly more in
the idea of settling down. Unfortunately, his designs on her had been met with
disappointment. Her secret betrothal to the Marquess of Stoughton then her
marriage to the duke had made each of their meetings tense, even if it was for
only moments at a time.

“Isabel? Lord
Stoughton? Shall we head over to the

Isabel barely
registered Cecily’s question. “I beg your pardon, I seem to be lost in my

“I can see. The
. Shall we attend?”

Temptation of
the gardens struck Isabel like a musical chord on the harp. Or maybe it was
like a siren, drawing a sailor into his own demise. But, surely, nothing could
happen to her while she was here. This was, after all, civilization.
Or could it?
With Nathaniel by her side,
“expect the unexpected” should be her motto.

“Robbie, you
take Cecily on ahead, and I will find you both later. I would like to walk around
for a bit.”

“My Lady, you
cannot expect me to leave you alone with the

“Robbie, I will
be fine. Now go ahead and escort Cecily.” Isabel lowered her voice. “You might
even find her a handsome rogue to whisk her away.”

A light of
amusement flickered in Robbie’s eyes. “As you wish, Your Grace.”

“Lord Thompson?”
Isabel turned to find where he had wandered off to, but did not see him
So much for asking him to join me
Shrugging, off she went in search of what was so splendid about the gardens.


* * * *


heart rate quickened with every step her ladyship took toward the more secluded
area of the Pleasure Gardens. Blood rushed to his groin, eager to find out
where she was headed. Engaging in a public flirtation like that one outside the
earlier would not compare to the
embarrassment she would soon discover if she kept walking on the path ahead.

she encounter lovers moaning, completely in raptures over erotic touches and
sweet words, or the suckling of a rosy bud from an exposed creamy breast?
Mayhap, she would stumble into a shrub head first, finding herself
propositioned to participate as a third party. Good grief, he had to stop her
from continuing on any further, or at the very least, convince her to partake
in their own scandalous adventure.
Time to get off this main path.

reached the entrance lined with ancient oak trees and hedges.
What will it
take to convince her that we belong together?
He turned his head side to
side, noting the sparseness of people occupying the park. With any luck, he
would catch her before the maze.

along, he halted by a bench where a couple affectionately held hands,
completely engaged in their own seduction, when he discovered an odd shadow
opposite of them. Intrigue and his swollen cock led him on, curious to see if
the shape belonged to Isabel. And if it did, what in the world she was doing?

closed in, quietly taking cover behind a tree. A smirk crossed his lips as he
watched the woman spying on the intimately involved pair.

had not been a moment these last twenty-four hours when the duchess did not
occupy his thoughts. He dreamt of disrobing her out of those ridiculous layers
of clothing, palming those beautiful round breasts, giving them the proper attention
they required. Then, he would bury his face between her silken thighs, delving
into her slick folds, edging her closer and closer to ecstasy as her eventual
release shook him to the core.

shifted slightly to adjust the bulge in his breeches when he stepped on a twig,
snapping it. The splintering wood drew the woman’s attention in his direction.
Attempting to conceal his location, he moved into the shade, where he could not
be found. Nevertheless, he had finally found her.
The devil take it!
of all people, stood there, observing the couple lying down.

approached cautiously, to avoid alarming the duchess, until he stood behind
her. She turned to face him, with shock splashed across her face. He locked her
wrists above her against the trunk, leaving her nowhere to escape his assault
of tender kisses. Lowering his head, he nipped at her lobe and dragged his
tongue down the side of her neck.

you do realize what you are doing is called voyeurism and is quite illegal.” He
released her hands, only to wrap his arms around her, pulling her into chest.
Her derrière firmly pressed against the throbbing ache of his manhood.

she whispered angrily. “Release me this instant, you oaf!”

“Not on
your life, Your Grace,” he quipped. “Had I known you were interested in such
wicked things, I would have indulged you sooner. There are several
establishments in London catering to those particular needs.

“On the
other hand, my love, I will have you know, I can attest to my skills at
pleasuring women. And I can assure you with the utmost certainty there will be
no need to scandalize you further into taking you in such establishments. No
proper lady should be in attendance to begin with.”

Were it
not for her growling, he would take her right there. “Isabel,” he murmured.
“What you have been watching so intently is beneath you. Allow me to show you,
in private, what pleasure—as you observed—would be like. We would make music,
love. And you, darling, would never desire another.”

relaxed into his body, allowing him to give pause to the moment, until she
turned to face him. A flush swept across her cheeks, and her chinned dipped down,
stare no longer holding his. “Nathaniel,” she stammered. “I had no idea sexual
congress could be that way. Henry… Henry never applied such ministrations when
bedding me.”

tensed at her admission. No lady should be denied, and even though Isabel had
been deprived of such pleasures by the poor excuse of her late husband, he most
certainly would not abandon her in her time of need.

I need you to look at me.” He lifted her chin with two fingers until their gazes
met. When those glossy blue eyes stared back, his heart broke. “My love, your
husband was a coward, a sham, and far from being considered a man. The only
thing honorable about him was the duel that ended his shallow existence.”

how he wanted to take her right there. But then he would be no different than
any other randy rogue, looking to flip a skirt for the sheer scandal. “Isabel,
a proper gentleman always ensures his lady is well taken care of before his own

to contain his desire any longer, his mouth crushed to hers. She tempted him,
much to his own ire, like Odysseus’s sirens. Isabel called to him in a way so
primal, nothing could stop him. Not even Poseidon, the commanding ruler of the

along the line, she wrapped her arms around his neck, following his lead as his
tongue swirled beyond her luscious lips. He lowered her with the intent to
conceal themselves from other curious visitors of the gardens. Once nestled
onto the carefully manicured lawn, his control vanished.

slipped his hand beneath her skirt, sliding it along her long, silken legs.
Reaching her stays, he cupped her mound as she squealed. “
darling. Let me take care of you.” Nathaniel’s fingers dipped behind the
fabric, and he could not have been more delighted to find her damp.

intangible need to drive an explosive release from her made his cock swell to
an uncomfortable level. The only thing he focused on was the beautiful vision
beneath him. Her head tipped back as he rubbed her engorged nub. Her breasts
threatened to burst from the confines of her corset.

his free hand, Nathaniel released them. He dipped his head to take the pert,
pink nipple between his teeth, gently nipping at the one before gradually
moving to the other. She bucked against him.

taking great care not to cause her pain, he plunged his fingers into her.
Tormenting her with each second passing, he brought her closer and closer to
release. She trembled and squeezed around him. Ceasing his assault on her
senses, he slid down her body. Kissing and caressing until his lips met the
apex of her thighs, and her skirts rested over his head.

continued his seduction by lapping at her folds, his fingers delving deeper. The
sounds of other visitors to the gardens faded as Isabel’s moans intensified. Her
muscles tensed, and her groans grew louder. His relentless focus on her core
sent Isabel into release. She quivered, tensing around his hand while he
indulged in her juices.

she finally steadied her breathing, he found himself pulling out his own
member. He stroked to the image of one very sated duchess, who would soon be
his in every possible way. Nathaniel closed his eyes, picturing her lips around
the crest of his cock, teasing his thickness while she squeezed his tight sac.
What you do to me…

heart thundered in his ears as he pumped faster and faster. She was naked and
bathed in the moonlight, in the comfort of his chambers, whispering naughty
things and playing with her God-given assets. If there was ever a pair of tits
to be seen, hers should be modeled. An alabaster bust of envy, placed on
display in his dressing room, where only he could appreciate it.

would play with her precious cunt, showing him what she could do to herself
while thinking of him. Her tiny, delicate fingers rubbing her clit and delving
them into her sticky wetness. She would then withdraw those same dangerous digits
and pop them into her mouth. She would suck one by one slowly, as she did with
his cock—being the relentless tease that he knew she was.

body went rigid. Blindness struck him, and his breath escaped. “Isabel,” he
groaned, before exploding into his palm.

waited for what seemed an eternity before opening his eyes, and his heart rate
restored to an even beat.
. He had never intended to subject Isabel
to a compromising situation. Nevertheless, he had enjoyed the pleasures given
and could not remember the last time he had taken his own pleasure, thoroughly
enjoying the vivid imagery he created.

now Isabel would see there would never be another. He would be the only one. Not
because of their indiscretion, but because of the power of their connection.

Isabel was
blushing something fierce. “Guess I need to do something about this mess,”
Nathaniel declared. Before he could reach for his handkerchief, Isabel offered
hers. “Thank you, love. I suppose we should get you back to your friends before
they start to wonder where we have run off to.”

blue eyes fixed on his, soft and glowing. He had most certainly satisfied her,
but would it be enough? After helping her up, Nathaniel insisted on adjusting
her bodice, but she swatted his hand away.

he did not know the first thing about fixing hair or gowns, his only concern
was to be supportive. His expertise was unraveling those tight and stern buns
women wore, until cascades of waves fell seductively around their breasts, and
efficiently removing evening dresses, so pleasure would be met with expediency.

stood there, waiting for him to lead them out from their seclusion, but all
Nathaniel desired was to undo her gown again. “Well, darling, you do realize
that was only the beginning?” He took her arm and steered her back to the path,
when they were met by an unwelcome face. Stiffness settling in his neck and
shoulders, he released Isabel and clenched his fists at his sides.

what are you doing here?” Nathaniel pulled her ladyship behind him. “I should
have known that a rat would eventually leave town.”

The duke
regarded Nathaniel with even more disdain than the previous day. “I assure you,
Lord Stoughton, I came to take some air and get away from the tedium of daily
duties. What I did not expect was Brimley’s widow to be here of all places…much
less with you. I hope the risk was worth it, Your Grace.” He smirked. “Your
Grace, My Lord, excuse me. I have business to attend to.”

Nathaniel could reply, the duke rushed off to speak with a gentleman leaving
the park. He turned to Isabel. “I do not trust the man. He is up to something.
Let us go. I will return you to Mr. and Miss Turner, and we will depart shortly
after that for Bath.”




Isabel tucked her arm
into the warmth of her escort’s. Both she and Nathaniel quietly walked toward
without as much as a word spoken. While
the consequences of their actions flitted through her head, tension pulled at
her neck.
Perfect! Not only do I have to
worry about our reputation. But I could certainly do without this pain, and the
grumbling of my belly.

The afternoon sun,
while not entirely at its peak, managed to impair her vision. Her head throbbed
as if a mallet had fallen upon her tousled locks. Perhaps Nathaniel was just as
worried as her about what the duke might have seen.
Or is he disappointed with me in some way?

If Downsbury played
witness to their indecent behavior, would he sell the story to the gossip
column of the daily? Or would he use it to blackmail her further? The mere
thought made her flush. She stumbled onto the lush lawn face down, wishing to
die an instantaneous death.

“Darling, are you all right?
Are you hurt?” Nathaniel asked as he crouched down to take her hands into his.

Heat seared her cheeks.
Sickness settled deep within her belly.
in damnation is wrong with me?
More embarrassed than anything, she pulled
away, lifting herself from the ground. She straightened her skirt, still
feeling faint.

Isabel wavered, her
body temperature rising to an increasingly uncomfortable level. Nathaniel’s
reputation in the House of Lords would be tarnished irreparably if such a
scandal were announced. Moreover, should the duke proceed with his claims in a
court of law, and the justice ruled in his favor, she would be turned out into
the street. She couldn’t let this go on any further.

Before she could even
utter a word, Isabel’s reality faded. Leaden, she sank uncontrollably into the
’ waiting arms.
have mercy on me.
“We’re both ruined,” she muttered as darkness closed in.

When she regained
consciousness, she felt herself being carried and laid upon a bench. Opening
her eyes, she saw a crowd forming behind Nathaniel. Isabel sat up slowly,
fanning herself, when she overheard the whispers.

“Maybe she is with

“Her husband has not
even been cold in the grave for a year!”

“How scandalous!”

Nathaniel turned around
to face the gathering, “A little privacy, if you may!” The group disbanded
swiftly, and he returned his attention back to her. “My darling, what hurts?
Shall I summon my physician?”

Isabel shook her head
then lowered her eyelids and smiled. She relaxed, releasing a shallow sigh,
remembering the time she had
down the hill attempting
to meet with him in secrecy years before.

He had run to where she
had fallen, taken off her walking boots to examine her ankles, and then placed
a kissed gingerly on each. The memory warmed her, and she giggled. “Nathaniel,
do you remember that time on the hill?”

He stared at her as if
trying to comprehend what she was asking. His eyes narrowed, and his lips
thinned. “Madam, have you lost your wits? When did you last eat?”

Is he deliberately avoiding my question?
Isabel turned her head
in an attempt to ignore him when she felt his hand brush again her knee.

“Yes, I remember the
hill, my dear. I also remember those delectable ankles of yours. The question
is, when will I see them again?”

Breathless and
hopelessly eager to answer, Isabel returned her gaze to his.
He must be mad. To imply that we will… It is
“To answer your first question, Nathaniel, the last time I ate
was at breakfast. I could use a spot of tea, maybe a sandwich. As for your
second inquiry, I really do not think we should continue.”

“Very well.” He rubbed
the back of his neck. “We will walk across the lawn to there.” He pointed in
the direction of the tea house near the entrance to Vauxhall. “From there, we
will find the others. And I will still escort you to Bath. We could use the
time in my carriage to clarify a few things.”

“What could we possibly
have to clarify, My Lord? After our indiscretion in the park, we should avoid being
together for a while.”

“Not bloody likely. If
you think for one moment I will abandon you when the
haute ton
has a field day at your expense, you are wrong. Now come
along and let us find Mr. and Miss Turner.”


* * * *


Nathaniel could not
believe his ears. Did she honestly think she could be rid of him so fast?
Not on his life, his honor, his
family’s name. She would be his bride. And the sooner the better. His lack of
propriety had led them down this path, and she tempted him every moment of the
day. How could he not stake his claim? He never anticipated the duke would go
to such lengths to tarnish Isabel’s reputation. But he would deal with Downsbury
soon enough.

After they reached Bath
and retired for the evening, he would send a note to his secretary with
detailed instructions on how to proceed. Nathaniel needed to know how much
money the duke was after, and if there was any chance he would be awarded what
he claimed.

From the safety of
Bath, he would be free to orchestrate a plan to remove Downsbury from his
shadow. Considering the duke’s neglected wife played a role in this debacle, he
would not be surprised to discover just how mismatched the two were. That alone
would be sufficient in resolving any blackmail Downsbury was plotting. Both
would pay dearly for turning his beloved Isabel’s life

In the meanwhile, only
Isabel’s safety, reputation, and health mattered. The sojourn to Bath would
benefit them both. Perhaps he might even convince her marrying him would help
alleviate some of this mischief.

Yet, something still
nagged at him, at how wrong he could have underestimated this state of affairs.
For all anyone knew, Brimley could have instigated this state of affairs, knowing
all too well what it would do to his dowager duchess. Such cruel intent would
mean there were other troubles—financial woes—the staff did not know about.
Had Griffith paid their wages regularly? Had
suspicious characters visited their townhouse in recent weeks?

So many questions
crossed his mind, and time was limited. He would investigate as soon as he
returned, but for now there was no use in jumping to conclusions.


* * * *


Once seated comfortably
in his carriage, Nathaniel reached for a blanket and tucked it around her ladyship.
The simple sandwich and tea may have restored her senses for the time being,
but he did not want to take any more chances. “Drive on!” he shouted.

He moved to sit next to
her. She had closed her eyes and leaned into the side uncomfortably. Taking
care to not wake her, he shifted her position to rest on his shoulder. The long
silence while she slept gave him the opportunity to rehearse in his head how he
would propose to her. However, an unsettling feeling that they were being
followed nagged at him.

Nathaniel twisted his
body to push the drape away from the window, which was currently concealing
them, and did not
anything suspicious. Only lone
riders and the horses traveling at a normal speed behind them. Even so, the
feeling lingered, making him wonder just how desperate Downsbury was to gain
what he wanted, and why he would want to bring down Isabel so badly.

If the law granted
Downsbury restitution, the woman could easily find herself homeless and without
a cent to her name. He loved her—had even worshiped the ground she walked on
when they were younger. Now, she faced a scandal so large that he wanted to
shield her from the possible cruelties she could encounter.

Moreover, his body
ached to join with hers.
To be finally
reunited with you, my love. Absolutely no one will come between us this time.

Nathaniel, deep in
thought, barely noticed her stir until her eyes popped open. How he delighted
in her gaze. Every time he stared into her deep dark pools, he found himself
completely blind with love and lust. Leaving no room for a rebuttal, he bent
his head and kissed her. He was close to losing his composure again.

To his surprise, Isabel
cooperated and took the time to mimic the swiping of his tongue and nip of his
Ah, an avid student. The things I
can teach you.
He twisted to lift her on his lap, pressing her against the
burgeoning bulge in his trousers, and continued his seduction.

“Nathaniel,” she
whispered breathlessly. “We should not.”

we should not, but could either of us really wait?
“I know, love, but I cannot stop.”

She shook her
head and lowered it to take to his mouth again. Her eyes were heady with
desire, and a blush so pink swept across her face and down her neck to the
valley of those sweet, sweet breasts.

“Darling, if
this is truly what you desire, there is no going back.”

Isabel responded
with a nod, repositioning herself. She straddled him then reached behind and
undid the fastenings of her gown. Nathaniel reached out to assist, but she
pressed her hand against his chest. “No, my love. Sit back and watch.”

seduction is this
? It had certainly started as his. But
out of nowhere, the bold woman decided that she wanted to take over. After
undoing her dress, Isabel let it slip down, exposing the fine-boned corset and
her bust ready to burst. She was heaven to watch, but he knew from the
mischievous gleam in her eye that she was far from finished.

Those creamy
curves begged to be caressed. His groin ached to a fevered pitch. How he wanted
to bury himself, deep and hard, between those ever so tempting thighs.
Damn it all to hell!

refused to wait any longer. Regardless of any inkling he had about them being
followed, this was about as private as it was going to get. The moment they
arrived in Bath, there would be far too many gossiping London folk about.

He pulled Isabel
closer, crushing his mouth to hers, reveling in the sweet lingering taste of
tea and cakes. Her plump lips took the brunt of his passion, which would only
serve a hint as to what lie ahead for her. Nathaniel reached for her hands,
planting them on his shoulders, releasing her from his kiss. “Do not move your
hands. Am I understood?”

She nodded, and
her eyes glossed over with arousal.

Nathaniel lifted
each breast out of the confines of her corset and lowered his head to take the
peak of one rosy bud into his mouth. He sucked sharply, creating the desired
effect of one very stiff nipple before duplicating the attention to the other.

“Sweetheart, I
would love for you to lift just a moment, while I undo myself.” When she did,
he unbuttoned the front of his trousers to release his manhood. More than
anything, he wanted to hear her scream out his name, but once again, they were
in a situation that required the utmost discretion. He made quick work of lifting
her shift out of the way.

Then, urgency
drove him to drop her on his waiting cock.

She was so tight
and accommodating, it took every ounce of patience not to thrust with speed. Surely,
Isabel would kill him, before they could get married, if their encounters
continued to be so intense.

She gasped as
she tipped her head back, her breasts shifting forward as she arched.
This is what it feels to be in heaven
She moved with grace and confidence as she rocked against him, elevating him
higher. Nathaniel’s legs tensed and a bright light blinded him. He peaked into
a colossal release.

Nathaniel opened
his eyes to find hers burrowing a searing gaze into his soul. He smiled and she
did so in return. “You, my love, were incredible.”

“Why thank you, My
Lord. Though I dare say, the next time around should be in a much more
comfortable environment.”

that is food for thought.
He snorted and dug out his
handkerchief. When she rose from his lap, he realized he had not taken
Not only would this be the scandal of the century, she could very well be with
child as a result of yet another indiscretion. This woman was forever making
him forget himself.

Isabel had taken
her place next to him, righting herself while he did the same. They were close
enough to the city of Bath that if they did not hurry, the doors would open and
all the visitors and residents would notice what had transpired during their

Nathaniel’s carriage
slowed to a trotting pace. Noise now seemed to occupy the space outside of the
transport. They had arrived, and within a few hours, her friends would soon
join them. They came to a stop. His footman opened the door and waited for them
to climb out.

“Your Grace, once
we are settled into our suites it would be an honor to escort you to dinner.”

BOOK: Scandal at Vauxhall (Pleasure Garden Follies)
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